Call to Order, Correspondence, and Approval of Minutes

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Oregon APCO/NENA General Business Meeting

May 25-27, 2016

Hood River, OR

Call to Order, Correspondence, and Approval of Minutes: President Bob Cozzie called the meeting to order at 1156 a.m. on May 26th, 2016. The E-Board was introduced, and appreciation given to Jesse, of WesTek Marketing for hosting the Hospitality Suite. Ann Rakosi received a letter of recognition for assisting Astoria 9-1-1 following the shooting of Sergeant Goodding

Treasurer Report: Doug Kettner reported that the 2015 Taxes would be complete in a couple of weeks.

US Bank $34,214.00

Oppenheimer-Approximately $78,000.00

Reimbursement from DPSST for WR is $8,865.00

Reimbursement from DPSST for OEDI is $5,600.00

Mark put the $30,000 back in the account from WR

E-Board will discuss the audit options.
DPSST UPDATE: Tami Atkinson reported the Legislature and OEM support $100,000 from OEM to DPSST for the additional Telecom classes. The money that was taken from the DPSST grant fund has been replaced and there is additional money now for the APCO training committee-Thank you to Mark Tennyson. There is $15,000 ear marked for mental health training that the training committee will work with Tami to scheduled classes at DPSST or regionally. In addition, there is a micro grant program in place for agencies that have identified issues. Contact Tami for more information.

There is some personnel movement at DPSST – Captain Eaton will be stepping down on 7/1/16 and moving to center of policing excellence. DPSST is beginning to work on updating the supervisor training program, and is also recruiting for EMD instructors to help Tia Akers when she returns. EMD cards are being reviewed by the Physician advisor and manual revision is under way.

Tami has visited several PSAP’s on her PSAP tour, out of 56 locations she has only 14 to go, and will visit the east side in June.
Old Business:
Strategic Plan Follow-up: The Strategic Planning session follows the meeting. The goal is to finalize strategies and assignments.

New Business:
Bylaws clarification: Bob discussed the background of the existing language regarding CCAM voting rights. The term “ex officio” was removed because our bylaws were not clear, and there was confusion about what ex-officio actually means. Some thought they could vote, some did not. The E-Board discussed the original intention, which was to allow CCAM full voting rights. Clarifying language was distributed, and discussion ensued.

CCAM is an APCO position only (not NENA), and has to come from the vendor community. There was initial consensus to approve the proposed language with clarifying language concerning conflict of interest by the CCAM, or others on the board. If voting and there is a monetary benefit for the CCAM, they will recuse themselves from the vote. That is not just for CCAM but anyone that may have a potential conflict of interest. Everyone agreed in principle, but may need to have more language hashed out-holding off on the vote for now.

APCO/NENA and WR conference audit/review: The recommendation of auditing the accounts was brought to the executive board. It is unknown when the last audit or if an audit of the account has happened in the past, and it was agreed that the entire APCO/NENA account – including Western Regional be audited.

Doug Kettner advised the review would not be as much detail as the full audit. The full audit could cost up to $4,000 - $5,000. The finance committee is meeting on 6/24/16 at WCCCA. The finance committee and stakeholders are to address how the finance committee needs to be in the loop of checks and balances, and determine audit details.

Training Committee: Bob, Toni, Andrea and Marie talked about one of the quarterly meetings being a one day meeting and everyone meeting at DPSST. Bob and Marie will meet with Jeanie Stark to discuss the possibility of having the March, 2017 meeting at DPSST, and what our current contracts are for the other meetings.

Andrea Tobin the new Training Chair is starting to plan training for the fall awards conference, which will take place in Sunriver on October 17-21, 2016. The advisory board meeting will be on Tuesday October 18, 2016 from 1000-1200.

Awards Committee: Brandy Ritter is working on gathering sponsors for the fall conference.
Scholarships: A new requirement for scholarship recipients, in order to receive their reimbursement, is to submit a written report after attending the event. Several reports were received from WR scholarship recipients, and they are available to look at if anyone is interested in seeing them.
Membership: Ann Rakosi welcomed a few new members. The membership committee is considering making up welcoming packets and introducing new members at our quarterly meetings. Would like to return to doing PSAP profile presentations as well as individual profile presentations. Patti has agreed to be first. Working on a retired members section.

It was the first meeting for Stacy from Seaside, Joe from WASCO CO, Della from Firstline, Milliscent from Century link and Steve from SunGard.

Adjourned for lunch and afternoon sessions
Reconvened the business meeting at 1557 on May 26, 2016
Technical: Maureen Kinzel-Grubb advised the technical committee met and they are working on securing presenters for the fall conference.
Legislative: Larry Hatch provided a draft statement from the League of Oregon Cities Telecommunications, Cable and Broadband Policy Committee reflecting their interest in having the League’s membership give consideration to supporting (not initiating) efforts to increase funding for the emergency communications system:


Support legislation enhancing the effectiveness of the state’s emergency communications system through an increase in the 9-1-1 tax and/or a prohibition of legislative “sweeps” from accounts managed by the Oregon Office of Emergency Management.

This was an item that resonated across the state in regard to local communities’ access to statewide funding to support maintaining and enhancements of radio systems. The next step to fully flesh out this legislative concept is to create an ad-hoc radio policy team to pull together the information and policy perspective.
Oregon APCO/NENA will support an effort to increase the 9-1-1 tax at the appropriate time. We are currently waiting for the Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG911) plan to be fully developed to better understand the need for increased funding. Our belief is that NG911 will increase the operational costs for our PSAP’s having enough staff on hand to process new information sources that will be delivered to the PSAP.
Current PSAP revenue from the 9-1-1 tax pays for 18%-30% of PSAP total budget. Some would like to see the tax increased now; however, we feel it is best to wait until these increased costs can be documented and tackle the lack of an increase since 1995 and the need to cover increased costs at the same time.
Oregon APCO/NENA has never supported past attempts to allow the use 9-1-1 tax revenue to fund other purposes. This would include increasing the tax and specify a portion of that revenue being used specifically for radio systems. The legislature has already given specific authority to local jurisdictions to create radio service districts to fund and support radio systems. The 9-1-1 tax must be kept pure and only fund the 9-1-1 function and related 9-1-1 equipment and networks that support that function.
Finance: Renee Heidy talked about the meeting on 6/24/16 at WCCCA. If you aren’t able to attend in person, Bob will provide a conference bridge.
SIEC: Bob advised the SIEC is going through the strategic planning process. The Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (SCIP) is in final editing stages, with the goal of final approval in the August SIEC meeting. Prior to the SIEC meeting FirstNet briefed the SIEC Executive Board, Broadband Committee, and Strategic Planning Committee. FirstNet provided basic information (FirstNet 101) and discussed the next steps in educating the Governor and determining whether or not Oregon should opt-in or opt-out. By opting-in, Oregon’s public safety broadband network will be part of the FirstNet system. By opting-out, Oregon will be responsible for building a system, and will still have to meet FirstNet requirements.
APCO International: Jennifer Reese reported on Project 43 new broadband initiative. Several APCO members on committees. National APCO is August 14th in Orlando. Jennifer is selling APCO Western Region shirts for $10.00 each. The shirts advertise the next three Western Regional Conferences. Contact Jennifer for more information.
DPSST CURRICULUM: Andrea Tobin advised that the policy committee approved the job task analysis. They will meet in July and will look at changes to the curriculum. They will discuss what can be removed, what can be strengthened and what can be done at home agencies on line. In addition, DPSST is possibly considering a 3 week Telecom Academy. She will report more in October.
Professional Standards: Mark Chandler provided the following OAA Update:

Oregon Accreditation Alliance (OAA) Update

  • OAA Membership Update:

    • Communication Centers Specifically:

      • Central Lane Communications - Accredited

      • Deschutes County 911 – self assessment phase

      • Emergency Communications of Southern Oregon – Accredited

      • MetCom 911 Communications – self assessment phase

      • Prineville 911 Communications – self assessment phase

      • Toledo Communications – self assessment phase

      • Washington County Consolidated Communications – Accredited

    • Overall Law Enforcement and Communications: 58 member agencies (42 municipal law enforcement agencies, 9 sheriff offices and 7 – communication agencies). 41 out of 58 are now accredited. There are 2 law enforcement agencies (Corvallis PD and Washington County SO) who are CALEA accredited. Albany PD is in self-assessment phase with CALEA.

  • OAA Communication Standards:

    • Laurie Taylor from WCCCA drafted a “Minimum Proofs of Compliance” document to help communication agencies in self-assessment determine what types of proofs would be necessary to satisfy the standard. Draft document attached.

    • Laurie Taylor with WCCCA has initiated review of OAA Communication standards; Johnna Pellam with ECSO has provided her review and input as well. Ed, OAA Director, is working on reviewing before taking to the Board for discussion and approval.

  • OAA New Business:

    • OAA Website Update: Ed advised that the gentleman who was handling the OAA website is no longer able to do so. Ed is looking for someone to take this over or he may take it on himself if it is something he can learn and manage with his current workload. Noted there are several pages on the website that need to be updated.

  • Juneau (PD) Alaska: is scheduled for their onsite review in July. (In 2015, the OAA Board approved offering our state accreditation program (OAA) to Alaska law enforcement and 911 agencies at the request of the Alaska Chief’s Association. OAA’s Executive Director held a training session for Juneau PD (they were formerly accredited under the now defunct Alaska State Accreditation program) who are now working through OAA standards) Still waiting on the first Alaska 911/communications center to become involved.

  • OAA Old Business:

  • Law Enforcement Trust and Integrity ACT (LETIA). Still Awareness Only at this point. This bill encompasses several topic areas one of which is law enforcement accreditation. The Bill directs the Attorney General to analyze existing accreditation standards developed by law enforcement accreditation organizations nationwide and make recommendations as to additions/modifications/changes to current standards and specifically mentions early warning systems/intervention programs, administrative due process, training, etc. The Bill also seeks to do whatever it can to “encourage” the pursuit of accreditation by certified law enforcement accreditation organizations.

        • I did some inquiring through Ed, as I did not specifically see Communication standards referenced in the information presented in the LETIA bill. Ed believes that once the “review” begins, 911 agencies and Communication standards will be included in the process. His reasoning is that the national accrediting body, once underway with the review process will want to take a look at all things accreditation which will include 911.

        • Ed stated his fear is that the Attorney General will go for the low hanging fruit which in this case would mean going with national accreditation standards (CALEA); easier to deal with one national entity versus several state accrediting bodies. Ed will be keeping a close eye on this legislation.

Education: Mark Chandler and Cheryl Bledsoe are developing text to 9-1-1 talking points and media forms to share the information. Toni Sexton advised she is willing to answer any ECATS questions
DMV: Jeff Rusiecki advised that DMV is pairing down the plates program, if they don’t sell a certain number of special plates they will discontinue them. The next specialized plate will be the introduction of the Blazer’s plate. DMV is currently going through a 3 year strategic planning process.
Historical: Laura Wolfe and Jeff Rusiecki sent emails to retirees and have not heard anything back at this time.
OACP: Rock Rakosi is the past President and Geoff Spalding, Chief of Beaverton PD is the current President. Thank you to Rock for being our liaison.
OFCA: Margie Moulin advised they are looking for a liaison to send to our APCO meetings.
OEMA: Dean Bender advised there would be a State exercise the week of 6/6 with several participating agencies and emergency managers, Cascadia Rising. The OEMA State conference is at Salishan, October 4-6th.
Adjourned for the day
Reconvened the business meeting at0917 hours on May 27th, 2016
Radio Language Project: Eva Zefring reported on the progress of plain language.

From the 17 agencies Eva heard from, 14 are using the civilian phonetic alphabet. 4 of the 17 are not using any 10 or 12 codes. Eva wants to hear from people about what they want, and if the project should continue. She will reach out to PSAPs to determine next steps.

DPSST Board: Board members include, Kelly Dutra, George Long and Sharyl Dresser. The last meeting was in April. Eriks received his evaluation, and is exceeding expectations. He was commended for his professionalism skillful relationship building. The Tualatin Valley Fire Chief is retiring from the Board, and the new Board Chair is Sheriff Jason Myers for the Willamette Valley area.
The board approved the job task analysis, and Eriks shared that Todd Anderson intends to retire soon.
OEDI: Kelly advised OEDI is worthwhile, economical, and provides very good training.
TERT: George long wanted a budget from the executive board for grant funding for TERT training. He was allotted $3,500.00 and the training will cost $3,400.00. The dates for the training are still to be determined. More information will be available soon.
Good of the Order: It was reported that several backpacks were left over from WR, it was agreed upon that they will be donated to kids in local school districts. Bob attended the APCO President’s meeting in Kansas, and received numerous comments regarding the success of the Portland WR Conference. Larry is reengaging in the TFOPA effort and will report back to the chapter. The Western Regional final report will be given in October, but at this time it looks like there was $125,000.00 profit.
Meeting adjourned.

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