Cisco 360 Learning Program for ccie

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Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE

Application Addendum: Voice

October 2009

This application addendum is for learning partners specifically wanting to offer the Voice program tack of the Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE.

Learning Partners applying for the CCIE Voice track as their first track must complete and submit both the Learning Partner Special Practice Application and this Voice Application Addendum for each theater they have an executed Learning Partner agreement in order to offer the Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Voice. Learning Partners already approved for the Routing and Switching track need only complete this Application Addendum for each theater they have an executed Learning Partner agreement and does not need to resubmit another Learning Partner Special Practice Application.
Information about the CCIE Special Practice, the Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE and specific requirements for the CCIE Voice track are located on the Learning Partner website under the Special Practice Program area for CCIE. Learning Partners must meet all program requirements prior to being approved by Cisco.
General questions should be directed via email to Email will be the primary method of communication, but telephone or face-to-face meeting will be held upon request.

  • All submitters will be notified of award status within ten business days of receiving the application.

  • Application must be returned via email to:

  • The selected partner must provide a single point of contact to interact with Cisco.

Company Information

Learning Partner Name:

Address and Phone#:

Learning Partner Website:

Learning Partner Level (CLSP, CLP, Associate):

Learning Partner Site# (in LPMS):

Highlight the theatre currently qualified as a Cisco Learning Partner and would like to offer the Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Voice.
Note: A separate Application is required for each theater (not Region) a Learning Partner wishes to offer the Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Voice and must already have a Learning Partner contract to operate in the theater.

Asia Pacific

Emerging Markets (highlight region(s) you will offer the CCIE Voice track)

  • CEE


  • MEA

  • RCIS



North America

Primary Contact Name and Phone #:


All required personnel must be full-time staff or individual partner has contracted exclusively with to act as contractors on behalf of the partner. All required personnel must reside in the theater where partner's executed agreement is valid.

I. Administrative/Customer Service

Partner must have minimum of one (1) administrative/customer service representative to support CCIE SPP student registration and place product orders in the Cisco 360 Learning Management System. Provide the name, email address and CCO ID for the person(s) that will be placing orders in the Cisco 360 Learning Management System.




II. Marketing/Programs

Upon approval, you will be granted access to a WebEx Connect Space for only approved Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Voice partners containing important program information and marketing materials. Please list the name(s) and email of those staff that will need to have access to this space.



III. Instructors

The minimum requirements for CCIE SPP instructors include, but not limited to:

  • Partner must have one two (2) CCSIs certified in CCIE Voice if Partner is applying to offer the CCIE voice track in a single theater where they have executed a Learning Partner agreement OR one (1) CCSI certified in CCIE Voice per theater if Partner is applying for more than one theater where Partner has executed Learning Partner agreements. CCIE certification status will be verified by the CCIE Verification tool located at

  • Instructors must be a Certified Cisco Systems Instructor (CCSI) in good standing and signed the CCSI agreement.

  • Must complete the Instructor Development Program and be certified to teach the specific Voice workshops (CIEV1 and CIEV2). Learning Partner Management System (LPMS) must reflect instructor is certified to teach these workshops.

  • The two required CCIE CCSIs required for the Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Voice are employed by partner (full-time staff or exclusive contractor) and are associated with partner in the Cisco Partner Self Service database ( and the Learning Partner Management System (LPMS)

  • Partner must adhere to the established Learning Partner program policy regarding loss of a CCIE/CCSI and hiring a CCIE/CCSI from another Cisco Learning Partner as posted on the Learning Partner website under Policies.

  • Does not use their CCSI status for any activity not associated with the delivery of Cisco authorized training Courses using authorized Training Materials, or for any other activity not permitted by the CCSI Agreement.

  • Does not create any training courses or materials that are deemed, in Cisco’s sole judgment, to be outside the terms and conditions of the CCSI Agreement. Such works could include, but are not limited to, training courses or self study materials that cover the objectives of any Training Course or test associated with any Cisco Career Certification that are published independently of Cisco, Cisco Press, or any other such Cisco authorized publishing program that contains Cisco Content.

  • Must have an instructor rating average of 4.5 or greater for the last six months as recorded in Metrics That Matter.

  • Cisco highly recommends instructors have a minimum of 5+ years of experience as a CCIE instructor or professional level work experience.

Please list a minimum of 1 qualified instructor if this application is one of multiple theater applications Partner is submitting or a minimum of 2 qualified instructors if this application is the only theater application Partners is submitting. Partner can only apply to offer the CCIE Voice track in the theater(s) where they currently have an executed Learning Partner agreement.

Instructor Name

(First and Last Name)

List instructor credentials OR attach instructor resume/CV along with application

Instructor CCIE #

Instructor CCSI #

Signed CCSI Agreement (Y or N)

Instructor Rating from MTM (last 6 months)

IV. Mentor(s)

As required, partners must provide mentoring on a weekly basis depending on the need of each student. The mentor(s) can be an instructor or SME that can diagnose errors and omissions in learning lab configurations, consult the students on optimizing their configurations for desired outcomes, and answer expert level networking questions.

Please supply information for each Instructor or SME you expect to use as mentors for CCIE voice studernts.


(First and Last Name)

List credentials OR attach resume/CV along with application



Briefly describe how you plan to setup, schedule and conduct student mentoring:

Instructor Certification

Instructors are required to complete the Instructor Development Program (IDP) designed specifically for the Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Voice and consists of the following:

Note: before the CCIE Voice track launches in December 2009 instructors that attend one of the Alpha or Beta classes will be credited with the “Sit the Class” requirement

Instructor Name

Briefly outline plan and timeline for getting instructor(s) fully certified to teach both CIEV1 and CIEV2 workshops.


Learning Partners approved to offer the CCIE Voice track must provide lab equipment to support the topology established by Cisco for the Voice track. Specifically, the partner must be able to demonstrate all pods are in place (owned or rented) that supports the topology (physical connectivity and IOS version, ability to save configurations, etc.) for the 25 practice labs used in the Voice Practice Lab Workbook.

The equipment list can be downloaded from the Learning Partner website on the Voice tab under the Special Practice Program area for CCIE. The topology will be provided after the Learning Partner application is approved.

Please indicate whether you will be using partners own lab equipment or will be using equipment from a Cisco approved remote lab provider.

Equipment Source for Voice Practice Labs

Option 1: Will use own lab equipment required by the Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Voice

Option 2: Will use Cisco approved remote lab provider (enter below) for the equipment required by the Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Voice
Approved remote lab provider name we will be using is:
Note: if you have any questions about approved remote lab providers email

Transition Plan

Partner may continue to offer any Cisco approved Derivative Works (DW) for Voice learning products (ILT classes, workbooks, CDs, etc.) until they expire or December 31, 2009, whichever is sooner. DWs that complement or supplement Cisco 360 program for CCIE Routing & Swtiching (i.e. CCIE Written Bootcamp, bridging content – CCNP to Expert, etc.) can be resubmitted for renewal after expiration.

Briefly describe the plan for transitioning from partners current CCIE Voice courses to the authorized Cisco 360 Voice program.

Student and Revenue Forecast

Please provide the quantity of students and revenue forecasted for the next four Cisco quarters.







FY10 – Q2

FY10 – Q3

FY10 – Q4

FY11 – Q1


360 CCIE Voice Bundles

#Students / Revenue

#Students / Revenue

#Students / Revenue

#Students / Revenue














A La Carte











Total estimated units & revenue of all A La Carte products





Total Qty / Revenues (US$)

Financial Documentation (CLP and Associate only)

Gilmore is the company Cisco uses to invoice approved Learning Partners who place Cisco 360 CCIE product orders. Since CLPs and Associates do not have a Payment Agreement in place with Glimore they must provide the following financial information along with this application. Cisco finance will review as part of the application process and will have Gilmore send a Payment Agreement once approved to offer the Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE.


  1. a copy of your companies last full year (12 month period) balance sheet and income statement verified by an audit

  1. a copy of your companies two most recent quarter balance sheets and income statements

  1. an estimate of first year a) number of students and b) revenue from the Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Voice. The above Student and Revenue Forecast table will be sufficient.

Cisco Content Licensing, Royalties, and Payment Terms and Conditions

  1. Cisco Content. Cisco hereby grants to Learning Partner a nonexclusive, nontransferable license during the term of this Agreement to:

    1. use, publicly perform and publicly display the Cisco Content and/or the Cisco Products solely related to the Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE to provide Training Courses solely to Cisco Students, Cisco Learning Partners, Cisco Learning Solutions Partners and Associates;

    2. copy, modify and create Derivative Works of the Cisco Content solely to create Cisco Derived Courses; and

    3. use and display the Cisco Marks solely in connection with Learning Partner’s activities which are directly related to providing Training Courses to Cisco Students.

  1. Other Cisco Property. To the extent that Learning Partner has licensed or licenses or has purchased or purchases any other Cisco hardware, software or Intellectual Property (collectively “Other Cisco Property”), pursuant to any other agreement between Learning Partner and Cisco (collectively “Other Agreements”), Cisco hereby grants to Learning Partner the rights to use, display and perform, as applicable, such Other Cisco Property, solely in connection with those of Learning Partner’s activities that are directly related to providing Training Courses to Cisco Students, and subject to any restrictions imposed by such Other Agreements.

  2. Cisco Learning Partner is limited to purchasing CCIE Voice content specific to the Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE.

  3. Learning Partner shall not grant to Associates or Learning Partner’s authorized Resellers the right to distribute Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Content

  4. Except for the limited license rights granted in item 2 above (Other Cisco Property), Cisco retains all right, title and interest (including all Intellectual Property Rights therein) in and to the Cisco Content and Cisco Products and any portions thereof. Learning Partner shall take any and all steps reasonably required to preserve Cisco’s rights in and to the Cisco Content and the Cisco Products, and shall not take any action to undermine or otherwise impair such rights.

  5. Except as otherwise expressly authorized in this Agreement, Learning Partner agrees not to remove, conceal, obscure, modify or alter any Cisco Marks, Cisco copyright notices, product identification information or other notices or markings placed by Cisco in or on the Cisco Content or the Cisco Products.

  6. Learning Partner's use of any Cisco Marks shall be in accordance with applicable law and Cisco’s policies, procedures or guidelines regarding advertising and trademark usage, as set forth on and amended by Cisco from time to time. Learning Partner agrees not to attach to or combine with any Cisco Marks, any additional trademarks, logos or trade designations. Learning Partner shall have no claim or right in the Cisco Marks.

  7. With respect to any Software contained in the Cisco Content or Cisco Products, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, Learning Partner shall not: (i) transfer, sublicense or otherwise distribute such Software to any third party; (ii) modify or create derivative works of such Software or permit any third party to do so; (iii) copy such Software; or (iv) use such Software in any manner to provide service bureau, time-sharing, rental, application service provider or other computer services to third parties. Learning Partner shall not disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise try to determine or access the source code of any such Software or permit or encourage any third party to do so. To the extent required by applicable law, Learning Partner may require Cisco to provide technical information relating to such Software, provided that such information will be deemed to be Confidential Information. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, Learning Partner’s use of any such Software will be strictly in accordance with the terms and conditions of the license under which Learning Partner obtains rights from Cisco relating to such Software.

  1. During the term of this Agreement, Learning Partner may not, except as otherwise expressly provided herein, provide any course or content that contains or includes the Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Content or any portion or derivative thereof, or any materials created by or for Cisco relating to the Cisco Products or any portion or derivative thereof without Cisco’s prior written consent. Learning Partner is not prohibited, however, from offering Partner Developed CCIE Voice Content provided such content does not contain any Cisco Content or any portion or derivative thereof, nor any Cisco Products or materials created by or for Cisco relating to such products or any portion or derivative thereof. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Learning Partner shall not use any Cisco Marks in conjunction with the offering of Partner Developed CCIE Voice Content. Learning Partner shall not make any statement or take any action which states, suggests or implies that a Partner Developed CCIE Voice Content is sponsored, certified, authorized, endorsed or otherwise approved of by Cisco (including but not limited to Learning Partner’s disclosure of its Cisco partner status in connection with Learning Partner’s offering of a Partner Developed Course).


  1. Learning Partner shall pay the Royalties and any payments that become due as a result of Learning Partner activity as set forth in this agreement. Partner Fees are non-refundable. Any claims of overpayment of Royalties and/or Partner Fees by Learning Partner to Cisco must be made in their entirety, including any evidence supporting the claim, to Cisco within two years of the date of such alleged overpayment.

  1. All stated prices for Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Content, Cisco Products and Training Courses are exclusive of any taxes, fees and duties or other amounts, however designated, and including without limitation value added and withholding taxes which are levied or based upon such charges, or upon this Agreement. Any taxes related to any Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Content, Cisco Products or Training Courses purchased or licensed pursuant to this Agreement shall be paid by Learning Partner (except for taxes based on Cisco’s income) unless Learning Partner shall present an exemption certificate acceptable to the taxing authorities. Applicable taxes shall be billed as a separate item on the invoice, to the extent possible.

  2. Any claims of overpayment of Royalties and/or Partner Fees by Learning Partner to Cisco must be made in their entirety, including any evidence supporting the claim, to Cisco within two years of the date of such alleged overpayment.


  1. Upon credit approval by Cisco, payment terms shall be net thirty (30) days from the date of invoice. If not approved, prior payment is required. Cisco may elect to grant a line of credit, in its sole discretion, upon review of then-current financial statements (e.g., then-current balance sheet, then-current income statements and credit applications) as specified by Cisco Financial Services. Cisco reserves the right to require advance payment of any or all monies due for any or all products.

  2. All overdue payments may be subject, at Cisco’s sole discretion, to daily compounded interest payable to Cisco at a rate equal to the lesser of 1.5 % per month or the highest rate permitted by law. If at any time Learning Partner is delinquent in the payment of any invoice or is otherwise in breach of the Agreement, Cisco may, at its discretion, withhold shipment (including partial shipments) of any order or may, at its option, require Learning Partner to pay in advance for further shipments. In the event that Learning Partner fails to make any overdue payment within ten (10) days following receipt of notice from Cisco requesting such payment, any and all licenses and rights in and to Cisco Content and any Derivative Works thereof, granted to Learning Partner pursuant to the Agreement, shall immediately terminate.

  3. All payments against invoices in United States Dollars shall be made in United States Dollars. If Learning Partner has any Royalty obligation in currencies other than United States Dollars, Learning Partner shall convert the Royalty obligation to United States Dollars. For purposes of calculating exchange rates, Learning Partner shall use the rates posted on

  1. All pricing, payment, and financial terms hereunder, shall be Confidential Information.

  2. Learning Partner acknowledges that Cisco has established a relationship with Gilmore Global Logistic Services (“Gilmore”) to support or perform Cisco’s ordering and fulfillment functions under this Agreement. Such support may include order entry, pick/pack/ship, configuration, distribution, and other services Cisco requires to meet its obligations hereunder. Cisco shall be responsible if it chooses to have Gilmore fulfill some or all of its obligations, provided that Cisco shall not be responsible for independent actions of Gilmore or anything Gilmore may supply or commit Cisco to in the absence of express written authorization from Cisco. The address for Gilmore is as follows:

        1. Gilmore Global Logistic Services

        2. 101 Southcenter Court

        3. Suite 100-E

        4. Morrisville, NC 27560

  1. Except as provided in this Agreement with respect to Learning Partner’s pricing of Training Courses offered to Cisco employees and contractors, Learning Partner is free to determine its resale prices unilaterally. Learning Partner understands that neither Cisco nor any employee or representative of Cisco may give any special treatment (favorable or unfavorable) to Learning Partner as a result of Learning Partner’s selection of resale prices. No employee or representative of Cisco has any authority to determine what Learning Partner’s resale prices must be.

Additional Terms and Conditions

By completing and signing this Learning Partner Special Practice Application Addendum, you certify that you are currently enrolled as a Learning Partner (CLSP, CLP, or Associate) in good standing, and hereby assent to the terms and conditions of this Special Practice Program and both the Learning Partner Program Requirements and the specific Cisco 360 Learning Program for CCIE Voice requirements posted on the Learning Partner website at If, at any time, you are unable to adhere to the requirements set forth herein for either this agreement or any of the Cisco 360 for CCIE Program tracks, you will alert Cisco immediately by emailing Any failure to maintain program requirements may result in your immediate termination from the CCIE Special Practice Program. Either party may terminate this agreement with a forty-five (45) day written notice.

This agreement has a one (1) year term, starting from the date it is signed by Cisco.

Submitted by:

Name (First and Last Name)

Job Title




Cisco Systems, Inc. (“Cisco”)


Authorized Signature





Updated October, 2009 Page

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