Chapel haddlesey parish council minutes of the parish council meeting

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HELD ON Thursday 7th January 2016

At 7.00pm in the Church Community Hall


16001: a)i) Apologies, acceptance of reasons for apologies and Declarations of Interest - none

a) ii) Present - Cllrs P & J Brunyard, M Langhan, J Smith, A Chambers & D Eldborough, plus the clerk (Bryan Metcalf), Assistant Clerk (Helen Guest) & 10 members of the public for item 16006

b) To receive and consider any written requests for dispensation from councillors with a declarable pecuniary interest - none

c) To remind members to update their register of interests noted
16002: It was resolved to approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 8th Dec 2015
16003: Comment and concerns from the public

Mr Peter Seymour (PS) informed the council of the bid to register the Jug Inn as a Community Asset. He mentioned that the lease has less than a year to run. and that the lease and freehold are up for sale. PS asked that the council supports the application and offers and expertise that can assist the cause.

16004: Finance

A It was resolved to approve the accounts to November 2015 (attached)

B Ref the assistant clerk's report on future pensions - It was confirmed that the council is up to date with the requirements for this.

C To confirm or amend the recommendation from meeting on 8.12.15 for the formal precept (amount to be paid to CHPC excluding community tax rebate calculations). Initial recommendation as follows:- It was resolved to combine the grants and miscellaneous budget headings and to recommend a 3% increase in precept for 2016/17 = £4818.34 or £4820 if rounded up.

To note recently received information from Selby DC grant drops to £74.57 from £118.11 -, Increase in Band D = from £85.49 to £86.69, This may allow increasing the precept to £5000 to allow some street light improvement.

After consideration of these new facts it was resolved to set the precept (income to the council) at £5000.

D It was noted that the present balances after outgoings is circa £6643

E. It was resolved to approve the following payments:-

a) Acorn Lighting Services Ltd 2 repairs - £75.51 + £15.10 VAT = £90.61

b) Churchyard Grant £180.

c) HMRC Q3 £65.20

d) B Metcalf (salary Nov/Dec) £90.26

e) CH Guest (salary Nov/Dec) £83.78
F It was resolved to note changes in HSBC service including use of post offices and PCs now covered by Financial services compensation scheme.

G It was resolved to use the new Sector Led Body for audit at a possible one off cost of £100.
16005 Fish Pass

        To note the progress as follows "UK Hydro Ltd have redesigned their hydro scheme and now believe they have a financially viable solution. They anticipate agreeing terms to acquire the site from the landowner in the next 2 weeks. UK Hydro have locked in their Feed In Tariff by paying upfront for the grid connection and if they are to maintain this Feed In Tariff they need to complete the scheme and be generating by December 2016."

16006 Jug Inn - a) to discuss the future of the Jug Inn and its curtilage Background papers include information from Mr Peter Seymour. Members are reminded that although there may be legal ways of the parish council being involved every £85 committed by the parish council = £1 on the Band D rate.

b) to decide if any further research needs to be done and if so detail the research required.

c) to consider comments on the Application for inclusion on the Community Asset Register

The council considered the information given and resolved that:-

A That it is important that the Jug Inn remains as a public house

B That listing of the building is not pursued at this time.

C That the application for community asset registration be strongly supported by responding to the request for comments on the above application.
16007 Highways Issues and North Yorkshire County Council

In reporting minor highways issues - the clerk was asked to remind the police about our interest in the speedwatch campaign.

B A19 flooding - High levels of rainfall had caused overflow into the flood plain south of the River Aire. The amount of overflow was such that the A19 was closed due to flooding. The clerk was requested to:-

a) Enquire if public transport could be provided in future floods (the normal 415 and 150 buses didn't run.

b) To ask NY Highways what would be involved in raising the road to avoid closure.

c) To contact the Environment Agency to clarify the flood risk as insurers are reluctant to insure properties or impose high premiums

C In noting changes to the no 150 bus service, the clerk was asked to point out that the 1520 to Doncaster was early for people workimg in Selby.

16008 The pinfold - to check the present situation - OK at the moment.


16009 Planning

a) It was resolved that the council had no concerns ref the proposed two storey extension, garage alterations and replacement of conservatory with garden room at Greencroft House, Hirst Rd

b) It was resolved that the council had no concerns ref the proposed first floor extension and creation of new entrance porch at The Kestrels, Hirst Road.
16010 Doorstep Green and Lease

a) The "final" lease has been sent to Natural England's legal advisors, remind again

16011 YLCA

a) White Rose Nov Update -The following items were noted

i) Fly a flag for the Commonwealth 14/3/16

ii) Selby Branch Meeting 10 Feb 2016 at Selby Town Hall

iii) District Councils can now make public space protection orders (PSPOs) to control dogs on public spaces.

iv) Chairmen requested to check clerk's statement of particulars of employment

v) 1% pay rise likely

b) White Rose Update -information for note

NALC appointments, CilCA successes,

Information on local government spending review highlight no referendum for any parish raising the precept in 2016/17
i) YLCA membership fees to rise by 4.9%
16012: Digital Transparency Fund: The assistant clerk was requested to progress this requesting grant aid for one or more of the following a laptop up to £300 plus software , website training £75, revised website £500.

16013 Information

a) Reports of meetings attended for information only none

b) Notice of the Southern CEF partnership board meeting Jan 14th meeting and background papers were passed to Cllr Chambers
16014: To note the progress of ongoing items and to send reminders as necessary – see Appendix A


16015: Minor items (previously delegated to the clerk) and items for the next agenda


16016: Meetings in 2016

It was noted that the date of the July meeting should be the 21st.

March 17th, Annual Parish and Annual Meeting of Council May 12th, July 21st, Sept 15th, Nov 17th and Budget Meeting Dec 8th

Closure of meeting.


Appendix A: Ongoing items:-

        Fish pass, footpath on river bank and path across river bridge - on agenda

        SDC Long term lease on doorstep green – on agenda

        Progress assistant clerk’s contract/job description – for signature


        Commons registration awaiting reply from NALC

  • Street light upgrade refer to budget meeting

Appendix B - Community right to Bid Government research Doc

This note briefly discusses the 'community right to bid' for ‘assets of community value’, introduced by the Localism Act 2011. Councils must maintain a list of ‘community assets’, nominated by community groups. If the asset is sold, the group will be given time to come up with a bid. The note discusses the workings of the scheme and related options with regard to community land and buildings.

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Part 5 Chapter 3 of the Localism Act 2011 provides for a scheme called ‘assets of community value’. This requires district and unitary councils to maintain a list of ‘community assets’. It has also become known as the ‘community right to bid’.

Community assets can be nominated by parish councils or by groups with a connection with the community. Individuals cannot nominate community assets. If the nomination is accepted, local groups will be given time to come up with a bid for the asset when it is sold.

The right to bid only applies when an asset’s owner decides to dispose of it. There is no compulsion on the owner to sell it. The scheme does not give first refusal to the community group, unlike the equivalent scheme in Scotland. It is not a community right tobuy the asset, just to bid. This means that the local community bid may not be the successful one.

Certain types of land, most notably residential property, are exempt from being placed on the register. Owners of property placed on the register may appeal against its listing and can claim compensation if they can demonstrate its value has been reduced. Also, certain types of transfer of land or assets do not count as ‘disposals’ for the purposes of the legislation.

The community right to bid extends to England; the Welsh Government has not yet commenced it with regard to Wales. It is separate from the community right to reclaim land and community asset transfer, which are also addressed within this note. 

Appendix C - circulation

  • Clerks and Councils Direct

  • Wicksteed Playgrounds

  • Broxap Litter Bins

  • NYCC Children & Families Service: Prevention events to March 2016

  • Glasdon bins, seats, signs, noticeboards, litter collectors.winter safety equipent,shelters and bollards.

  • Realist Futures plastic picnic tables.

Appendix D - Transparency fund application basics

  1. If your turn over is greater than £25k this does not apply to you, If you are a parish meeting this does not apply to you.

  2. You can have your own website or space on a partner organisations website.

  3. If you have spent money since the legislation has been in force to meet the requirements you should be able to make a claim through your CALC.

  4. Examples of what you may be able to claim a grant for include: Computer, scanner, broadband access and training. Once funding is available compliance will be assessed.

  5. This funding is to promote participation by elector in the Parish Council Process and to give access to financial information with ease.

  6. Councils of under £25,000 turnover will still need to prepare accounts but will no longer be part of a standard audit process from the 2017/18 financial year.

  7. What is the worst that can happen? If you are not compliant with the transparency requirements theoretically an elector can challenge in the courts with a judicial review.

  8. There is an expectation from the public that public bodies will have an online presence,

  9. The government has done this to promote transparency to ensure that electors have access to all information about their local Parish Council.

Having put in all the hard work, if your council would like reassurance that you have met the conditions in the code, then you might want to consider applying for the Local Council Award Scheme. The Foundation Award of the Local Council Award Scheme covers all the necessary requirements in the Transparency Code for smaller councils, alongside other minimum legal requirements. So you can have the peace of mind that you have achieved what you set out to achieve!

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