Changes to the study programme of the Bachelor and Master of Business Administration

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Changes to the study programme of the

Bachelor and Master

of Business Administration

(from 2015-2016 to 2016-2017)


The Bachelor programme of Business Administration has been thoroughly changed.

The programme reform will be phased in gradually.

  • In 2015-2016, the 1st Bachelor stage was offered in its reformed state.

    • Students who in 2015-2016 registered for the new/reformed programme, remain registered for this programme.

  • In 2015-2016, the 2nd Bachelor stage was offered unchanged.
    In 2016-2017, the 2
    nd Bachelor stage will be offered in its reformed state.

    • Students who in 2015-2016 (or earlier) registered for the old/expiring programme , maintain their registration for this programme, unless the pathway adviser decides otherwise.

    • The programme changes do not affect students who have completed the entire 2nd Bachelor stage of the expiring programme. They should read the important points for the 3rd Bachelor and Master stage later in this document.

  • The 3rd Bachelor will be offered unchanged in 2016-2017 and
    reformed in 2017-2018.

  • In 2016-2017, the Master's programme, with the exception of a number of changes to the specialisations, will be offered unchanged.
    It will be reformed comprehensively in 2018-2019.

If your individual year programme is composed of courses from different programme training periods (P), the regulations mentioned on the student portal ( campus of Brussels student Administration and regulations or apply.

For help with the composition of your individual year programme, please contact the learning route counsellors (see Student Portal Campus Brussels/ Students/ Counselling/ Learning route counselling/ BA/ Contact details or They have their office in the T'Serclaes building - 1st floor - Block A. You can also contact the Student Administrative Services Centre if you have any questions.


1stBachelor stage of the model pathway (1stBP)

  • No changes

2nd Bachelor stage of the model pathway (2ndBP)
Daytime students of the 2nd Bachelor stage of the expiring programme must retake the course units if they have not obtained them yet such as described below.

Current programme

2015-2016 (or earlier)


Changes to

New programme

starting from 2016-2017


Economic Sociology


Economic Sociology


Corporate Law and Accounting


Corporate Law and Accounting


English II


English 2


Statistics for Business Economists II


Statistics for Business Economists 2


Dutch II


Dutch 2


German II


German 2


Spanish II


Spanish 2


Macro-economics and Economic Policy A


Becomes one course unit

Macro-economics and Economic Policy


Macro-economics and Economic Policy B


Research Methods for Business Economists II


Fundamental content change

Research Methods 2


Mathematics for Business Economists II


Fundamental content change

Mathematics for Business Economists 2


Business Project: Company Screening


Will be expanded/revised

Management Project 2


Management Principles


Will be expanded/revised in the new course units
- Management (1OF)

- Personnel and Organization


Management (1OF)

Personnel and Organization (2OF)




Will be expanded/revised



Financial Statement Analysis


Will be revised

Financial Reporting and Analysis


Introduction to Business Information Systems

Business Information Systems

Data Management



Excluded from 2OF
Becomes course unit in 3OF

ICT Management (3OF in 17-18)


Introduction to Principles of Taxation


Excluded from 2OF

Becomes course unit in 3OF

Principles of Taxation (3OF in 17-18)


Commercial Law


Excluded from 2OF

Will be expanded/revised with Principles of Law (1OF)

Introduction to Law (1OF)


Financial Algebra


Excluded from 2OF

Will be expanded/revised with Bank and Stock Exchanges (1OF)

Financial Institutions and Markets (1OF)


French II


French 2 (advanced)


French II Intensive


French 2


Transitional measures per course unit of the 2nd Bachelor stage
Economic Sociology/Corporate Law and Accounting/English II/Statistics for Business Economists II/ Dutch II/German II/ Spanish II

  • If you have obtained1 the 3 course unit credits, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 3 course unit credits, you must include the course unit again into your ISP.

Complement to Statistics for Business Economists II:

  • If you have not obtained Statistics for Business Economists II, you are not allowed to take Research Project Economics and Management or Statistics for Business Economists III.

  • If you have taken the Statistics for Business Economists II course unit, the Research Project Economics and Management course unit, and Statistics for Business Economists III course unit together and you have not obtained Statistics for Business Economists II, you must include the course unit again into your ISP.

Macro-economics and Economic Policy A en B

Different combinations are possible:

  • If you have not obtained1 Macro-economics and Economic Policy A (4 credits) and neither Macro-economics and Economic Policy B (3 credits), you must include Macro-economics and Economic Policy (HBA16C) (6 credits) from the new/reformed programme into your ISP. Do so in the way mentioned in annex 1 of this document.

  • If you have not obtained1 Macro-economics and Economic Policy A (3 credits) but have obtained Macro-economics and Economic Policy B (4 credits),

  • you can keep your final mark for Macro-economics and Economic Policy B

  • you must include Macro-economics and Economic Policy A (3 credits) into your ISP again. You will attend the classes together with part of the new Macro-economics and Economic Policy course unit (6 credits) from the new/reformed programme. The class hours are automatically shown in your course schedule. However, in order to be able to consult all the information on Toledo and receive all email communication, you need to register for the course of the new Macro-economics and Economic Policy course unit (HBA16C). Do so in the way mentioned in annex 2 of this document.

  • If you have obtained1 Macro-economics and Economic Policy A (3 credits) but have not obtained Macro-economics and Economic Policy B (4 credits),

  • you can keep your final mark for Macro-economics and Economic Policy A

  • you must include Macro-economics and Economic Policy B (4 credits) into your ISP again. You will attend the classes together with part of the new Macro-economics and Economic Policy course unit (6 credits) from the new/reformed programme. The class hours are automatically shown in your course schedule. However, in order to be able to consult all the information on Toledo and receive all email communication, you need to register for the course of the new Macro-economics and Economic Policy course unit (HBA16C). Do so in the way mentioned in annex 2 of this document.

  • If you have obtained1 Macro-economics and Economic Policy A (3 credits) and Macro-economics and Economic Policy B (4 credits), you can keep your final mark for Macro-economics and Economic Policy A and B.

Research Methods for Business Economists II

  • If you have obtained1 the 3 credits for Research Methods for Business Economists II, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 3 credits for Research Methods for Business Economists II,

  • you must include the 3 credits Research Methods 2 (HBA14C) from the new/reformed programme into our ISP such as mentioned in annex 1 of this document, and you do not include Research Project Economics and Management from the old/expiring programme (in 2017-2018, you must take Research Methods 3 from the 3rd programme stage of the new/reformed programme).

  • If you have taken the Research Methods for Business Economists II course unit together with the Research Project Economics and Management course unit, and if you have not obtained Research Methods for Business Economists II, you must include Research Methods for Business Economists II (HBA60A) (3 credits) from the expiring programme into your ISP such as mentioned in annex 1 of this document. Contact your lecturer to learn which assignment must be completed.

Mathematics for Business Economists II

  • If you have obtained1 the 5 credits for Mathematics for Business Economists II, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 5 credits for Mathematics for Business Economists II, you must include Mathematics for Business Economists II with 5 credits again into your ISP. You will attend the classes together with the students of the Mathematics for Business Economists 2 course unit (3 credits) from the new/reformed programme. The class hours are automatically shown in your course schedule. However, in order to be able to consult all the information on Toledo and receive all email communication, you need to register for the course of the new Mathematics for Business Economists 2 (HBA15C) course unit. Do so in the way mentioned in annex 2 of this document. The subject matter of the other 2 credits should be repeated by means of self-instruction.

Business Projects: Company Screening

  • If you have obtained1 the 4 credits for Business Project: Company Screening, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 4 credits for Business Project: Company Screening, you must include the Business Project: Company Screening course unit (4 credits) into your ISP. You will attend the classes together with part of the Management Project 2 course unit from the new/reformed programme. The class hours are automatically shown in your course schedule. However, in order to be able to consult all the information on Toledo and receive all email communication, you need to register for the course of the new Management Project 2 course unit (HBA13C). Do so in the way mentioned in annex 2 of this document.

Management Principles

  • If you have obtained1 the 3 credits for Management Principles, you can keep them and must include Principles of Human Resource Management (3 credits) into your ISP.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 3 credits for Management Principles, you must include the 3 credits of Management Principles again into your ISP. You will attend the classes together with part of the 6 credits Management course unit from the first stage of the new/reformed programme. The class hours are automatically shown in your course schedule. However, in order to be able to consult all the information on Toledo and receive all email communication, you need to register for the course of the new Management course unit (HBA03C). Do so in the way mentioned in annex 2 of this document. It is imperative that you include Principles of Human Resource Management (3 credits) into our ISP.


  • If you have obtained1 the 3 credits for Marketing, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 3 credits for Marketing, you must include the 3 credits of the Marketing course unit again into your ISP. You will attend the class together with part of the 6 credits Marketing course unit from the new/reformed programme. The class hours are automatically shown in your course schedule. However, in order to be able to consult all the information on Toledo and receive all email communication, you need to register for the course of the new Marketing course unit (HBA12C). Do so in the way mentioned in annex 2 of this document.

Financial Statement Analysis

  • If you have obtained1 the 4 credits for Financial Statement Analysis, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 4 credits for Financial Statement Analysis, you must include the 3 credits Financial Reporting and Analysis (HBA09C) from the new/reformed programme into your ISP. Do so in the way mentioned in annex 1 of this document.

Introduction to Business Information Systems

  • If you have obtained1 the 4 credits Introduction to Business Information Systems, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 4 credits for Introduction to Business Information Systems, you must include Introduction to Business Information Systems (4 credits) (HBA40A) into your ISP.

Introduction to Principles of Taxation

  • If you have obtained1 the 3 credits for Principles of Taxation, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 3 credits for Principles of Taxation, you must include Introduction to Principles of Taxation (3 credits) (HBA43A) into your ISP.

Commercial Law

  • If you have obtained1 the 3 credits for Commercial Law, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 3 credits for Commercial Law, you must include Commercial Law (3 credits) (HBA06A) into your ISP.

Financial Algebra

  • If you have obtained1 the 3 credits for Financial Algebra, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 3 credits for Financial Algebra, you must include Financial Algebra (3 credits) (HBA20A) into your ISP.

French II Intensive

  • If you have obtained1 the 6 credits for French intensive II, then you can keep the final mark you received and it is imperative that you include French Intensive III into your ISP.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 6 credits for French intensive II, you must include French Intensive II (6 credits) again into your ISP. You will attend the class together with part of the 3 credits French 2 course unit from the new/reformed programme. The class hours are automatically shown in your course schedule. However, in order to be able to consult all the information on Toledo and receive all email communication, you need to register for the course of the new French 2 course unit (HBA32C). Do so in the way mentioned in annex 2 of this document.

French II

  • If you have obtained1 the 3 credits for French II course unit, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 3 credits for French II course unit, you must include the 3 credit French 2 (advanced) (HBA33C) course unit from the new/reformed ISP. Do so in the way mentioned in annex 1 of this document.

3rdBachelor stage of the model pathway (3rdBP)

(Will be changed comprehensively in 2017-2018)
No changes in the study programme


Research Project Economics and Management

The Research Project Economics course unit can only be included when you also include the Statistics for Business Economists III into your year programme, because of the assignment attached to this project.

Business Projects: Management Game
Because of the assignment attached to this project, Management Game can only be included when you also include (or have already included) the following course units: Financial Accounting A and B, (or Financial Accounting in the new programme), Financial Reporting and analysis and Principles of Management Accounting.
The Management Game is planned in the 2nd week of the 2nd semester.
Business Projects: International Study Visit
English/French/German/Spanish language skills required depending on the destination (London/Paris/Berlin/Madrid).
The study visit abroad is planned for the 2nd week of the 2nd semester.
Master stage of the model pathway (MP)

(Will be changed comprehensively in2018-2019)

For all specialisations
Advanced External and Internal Control

The course unit Advanced External and Internal Control of 3 credits of the subject cluster Management courses will not be offered again.

  • If you have obtained1 the 3 credits for Advanced External and Internal Control, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 3 credits for Advanced External and Internal Control, you must include another course unit from the Management courses subject cluster into your ISP.

Obtaining a 2nd degree in Handelswetenschappen or Business Administration with another specialisation

If you would like to have a 2nd degree in Handelswetenschappen or Business Administration with another specialisation, you should complete an additional Master's thesis. In that case, you must include the new 18 credits Master's Thesis course unit into your individual year programme. A derogation from the ECTS rules is not possible.

Capita Selecta of Economics and Business

Students who take part in summer courses, immersion initiatives etc. can have their participation recognised by means of the Capita Selecta course unit after approval and as of 2016-2017. Economics and Business (6 credits) to be included into the ISP to replace one course unit from the Management courses electives cluster. These students graduate with 63 credits instead of 60 credits. It is equally possible to choose the Capita Selecta Economics and Business course unit (3 credits) from the electives cluster.

For the International Business Management specialisation

Academic year 15-16

Academic year 16-17

Two course units become one course unit with two course modules

  • Entrepreneurship and Policy (course unit)

  • Family Business (course unit)

Entrepreneurship and Family Business

(course unit of 6 credits):

  • Family Businesses (current: B B-KUl

HMA16A - Semester 1) (course unit)

  • Entrepreneurship (current: B-KUL-HMA18A - Semester 2) (course module)

  • Strategic Decision Making (course unit)

  • Strategic management: Organization Learning and Development (course unit)

Strategic Decisions and Organizational Change (course unit of 6 credits):

  • Organizational Learning and Development (current B-KUL-HMA38A) – Semester 2) (course module)

  • Strategic Decision Making (current B-KUL-HMA36A – Semester 2) (course module)

Entrepreneurship and Policy

  • If you have obtained1 the 3 credits for Entrepreneurship and Policy, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 3 credits for Entrepreneurship and Policy, you must include Entrepreneurship and Policy (HMA18A) (3 credits) into your ISP. Do so in the way mentioned in annex 1 of this document.

Family Business

  • If you have obtained1 the 3 credits for Family Business, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 3 credits for Family Business, you must include Family Business (HMA16A) (3 credits) again into your ISP. Do so in the way mentioned in annex 1 of this document.

Strategic Decision Making

  • If you have obtained1 the 3 credits for Strategic Decision Making, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 3 credits for Strategic Decision Making, you must include Strategic Decision Making (HMA36A) again into your ISP. Do so in the way mentioned in annex 1 of this document.

Strategic Management: Organization Learning and Development

  • If you have obtained1 the 3 credits for Strategic Management: Organization Learning and Development, you can keep them.

  • If you have not obtained1 the 3 credits for Strategic Management: Organization Learning, you must include Strategic Management: Organization Learning and Development (HMA38A) (3 credits) into your ISP. Do so in the way mentioned in annex 1 of this document.

Appendix 1: Adding a course from another programme to your ISP yourself through 'Vrij invoegen'

  • How can I freely add a course?

    • In your ISP scroll to "selecting freely from the course offerings"

    • Place your cursor in this field

    • A pop-up screen in which you should add the ECTS code of the course will appear

    • Also add the class time of the course using

Annex 2: Registering yourself for a course on Toledo
5.4 How to enrol yourself for courses that do not belong to your official study programme
Sometimes you might want to enrol into courses that do not belong to your ISP:

• You are enrolled into a study programme that does not (yet) use the ISP application

• a professor teaches two similar courses, but uses only one Toledo course, and asks all students of the second course to enrol themselves into the used Toledo course

• You want to have a quick look at the content of a Toledo course, in order to choose between two courses.

Attention: Manually enrolling in Toledo DOES NOT SUBSTITUTE the administrative enrolment in the ISP application! It can only be used to enrol yourself for unofficial courses.

Log in to Toledo. Open the tab page 'My Toledo' and inside the module ‘Quick Links’, click on the link ‘Manage Toledo enrolments’. Next select the option ‘Enrol’ in the dropdown menu on the top right.

Use the search to look for a course. You can use the facets on the left to refine your search results. Once you have found the course, click on the button ‘Enrol’ to enrol yourself manually. By default all Toledo courses are open for manual enrolment through the enrolment module for staff and students.

However, instructors can close their courses and communities so that only students of the study programme the course belongs to, or sometimes even nobody, can enrol through the enrolment module. When you are not allowed to enrol, the enrol button will display the text ‘Closed’. If this is the case, contact the instructor and ask them if they want to enrol you.

5.5 How to unenrolled yourself for courses that do not belong (anymore) to your official study programme
When you unenrolled yourself from a course in the ISP application, you are AUTOMATICALLY unenrolled from the related Toledo course.

Courses without a cogwheel icon do not belong to your official study programme. You have either enrolled yourself for this courses through the ‘Enrolment module’, or a staff member has enrolled you manually. For all these courses, you can unenrolled yourself through the ‘Unenrolment module’. For official courses and communities (with a cogwheel) that are linked to your ISP, you can’t unroll yourself in Toledo by using the ‘Unenrolment module’.

Log in to Toledo. Open the tab page 'My Toledo' and inside the module ‘Quick Links’, click on the link ‘Manage Toledo enrolments’. Next select the option ‘Unenrol’ in the dropdown menu on the top right. Click on the button ‘Unenrol’ next to the course from which you want to be unenrolled.

Please find the complete manual on: .


1 Obtained credits: the total number of earned credits, credits for which tolerance is applied and granted exemptions

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