Candler Park Neighborhood Organization Board of Directors

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Candler Park Neighborhood Organization

Board of Directors

November 10, 2014

A quorum being present the meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Ken Edelstein, President. Motion to accept the October minutes with change of date to October 13, 2014 passed. Motion to approve the agenda passed.

Ken Edelstein reported for Seth Eisenberg, Zoning Officer. The Edgewood MARTA redevelopment is on a much slower track. The zoning has been changed to PD-MU a modified MRC-3. MARTA’s consultant found that there should not be a significant impact on Oakdale Road traffic.

  • Variance V-14-228 for 300 Elmira Place could not be approved as there was not a quorum present.

  • Kate Sandhaus was instrumental in getting the curb cut on Candler Park Drive near the First Existentialist Church. The crosswalk stripes will be completed soon according to the City.

  • Neighborhood Watch- Russell Miller, Safety Officer, distributed map of neighborhood which showed where there is a need for Block Captains. Stacy Funderburk has offered to assist us with establishment of a Security Patrol. Wendy Heap has volunteered to be the APD liaison. There is still a need for more Block Captains. The conversation around the Security Patrol seems to have died down.

  • Conservancy- John Skach, Environmental Officer, reported the outcome of the October 25th meeting. The meeting was attended by 20 people and was well facilitated. The official name will be ‘Candler Park Conservancy’. The next regular meeting is Thursday, November 13th. At that meeting the group will continue to work on bylaws. There also will be a discussion as to whether the Conservancy will be membership based or ‘Board’ based. There will be an interim Board which will be responsible to establish the type of organization as well as the composition and term length of the Board. Amy Erwin and Lauren Welsh will research ‘best practices’ for these two issues. The Conservancy is a 501C3, therefore, it is tax deductible. The entire process for establishing the Conservancy will be 15-18 month process because of all the paperwork that must filed.

  • CPNO has received the $10,000 check from Garden Films Production.. A signed contract states that the donation must be used for the Candler Park Conservancy. Also received a check from Donna Van Gogh for the sale of one banner ($30). Donations amounting to $477 were collected at the two recent festivals (Craft Beer and Atlanta Lobster). Michele Allen gave coupons for the Wahoo restaurant to those who donated money. Motion to set aside $477 raised at the Craft Beer and Atlanta Lobster Festivals for the repair of the lights at the entrance to Candler Park passed.

  • Fall Fest lost money this year due to several unforeseen variables: Streets Alive, alcohol sales, and decrease participation in the 5K. There needs to be more participation by individuals in the neighborhood especially for promotion of festival and obtaining sponsorships.

  • Movie Night- Peter Bluestone presented a draft of the CPNO grant application. Friends of Candler Park is requesting $2300 for 6 movies. The remainder of the funds will come from sponsors and a campaign to solicit donations from people who benefit from the event.

  • Operational Budget- Peter Bluestone, Treasurer, stated that we need to make some cutbacks on certain items in the budget; for example Childcare, or Bookkeeping Services. It may be necessary to ask for donations for the wine and beer that is offered at the Membership meetings.

  • Robotics Camp- Marie Johanson submitted an application for $1,000 for The LEGO League Competition. No vote taken at this time.

  • The Board reviewed the proposed agenda for the Annual Members’ Meeting on November 17th. Only change is the nomination of candidates from the floor. Those nominations must be made individually after voting on the previous officer.

  • Recording Members’ Meetings- Bonnie Palter, Recording Secretary, presented reasons not to record the meetings. As an alternative, she requested assistance with motions by having them submitted in written form. Board was in agreement with assisting the Recording Secretary with this task.

  • Board Retreat- Board Members feel it would be worth holding the retreat as a strategic planning session.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.
Submitted by

Bonnie Palter, Recording Secretary

November 10, 2014

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