Call to Order by the Chair

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Meeting Highlights

Thursday, May 11, 2000

City Hall, Lower Level - Conference Room 016

Call to Order by the Chair

Vice Chair Tubb called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m.

Chair Mulligan arrived at 5:13 p.m.

Roll Call

Roll call was taken.

Members present at roll call were: Patrick Bainter, Roger Brower, Mac McEachern, James Gallagher, Charles Perry, Portia Taylor, Robert Todd and Marilyn Tubb.

Members absent at roll call were: Richard Mulligan
Determination of a Quorum

Quorum was met

Approval of Meeting Highlights

The Airport Authority will review and approve the meeting highlights of April 13, 2000, and the meeting highlights for the two Special Called Meetings dated February 24, 2000 and April 6, 2000.

Recommendation: Motion to approve meeting highlights of the February 24, 2000, April 6, 2000 and April 13, 2000; and authorize the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer to execute the document on behalf of the Airport Authority.
Dr. Taylor moved to approve the meeting highlights of February 24, 2000, April 6, 2000 and April 13, 2000. Seconded by Mr. Perry. No discussion. Motion carried. 8-0

Absent from voting: Chair Mulligan

Adoption of Agenda

Recommendation: Motion to adopt agenda.
The Director of Aviation stated that a supplemental agenda was delivered to the Authority regarding additional back-up materials for agenda item 10 and a new agenda - General Aviation Terminal and Parking Lots Renovations – GACRAA Project No 00-005. The Director further requested Consent Agenda Item 7a be moved to the regular agenda.
Mr. Brower moved to adopt the agenda and supplemental agenda, as well as move Consent Agenda Item 7a to the regular agenda. Seconded by Dr. Taylor. Motion carried 8-0

Absent from voting: Chair Mulligan

Citizen Input-Non-Agenda Items

Consent Agenda

The only consent agenda item was moved to the regular agenda.

GACRAA By-Laws Amendment

At GACRAA’s April 13, 2000 meeting a proposed amendment to Article IX, Section 1 was introduced, related to removing the name of the publisher of Robert’s Rules of Order. GACRAA’s By-Laws require that amendments to this document must be presented in writing for discussion at one meeting and voted upon at the next meeting.
Recommendation: Motion to approve the proposed Amendment to Article IX, Section 1 of GACRAA’s By-Laws.
The Director of Aviation stated at GACRAA’s April 13th meeting discussion ensued regarding changing the name associated with the Robert’s Rules of Order. He further stated there was confusion regarding the voting procedures when using Robert’s Rules of Order. The Director stated there are two options regarding the proposed amendment to Article IX, Section 1 (handout provided): (1) The By-Laws currently state that amendments must be discussed at one meeting and voted upon at the next meeting. The Director further stated to use this process in consideration of the last meeting, putting a period (after Authority) at the end of the second line, would allow the full Authority to go forth at this meeting and vote that as a change; (2) if the Authority would like to use the second three lines, or consider additional changes, discussion would take place at this meeting and voted upon at the next.
Mr. McEachern moved to refer this item to the By-Laws Committee, as a portion of the item he brought forth at GACRAA’s April 13th meeting was not in writing. Seconded by Mr. Bainter.
Discussion ensued regarding the By-Laws Amendment.
Mr. Perry stated that he wasn’t at GACRAA’s April 13th meeting. Mr. Perry stated that he was in agreement with an article written by Kent Weissinger (handout provided) and also felt the By-Laws issue should be referred to the By-Laws Committee for further review.

Ms. Tubb reiterated Mr. McEachern’s motion to refer the item to the By-Laws Committee. Motion carried 9-0

Chair Mulligan thanked Ms. Tubb for acting on his behalf in his absence for the beginning part of the meeting.

Air Service Trends & Airline Recruitment Presentation

At GACRAA’s April 13, 2000 meeting it was the consensus of the Airport Authority to schedule an agenda item to discuss the information presented by The Boyd Group/Aviation Systems Research Corporation, at the Special Called Meeting held on April 6, 2000.

Recommendation: Discuss the presentation; take any action deemed appropriate by GACRAA.
The Director stated the April 6th meeting highlights reconstruct the basic outline and visuals presented by Mr. Mike Boyd.
Dr. Gallagher stated he had talked to a number of people that had been at the Special Called Meeting, or at the CEO luncheon, and they were fairly impressed and thought that Mr. Boyd’s comments were right on line. He further stated that the Authority should get this message out even further into the community and educate the community as to what the reality is for air service in the Gainesville community.
Dr. Taylor stated she was pleased that so many people were able to hear Mr. Boyd’s presentation as they now have a better understanding about what the Authority’s role is and what the air service situation is like within our region and within the country as a whole.
Ms. Tubb suggested one way for continued education is to have the Chair, on a six-month basis, meet with the state and local government agencies and any other important organizations that are willing to listen, to discuss and update them as to the status of current issues and trends within the airline industry. She further stated, with the Authority’s blessings, she would like to use her Chamber of Commerce role to communicate with other Chambers for unity.
Mr. Brower echoed Dr. Gallagher’s suggestion that the Authority’s message needs to reach a larger base of population. He further suggested that Ms. Szwed could assist Ms. Tubb by visiting such service clubs as Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions Club, and the Women’s Club.
Chair Mulligan said he would be addressing the Rotary Club on Tuesday, May 23, 2000.
Ms. Tubb stated a delegation from Ocala came to the CEO luncheon and had a small group meeting afterwards. She stated that the mayor of Ocala is still somewhat suspicious of Gainesville’s motives but is willing to entertain continued discussion as to how Gainesville & Ocala could work together.
Ms. Tubb stated she spoke with ASA’s President Skip Barnette, who stated there were no plans in the foreseeable future to bring ASA’s air service to Ocala.
Chair Mulligan stated he would meet with the Director to schedule ongoing discussions with the City and County Commissions.

Mr. Clerkin stated a video copy of the April 6th Air Service Trends and Airline Recruitment presentation has been delivered to Ocala for circulation within their community as well.

Committee Report - Airpark Development Committee

The Airpark Development Committee met on March 20, 2000. Committee Chair Tubb will brief the Airport Authority on the Committee’s recommendations.
Recommendation: Listen to the presentation; review the Committee’s recommendations; take any action deemed appropriate by GACRAA.
Ms. Tubb stated the Airpark Development Committee will meet every two months; Conchi Ossa, Economic Development Director for the City of Gainesville; Kenrick Pierre, Economic Development Coordinator for Alachua County; and Quinta Vettel, President, Council for Economic Outreach (CEO) have been invited to attend the meetings as they have a key role in the Airpark’s business development. Ms. Tubb stated that Bruce DeLaney from the County EDAC would be attending the May 15th Committee meeting.
Ms. Tubb recommended the full Authority: (1) to change the name of the Airport Industrial Park as the Committee sees the park as a business center; and (2) endorsing the relocation of the Alachua County Fairgrounds facility to the NHRA Raceway.
Ms. Tubb stated the City will be enhancing the entrance to the Industrial Park and would also be changing the signage located off Waldo Road as well, so this would be an appropriate time to change the name of the park.
Ms. Tubb moved the full Authority to change the name of the Airport Industrial Park to the Airport Business Park. Seconded by Dr. Taylor. Motion carried 9-0.
Discussion ensued regarding the Alachua County Fairgrounds site.
Chair Mulligan asked if the Authority needed to take action on the fairgrounds issue. Ms. Tubb stated by relocating the fairgrounds to the NHRA raceway, the County would have more parking; better facilities; and would not be subject to the City’s sound ordinance regulations, which would allow for such things as rock concerts, etc., which would generate additional revenue for the Fairgrounds operation. She further stated the strip of land from Waldo Road to the current entrance of the Airport would make for a beautiful upscale business park to house such businesses as a hotel & restaurant.
Ms. Tubb stated that the State has some jurisdiction over the property that’s deeded over to the County, as she understands it, by the terms of someone’s will. She stated a change in the legislation would enable the fairground to move to a different location, freeing the land for business park development growth. She further stated the County would own it and the City might develop it or might work in a private/public partnership to develop it.
The Director stated the Airport Authority purchased the old Riding Horse Association’s property back in the 80’s as the Airport needed approximately 10 of the forty-eight acres of the property to protect the airspace to the runway system.
Mr. Hicks stated that there is a clear zone to the approach of the runway that will impede the building height in that area to 120 feet.
Ms. Tubb stated that she would not want to mislead anyone and explained that the Alachua County Fairgrounds Board doesn’t want to move to a new site but would rather fix their existing facility.
Chair Mulligan suggested the Authority stay close to the situation without making any recommendations to the County about the Fairgrounds move at this time.
Ms. Tubb stated she could make a motion that the full Authority supports the use of the land in Airpark development discussions.
Mr. McEachern stated this was a political issue is not the Airport Authority’s business and that the Authority should not take a position on this issue.
Ms. Tubb stated the reason she brought the fairgrounds issue up was to advise the Authority of the fairgrounds current situation in case strong opposition was felt by any member of the board regarding the relocation of the fairgrounds or discussion of a business park in that location.

Ms. Tubb withdrew her motion to have the full Authority endorse the relocation of the Alachua County Fairgrounds to the NHRA Raceway.

Committee Report - Tenant Relations Committee

The Tenant Relations Committee met on Thursday, May 4, 2000. Committee Chair Bainter will brief the Airport Authority on the Committee meeting.

Recommendation: Hear the presentation; review the Committee’s recommendations; take any action deemed appropriate by GACRAA.
Mr. Bainter stated the Committee has had several meetings with Gulf Atlantic Airways. He stated at the April 13th meeting the full Authority moved to allow Gulf Atlantic Airways to seek options to lease two (2) pieces of property; and to move expeditiously as possible to seek funds to build or rebuild the Gulf Atlantic Airways building with 50% grant funding, 50% Gulf Atlantic Airways funding.
Mr. Bainter stated a final issue to resolve would be that of Gulf Atlantic’s managed aircraft. He explained when the Authority took over and Gulf Atlantic was no long able to provide fuel, there was a provision in their lease that allowed them a certain number of managed aircraft per year that they could self-fuel at a lower rate. This fuel allowance on the managed aircraft gave Gulf Atlantic Airways the opportunity to make some money in indifference to the fact that they were no longer going to be fueling any transient aircraft.
Mr. Bainter stated the Committee would like to make two (2) recommendations to the full Authority: The first being the removal of the managed aircraft limitation from Gulf Atlantic’s lease. Mr. Bainter further stated that this would be applicable to all businesses providing that type of service at the Airport; the second being the extension of Gulf Atlantic’s lease an additional 24 months or until such time that the grant funding has been approved and construction is underway.
Mr. Bainter moved to have the full Authority remove the limitation on the number of new to the field aircraft in Gulf Atlantic’s lease. Seconded by Mr. Perry.
Discussion ensued regarding recruited managed aircraft at GNV.
Mr. Bainter explained that new to the Airport aircraft is defined as recruited aircraft from somewhere else whereby Gulf Atlantic provides their management services, thus being managed aircraft, which allows them to fuel the aircraft at the $0.05-cent fuel flowage fee in addition to what they currently charge. Mr. Bainter stated that his goal in guiding the Tenant Relations Committee on this issue was to find ways that the Committee could help Gulf Atlantic and still end up with a zero dollar realized loss for the Authority’s budget. He further stated that a silent issue in this case is that the Authority could possibly lose potential profits if Gulf Atlantic recruits aircraft on to the field that the Authority might have potentially recruited to the field.
Mr. Langston, President of Flightline, distributed a handout dated February 6, 1998 (copy attached) outlying the discussion/negotiations between Gulf Atlantic, Flightline and GACRAA individuals at that time. He stated that the current issues nearly ditto the 1998 discussions.
Mr. Langston stated Gulf Atlantic had an approximate $25,000/year subsidy the first two years to help offset the financial impact of losing fuel. Managed Aircraft evolved with Kenn Air’s allowance of five managed aircraft in their agreement. The Director felt at the time it was appropriate to offer Gulf Atlantic a managed aircraft option in their lease as well. Gulf Atlantic then took discussions a step further to include recruited aircraft currently not on the field, now known as recruited managed aircraft.
Mr. Langston stated Flightline’s recommendation then, and still stands today, would not allow Gulf Atlantic any “managed aircraft” with provisions to provide fuel sales. He stated that the Authority will be setting a precedent to outside companies that wish to provide such services as a flight school, maintenance facilities, or charter operations at GNV.
Mr. Langston stated Gulf Atlantic’s current lease provision allowed six aircraft over a two-year period and doesn’t feel this limited or restricted them. He further stated that Gulf Atlantic’s agreement stated that all recruit manage aircraft would go away at the end of the two years.
Mr. Langston stated another issues that warrants discussion by the Authority, is that Gulf Atlantic’s agreement states that all fuel provided by Gulf Atlantic to managed aircraft shall be fuel provided by the Authority at price set fourth by the rates and charges policy. If the Authority approves Gulf Atlantic’s fuel farm and allows them to fuel managed aircraft, which is contrary to what is said in their lease agreement, this will cause a significant financial impact to the Authority.
Mr. McEachern stated hypothetically, if an investor came to the Airport, leased some land and said he wanted to build a FBO, he would be able to attract as many aircraft from anybody’s operation and go into business. He stated the Authority has gotten themselves into a monopoly and with a monopoly there’s not as much incentive to grow the Airport. He stated to grow the Airport the Authority needs to stimulate competition and it would unrealistic to expect Flightline to recommend this.
Mr. Langston stated that the trend has been, and will continue to be, consolidation of FBO’s in airports - especially the size of GNV where total retail volume is less than a million gallons, as it wouldn’t be able to support two full-service FBO’s.
Mr. Hunt stated that if Gulf Atlantic has a customer that comes in and learns to fly, gets his/her rating, goes through the ranks, and helps them in purchasing an airplane, Gulf Atlantic should have the right to keep them as their customer and self-fuel them as well. He further stated the Authority receives rental income from hangar space provided for by Gulf Atlantic as well as revenue received from fuel flowage fees.
Mr. Bainter stated the arguments regarding this issue are centered around how much does this take away from the potential growth of the business that we call the Gainesville Alachua County Regional Airport Authority. The more business brought to the General Aviation side, and the more it grows, the more it will build on itself and grow, and provide a revenue source for the Airport as a whole.
Mr. Todd stated that he is a member of the Tenant Relations Committee and voted against the motion to remove the limitation on the number of new on the field aircraft in Gulf Atlantic’s lease. He further stated a precedent should be set to protect the Authority and the Authority has a right to know how many, and who, is at GNV. He further stated that he was in favor of the motion to approve the fuel farm and the 50/50 matched FDOT funding to build or rebuild a new hangar for Gulf Atlantic.
Dr. Gallagher stated that the Airport should act as a platform for the Community and the Authority should allow and encourage businesses to serve on the General Aviation side.
Mr. Perry stated that he also serves on the Tenant Relations Committee and that he supports the idea of bringing businesses to the General Aviation side.
The Director stated that the Airport’s history over several decades has shown that the Airport cannot support more than one FBO, without problems. A previous Authority studied this issue extensively before selecting the current FBO management contract concept.
The Director indicated that FAA’s definition of “self-fueling” requires the party doing the fueling to own or lease the aircraft being fueled. This federal policy would not cover Gulf Atlantic’s managed aircraft concept, which is a retail fueling arrangement.
The Director indicated that Gulf Atlantic is currently utilizing assets the Airport Authority constructed to accommodate the managed aircraft storage requirements contained in their current lease. Further, the Airport Authority has previously discussed building additional hangars and the need for storage and fuel sale revenues to economically justify the project costs. Allowing Gulf Atlantic to directly sell fuel from their fuel farm to managed aircraft would impact the financial feasibility of these projects.
The Director indicated that Flightline Gainesville is contractually obligated to recruit aircraft to GNV; Gulf Atlantic also has an incentive to recruit aircraft since they likely would provide maintenance services to those aircraft. He suggested that if the Authority wanted to encourage multiple parties to be involved in recruiting aircraft to GNV, one alternative would be to establish an incentive program similar to a real estate commission (i.e. 25% of 1st year fuel sales from the recruited aircraft).
Roll call was taken regarding the motion to have the full Authority remove the limitation on the number of new to the field aircraft in Gulf Atlantic’s lease. Mr. Bainter, aye; Mr. Brower, nay; Mr. McEachern, aye; Dr. Gallagher, aye; Mr. Perry, aye; Dr. Taylor, nay; Mr. Todd, nay; Ms. Tubb, nay; Chair Mulligan; nay. Motion failed 4-5
Mr. Bainter moved the full Authority to extend Gulf Atlantic’s lease, as it exists for an additional 24 months. Seconded by Ms. Tubb.

Mr. Bainter asked for a roll call on the motion. Mr. Bainter, nay; Mr. Brower, aye; Mr. McEachern, aye; Dr. Gallagher, aye; Mr. Perry, aye; Dr. Taylor, aye; Mr. Todd, aye; Ms. Tubb, aye; Chair Mulligan, aye. Motion carried 8-1 (Bainter dissenting)

Chair Mulligan stated he did not want the Authority to be pictured as anti-business.
Discussion ensued in regard to establishing an incentive plan as a way of recruiting businesses to the Airport.
Chair Mulligan suggested the incentive plan issue be referred to the General Aviation Committee or Tenant Relations Committee.
Chair Mulligan asked if Mr. Bainter, Chair of the Tenant Relations Committee, would like to spearhead the incentive plan project. Mr. Bainter agreed to do so.

General Counsel Ad Hoc Committee

The General Counsel Ad Hoc Committee met on Friday, May 5, 2000. Committee Chair Tubb will brief the Airport Authority on the Committee Meeting.
Recommendation: Hear the presentation; review the Committee’s recommendations; take any action deemed appropriate by GACRAA.
Ms. Tubb stated Committee members Mr. Todd, Dr. Gallagher and herself met May 5th and had a very productive meeting. She stated that the minutes from the May 5th meeting are complete and by reviewing those minutes the Authority should get a full understanding of what transpired at the meeting. Ms. Tubb presented a handout (copy attached) outlying the issues the Committee would like the Authority to review for inclusion in the Legal Counsel RFP.
Ms. Tubb stated the RFP would require applicants to have local government experience and familiarity with legal issues affecting Airport operations. This will encourage firms currently doing business with other Airports to apply.
Ms. Tubb stated the RFP would require three (3) fee proposals: an all-inclusive hourly rate; hourly rate plus expenses; and a retainer arrangement for attendance at meetings.
Mr. Todd stated the firm providing general counsel services may not be the same firm providing litigation counseling. Separate counsel may need to be hired for that type of service.
Ms. Tubb stated the Committee felt a good way to rank the applicants in the selection process would be a ratio of 60% on qualification and 40% on cost.
Mr. Hauck stated if the RFP response deadline is June 23rd, and the Committee meets by June 30th, the Authority should be able to make a decision by the July 14th meeting.
Ms. Tubb stated a relationship of five years, with a 60-day release clause, and a review at one year, should be included in the contract negotiations.
Ms. Tubb stated the Committee would review all the responses and recommend the top three applicants to the full Authority.
Mr. Brower moved the Committee’s recommendation on General Counsel. Seconded by Dr. Taylor. Motion carried 9-0
Ms. Tubb stated for the record Ms. Taylor is also on the Committee, but was unable to attend the May 5th meeting due to a prior commitment.
At 6:55 p.m. Mr. Brower informed the Chair that he needed to excuse himself from the meeting.

Committee Report – Air Service, Advertising & Marketing Committee

The Air Service, Advertising and Marketing Committee met on Friday, May 5, 2000. Committee Chair Tubb will brief the Airport Authority on the Committee Meeting.
Recommendation: Hear the presentation; review the Committee’s recommendations; take any action deemed appropriate by GACRAA.
Ms. Tubb stated that the May 5th minutes are complete and by reviewing those minutes, the Authority should get a full understanding of what transpired at the meeting.
Ms. Tubb stated the Committee is planning an event to be held June 1st with local travel agents as a means of establishing a more formalized relationship with them.
Ms. Tubb stated the smoking policy at the Airport is being reviewed as to whether or not smoking could be eliminated from the restaurant. The Committee’s feeling is that smoking anywhere in the Airport sends a wrong message. Ms. Tubb stated it is particularly offensive in the foodservice area
The Director stated he has given a referral to Mr. Hauck to research the Florida Clean Air Indoor Act as well as other legislation and should have a response on this issue at the next monthly meeting.
Mr. Perry asked if a notice would be sent out regarding the Travel Agent meeting.
Ms. Tubb stated that one would be mailed out. She further stated the meeting would be held June 1st at the Heritage Club. She stated Mr. Todd, Ms. Szwed, Mr. Clerkin and herself would be there to talk to the agents and brainstorm on ways the Authority could better work with the agents regarding communications, events, incentives and such. She stated that the event will be informal and all Authority members are invited.
Mr. Todd recommended as many Authority members as possible should attend.
Ms. Tubb asked if the Authority would be in violation of the Sunshine Law if it were to be held at the Heritage Club.
Mr. Hauck stated he was not really familiar with the Heritage Club but he thought it was somewhat restrictive and not open to the public. If a meeting were to be held there with two or more Authority members to discuss any actions you might take, the Club would have to be open to the public, or the meeting would have to be held somewhere else.
Mr. Perry stated if the meeting were to be held in the 1st floor room, anyone would be able to attend.

Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS) Concept

The organizational meeting for the Florida and Southeastern States SATS Lab Consortium was held on May 3, 2000 in Gainesville. Flightline Gainesville will brief the Airport Authority on purpose; goals, vision and work plan for moving the SATS program forward.
Recommendation: Hear the presentation; take any action deemed appropriate by GACRAA.
The Director stated that a recent meeting was well attended by representatives of the Airport. Dr. Gallagher, Mr. Brower, Bob Rohrlack-Alliance for Economic Development, Ms. Szwed, John Hunt-Gulf Atlantic, Bob Van Riper and Mac Langston – Flightline represented GNV at the meeting.
Mr. Van Riper provided a handout (copy attached) and presented a four-minute tape on NASA’s Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS). SATS goals are to reduce public travel time and increase mobility for all of the nation’s communities.
Mr. Van Riper stated that it’s very early in the planning stage for what SATS is going to be capable of, but feels that it has huge potential to improve the transportation system for Gainesville, Florida, and the whole county. He stated that SATS would make air traffic safer and more efficient in the future.
Mr. Van Riper stated that SATS has potential to bring a lot of business to Gainesville if GNV can be become one of the first demonstrator airports. SATS also has the opportunity to improve air traffic for GNV. Mr. Van Riper stated it is essential to have community support to bring SATS to GNV and that the local people, the local business leaders, and local political leaders needed to be educated and kept abreast of SATS development process and what it can do for Gainesville. He further stated the importance of Gainesville to participate in the market and infrastructure studies that will be done in the future.

Mr. Van Riper stated Florida is expected to have 3 or 4 demonstrator airports. If GNV is selected, the benefits will be many. GNV will attract leading companies and their aircraft. It will attract companies that are involved in the training, production and the support of SATS and GNV be at the forefront of new technology.

Mr. Van Riper stated that NASA is the primary fund for developing SATS at this time. Once SATS is in the demonstrator stage the Florida Department of Transportation will be involved and the FAA will also be involved at the funding level.
Mr. Hunt stated this is going to be an exciting project. SATS at the beginning was known as the Small Aircraft Transportation System. He further stated it was decided that Small needed be removed and replaced with Smart.
Mr. Van Ripen stated that he would provide a copy of the video to use for available airtime on Channel 8 and Channel 12.
Dr. Taylor asked if there would be any way to run the video at the Airport so that the passengers could see it.
Ms. Tubb stated the Air Service, Advertising and Marketing Committee is working on the regional video at this time and could make arrangements to have this video segment included.

General Aviation Terminal and Parking Lot Renovations – GACRAA Project No. 00-005

The Airport recently solicited and received construction bids for the above projects. Based on these bids, together with engineering, resident inspection and project administration costs, the total project costs exceed budgeted funds. Staff will review with GACRAA various options for proceeding with both projects.
Recommendation: Motion to award a construction contract to AMJ Construction, Inc. in the amount of $617,355 (Base bid, Alternate 1 & 4) with a contingency of $55,334 for additional services deemed necessary by the Director of Aviation; authorize an amendment to the FY99/00 Airport Budget to increase the projects funding by an amount not to exceed $137,815; and authorize the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer to execute the appropriate documents on behalf of the Airport Authority in substantially the form as was included in the PROJECT MANUAL, subject to the approval of the Attorney for the Airport Authority, and concurrence in the award by the Florida Department of Transportation.
The Director stated at the last meeting it was the consensus of the Airport Authority to move forward and get additional funding from the State to do the base bid on all four alternatives that was presented in the construction documents. He further stated the agenda packet included two letters from the FDOT informing us to go ahead and award the project to the contractor, AMJ Construction, Inc. in the amount of $617, 355 which includes the base bid and Alternate 1 and Alternate 4. State funding for Alternate 2 and Alternate 3 was not approved. To include the base bid and all four alternates, the Authority will need to consider additional funds in the amount of $137,815 to cover FDOT’s share at a 50/50 rate. The contractor has been asked to extend the date for awarding Alternates 2 and 3 until sometime in the future where it would start to impact the ongoing construction activity as the project would take about 7 months to complete. Effort will continue to seek FDOT funding for the additional two work items. Although FDOT has authorized the projects to proceed, the supplement grant agreements with the increased State funding will not be offered until after the State’s new fiscal year starts in July.
The Director made a recommendation to award the construction contract to AMJ Construction, Inc. in the amount of $617,355 (Base bid, Alternate 1 & 4) with a contingency of $55,334 for additional services deemed necessary by the Director of Aviation; authorize an amendment to the FY99/00 Airport Budget to increase the projects funding by an amount not to exceed $137,815; and authorize the Chair and Secretary/Treasurer to execute the appropriate documents on behalf of the Airport Authority in substantially the form as was included in the PROJECT MANUAL, subject to the approval of the Attorney for the Airport Authority, and concurrence in the award by the Florida Department of Transportation. Mr. Bainter moved that recommendation. Seconded by Mr. Perry.
Dr. Gallagher stated he was going to make an alternative motion to delay this until the Authority received a response from FDOT in July.
Mr. Perry stated that typically these construction contracts have a thirty-day time window and he would hate to see us give the low bidder a chance to get closer to the second bidder, or to have to go through the re-bid process just because we wanted a delay.
Mr. Hedgecock said we have 90 days but are already 45 days into the 90-day period.
The Director stated he felt FDOT wouldn’t have written the letter if they didn’t think the supplemental would be forthcoming for at least the base bid and Alternates 1 and 4. He acknowledged that the letter doesn’t state the other two alternates in question, but the Authority would still have 7 month to try to encourage FDOT to give serious consideration to the other two alternates.
Chair Mulligan moved to vote on the motion. Motion carried 8-1 (Gallagher dissenting).

Information Items

Air Service Marketing

Passenger traffic during April 2000 decreased 3.4% (- 949 passenger trips) versus April 1999.
Year-to-date traffic is down 0.4% (-370 passenger trips) compared the same period in CY99.
Effective May 2, 2000, Gulfstream International Airlines d/b/a Continental Connection increased its GNV - Tampa hub service to four round trips each business day.
Effective with the June schedule change, Atlantic Southeast Airlines will decrease its service to the Atlanta hub to 8 daily flights. The eliminated flight, which operates with a 45-50% load factor, is scheduled as an off-bank trip that did not provide convenient connections with the Delta flight operations in Atlanta.

On May 1st, representatives from the North Central Florida Aviation Transportation Task Force traveled to the St. Paul, Minnesota headquarters of Northwest Airlines, Inc. The group met with the airlines’ President and CEO, and senior staff members from the Marketing and Planning Departments. The on-going airline recruitment effort is to attract regional jet service to the Northwest’s Memphis, TN hub.

The Director stated traffic is stagnant, actually down 370 passengers for the first 4 months of this year partially due to the fact that there are less available seats this year than there were last year. ASA’s load factor remains very high, 78%. Gulfstream has announced an additional trip that will allow the business people from this community to depart to Miami and arrive back home in same business day.

Corporate Hangar Project

The Airport is currently soliciting bids for the construction of a Group III Aircraft Storage Hangar. A pre-bid conference will be held on May 11th at 0900L, and sealed bids will be received on May 24, 2000 at 1500L.
The Director stated that the pre-bid was held earlier that day. Mr. Hedgecock stated the bid went well and estimates between 5 and 7 people have expressed serious interest in the project thus far.

Airport Advertising Concession

A Request for Proposals has been issued for parties interested in operating the airport advertising concession in the Passenger and General Aviation terminals. A pre-proposal conference will be held on June 7th at 1000L, and proposals are due June 21, 2000 at 1500L.

Budget Report

Report titled Gainesville Regional Airport Statement of Operating Revenues, Expenses & Income for the period of October 1, 1999 through March 31, 2000 is included in the agenda back-up materials.

New Item

The Director asked the Chairman to indulge him on a different item as there is a gentleman that had a conflict and was unable to get here earlier and would like to address the Authority. The Director stated he realized that the Citizen Input - Non Agenda Items has passed but asked the Chairman to consider this gentleman request. The committee agreed to let him speak.
Alan Grey, a member of a local Veterans service organization, The Gator Detachment of the Marine Corp League, is in need of a trailer. The organization has located a small utility trailer in dilapidated condition that belongs to the Airport Authority. The organization was going to ask the Authority to donate the trailer to them but understands that there is an ordinance preventing this. He stated the organization would like to purchase the trailer which will be used for various community service projects.
Dr. Taylor moved the Authority sell said trailer.
The Director stated that this was a piece of Federal Surplus Property that the Authority received. The Authority had to hold the property for one year. He further stated the trailer was given to the City to put it up for sale at their auction. The Director further stated the Authority, as a board, is free to make a policy decision to donate this piece of equipment to the Gator Detachment of the Marine Corp League.
Dr. Taylor moved the Authority give the trailer to the Gator Detachment of the Marine Corp League. Seconded by Mr. Perry. Motion carried 9-0

Airport Tenants Association/Gainesville Pilots Association

No reports

Airport Authority Input

No issues.

There being no further business, Ms. Tubb moved to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Dr. Taylor. Motion carried 9-0

The Airport Authority meeting May 11, 2000, adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Gene P. Clerkin, Director of Aviation



Richard Mulligan, Chair


Portia L. Taylor, Secretary/Treasurer


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