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Jeannette Lange

831-335-4721 x110

March 11, 2015

This Pepsi-Cola Company has generously paid for this resource.

NEW: This PG&E site has several scholarships available.

The Christian Connector, Inc. gives free Christian college information service as well as a $2500 Christian college scholarship drawing.

Princeton Review – find colleges by filtering on a student’s acaemic and extracurricular history.

Cappex – easy to use calculator which tells a student’s chances for admission to a college.

YOUniversity TV – take video tours of campuses across the nation.

Zinch – create self-marketing profiles resembling college applications which students can send to colleges and/or colleges can use to reach out to students.

If a site asks for your social security number or money, do not use that site.

California’s Middle Class Scholarship (MCS)

Due Date: Upon completion of FAFSA



Criteria: Must complete the FAFSA and not have a combined family income more than $150,000.

State Council Cabrillo Civic Clubs of California, Inc.

Due Date: January 1st – March 15th

Value: $500

GPA: 3.5 (total weighted for 9-12th grade)

Criteria: Student must be of Portuguese descent and be a USA citizen or permanent resident and be a high school graduate with a diploma. You must be going to a community college, state college or university, trade school or university the applicant plans to attend. You must have participated in 3 extra-curricular activities and present 3 letters of recommendation from a Principal, Counselor and a teacher and also complete the essay.

The Italian Catholic Federation

Due Date: March 15, 2015

Value: $400

GPA: 3.2

Criteria: Student must be a Roman Catholic graduating senior of Italian descent. If either Roman Catholic parent or grandparent is a member of the Italian Catholic Federation, applicant must be Roman Catholic but need not be of Italian descent, or live where Branches are established. For more information please visit their website at or pick up an application from Jeannette.

Sigma Alpha of Omega Nu

Due Date: March 25, 2015

Value: $700 - $2,000

GPA: 3.2

Criteria: Student must be a graduating senior going to 2-4 year public college in CA. Students must be in need of financial assistance and provide a letter of recommendation form a teacher or counselor. Also, personal and financial information, including the most recent tax returns and a short biography and photograph must be provided.

Interviews will take place Tuesday, May 5th and Wednesday, May 6th. Please pick up and application from Jeannette.
California Wine Grape Growers Foundation

Due Date: March 31, 2015

Value: 2 - $8,000 4-yr scholarships (UC or CSU)

4 - $2,000 2-yr scholarships (Community College)


Criteria: If you are related to someone who is a wine grape grower, you can study the subject of your choice! You can pick up a scholarship from Jeannette in Counseling and visit their website at

Joseph A Grabill “UNK” Scholarship

Due Date: March 31, 2015

Value: $1,000 (not to exceed)


Criteria: Must be a gradating senior and a member of Key Club.

Mike Smith Kiwanis Scholarship

Due Date: March 31, 2015

Value: $2,500 (not to exceed)


Criteria: This scholarship is to benefit one graduating senior, who, on the basis of civic achievement and community involvement will best represent the Northern Valleys of Santa Cruz County and the ideals of Kiwanis which are referenced in the Kiwanis of the Valley web site. Go to for details and a link to Kiwanis International. In some instances, two students may share the award.

Monterey Bay Chapter - CANGC

Due Date: March 31, 2015

Value: $4,000.00 + 4 at $500 (for books)


Criteria: Applicants must demonstrate a strong interest in pursuing a Horticulture related career. Horticulture or Landscape Architecture majors qualify. Other majors such as Ag. Business Management, Ag. Economics & Finance, Ag. Pest Control, Plant Genetics, and Botany may qualify if career relevance to Horticulture and the Nursery Industry is indicated. Goals & Activities listed on the application should demonstrate the student’s expressed interest in Horticulture and the extent of their commitment. Please pick up an application from Jeannette.

San Jose State University Alumni Scholarship

Due Date: March 31, 2015

Value: $500 to $2,000

GPA: 3.0

Criteria: Must be enrolled at SJSU for fall 2015-16 school year. Evidence of involvement in school and/or community affairs. Completed application, typed student statement, 2 letters of recommendation, high school transcript and proof of admission to SJSU for fall 2015 as a full-time student (12 units or more). Pick up an application from Jeannette.
Palo Alto Foundation Medical Group - Pre-Med Scholarship

Due Date: April 1, 2015

Value: $20,000 (over 5 years)

GPA: Top 20% of class

Criteria: Student must be planning to become a doctor (MD) and selects a college major that will prepare them for this career. You also must demonstrate need for financial assistance to attend a 4-year college or university (verified by FAFSA, SAR and parent’s tax returns). Required is a 1000 word essay, a statement of support from your counselor, a transcript and FAFSA, SAR and parent’s tax return. For more information please visit their website at or call Dr. Atkins at 459-6414.
The Military Officers Association of America (MOAA

Due Date: April 1, 2015

Value: $500 to $1,000

GPA: 3.0

Criteria: Eligible applicants must be entering or already pursuing a college degree and have ties to Santa Cruz County.  Preference will be given to: (1) students who will pursue a military career, preferable as an officer (2) students whose parents, grandparents or siblings have served or are serving in the military and (3) students who are closely related to a MOAA Santa Cruz Member. Please see Jeannette for the information sheet.
California Women for Agriculture

Due Date: April 3, 2015

Value: $500 - $2,000

GPA: 3.0

Criteria: Student must be a female high school graduate and pursuing a bachelor’s degree, an associate’s degree or a degree from an accredited trade school in agriculture or related subject area. You must be employed as a farm laborer or have at least one parent or a spouse who has been employed as a farm laborer for two consecutive seasons in Monterey, San Benito or Santa Cruz County. Please pick up an application from Jeannette.

2015 College Scholarships

Due Date: April 6, 2015, 11:59pm (PST)

Value: $4,000 - $10,000

GPA: 3.0

Criteria: The student must be a high school senior, enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited North California high school. Scholarships are both need and merit based. You must have been accepted for enrollment at a four-year college/university the same year the scholarship is awarded. If the applicant is awaiting application results, the official acceptance letter may be submitted at a later date. You do not need to be a member of Youth on Course, but Youth on Course members and/or golfers will be given first priority during selection. You can join today at Pick up an info sheet from Jeannette.

Phil Bassetti Memorial Scholarship

Due Date: April 15, 2015

Value: $1,000 along with a 1yr membership in the CA Deer Association.

GPA: 3.0

Criteria: The student must be planning to study in wildlife related natural resource programs, or college students majoring in the field of agriculture, forestry, animal and wildlife husbandry, rangeland science, veterinary science or resource management may apply. Applicants must: be a high school senior in good standing and scheduled to be enrolled as a full-time student for the following school term. Please pick up an application from Jeannette.

Sharing the Magic of Rotary Scholarship

Due Date: April 15, 2015

Value: $1,000


Criteria: Student must be a graduating senior continuing their education. They must show leadership skills through his/her life experiences. A student continuing their education in the Fall at a 2-yr or 4-yr college, university or vocational school immediately following receipt of the scholarship and who receives a high school diploma in June 2015 from either San Lorenzo Valley High School or SLV Charter School. Please pick up an application from Jeannette.

Mike Drake Scholarship 2015

Due Date: April 15, 2015



Criteria: Students must have had a least one-year of ROP Video Production Class experience. Students may have a plan to go into any field of Visual, Performing or Media Arts. You must write a 1000 word statement, provide a transcript and evidence of a film you made (DVD or url to youtube) or a script you wrote for the SLVHS video production class. Please pick-up an application from Jeannette.

Department of Transportation

Due Date: April 17, 2015

Value: $750


Criteria: The student must complete the application and a one-page summary explaining why you think you would be the best choice for the scholarship and why you would like to pursue a career in transportation. Include a High School Transcript along with name and phone number of a personal reference from a teacher, counselor, administrator, etc. at your High School.

Sons of Italy In America Watsonville Lodge #2016

Due Date: April 17, 2015


GPA: 3.0

Criteria: Student must be of Italian heritage or related to a member of Sons of Italy Lodge 2016. A paragraph up to 300 words, on your Italian heritage, which is important as it will be used as part of your overall application. You must include with the application Letters of Recommendation (minimum 2) from teachers, administrators, or members of the community, and a complete official transcript including recent test scores, i.e. SAT or ACT. Please pick up an application from Jeannette.

Sons of Italy in America Watsonville Lodge #2016

Due Date: April 17, 2015


GPA: 3.0

Criteria: Student must be pursuing studies in field of Agriculture Sciences and must be of Italian heritage or related to a member of Sons of Italy Lodge 2016. You must complete the application and submit a certified transcript and official certification of rank in graduating class, scores of SAT/PSAT/ACT, and GPA. Letters of recommendation (minimum of 2) form teachers, administrators, or members of the Community. Also include a 300-word essay on your Italian origin and heritage. This is important, as it will be used as part of your overall application. Please pick up an application from Jeannette.

2015 Student-View Scholarship Program

Due Date: April 22, 2015

Value: 1- $4,000, 2- $1,000, 10-$500


Criteria: Just log into and complete a 15-20 minute application survey about college in your area.

Valley Women’s Club Scholarship for Cabrillo College Scholarship Award

Due Date: April 23, 2015



Criteria: To apply for this scholarship the student must be a graduating Senior, be a resident of San Lorenzo Valley, and is enrolling in Cabrillo College as a full-time student (12 units) in the Fall of 2015. Pick up an application from Jeannette.

Valley Women’s Club Scholarship for STEM Scholarship

Due Date: April 23, 2015

Value: $2,000


Criteria: Student must be female and a graduating senior, be a resident of the San Lorenzo Valley, and enrolling in an accredited college or university with a major in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics as a full-time student (12 units) in the Fall of 2015. Please pick up an application from Jeannette.

Chief Robustelli Citizens’ Scholarship

Due Date: April 30, 2015

Value: 3- $1,000


Criteria: Must be a SLVHS senior graduating this year. (Preference will be given to students enrolled in the Boulder Creek Fire Protection District Internship Program). Must write a 300 page (minimum) – 400 page (maximum) biography, submit a copy of your last quarter grades and complete the application. Please pick on up from Jeannette.

Wayne Richards Memorial Scholarship

Due Date: April 30, 2015

Value: $1,000 (1 girl; 1 boy) & 2 $500 (for anyone)

GPA: 3.0

Criteria: Must be a graduating senior varsity athlete. You must intend to enroll full-time, starting in the Fall, 2015, at a university, college, or trade school or your choice. Show evidence of involvement in school or community and be a citizen of the United States.

FIDM – National Scholarship Program

Due Date: April 30,2015

Value: awards over $300,000 in scholarships


Criteria: Through this competition, seven students who demonstrate an exceptional talent and interest in Fashion Design, Visual Communication, Interior Design, Digital Media, Fashion Merchandising, Graphic Design or Product Development will each win a one-year scholarship to attend FIDM. Please go to to learn more about opportunities for incoming students.

Athletic Booster Award

Due Date: May 1, 2015

Value: $500

GPA: 2.5

Criteria: Student must be a varsity athlete. Parent involvement may be considered but not necessary. Financial need is not criteria. Applicant must submit a minimum of 3 paragraphs about lessons or skills learned in sports that will be useful in your adult life. Application must be fill out completely and able to read. Please pick up an application from Jeannette.

Cougar Parents Club

Due Date: May 1, 2015

Value: $ a variety


Criteria: Complete the application and attach a 500 page summary (typed and double spaced) describing your service. If your volunteering is within SLVHS, describe how your service goes beyond any regular class requirements. Do not include your name, identifiable school positions, or family’s name in the essay. Pick up an application from Jeannette

Alice Earl Wilder Citizenship Scholarship

Due Date: May 1, 2015



Criteria: This scholarship is intended for those students who exhibit excellence in community service during their years of attendance. Please pick up an application from Jeannette.


SLV Little League’s SLVHS Senior Scholarship

Due Date: May 1, 2015

Value: $200-$300


Criteria: Must be a male or female who played SLV Little League and also returned to the league in some capacity as a coach, umpire or volunteer. The applicant does not have to have high school baseball experience. The applicant does not have to be committed to playing baseball beyond high school. The applicant does not need to be college-bound. Please pick up an application from Jeannette.

Ardeth DeVries Memorial Scholarship

Due Date: May 1, 2015

Value:             $100

GPA               2.0

Criteria:         Student in good standing with a “C” or better, participated in the Performing Arts, complete the Local Scholarship Application Form, submit a letter of recommendation from a teacher.

Ashby Steele Memorial Scholarship

Due Date: May 1, 2015

Value: $500

GPA: 2.0

Criteria: Student in good standing, planning to enter the Medical Field, complete the Local Scholarship Application Form, submit a letter of recommendation from a teacher and write a one page essay on why you merit being selected for this scholarship.

Bill Martin Memorial Scholarship

Due Date: May 1, 2015

Value: Amount to be determined


Criteria: Student in good standing, with a desire to be a productive member of society and planning to enter the trades or college. Complete the Local Scholarship Application Form. Write a one-page essay on why you merit being selected for this scholarship.

Ken Frey Memorial Scholarship

Due Date: May 1, 2015

Value: $500

GPA: 2.5

Criteria: Student in good standing, planning to enter the Mathematics and Teaching fields, complete the Local Scholarship Application Form, submit a letter of recommendation from a teacher and write a one-page essay on why you merit being selected for this scholarship.

Mario Esposito Memorial Scholarship

Due Date: May 1, 2015

Value: $500


Criteria: Student in good standing and former participant in Little League. Worked at being a conscientious student. Complete the Local Scholarship Application Form and write a one-page essay about plans for the future.

Mike Smith Memorial Scholarship

Due Date: May 1, 2015

Value: $500


Criteria: Student in good standing, planning to enter the Fire Service, complete the Local Scholarship Application Form. Write a one-page essay on why you merit being selected for this scholarship.

SLV Alumni Association Scholarships

Due Date: May 1, 2015

Value: $500


Criteria: Student in good standing, complete the Local Scholarship Application Form. Write a one-page essay on why you merit being selected for this scholarship.

Goedeker’s Appliances Annual College Book Scholarship

Due Date: July 31, 2015

Value: $500 (for books) and 2 $100 (honorable mention)

GPA: 3.0

Criteria: Student must write a 300 word minimum essay on why attending college and your field-of-study are important to you. Give us some insight into your personal background, your philosophy about learning, why you chose your field in particular, and any other information you feel relevant. You will be judged on originality, creativity, organization of thought and proper spelling, punctuation and grammar. Pick up an application from Jeannette.

Goedeker’s Appliances Annual Public Service College Book Scholarship

Due Date: July 31, 2015

Value: $500 (for books) and 2 $100 (honorable mention)


Criteria: Student must write an essay about why you personally deserve to be a scholarship recipient. Provide some insight into your background and area of need; convince us that you would be the best choice. These will be judged based on originality, creativity, organization of thought and proper spelling, punctuation and grammar. Pick up an application from Jeannette.

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