Cdm common Terms Term

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CDM Common Terms




Status assigned to a flight for which a DZ, UZ, TZ, or TOM message has been received, but has not been completed. The flight is in the air.

Ad Hoc

A reroutes class letting users create reroutes from scratch, from the Coded Departure Routes (CDR) database, or from a combination of both.


An advisory field that lists facilities that have specifically been exempted. This is normally a facility within the scope that has been specified as exempt. This is only included if there are exempt facilities. This field can contain both airports and center codes.


And advisory field that lists the time stamp of the ADL on which this program was modeled.


The (Affective Average Delay) is the total delay divided by number of non exempted flights calculated after running a GDP.

Airborne Holding

A deterministic mathematical model used in FSM to calculate predicted airborne holding.

Airline Cancels

Any planned flight that is cancelled by a CDM FX message or SICF substitution message, and that is not reinstated by a CDM FC message received prior to departure.


Status assigned to an unscheduled flight that has been created based on a CDM FC or FM message, but is not controlled, filed, active, cancelled, or completed.

Airspace Flow Program (AFP) - Actual

An Actual AFP Advisory is transmitted when TFM Specialists have implemented an actual AFP. To clearly differentiate an actual versus proposed program it should be noted that the term “proposed” and “anticipated”, which are utilized in the proposed Advisory, are omitted from the actual Advisory.

Airspace Flow Program (AFP) - Proposed

A Proposed AFP Advisory is transmitted when TFM Specialists are considering an AFP. To clearly differentiate a proposed versus actual program many of the labels within this Advisory contain the words “proposed” or “anticipated” which are not contained in the actual GDP Advisory.

Airspace Flow Program (AFP) Cancel - Actual

An actual AFP Cancel Advisory is transmitted when TFM Specialists have implemented the cancellation of an actual AFP. To clearly differentiate an actual versus proposed cancellation, it should be noted that the terms “proposed” and “anticipated”, which are utilized in the proposed Advisory, are omitted from the actual Advisory.

Airspace Flow Program (AFP) Cancel - Proposed

A Proposed AFP Cancel Advisory is transmitted when TFM Specialists are considering canceling an AFP. To clearly differentiate a “proposed” versus “actual” cancellation many of the labels within this Advisory contain the words “proposed” or ‘anticipated” which are not contained in the actual GDP Cancel Advisory.


Indicates area of concern to traffic management. It occurs when the TSD software projects that the amount of air traffic will exceed a pre-defined threshold for a given element.

Alerted Elements

ETMS Elements over which the amount of air traffic is projected to exceed a pre-defined threshold.


An advisory field that lists the anticipated average delay for the proposed program. Will not be listed for GDPs with a “Delay Assignment Mode” of GAAP.


An advisory field that lists the proposed cumulative arrival time range covered by the program.


An advisory field that lists the proposed cumulative FCA entry time range covered by the program.


An advisory field that lists the time range of flights that will be purged by the cancellation.


An advisory field that lists the anticipated maximum delay for the proposed program. Will not be listed for GDPs with a “Delay Assignment Mode” of GAAP.


An advisory field that lists the anticipated hourly popup factor at which the program was modeled. If all hours of the program utilized the same popup factor only a single value will be present. If a popup factor of zero was used, the entire line will be omitted.


An advisory field that lists the anticipated hourly arrival rate at which the program was modeled. If all hours of the program utilize the same rate only a single value will be present.


An advisory field that lists the probability the GS will be extended as manually selected by the ATCSCC specialist. LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH


An advisory field that lists the proposed airport arrival time range covered by the program event.

Auto-Delay Algorithm

An FSM algorithm used in the set up for Compression, which takes into account the Earliest Runway Time of Arrival (ERTA).


Used in FSM the blanket adjustment of a GDP that is already in place. A blanket reduces or increases delay times, based on a user specified value, without consideration of the airport rate.

Blanket (BLKT) - Actual

An actual GDP Blanket Advisory is transmitted when TFM Specialists are considering a blanket adjustment to a GDP. To clearly differentiate an actual versus proposed blanket it should be noted that the term “proposed” and “anticipated”, which are utilized in the proposed Advisory, are omitted from the actual Advisory.

Blanket (BLKT) - Proposed

A proposed GDP Blanket Advisory is transmitted when TFM Specialists are considering a blanket adjustment to a GDP. To clearly differentiate a proposed versus actual blanket it should be noted that many of the labels within this Advisory contain the words “proposed” or “anticipated” which are not contained in the actual GDP Blanket Advisory.


Lists Canadian departure airports that are included in the program. If no Canadian airport is included in the GDP then the only listed value will be “NONE”.


Status assigned to a flight that has been airline cancelled, time out cancelled by ETMS, or cancelled by an RS or RZ message received from the Host, and that has not been reinstated by an FC message or by receipt of any message indicating the flight is active.


Any planned flight that is airline cancelled, or time out cancelled by ETMS, or cancelled by an RS or RZ message received from the NAS Host.

Cancels that Flew

Any airline-cancelled flight that operates without first being reinstated by an FC message.


The demand threshold at an airport, sector, or fix. When exceeded by a projected demand, causes an alert status.

CDM Message Protocol

FAA documentation for communications requirements between CDM members and ETMS.

CDM Participant

A subset of NAS Users who participates in the CDM process by submitting schedule data and substitutions to the ETMS system.


Status assigned to a flight for which an AZ message has been received from Host. In the absence of an AZ message, flight status may be changed to completed if the current time exceeds the ETA by a specified tolerance.


The compression of an initial or revised AFP or GDP. A compression reallocates slots which are open due to flight cancellations or delays. Compressions do not create new slots, but simply reallocate existing slots.


Status assigned to a flight for which an EDCT has been received, but is not active, cancelled, or completed.


An advisory field that lists the identifier of the airport for which the Advisory is being issued.

Data Block

A collection of flight information for each aircraft that can be displayed on the TSD. It includes the aircraft call sign, altitude, aircraft type, number of minutes to arrival, and the groundspeed.

Data Quality

A reference to the accuracy of the flight data submitted to ETMS from the air carriers, and how that data influences perceived demand.

Delay Advisor

A tool that provides access to the Ground Time Predictor (GTP), a system that predicts flight departures based on historical data.


An advisory field that lists the delay assignment mode that will be used to assign delays to pop-up flights. DAS or GAAP.


An advisory field that indicates the delay limit that will be applied to popup flights during a program with a “Delay Assignment Mode” of GAAP. Will not be listed for GDPs with a “Delay Assignment Mode” of GAAP.


An advisory field that lists the anticipated maximum delay for the proposed program. Will not be listed for GDPs with a “Delay Assignment Mode” of GAAP.

Demand Data

Figures representing the amounts of air traffic for airports, sectors, or fixes. They can be illustrated on the TSD in the form of either charts or reports. Demands are defined as the numbers of arrivals and departures at an airport, the number of flights in a sector at the same time, or the number of flights crossing a fix.

DEP SCOPE: [distance] or [(keyword) Zxx …]

An advisory field that lists either the mileage for distance based programs or tier keyword for center based programs. In the case of a keyword, the actual centers that are defined by that keyword will be listed.

Dep. Date

Date of actual departure

Diversion Recovery

A web based application that allows users to prioritize diverted flights so that the fligth does not incur additional delay.

Dynamic List

a function supported by the Select Flights dialog box that enables you to reorder flight sets and to move or copy text from one text field to another.

Effective AAR

AAR minus GA Factor.


A named NAS facility or airspace component that can be displayed on the TSD. Examples are sectors, airports, fixes, and airways.

Element Name

The FAA name used to identify a NAS element on the TSD. For instance, BWI is the element name of the Baltimore Washington National Airport.

Element Type

Identifies a class of NAS elements displayed on the TSD (for example, sector, fix, and airport).


An advisory field that lists the type of element for which the Advisory is being issued.

En Route Sector Capacity

Each sector has a predetermined capacity of aircraft called a MAP (Monitor Alert Parameter) number. This number is a function of the average flight time through the sector. Each sector has a radar controller and radar associate position and may have a coordinator position as well.


An advisory field that lists the proposed FCA entry time range covered by the program event.

Examined Flights

Flights predicted to arrive at, depart from, or traverse any element being examined during the time range currently selected on the alerts time bar.

Exclude_and_Exempted Flight

A flight whose ETA is later than the program start time, is excluded from the program, and meets program exemption criteria such as exempt airport, departure time, or status.

Excluded Flight

A flight that does not meets the criteria of being included in a GDP. These criteria include factors such as the flights IGTA – taxi being outside the program start/end time, affix, and removal status.


An advisory field that lists Canadian departure airports that are included in the program. If no Canadian airport is included in the GDP then the only listed value will be “NONE”.

Exploder Lists

Group email addresses for contacting interested CDM stakeholders.

FAA User

A traffic manager or other member of the FAA that uses ETMS/FSM. This also includes other ATC service providers, such as Nav Canada, who make use of ETMS/FSM.


Status assigned to a flight for which a flight plan has been filed (FZ message received), but is not controlled, active, cancelled, or completed.


A fix defined by reference to a navaid. The fix location is determined by following the given heading (radial) from the given navaid (fix) for the given distance.


Any planned or actual operation of an aircraft involving a single takeoff and a single landing.

Flight Data Update

The time at which flight icons disappear from the TSD display and reappear in their newly reported positions.

Flight Icon

TSD Flight Icon, Either of four graphic representations of flights. Airplane icons look like swept-wing airplanes and represent flights either when you have zoomed in beyond a certain point or when you have specified the icon for a particular flight set. Dot icons are smaller and appear only when you have unzoomed to a certain point. Heavy icons look like wedges and represent heavy aircraft when the automatic icon has been specified for a flight set. Prop icons look like straight-wing airplanes and represent prop aircraft.

Flight that Flew

Any flight that operated, as indicated by receipt of a DZ, UZ or AZ message from the NAS Host.


The Floor_Time of an open slot is the ETA of its associated flight, or 9999 if its associated flight is cancelled. This results in open slots associated with cancelled flights being processed first.


An advisory field that indicates specific categories of flights included in the program. Typically, all flights are included but can include specific lines defining Jets Only, Props Only, Fix Specific, or Carrier Specific program. Multiple lines can be listed to fully define the program.


An advisory field for programs within Canada. The same rules as line group 10 apply.

Ground Delay Program (GDP) - Actual

A “CDM Ground Delay Program” Advisory is transmitted when an airport based TMI is being implemented. To clearly differentiate a actual versus proposed program the terms “proposed” and “anticipated”, which are utilized in throughout the proposed Advisory are omitted from the actual Advisory.

Ground Delay Program (GDP) - Proposed

A “CDM Proposed Ground Delay Program” Advisory is transmitted when the implementation of an airport based TMI is being considered. To clearly differentiate a proposed versus actual program many of the labels within this Advisory contain the words “proposed” or “anticipated” which are not contained in the Actual GDP Advisory.

Ground Delay Program (GDP) / Airspace Flow Program (AFP) Compression - Actual

An actual GDP/AFP Compression Advisory is transmitted when TFM Specialists issue a compression for a GDP or AFP. To clearly differentiate an actual versus proposed program cancellation it should be noted that the term “proposed” and “anticipated”, which are utilized in the proposed Advisory, are omitted from the actual Advisory.

Ground Delay Program (GDP) / Airspace Flow Program (AFP) Compression - Proposed

A proposed GDP/AFP Compression Advisory is transmitted when TFM Specialists are considering compression a GDP or AFP. To clearly differentiate a proposed versus actual compression it should be noted that many of the labels within this Advisory contain the words “proposed” or “anticipated” which are not contained in the actual GDP/AFP Compression Advisory.

Ground Delay Program (GDP) Cancel - Actual

An actual GDP Cancel Advisory is transmitted when TFM Specialists have implemented the cancellation of an actual GDP. To clearly differentiate an actual versus proposed cancellation, it should be noted that the terms “proposed” and “anticipated”, which are utilized in the proposed Advisory, are omitted from the actual Advisory.

Ground Delay Program (GDP) Cancel - Proposed

A Proposed GDP Cancel Advisory is transmitted when TFM Specialists are considering canceling a GDP. To clearly differentiate a “proposed” versus “actual” cancellation many of the labels within this Advisory contain the words “proposed” or ‘anticipated” which are not contained in the actual GDP Cancel Advisory.

Ground Stop (GS) - Actual

An actual GS Advisory is transmitted when TFM Specialists are considering implementing a GS. To clearly differentiate an actual versus proposed GS it should be noted that the term “proposed” and “anticipated”, which are utilized in the proposed Advisory, are omitted from the actual Advisory.

Ground Stop (GS) - Proposed

A proposed GS Advisory is transmitted when TFM Specialists are considering implementing a GS. To clearly differentiate a proposed versus actual cancellation it should be noted that many of the labels within this Advisory contain the words “proposed” or “anticipated” which are not contained in the actual GS Advisory.

Ground Stop (GS) Cancel - Actual

An actual GS Cancel Advisory is transmitted when TFM Specialists want to cancel a GS. To clearly differentiate an actual versus proposed program cancellation it should be noted that the term “proposed” and “anticipated”, which are utilized in the proposed Advisory, are omitted from the actual Advisory.

Ground Stop (GS) Cancel - Proposed

A proposed GS Cancellation Advisory is transmitted when TFM Specialists are evaluating the cancellation of an actual GS. To clearly differentiate a proposed versus actual cancellation it should be noted that many of the labels within this Advisory contain the words “proposed” or “anticipated” which are not contained in the actual GS Cancel Advisory.


FDB Flight Index (assigned by ETMS)

Initial Program

The initial issuance of an AFP or GDP to manage flights arriving at an airport or FCA. Slot allocation is based principally on arrival at the controlling element.

Lead Lines

Dotted lines leading away from the noses of the aircraft icons on the TSD. They indicate where the flights will be either in a certain period of time or at a certain distance from their current positions, assuming the flights continue traveling in the same direction and at the same speed.

Monitor Alert

This function displays and enables analysis of the airports, sectors, and fixes on alert status.

Moving FEA/FCA

Shows how the FEA/FCA started and how it moves during the course of the time limit you specified. Contains shadows of the original FEA/FCA representing past and future locations of the FEA/FCA.

Msg. Arriv.

Arrival time provided in the message.

Msg. Depart.

Departure time provided in the message.

Msg. Time

Date/time message received.

Msg. Type

Code for the message type (see Flight History Message Types)


Many aircraft trying to taxi at once, creating congestion.

NAS User

An airline, cargo carrier, general aviation (GA) pilot, military, or anyone else who operates aircraft in the National Airspace System (NAS). A NAS User is not required to be a CDM Participant in order to submit substitutions.

National Playbook

A traffic management tool developed to give the ATCSCC, other FAA facilities, and system users a common product for various route scenarios. The National Playbook contains the most common scenarios that occur during each thunderstorm season and each includes the resource or flow impacted, facilities included, and specific routes for each facility involved. Each scenario in the National Playbook includes a graphical presentation and has been validated by the individual facilities involved in that scenario. National Playbook routes are only used after collaboration and coordination between the ATCSCC Severe Weather Unit and the Traffic Management Unit(s) of affected air traffic facilities.


The probability the GS will be extended as manually selected by the ATCSCC specialist. LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH


Status assigned to the first message that causes a flight record to be created in the ETMS Flight Database (FDB).

Non-Exempt Flight: (2 types)

Previously Controlled: Have second priority behind exempt flights during RBS++. These flights are ordered by their ASLOT.
Non-previously Controlled: Have third priority during RBS++. These flights are ordered by IGTA, but may have to sort by ASLOT.


An open slot is created when a flight is cancelled or delayed, so all open slots have one and only one associated flight. This association never changes. An open slot due to delay (at least one of the delay flags is set in the flight record) is created if its associated flight’s ETA is later than where the open slot will be displayed on the timeline, which is at either (1) Wheel_Arrival_Time if the flight doesn’t have a slot, or (2) its slot time if the flight has a slot.


Indicates this is an Override AFP, which assumes control of all flights in the AFP even if they are controlled by other AFPs. Only listed when YES, omitted when NO.

Pacing Airport

Due to their location and service as a hub to more than one airline, some airports (termed "pacing airports") can have a detrimental impact throughout the NAS when their operations are impacted by weather or non-weather events. The FAA has determined that the following are pacing airports: New York LaGuardia (LGA), Newark International (EWR), Chicago O'Hare International (ORD), San Francisco International (SFO), Boston Logan International (BOS), Philadelphia International (PHL), New York John F. Kennedy International (JFK), and Atlanta Hartsfield International (ATL).


A flight made available and designated to find navigable routes through convective areas of weather.

Pathfinder Tool

A web based application that allows users to identify flights willing to act as pathfinders.

peak demand

The greatest number of flights projected to be within a sector at any instant during a given time period. Also called peak load.

Planned Flight

Any flight that is in the OAG schedule, or that is created by a CDM FC or FM message received from an airline, or that is created by an FZ message received from the NAS Host.


Value entered by the FSM user when implementing a GDP. The Plus_Time determines the buffer past the data time in which flights will not be delayed. This is to insure that flights that are already boarding are not issued a delay


A flight involved in a GDP that was not scheduled prior to the start of the program. Considered undesirable excess demand, pop-up flights are not handled the same as scheduled flights in a GDP.

Power Run

A Tab in the GDT Setup component which allows you to model various scenarios to help evaluate what parameters are most favorable.


An advisory field that lists the total, maximum, and average delay after the GS. This will not be listed for GS during a GDP with a “Delay Assignment Mode” of GAAP.


An advisory field that indicates the GS will be extended as entered by the ATCSCC specialist. LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH


The cancellation of a TMI. The purge process removes from ETMS all TMIs currently in place for a specific element.

REASON: reason / explanation text

An advisory field that indicates the reason and explanation for the program as entered by the ATCSCC specialist. The reason can be “weather”, “volume”, “runway”, “equipment”, or “other”. The explanation is free text.

REMARKS: remarks text

An advisory field used to list free text remarks as entered by the ATCSCC specialist.

Revised Program

The revision of an AFP or GDP that is already in place. This revision can be simply to change the rate, scope, or a modification in start / end times which extend or reduce the time frame of the program. Revisions replace existing slots with new slots during the time frame of the revision.

Schedule Accuracy

The sum of the absolute values of the difference of (actual departure time estimated departure time) for each flight divided by the number of valid flights.

schedule database

Database of airline schedule information based on information received from the Official Airline Guide (OAG). The schedule database is updated with new OAG data every two weeks.


Status assigned to a flight that has been created from OAG data, but is not controlled, filed, active, cancelled, or completed.

Scheduled Flight

Any flight contained in the OAG schedule, as indicated by presence of an FS message in the flight's message history.


A volume of air space corresponding to one air traffic control area of responsibility. There are many sectors within an ARTCC. Generally, one team of air traffic controllers is responsible for each sector.


Arrival slots are created by FSM for airports in a GDP. The number of slots created is based on the AAR, and each slot is identified by an alphanumeric label.

Slot ID

A time slot assigned during ground delay substitution/cancellation

Slot List

A modified FADT List. In addition to the information provided by the FADT list the slot list includes the slot ID flight class and information about exempted flights.


Slot_Hold is a status that is applied to an Open_Slot so that it is not filled by the compression process. A NAS user normally holds slots when they intend to use a slot but have not yet determined which specific flight will be moved to fill that slot. A slot can also be held by ETMS when a flight is timeout or NAS cancelled


The time position of airport capacity allocated to a NAS user. This is the time that the users flight should target for its arrival. The Slot_Time is used to create the Slot Identification, which is a combination of the arrival airport, the slot time, and a suffix to differentiate multiple slots issues for the same minute.


Data from the EDCT Sub Show command, showing you the status of Substitution processing (SI) for all airports

Time Out Cancels (TOC)

Any flight that is time out cancelled by ETMS, as indicated by presence of a toc message in the flight's message history. ETMS time out cancels a flight if it has not departed within 90 minutes of its ETD, or if it has not departed within 10 minutes of its OAG-scheduled departure time and no other CDM or NAS messages pertaining to the flight have been received. Once a flight has been time out cancelled, it is counted in this statistic even if it subsequently operates.

Time Type

Runw indicates that the message departure and arrival times are runway times provided in a CDM message. Gate indicates that the message departure and arrival times are gate times provided in a CDM message. UZ indicates that the message departure time is the coordinated fix (ARTCC crossing) time provided in a UZ message.

Traffic Management Initiative

These terms refer to the domain of all FSM events (Initial, Revision, Compression, Blanket, Ground Stop and Purge) whether they are for an airport (GDP) or FCA (AFP).

Training Facilitation Sub-Team

The CDM Joint Training Team Objective is to create and provide Information Sharing and Systemic Learning Opportunities

Undeclared Flight

Any unscheduled flight that operates without a CDM FC or FM message submitted by the airline prior to departure. The CDM protocol expects an airline to "declare" its plans by submitting a CDM message to create a flight not contained in the OAG schedule. A flight without OAG or CDM data is considered to be undeclared even if an FZ message has been received from the NAS Host


An advisory field that indicates the time the ATCSCC specialist has requested that NAS user schedule changes be submitted by in order for these changes to be incorporated into the GDP.

Virtual slot time:

FSM paramater based on 15-minute effective AAR. The smallest slot time increment is one minute.


The arrival time used for rationing airport capacity. The IGTA is set by ETMS based on the first information received for that flight. The IGTA will be set to SGTA, LGTA, or PGTA depending on which is the first value receive by ETMS. IGTA is then adjusted for taxi-in time to determine the Wheel_Arrival_Time.

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