Chapter Four Globalization and
Regionalism By Mahteme Feleke 4.1. Defining Globalization •
Globalizationis ab multidimensional process
characterized by 1.
stretching of social and political activities across political
state borders •
, decisions and activities in one part of the world impacts individuals and communities in the
other parts of the world the intensification of interconnectedness in almost every aspect of social existence •
economy, ecology, health issues like HIV Covid,
world trade, weapons etc. the
accelerating pace of global interactions and process •
rapid worldwide transport and communication increase leading to fast transmission of news, goods,
information, capital and technology to move around the world with ease
4.deepening enmeshment (tangle)
of local and global •
local events might have serious global impact global events might have great impact on local consequences lead the world to be a shared social space
Globalizationalso taken to mean
the process of time-space compression (process of
– National economic space is no longer conterminous (adjoined) with national territorial space alone.
– In the globalized world,
territorial borders no longer demarcate the boundaries of national economic or political space. –
Under globalization,
territory and borders role as a constraints of social action and exercise of power is declining.