Catalog of My Wine Library Thomas Pinney Claremont, California 2004 note

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Catalog of My Wine Library

Thomas Pinney

Claremont, California 2004

This collection was begun about 1956 in New Haven, CT. I had discovered wine as a graduate student at Yale, and very soon thereafter began to take an interest in the literature of wine.

I have never been a genuine collector, by which I understand a person whose collecting impulses are so strong that other interests are gladly sacrificed to them. I have never made any sacrifice in order to acquire something for my wine library, but have been content to accumulate as it was convenient and possible for me to do so. Hence there are no real treasures in my collection, no section wholly complete, no evidence of strenuous and determined effort. Instead, I have a miscellany of things acquired through remainder sales, second hand stores, the many gifts of friends, and other such means. My widow will have no extravagance in the pursuit of wine books to reproach me for.

But even an enterprise as casual as mine may amount to something after a sufficient length of time, and I have now had nearly fifty years of collecting. So, if what I have on my shelves is without distinction, some parts of it are interesting enough to those who know the subject. And since no one knows the future, it is possible that some items now held in no special regard may turn out, in later years, to be highly prized indeed. Whether they are or not is indifferent to me: I have had much pleasure in the present possession and knowledge of these things. Others, afterwards, may too.
Of one kind of wine literature—the commercial ephemera produced by wineries, wine associations and other such entities—I have been, I think, a more than ordinarily active collector. But this material consists of items that can hardly sustain even a minimal bibliographical description and so, with few exceptions, such items are not particularized in this catalog. Nevertheless, I think they make one of the most valuable parts of my collection, even thought they do not figure in the list. Their extent is roughly indicated by the enumeration of file folders and box files under “Ephemera.”
Some titles that do figure in the list are not about wine but about food (including cooking and dining out), or gin, or whisky, or liqueurs. Some of these books include wine as a subject, although a subordinate one; and even those that do not are still related to wine at least through the general category of food and drink. One need not be puritanical in these matters but may allow some loosening of the categories.
Finally, I suppose that I ought not to call this a “catalog” but a “checklist,” since I have not attempted any bibliographical description of the items listed but have been content to provide a minimal identification.
Claremont, CA



I. Books and Pamphlets p. 4

II. Articles in Periodicals p. 98
III. Periodicals, Including Newsletters p. 99
A. Magazines

B. Newsletters

IV. Records p. 102
V. Ephemera 1 p. 103
Vertical files:
A. By Continent, Country, State, and Region

B. By Winery Name

C. By Wine Associations and Wine-Related Subjects

D. Materials for Wine History

VI. Ephemera 2 p. 119
Box files:
A. By country

B. State and Federal Publications

C. Statistics

D. Catalogs

E. Wine Judgings

F. Annual Reports

VII. Other Forms of Print p. 121
A. Posters

B. Calendars

C. Postcards and photographs

D. Unclassifiable

Aaron, Jan, Wine Routes of America, New York, 1989.
Abel, Dominick, Guide to the Wines of the United States, 1979.
Adair, A.H., Dinners Long and Short, London, 1928.
Adam, André, Spanish Wines, n.p., 1979.
Adams, John F., An Essay on Brewing, Vintage and Distillation together with Selected Remedies for Hangover Melancholia or How to Make Booze, Garden City, NY, 1970.
Adams, Leon, California Wine Industry Affairs: Recollections and Opinions, Berkeley, 1990.
---------. The Commonsense Book of Drinking, New York, 1960.
---------. The Commonsense Book of Wine, New York, 1958.
---------. The Commonsense Book of Wine, rev. ed., New York, 1964.
----------. Revitalizing the California Wine Industry, Berkeley, 1974.
----------. The Wines of America, Boston, 1973.

“ “ 2nd ed., New York, 1978.

“ “ 3rd ed., New York, 1985.

“ “ 4th ed., New York, 1990.

Adams, Peter, The Wine Lover’s Quiz Book: Challenging Questions and Answers for Wine Buffs and Bluffers, Tucson, Arizona, 1987
Adlum, John, A Memoir of the Cultivation of the Vine in America and the Best Mode of Making Wine, 1823. (Facsimile, 1971).
Agrupación de Exportadores de Vino de Valencia, “Vinos de Valencia,” n.p. [Valencia], 1970.
Ainslie, M.P.A., “An Outline History of the Wine Trade,” n.p., n.d.
Ainsworth, Jim, The Simon and Schuster Guide to Red Wines, New York, 1990.
----------. The Simon and Schuster Pocket Guide to White Wines, New York, 1990.
Allegra, Antonia, Napa Valley: The Ultimate Winery Guide, San Francisco, 1993.
----------. Revised ed., 1997.
Allen, Brigid, ed., Food: An Oxford Anthology, Oxford, 1994.
Allen, H. Warner, A Contemplation of Wine, 1951.
----------.A History of Wine: Great Vintage Wines from the Homeric Age to the Present Day, London, 1961.
----------. Mr. Clerihew Wine Merchant, London, 1933.
----------. Natural Red Wines, London, 1951.
----------. The Romance of Wine, New York, 1932.
----------. Sherry, London, 1933
----------. Sherry and Port, London, 1952.
----------. Through the Wine Glass, London, 1954.
----------. The Wines of Portugal, London, 1963.
Allen, Michael, The Long Holiday, London, 1974.
Ambrosi, Hans, Where the Great German Wines Grow: A Guide to the Leading Vineyards, New York, 1976.
Ambrosi, Hans, and Bernhard Breuer, Deutsche Vinothek: Ahr, Herford, 1992.
Ambrosi, Dr. Hans, and Kerry Brady Stewart, Travellers Wine Guide: Germany, New York, 1990.
American Institute of Wine and Food, Wine, Food and the Arts: Works Gathered by the American Institute of Wine and Food, San Francisco, 1996.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens, “Amphoras and the Ancient Wine Trade,” Princeton, NJ, 1979.
Amerine, Maynard A., “California,” in The “Wines of the World” Pocket Library, ed., André Simon, London, 1951.
----------. “A Check List on Grapes and Wines 1960-1968, with a Supplement for 1949- 1959,” Davis, CA, 1969.
----------. “Development of the American Wine Industry to 1960,” from Amerine, ed., Wine Production Technology in the United States, Washington, D.C., 1981.
----------. “Hilgard and California Viticulture,” Hilgardia, XXXIII (1962), 1-23 (2 copies).
----------. Laboratory Procedures for Enologists, Davis, CA, 1965.
----------. “A Multi-Language Dictionary of Vermouth Ingredients,” n.p., 1973.
----------. “The Response of Wine to Aging,” [San Francisco], 1950.
----------. “A Short Check List of Books and Pamphlets in English on Grapes, Wines and Related Subjects,” [Davis], 1959.
----------. “Sources of Information on the California Grape and Wine Industry,” typescript n.p., n.d. [c. 1990?]
----------.The University of California and the State’s Wine Industry,

Berkeley, 1972.

----------. Vermouth: An Annotated Bibliography, Richmond, CA, 1974.
----------. Wine Bibliographies and Taste Perception Studies, Berkeley, 1988.
Amerine, Maynard A., and Axel Borg, A Bibliography on Grapes, Wines, and Other Alcoholic Beverages, and Temperance: Works Published in the United States Before 1901, Berkeley, 1996.
Amerine, Maynard A., and W.V. Cruess, The Technology of Wine Making, Westport, CT, 1960.
Amerine, Maynard A., and M. A. Joslyn, Commercial Production of Table Wines, Berkeley, 1940.
----------. Table Wines: The Technology of Their Production in California, Berkeley, 1951.
----------. “ “ Second Edition, Berkeley, 1970.
Amerine, Maynard A., and George Marsh, “Wine Making at Home,” San Francisco, 1962.
Amerine, Maynard A., and Herman Phaff, Bibliography of Publications by the Faculty, Staff, and Students of the University of California, 1876-1980, on Grapes, Wines, and Related Subjects, Berkeley, 1986.
Amerine, Maynard A., and E. B. Roessler, “Field Testing of Grape Maturity,” Hilgardia, XXXVIII (1958), 93-114.
----------. “Sensory Evaluation of Wines,” San Francisco, 1985.
----------. Wines: Their Sensory Evaluation,, 1976.
Amerine, Maynard A., E.B. Roessler, ,and F. Filipello, “Modern Sensory Methods of Evaluating Wine,” Hilgardia, XXVIII (1959), 477-567 (2 copies).
Amerine, Maynard A., and Vernon L. Singleton, A List of Bibliographies and a Selected List of Publications that Contain Bibliographies on Grapes, Wines, and Related Subjects, Berkeley, 1971.
----------. “ “ Revised edition, Oakland, [1989].
----------. Wine: An Introduction for Americans, Berkeley, 1965.
----------. “ “ Second Edition, Berkeley, 1975.
Amerine, Maynard A., and Louise B. Wheeler, A Check List of Books and Pamphlets on Grapes and Wines and Related Subjects, 1938-1948, Berkeley, 1951.
Amerine, Maynard A., and A. J. Winkler, California Wine Grapes: Composition and Quality of Their Musts and Wines, [Berkeley], 1963.
----------. Composition and Quality of Musts and Wines of California Grapes, Hilgardia, XV (1944), 493-674 (2 copies)
----------. “Grape Varieties for Wine Production” (Circular 356), Berkeley, 1943.
----------.”Grape Varieties for Wine Production” (Leaflet 154), [Berkeley?], 1963.
Amis, Kingsley, On Drink, New York, 1973.
Amorose, Michael A., A Catalog of California Wines, 4th ed., San Francisco, 1985.
Andersen, J.B., A Basic Guide to Appreciating Wine, Minneapolis, 1979.
Anderson, A.W., Northern California Wine Country: Napa-Sonoma, Geyserville, CA, 1986.
Anderson, Burton, Burton Anderson’s Guide to Italian Wines, rev. ed., New York, 1984.
----------. Vino: The Wines and Winemakers of Italy, Boston, 1980.
----------. The Wine Atlas of Italy and Traveller’s Guide to the Vineyards, New York, 1990.
----------. Wines of Italy, New York, 1986, 1990 (2 copies)
Anderson, Stanley F., and Raymond Hull, The Art of Making Wine, New York, 1970.
Andres, Stefan, Die Grossen Weine Deutschlands, 2nd ed., Berlin, 1961.
Andrieu, Pierre, Petite Etude sur l’Anis dans l’Histoire, la Therapeutique, la Gastronomie, [Marseille, 1961].
Annales de Technologie Agricole, Symposium International d’Oenologie (“Centenaire des Études de Pasteur sur le Vin”), Paris, 1964.
Apps, Jerry, Breweries of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 1992.
Arblaster and Clarke, Wine Tours Worldwide, n.p. [Liss, Hants.], 2002.
Archuleta, Kay, The Brannan Saga: Early Calistoga, St. Helena, CA, 1977.
Arlott, John, Krug: House of Champagne, London, 1976.
----------. Wine, Oxford, 1984.
Asher, Gerald, On Wine, London, 1983.
----------. Vineyard Tales: Reflections on Wine, San Francisco, 1996, 2000 (2 copies)
Ashley, Maureen, The Encyclopedia of Italian Wines (“Oz Clarke’s Regional Wine Guides”), New York, 1991.
Aspler, Tony, Tony Aspler’s Vintage Canada: The Complete Reference to Canadian Wines, 2nd ed., Toronto, 1995.
Association of American Vintners, “Wine Tour Guide to More than 250 American Wineries: East, Midwest, South, Southwest,” [1981].
Atchison,Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway Co., Wine of California: The Stirring Story of a Great American Industry, n.p. [Chicago?], 1937.
Atkin, Tim, Chardonnay, London, 1992.
Atticks, Kevin M., Discovering Lake Erie Wineries: A Travel Guide to Lake Erie’s Wine Country, Baltimore, 2000.
----------. Discovering Maryland Wineries: A Travel Guide to Maryland’s Wine Country, Baltimore, 1999.
----------. Discovering New Jersey Wineries: A Travel Guide to New Jersey’s Wine Country, Baltimore, 2000.
Auf der Heide, Ralph, ,The Illustrated Wine Making Book, Garden City, NY, 1973.
Austin, Cedric, The Good Wines of Europe, n.p., 1972.
Australian Wine Board, Wine—Australia: A Guide to Australian Wine, Melbourne, 1968.
Automobile Club of Southern California, California Winery Tours, Los Angeles, 1988, 1990, 1992(3 copies).
Ayto, John, The Diner’s Dictionary: Food and Drink from A to Z, Oxford, 1993.

Bagnall, A. Gordon, Wines of South Africa: An Account of Their History, Their Production and Their Nature, Paarl, 1961.

Bailey, Liberty Hyde, Sketch of the Evolution of our Native Fruits, New York, 1898 (Xerox).
Bain, George, Champagne is for Breakfast, Toronto, 1972.
Baird, Joseph Armstrong, Jr, Wine and the Artist: 104 Prints and Drawings from the Christian Brothers Collection at the Wine Museum of San Francisco, New York, 1970.
Baker, Charles H., Jr., The Gentleman’s Companion: Being an Exotic Drinking Book or, Around the World with Jigger, Beaker and Flask, New York, 1946.
Baker, G.A., M.A. Amerine, and E.B. Roessler, “Theory and Application of Fractional- Blending Systems,” Hilgardia, XXI (1952), 383-409.
Baker, Harry, and Ray Waite, Grapes, Indoors and Out, London, 1985.
Baker, John V., ed., The Paragon of Wines and Spirits, Volume One, London, 1972.
Baldy, Marian W., “Wine Appreciation through the Senses: A Practical Guide for Winetasters,” Rochester, NY, 1997.
Balzer, Robert Lawrence, Adventures in Wine: Legends, History, Recipes, [Los Angeles], 1969.
----------. California’s Best Wines, Los Angeles, 1948.
----------. The Los Angeles Times Book of California Wines, New York, 1984 (a re-titling of Wines of California: see below).
----------. The Pleasures of Wine, Indianapolis, 1964.
----------. This Uncommon Heritage: The Paul Masson Story, Los Angeles, 1970.
----------. Wines of California, New York, 1978.
Bank of America, “California Wine Outlook,” San Francisco, 1973.
----------. “California Report: Wine,” San Francisco, 1978.
----------. “Focus on Sonoma County,” San Francisco, 1973.
Barnes, William H., How to Grow and Use the Grape in Kansas, Topeka, 1901.
Barr, Andrew, Drink: A Social History of America, 1999.
----------. Wine Snobbery: An Insider’s Guide to the Booze Business, London, 1988.
----------. Wine Snobbery: An Exposé, New York, 1988.
Barr, Henry M., Lonz of Middle Bass: The Tale of a Man, a Woman, a Building and an Island, n.p. [Berea, O.?], 1982.
Barron, Cheryll Aimée, Dreamers of the Valley of Plenty: A Portrait of the Napa Valley, New York, 1995.
Barrows, Susanna, and Robin Room, eds., Drinking: Behavior and Belief in Modern History, Berkeley, 1991.
Bartholomew, Frank, Bart: Memoirs of Frank H. Bartholomew, Sonoma, CA, 1983.
Barton et Guestier, La Vie de la Vigne et du Vin, Paris, n.d.
Barty-King, Hugh, A Taste of English Wine, London, 1989.
Basserman-Jordan, Dr. Friedrich, Geschichte des Weinbaus unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung der Bayerischen Rheinpfalz, 3 vols., Frankfurt am Main, 1907.
Baumert, Georg, Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Californischen Weine, Berlin, 1886. (Xerox)
Baus, Herbert, How to Wine Your Way to Good Health, New York, 1973.
Baxevanis, John J., The Wine Regions of America: Geographical Reflections and Appraisals, Stroudsburg, PA, 1992.
----------. The Wines of Bordeaux and Western France, Totowa, NJ, 1987.
----------. The Wines of Champagne, Burgundy, Eastern and Southern France, Totowa, NJ, 1987.
“Bayard, Luke” [John Mahoney], The Compact Wine Guide, 2nd ed., London, 1973.
----------. , The Wine Guide (“Reprinted from Wine magazine”), vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, London, n.d. [1960s].
Bazin, Jean-François, Le Montrachet, n.p.[Harlow, Essex], 1990.
----------. Le Vin de Californie, Paris, n.d. [1983].
Beck, Fred, The Fred Beck Wine Book, New York, 1964.
Beck, Hastings, Meet the Cape Wines, 2nd ed., Cape Town, 1966 (2 copies).
Beckham, Jack M., The Winemakers, Garden City, NY, 1977.
Beeston, John, A Concise History of Australian Wine, St. Leonard’s, 1994.
----------. “ “ “ 2nd ed., 1995.
----------. The Wine Regions of Australia, St. Leonard’s, 1999.
Begg, Desmond, Travellers Wine Guide: Spain, New York, 1990.
Behr, Edward, The Artful Eater, New York, 1992.
Belfrage, Nicolas, Barolo to Valpolicella: The Wines of Northern Italy, London, 1999.
Bell, Alan, “The Saintsbury Oration,” London, 1991.
Bell, Alexander D., “Fresno California: Great Progress of the Town, Colonies and County,” San Francisco, 1884. (Xerox).
Bell, Donald A., Wine and Beverage Standards, New York, 1989.
Belloc, Hilaire, Advice, London, 1960.
Bellows, Charles, “Articles on Madeira Written by Chalres Bellows for Bonfort’s Circular, 1896, 1897, 1900,” New York, n.d. (Xerox).
---------. “Old Port Wine in New York,” Hanover, NH, 1997 (reprint of 1901).
Bemelmans, Ludwig, La Bonne Table, ed. Donald and Eleanor Friede, Boston, 1989.
Benson, Jeffrey, and Alastair Mackenzie, Sauternes: A Study of the Great Sweet Wines of Bordeaux, rev. ed., London, 1990.
Benson, Robert, Great Winemakers of California, Santa Barbara, 1977.
Bentley, Iris, Wine with a Merry Heart, New York, 1959.
Benwell, Journey to Wine in Victoria, Melbourne, 1960.
Berg, Harold W., “Identification of Grape Varieties of Commercial Importance in California,” San Francisco, n.d.
Berger, Dan, and Richard Paul Hinkle, Beyond the Grapes: An Inside Look at Napa Valley, Wilmington, DE, 1991.
Bergeron, Victor, Frankly Speaking: Trader Vic’s Own Story, Garden City, NY, 1973.
Berkmann, Joseph, and Allan Hall, Good Wine Guide 1978, London, 1977.
Bern’s Steak House, Bern’s Steak House Wine Book, 33rd ed., Tampa, 1975.
Berry, Charles Walter, In Search of Wine: A Tour of the Vineyards of France, London, 1935.
----------. A Miscellany of Wine, London, 1932.
----------. Viniana, London, 1934.
Berry Brothers and Co., “Tokay,” London, 1933.
Bespaloff, Alexis, Alexis Bespaloff’s Guide to Inexpensive Wines, rev. ed., New York, 1975.
----------, ed., The Fireside Book of Wine: An Anthology for Wine Drinkers, New York, 1977.
----------. The First Book of Wine, New York, 1972.
----------. The New Signet Book of Wine: A Complete Introduction, New York, 1980.
----------. The Signet Book of Wine: A Complete Introduction, New York, 1971.
Bettiga, Larry J., et al., Wine Grape Varieties in California, Oakland, 2003.
Better Homes and Gardens, Favorite American Wines and How to Enjoy Them, 1979

[By Ruth Ellen Church: she takes credit for this in her Wines of the Midwest].

Bevan, Gloria, Vineyard in a Valley, Toronto, 1972.
Beverage Testing Institute, Beverage Testing Institute’s Buying Guide to Wines of North America, 1999.
Bezore, Buz, and Christina Waters, The Monterey Bay, Big Sur and Gold Coast Wine Country Book: A Complete Guide, 2nd ed., Lee, MA, 2002.
Biane, Philo, Wine Making in Southern California and Recollections of Fruit Industries, Ltd., Berkeley, 1972.
Biermann, Barrie, Red Wine in South Africa, Cape Town, 1971.
Bijur, George, Wines with Long Noses, London, 1951.
Bioletti, Frederic T., Manufacture of Dry Wines in Hot Countries, Sacramento, 1905.
----------. “A New Wine-Cooling Machine,” Sacramento, 1906.
----------. “Outline of Ampelography for the Vinifera Grapes in California,” Hilgardia, XI (1938), 227-293 (Xerox).
----------. The Principles of Wine-Making, Sacramento, 1911.
----------. “Vine Pruning in California, Part 1,” Berkeley, 1914.
----------. “Winery Directions,” Berkeley,1914.
Bioletti., Frederic T., and William V.Cruess, Enological Investigations, Sacramento, 1912. (2 copies).
Bird, William, French Wines, Paris, 1951, 1955 (2 copies).
Bischoff, Oskar, et al., eds., Das Grosse Nordbaden Buch, Neustadt, 1967.
Black, Esther Boulton, Rancho Cucamonga and Doña Merced, Redlands, CA, 1975.
Bleasdale, John I., “The Report of a Jury of Experts on Brandy Made by Gen. Henry M. Naglee, at San Jose,” San Francisco, 1879.
Blout, Jessie Schilling, “A Brief Economic History of the California Wine-Growing Industry,” n.p., 1943 (distributed by Wine Institute).
Blue, Anthony Dias, American Wine: A Comprehensive Guide, 1985.
Blum, Howard L., The Wines and Vines of Europe, New York, 1974.
Blumenthal, Messrs., Ltd., “Fine Drinking,” London, n.d.
Bode, Charles, Wines of Italy, New York, 1956.
Bolitho, Hector, The Wine of the Douro, London, 1956.
Bolsmann, Eric.H., Bertram’s Guide to South African Wines of Origin, n.p., n.d. [1977?]
----------. The South African Wine Dictionary, 2nd ed., Cape Town, 1984.
“Bon Viveur,” An A.B.C. of Wine Drinking, London, 1955.
Bonetti, Edward, The Wine Cellar, New York, 1977.
Booz, Allen and Hamilton, Inc., “Study of the Commercial Feasibility of Grape and Wine Production on University of Texas Lands,” n.p., May 1982.
Borello, ,Joe, Wineries of the Great Lakes: A Guidebook, n.p., n.d. [Lapeer, MI, 1995].
Born, Wina, The Concise Atlas of Wine, New York, 1974.
Bosi, Enrico, Atlante del Chianti Classico, Florence, 1972.
Boswell, Peyton, Wine Makers Manual: A Guide for the Home Wine Maker and the Small Winery, New York, 1952.
Boulton, Roger B., Vernon L. Singleton, Linda F. Bisson, and Ralph E. Kunkee, Principles and Practices of Winemaking, Gaithersburg, MD, 1998.
Bowers, Douglas, A List of References for the History of Agriculture in the United States, 1790-1840, Davis, CA, 1969.
Bowman, J. N., “The Vineyards of Provincial California,” Wine Review, 11 (April-July 1943). (Xerox).
Bradford, Sarah, The Englishman’s Wine: The Story of Port, London, 1969.
----------. The Story of Port, London, 1983.
Brady, Roy, The Brady Book: Selections from Roy Brady’s Unpublished Writings on Wine, Santa Rosa, CA, 2003.
----------. “California Wine,” unpublished typescript, c. 1962.
----------. “Brady Wine Library, 1964-1967,” typescript of library catalog, Northridge, CA, 1969.

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