Citizenship: Egyptian/Italian. Marital status: Married to Annamaria Di Marco, Two daughters, Nagwa and Mona. Education

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DATE & PLACE OF BIRTH: September 18, 1937, Cairo, Egypt.
CITIZENSHIP: Egyptian/Italian.
MARITAL STATUS: Married to Annamaria Di Marco, Two daughters, Nagwa and Mona.
EDUCATION: - Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, dates attended: 1957 - 1961; B.Sc. Degree received May, 1961 (General Degree in Physics and Geology).
- Faculty of Geology, Moscow State University, Moscow, USSR; dates attended: 1963 - 1969; Ph.D. Degree in Geophysics received in November 1969.

THESIS ADVISOR: Prof. V.V. Fedinsky.




- Society of Exploration Geophysicists.

- The Geological Society of Egypt.

- The Egyptian Geophysical Society.

- The Egyptian Petrophysical Society.

- Committee for the preparation of New Engineering Building Code, Code for Earthquakes Load Sub-Committee – NCHR, Ministry of Housing.



CLUBS : - Automobile Club of Egypt

  • Gezira Sporting Club

  • The Egyptian Shooting Club

  • The Italian Recreation Center

LANGUAGES: Arabic, Native Language; Fluent English; Fluent Russian;

Good knowledge Italian.


- Presently, Prof. Emeritus, Geology Dept., Faculty of Science, Assiut University since September 1997.

- Prof. of Geophysics and Chairman, Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Helwan University, from July, 1996 to May, 1997.

- Prof. of Geophysics and Chairman, Geology Dept., Faculty of Science, Assiut University, from January 1993 to June 30, 1996.

- Professor of Geophysics, Geology Dept., Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt, since November 1980.

- From May1971 to November 1980 Assistant and Associate Prof. of Geophysics, Geology Department, Assiut University.

- From May 1970 to May 1971- Geophysicist at the Geological Survey of Egypt.

- From February 1963 to November 1969, member of a fellowship to USSR (Ph. D. Degree Received November 1969).

- From August to December 1961, Researcher at the Atomic Energy Establishment, Cairo, Egypt.
PART TIME POSTS: - Advisor to Minister of Higher Education and State for Scientific Research and Coordinator for the Establishment of the Egyptian Italian University Project, from January 2008 to June 2012..
- Executive Director of the UNESCO/SCU project for the Establishment of Portal for Higher Education Institutions in Egypt since April – December 2007.

- Consultant, UNESCO Cairo Office, In Charge of Earth Sciences Programs and Project Officer for the UNDP/UNESCO Project for the Capacity Building of the Egyptian Geological Survey (EGSMA) and the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS) from March 1998 to June 2005.

- Director of the New Valley Regional Research Center, Kharga, The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, from May 1993 to June 2000.

- Founder and Director of the Center for Studies and Research for South Valley Development, Assiut University from May 1997 to July 1999

- From September 1986 to August 1987 Professor of Geophysics, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.

- From October 1978 to September 1980 Associate Professor of Geophysics, Geology Dept., Kuwait University, Kuwait.
- From June to August 1975 Consultant, Gulf Of Suez Petroleum Company (GUPCO), Cairo, Egypt.
- During 1973 to 1976 Lecturer of special course on “Gravity Prospecting” for Post Graduate students at the Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
- During 1973 to 1975 Lecturer of Geophysics at the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.

- Academic: Teaching and Research; Courses for Undergraduate and Graduate Students: Geophysics (General and Applied); Engineering Geophysics; Hydrogeology; Petroleum Geology, Physical and Subsurface Geology; Seismic Stratigraphy; Seismology, Environmental Geology and Natural Hazards.

- Programming and Supervising Geophysical field work, data processing and interpretation (especially gravity, magnetics and geoelectric). Managing and organizing a number of Projects and Workshops in collaborate with local and international organizations.

  • Consultant in the fields of General Geophysics, Seismology, Hydrogeology, Geoarchaeology, Seismic hazards and Risk Assessment, and related Environmental Impact Assessment issues.


- Beneath the Earth's Crust: by F.Malakhov. Mir Publisher, Moscow, 1966; from Russian into Arabic.

- The Theoretical Bases and Methods of Prospecting for Oil and Gas: by A.A. Bakirov et al., Mir Publisher, Moscow, 1972, from Russian into Arabic.

- The 14th Soviet Antarctic Expedition, 1968: Franklin Publisher, Cairo, 1973. From Russian into English.

- The Meteorological Conditions in the Arctic during the IGY and IGC: Franklin Publisher, Cairo, 1974. From Russian into English.
MAILING ADDRESS: Geology Department, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt.

Tel: +20 88 2342708; Fax: +20 88 2412043

Home Address:

3, Abdel Monem Riad St., Apt. 26, Mohandesin, Dokky, Cairo, Egypt Tel: +20 2 37485586

Mobile: +20 1222149247


Principal Investigator for the following projects:

  1. Ground Water Resources Management and Land Use Evaluation in Wadi El-Assiuti, Assiut, Egypt. Funded by The Supreme Council of Universities [70,000 LE 2 years]. Accomplished in 1992.

  1. Ground Water Resources Assessment and Land Use Evaluation Studies in Wadi El-Nokra, Eastern Desert, Aswan, Egypt. Funded by the Ministry of International Cooperation [Phase I for the amount of 2,436,000 LE for 3 years, accomplished in July 1997, Phase II for the amount of 600,000 LE, started January 1999]

  1. Ground Water Resources Assessment at Sugar Company Farm at Wadi Kharit, East of Com Ombo City, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Funded By the Egyptian Sugar and Distillation Company [40,000 LE, 9 months]. Accomplished.

  1. Geotechnical Studies for Some Areas in kharga Town, New Valley Governorate, Egypt. Funded by the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology [100,000 LE, for 2 years]. Accomplished December 1998

  1. Integrated Plan for Sustainable Development Program for El-Kharga Oasis, New Valley Governorate, Egypt. Funded by UNESCO Office in Cairo and the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. Accomplished.

  1. Seismotectonics and Seismic Hazards Assessment Studies in Egypt. Funded by the National Science Foundation, USA. Collaborator Prof. Farouk El-Bazِ. Final Report submitted April, 2002.

Co-Principal Investigator of the following Projects:

  1. Ground Water Resources Assessment and Soil Classification of Wadi El - Assiuti, Assiut, Egypt. Funded by the Ministry of International Cooperation [7,000,000 LE, for 5 years]. Accomplished.

  1. Ground Water Resources Assessment and Soil Classification of the Southern Part of Wadi Qena, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Funded by the Ministry of International Cooperation [500,000 LE, for 2 years]. Accomplished.

  1. IGCP project no.382 entitled “Seismotectonics and seismic hazards assessment for the Mediterranean Basin Countries. Five Years Accomplished 2003.

Participated in the Organization of the following Conferences, Seminars and Workshops:

  1. The 5th International Conference on Basement Tectonics, Cairo, Egypt, 1983. Co-Organizer, Papers presented.

  1. First Regional Seminar on Earthquake Research Activity and Risk Assessment in the Mediterranean Region. Cairo, November 2 - 4, 1991. Co-Organizer, Paper presented.

  1. Egyptian Italian Seminar on Geosciences and Archaeology. Cairo November 1993. Co-Organizer.

  1. Training Workshop on Environment, Population and Sustainable Development. Kharga, New Valley, Egypt, March 29 - April 2, 1995. Organizer and contribution presented.

  1. Expert Group Workshop on Seismic Hazards Assessment of the Gulf of Aqaba Region, May 5-8, 1995, Amman, Jordan. Co-Organizer, paper presented.

  1. Training workshop on "Seismotectonics and Paleoseismicity". Aswan and Safaga, Egypt, 3-10 November 1995. Co-Organizer, instructor.

  1. Training workshop on" Environmental Communication for Women in Household and Community Water Management", El-Kharga, New Valley Governorate, Egypt, December10-14, 1995.Organizer, case study presented.

  1. The Second Regional Workshop on the Seismicity of the Gulf of Aqaba Region, June 3-5, 1996. Amman, Jordan. Co-Organizer, papers presented.

  1. Third International Training Workshop on Gravimetry. November 23 - December 5, 1996, Cairo, Egypt. Co-Organizer, instructor.

  1. Workshop on the Arab MAB Network of Biosphere Reserves. December 2 - 5, 1996. Damascus, Syria. Paper Presented.

  1. Training Workshop on Seismotectonics and Seismic Hazard Analysis in the Eastern Mediterranean Countries. December 7 - 9, 1996. Cairo, Egypt. Organizer, papers presented.

  1. Second Regional Training Workshop on Seismotectonics and Seismic Hazard Analysis in the Eastern Mediterranean Countries. December 8 - 9, 1997. Cairo, Egypt. Organizer, papers presented.

  1. Regional Workshop on Magnitude Calibration in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. May 4-7, 1998. Amman, Jordan. Co-Organizer, contribution presented.

  1. Workshop on Seismotectonics and Earthquake Hazards Assessment in the Eastern Mediterranean Countries. November 28-30, 1998. Damascus, Syria. Organizer, contribution presented.

  1. Training Course on Seismic Retrofit and Upgrading Fundamentals. December 6-9, 1998. Cairo, Egypt. Organizer.

  1. Regional Training Workshop on Remote Sensing: Techniques and Applications. January 25-29, 1999. Cairo, Egypt. Organizer.

  1. Living with Risk: Seismic Hazards, Insurance and Sustainability in the Mediterranean Region. December 6 – 8, 2003. Cairo, Egypt. Organizer and contribution presented.



  1. The 31st meeting of the European Association for Exploration Geophysicists (EAEG), Venice, Italy, 1969. Paper presented

  1. The 32nd meeting of the EAEG, Salzburg, Austria, 1970.

  1. The 16th General Assembly of the IUGG, Grenoble, France, 1975, Paper presented.

  1. The 3rd meeting of the European Geophysical Society (EGS), Amsterdam, Holland, 1976. Paper presented.

  1. The 4th meeting of the EGS, Munich, Germany, 1977. Paper presented.

  1. The International Ophiolite Symposium, Nicosia, Cyprus, 1979.

  1. The 41st meeting of the EAEG, Hamburg, Germany, 1979. Paper presented.

  1. The 17th General Assembly of the IUGG, Canberra, Australia, 1979. Two papers presented.

  1. The 4th International Conference on Basement Tectonics, Oslo, Norway, 1981. Paper presented.

  1. The 18th General Assembly of the IUGG, Hamburg, Germany, 1983. Two papers presented.

  1. The 5th International Conference on Basement Tectonics, Cairo, Egypt, 1983. Two papers presented.

  1. The 28th International Geological Congress, Washington D.C., USA, 1989. Paper presented.

  1. The Regional Seismological Assembly in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 1990.

  1. The XIX General Assembly of the IUGG, Vienna, Austria, August 1991; Two Papers presented.

  1. The XX General Assembly of the IUGG, Boulder, Colorado, USA, July 1995. Two papers presented.

  1. The Arab Workshop on Application of Mathematical Modeling Techniques for Management and Planning of Water Resources” 10-14 March 2002, Cairo, Egypt. Paper Presented

  1. Third International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, Dresden, Germany. 22-25 July, 2002. Paper Presented

  1. Arab Water Assessment and Mapping Expert Group Meeting”

June 28-30, 2003 Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic

  1. 32nd INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS Florence, Italy, August 20 – 28, 2004, Session Co-Chairman and paper presented.

  1. Regional Symposium on the Role of Earth Sciences in a Changing Society”, organized by UCO in cooperation with the Jordan National Resources Authority. May 9 – 11, 2005 Amman, Jordan, three papers presented.


        1. Updating course for Arab Exploration Geologists. Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science (Arab League), Cairo, 1974. Instructor.

  1. Autumn course on physics of Oceans and Atmosphere. International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy. September 9 - December 5, 1975. Participant.

  1. Autumn course on physics of the Earth. ICTP, Trieste, Italy, September 27 - December 2, 1977. Participant.

  1. Visiting Scientist to ICTP for two weeks during September and August 1976 and 1978 respectively.

  1. Visit to CIRES, Colorado University at Boulder, Seismology Group, for five weeks during August - September 1980.

  1. 3rd International Summer School on Geodesy and Global Geodynamics. Admont, Austria, August 29 - September 12, 1983. Participant.

  1. Training course on control and combating of oil pollution in the Mediterranean. Sogesta, Urbino, Italy, September 26 - October 7, 1983. Participant.

  1. Teaching and Research fellowship (Fulbright Grant) for 9 months to Colorado University at Boulder and Columbia University New York City, USA, November 1984 - August 1985. The following Publications were prepared:

                  1. Earthquake catalog for the Middle East countries (1900-1983). World Data Center for Solid Earth Geophysics, Publication No. SE-40.

                  2. Seismicity map of the Middle East. World Data Center for Solid Earth Geophysics, Boulder, Colorado.

                  3. On the seismicity of the Middle East. Proceedings of IASPEI, Tokyo Meeting (1985), pp. 321-334.

  1. 2nd International Training Workshop on Gravimetry, Joss, Nigeria, June 4 - 23, 1990. Instructor.

  1. The 11 th Course: Active Faulting Studies for Seismic Hazard Assessment. Erici, Italy, September 1994.

  1. Environmental Economics for Sustainable Development. Cairo / Aswan, Egypt. 14 - 23 April 1996. Participant.

  1. Third International Training Workshop on Gravimetry. Cairo, Egypt, November 23 - December 5, 1996.Co-Organizer Workshop Director


  1. Fedinsky, V.V, R. Samir, and Yu.Ya.Vaschilov, 1969.

The main characteristics of the deep structure of the Earth's Crust in the north-eastern part of Egypt from gravity data.

Paper presented at the 31st meeting of the EAEG, Venice, Italy. Abstract in Geophysical Prospecting, 17, 3/6.

  1. Refai, E., S. Riad, and A. Tealeb, 1973.

Basement relief in West Cairo area, Egypt. Bull. Helwan Inst. Astr. Geophysics, No. 102.

  1. Refai, E., S. Riad, and A. Tealeb, 1973.

The main tectonic trends in West Cairo area, Egypt. Bull. Helwan Inst. Astr. Geophysics, No. 102.

  1. Refai, E., S. Riad, and A. Tealeb, 1973.

The thickness of the Earth's Crust in West Cairo area. Egypt. Bull. Helwan Inst. Astr. Geophysics, No. 103.

  1. Riad, S., 1977.

Shear zones in Northern Egypt interpreted from gravity data. Geophysics, Vol.42, No.6, PP. 1207-1214.

  1. Moustafa M. Yousef, S. Riad, and Hassan H. Mansour, 1977.

Surface and subsurface geological structure of Assiut area, Egypt. Bull. Science, Assiut Univ., Vol.6, No.2, pp. 293-306.

  1. Riad, S., E. Refai, and S. Shafei, 1978.

Gravity-Tectonic trend analysis in Tushka area, southeastern corner of the Western Desert, Egypt. Bull. Science, Assiut Univ., Vol.7, No.1, pp. 319-333.

  1. Riad S., A. El Hussaini, and Y. Darwish, 1978.

Analysis of gravity anomalies in the Qattara Depression area, Western Desert, Egypt, and their tectonic significance. Bull. Science, Assiut Univ., Vol.7, No.1, pp. 335-348.

  1. Riad, S., A.A. Othman, 1978.

A contribution to the methods of calculating the vertical gradient of the gravity field. Boll. Geofisica Teor. Applicata, Vol.XX, No.77, pp. 52-60.

  1. Mahmoud M. El Gamili, Samir Riad, and Awad A. Omran, 1978.

Geological significance of gravity and magnetic anomalies in Wadi Araba area, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Bull. Science, Assiut Univ., Vol.7, No.2, pp. 239-263.

  1. El Hussaini A., S. Riad, and E. Abd El Aal, 1978.

Tectonic trends in Kharga Oasis area, Western Desert, Egypt, interpreted from gravity data. Bull. Science, Assiut Univ., Vol.7, No.2, pp. 149-159.

  1. Samir Riad, Mahmoud M. El Gamili, and Awad A. Omran, 1978.

The structural significance of gravity anomalies in Ras Gharib area, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Bull. Science, Assiut Univ., Vol.7, No.2, pp. 265-278.

  1. Riad S. April 1979

Determination of the parameters of inclined faults using gravity data. Paper presented at the 4th EAEG meeting, Hamburg, April 1979.

  1. Riad S. December 1979

A contribution to the methods of downward continuation of the gravity field. Paper presented at the 17th General Assembly of the IUGG, Canberra. December 1979.

  1. Samir Riad, Hassan El Etr, and Magdy A. Mohamed, 1980.

Gravity-Tectonic trend analysis in Siwa - Al Jaghbub region, NE Africa. In: Geology of Libya, Vol.III, pp. 979-988.

  1. Awad W.K., S. Riad, and E. Refai, 1980.

The applicability of complex geophysical methods as indirect tool for iron ore exploration at Baharya Oasis area, Western Desert, Egypt. Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, Vol.10, pp. 1074-1088.

  1. Mokhtar A.A. Sayed, Samir Riad, and Abdel Raheem I. Bayoumi, 1981.

Study of the ground water potentialities of the Nubia Formation in the Western Desert of Egypt, using gravity data. J. Univ. Kuwait (Sci.), Vol.8, pp. 261-272.

  1. Riad S., E. Refai, and S. Shafei, 1981.

A contribution to the methods of upward continuation of the gravitational field. J. Univ. Kuwait (Sci.), Vol.8, pp. 283-291.

  1. Riad S., E. Refai, and M. Ghaleb, 1981.

Bouguer anomalies and crustal structure in the eastern Mediterranean. Tectonophysics, Vol.71, pp. 253-266.

  1. Samir Riad, Adel F. Nakhla, Eglal Refai, and Mahmoud Ghaleb. August 1983

Preliminary interpretation of regional gravity anomalies of Egypt. Paper presented at the XVIII General Assembly of the IUGG, Hamburg. August 1983.

  1. Samir Riad and Hassan El Etr. October 1983

Gravity-Tectonic trend analysis in Uganda. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Basement Tectonics, Cairo. October 1983.

  1. Samir Riad, Hassan El Etr, and Adel Mokhles, 1984.

Basement tectonics of Northern Egypt as interpreted from gravity data. Basement Tectonics Publication No.4, pp. 209-220.

  1. Samir Riad, and Hassan El Etr, 1985.

Bouguer anomalies and Lithosphere-Crustal thickness in Uganda. Paper presented at the XVIII General Assembly of the IUGG, Interdisciplinary Symposium 18, Hamburg, August 17, 1983. Published in: J. Geodynamics, Vol.3, pp. 169-186.

  1. Samir Riad, and Herbert Meyers, 1985.

Earthquake catalog for the Middle East countries (1900-1983). World Data Center for Solid Earth Geophysics, Publication No. SE-40.

  1. Samir Riad, Ronald H. Smith, Herbert Meyers, Wilbur Rinehart, Mark Rockwell, and Tracy Anne Delaney, 1985.

Seismicity map of the Middle East. World Data Center for Solid Earth Geophysics, Boulder, Colorado.

  1. Samir Riad and Carl Kislinger, 1985.

On the seismicity of the Middle East. Proceedings of IASPEI, Tokyo Meeting (1985), pp. 321-334.

  1. Riad S., and A. Tealeb, 1985.

Regional gravity anomalies in North-Eastern Africa and their structural significance. Bull. National Res. Ins. Astr. Geophy, Vol.V, Series B, pp. 1-31.

  1. Abdelrahman E.M., S. Riad, E. Refai, and Y. Amin, 1985.

On the least-squares residual anomaly determination. Geophysics, Vol.50, No.3, pp.473-480.

  1. Riad S., and D.L. Baars, editors, 1986.

Proceedings of the 5th international conference on basement tectonics. International Basement Tectonics Association, Publication No.5.

  1. El Sayed Abdel Rahman, and Samir Riad, 1986.

Bouguer anomalies and subsurface structure in the Northern Western Desert of Egypt. International Basement Tectonics Publication No.5, pp. 136-141.

  1. Tealeb A., and S. Riad, 1987.

Regional tectonics of Sinai Peninsula interpreted from gravity and deep seismic data. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Meeting of the Egyptian Geophysical Society, pp. 18-41.

  1. Tealeb A., and S. Riad, 1987.

Regional gravity anomalies of Western Saudi Arabia and their geological significance. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Meeting of the Egyptian Geophysical Society, pp. 50-89.

  1. Tealeb A., and S. Riad, 1987.

Regional gravity anomalies of the African Continent and their structural significance. Proceedings of the first scientific general meeting, (1986), National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics, pp. 67-99.

  1. Samir Riad, Herbert Meyers, and Carl Kisslinger, 1988.

On the seismicity of the Middle East. Proceedings of IASPEI, Tokyo Meeting (1985), pp. 321-334.

  1. Riad S., E.M. Abdelrahman, and H.M. El Ghalban, 1989.

Geothermal studies in the Nile Delta, Egypt. Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol.9, No.3/4, pp. 637-649.

  1. Sameh H. Gharaibeh, Mahmoud Awad, and Samir Riad, 1989.

The environmental impact of the Akider waste dump site in North Jordan - A case study. Natuurwet. Tijdschr. (Gent), Vol.71, pp. 82-86.

  1. El-Gaby S., E.R. Philobbos, and S. Riad, 1989.

Crustal structure along geotransect Gabal Oweinat - Red Sea, Southern Egypt. Paper presented at the 28th IGC, Washington D.C. July 1989.

  1. Riad S., M. Maamoun, and D.W. Simpson, 1993.

Focal mechanism of some recent earthquakes in the Gulf of Suez area and their tectonic implications. Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, Volume XIX.

  1. Riad S., and R. Keabesy,

b-value time scanning for Aswan Lake earthquakes and its possible use as a predictive parameter.

  1. Riad S., A. Fouad, M. Ghaleb, and E. Refai, 1991.

Preliminary Interpretation of Regional Gravity of Egypt. Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, Volume XVII, p.305-313.

  1. Riad S., and H. Hasney, 1992.

Fault Plane Solution of the Gilf Kebir Earthquake and the Tectonics of the Southern Part of the Western Desert of Egypt. Annals of the Geological Survey of Egypt, Volume XVIII, p.239-248.

  1. Samir Riad and Abdel Aziz Hussein, 1993.

Seismicity and Active Tectonics in Egypt. Paper presented at Seminar on Earthquake Hazards in The Eastern Mediterranean. Cairo, October 16 - 21, 1993.

  1. Riad, S., H. Hosney, and M. Ghaleb, 1992.

Recent Earthquake Activity and Neotectonics in the Dead Sea Rift Area, Jordan. Paper presented at the XX General Assembly of the IUGG, IASPEI Sump. S1, August 11-14, 1991. Published in African Geosciences Review, Vol. 1, No 4, 1994, pp 557-566.

  1. Omran, A.A. and S. Riad, 1994.

A contribution to the methods of downward continuation of the gravitational field. Bull., Fac., Sci., Assiut Univ., 23 (1-F), pp. 33-51.

  1. Omran, A.A. S. Riad, and F. Khalil, 1994

Groundwater exploration in the area between Wadi Assiuti and Wadi El-Ebrahimi, Assiut, Egypt. Bull., Fac., Sci., Assiut Univ., 23 (1-F), pp. 53-79

  1. Ibrahim H.A., A.A. Bakheit, A.A. Omran, S. Riad, and A. El-Hussaini, 1994.

Resistivity measurement for groundwater exploration in the Eastern part of Kom Ombo Plain, Eastern Desert, Egypt. . Fac., Sci., Assiut Univ., 23 (1-F), pp. 247-269

  1. Samir Riad, Mahmoud Ghaleb, Mohamed El-Difrawy, and Mohamed Gamal, 1995.

On the Seismicity of the Gulf of Aqaba Area. Paper presented at the Expert Group Workshop on Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Gulf of Aqaba Region; 5 - 8 May, 1995, Amman, Jordan.

  1. Samir Riad, 1996.

Sustainable Development Approaches in El-Kharga Oases, New Valley Governorate, Egypt: A conceptual Biosphere Reserves Development Model. Paper Presented At the Workshop on The Arab MAB Network of Biosphere Reserves, December 2 – 5, 1996, Damascus, Syria.

  1. Samir Riad, Mahmoud Ghaleb, Mohamed El-Difrawy, and Mohamed Gamal, 1996.

Intensity Attenuation Relations and Maximum Intensity Zonation Map For Egypt. Paper Presented At The Training Workshop on Seismotectonics and Seismic Hazard Analysis in the Eastern Mediterranean Countries. Cairo, December, 7-9, 1996.

  1. Samir Riad, Mahmoud Ghaleb, Mohamed El-Difrawy, and Mohamed Gamal, 1996.

Completeness of earthquake catalogue using statistical method. Paper presented at the Training Workshop on Seismotectonics and Seismic Hazard Analysis in the Eastern Mediterranean Countries. Cairo, December, 7 - 9, 1996.

  1. Samir Riad, 1997

المياه الجوفية فى الوادى الجديد ودورها فى مشروعات التنمية في جنوب مصر - ندوة الدراسات العليا والبحوث لخدمة التنمية في جنوب الوادي -2 - 3 مارس 1997 - جامعة أسيوط

  1. Samir Riad and Moustafa Yousef, 1999.

Earthquake Hazards Assessment in the Southern Part of the Western Desert of Egypt. Study carried as a Document of the Center for Studies and Research for South Valley Development, Assiut University.

  1. Samir Riad, Mahmoud Ghaleb, Mohamed El-Difrawy, and Mohamed Gamal, 2000.

Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment in Egypt. Paper presented at the Second Regional Training Workshop on Seismotectonics and Seismic Hazard Analysis in the Eastern Mediterranean Countries. Annals Geol. Surv. Egypt, Vol.23, pp.851-881

  1. Hassan El Etr and Samir Riad, 2000

وسائل التحكم فى حركة الكثبان الرملية: ندوة الوسائل المتاحة والمثلى لتثبيت الكثبان الرملية – الخارجة 19 – 22 نوفمبر

  1. A.M. Ibrahim, S. Riad, P. Wycisk, and A.M. Seif El-Nasr, 2002.

A Local Scale Ground Water flow Model for Modeling Groundwater Resources Management Options in Dakhla Oasis, SW Egypt. Paper presented at “The Arab Workshop on Application of Mathematical Modeling Techniques for Management and Planning of Water Resources”, 10-14 March 2002. Cairo, Egypt. Printed in the Proceedings.

  1. A.M. Ibrahim, S. Riad, P. Wycisk, and A.M. Seif El-Nasr, 2002.

Simulation of Impact of Present and future Groundwater Extraction from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer in SW Egypt. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, Dresden, Germany. 22-25 July, 2002. Environmental Geology, Volume 43, Number 1-3, December 2002, PP. 188-196.

  1. Samir Riad, 2002

Crisis and Disaster Management in Egypt. Report prepared for UNDP in Cairo, submitted to UN DMT.

  1. S. Riad, M. Ibrahim, P. Wycisk, and A.M. Seif El-Nasr, 2003.

Nubian Sandstone Aquifer and Future Scenarios of its Exploitation in Egypt. Paper presented at The 3rd World Water Forum, 16-23 March, 2003, Kyoto, Japan

  1. Samir Riad, 2003.

Management of Nubian Sandstone Aquifer. Invited Paper presented at The 3rd World Water Forum, 16-23 March, 2003, Kyoto, Japan – Sustainable Water Management for Middle East and North Africa, 22 March, 2003.

  1. M. Ibrahim, H.K. Garamoon, S. Riad, P. Wycisk, and A.M. Seif El-Nasr, 2003.

Numerical Modeling of Ground Water Resources and Management Options in East Oweinat Area, SW Egypt. Paper presented at the International Conference on Hydrology of the Mediterranean and Semi-Arid Regions, 1-4 April 2003, Montpellier, France.

  1. Abdel Aziz A. Hussien and Samir Riad, 2003

Digital Data Base for Mineral Deposits in Egypt. Eighth Arab Conference for Mineral Resources, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen, 13 – 16 October, 2003

  1. Samir Riad, 2003.

Seismic Hazard Assessment Studies in Egypt. Paper presented at The International Conference on: Living with Risk: Seismic Hazards, Insurance and Sustainability in the Mediterranean Region. December 6 – 8, 2003. Cairo, Egypt.

  1. Samir Riad, Farouk El Baz, Adel Yehia and Tag El-Sir Basheer, 2004

Sand encroachment on the Nile in Sudan and Egypt - Problem Identification Using Remote Sensing Techniques. 32nd INTERNATIONAL GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS Florence, Italy, August 20 28, 2004

  1. Samir Riad, 2005

Regional Symposium on the Role of Earth Sciences in a Changing Society”, organized by UCO in cooperation with the Jordan National Resources Authority. May 9 – 11, 2005 Amman, Jordan, three papers were presented:

  1. Geology and Society.

  2. Role of UNESCO in Capacity Building Issues: Case Study – the Egyptian Project.

  3. Geoparks and Prehistoric Sites in Egypt.

  1. Samir Riad, February 2007

Disasters Risk Management in Egypt, Report prepared for UNDP in Cairo.

  1. Samir Riad, 2009

Geological and Earthquake Hazards Assessment of the Area around East Port Said Project “East Container Terminal”, Egypt. Study carried out for the National Housing and Building Research Center, Final Report Submitted June 2009.

Supervised and Contributed to the preparation and production of the following publications (Available in pdf format)

  1. Tectonic Setting and Seismicity of the Southern Part of Egypt. December 2003. Report 39 pp.

  2. Seismicity maps for Sinai and South Valley. Maps at scales 250,000; 500,000; and 1,000,000

  3. Seismicity and Seismotectonics of Sinai. October 2003. Report, 47 pp.

  4. Seismicity and Seismotectonics of the Gulf of Aqaba. November 2003. Report, 37 pp.

  5. Seismicity of Egypt and Surrounding Countries. September 2003. Report, 63 pp.

  6. Prehistoric Human Cultures in Egypt, 2005. Book, 375 pp.

  7. Space Atlas of the Sinai Peninsula and South Western Desert of Egypt - 2002

أطلس المرئيات الفضائية لشبه جزيرة سيناء وجنوب الصحراء الغربية بجمهورية مصر العربية


الأطلس الجيولوجى لسيناء

  1. ATLAS of the CLIMATOLOGICAL MAPS of S I N A I - 2005

أطلس الخرائط المناخيه لشبه جزيرة سيناء

  1. Ancient Earthquakes Reported by some Arabic Sources and Catalog of Middle East Historical Earthquake, 2005. Book, 106 pp. For the first time historical earthquakes are documented with their Arabic sources.

  2. Crisis/Disaster Management in Egypt, Report prepared for UNDP in Egypt. Submitted to United Nation Disaster Management Team UNDMT, November 2002.

  3. Disasters Risk Management in Egypt. Report prepared for UNDP in Cairo. February 2007

Projects, Reports, and Publications of Special Importance

  1. Founder of the Center for Studies and Research for South Valley Development. Assiut University and Director From May 1997 to July 1999

  1. Project Officer/Project Director for the UNDP/UNESCO Project for the Capacity Building of the Egyptian Geological Survey (EGSMA) and the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS) from March 1998 to June 2005. The products of this project represent huge amount of information on the different Geo-environmental issues for Egypt for the first time at the scale of 1:250,000 in paper and digital format. These data represent essential information required for any feasibility studies for any national project.(Attaches report on the products)

  1. Shear zones in Northern Egypt interpreted from gravity data. Geophysics, 1977, Vol.42, No.6, PP. 1207-1214. This paper carried out while I was working as consultant for the Gulf of Sues Oil Company in 1975, introduced for the first time in Egypt the concept of Horizontal Tectonics (Shear Movement) and their effect on the distribution of blocks with potential oil fields in Northern Egypt in general, and in the Gulf of Suez in particular.

  1. Seismotectonics and Seismic Hazards Assessment Studies in Egypt. Funded by the National Science Foundation, USA. Collaborator Prof. Farouk El-Bazِ. Final Report submitted April, 2002. Data obtained on Peak Ground Acceleration is now used in the Egyptian Seismic Engineering Code.

  1. IGCP project no.382 entitled “Seismotectonics and seismic hazards assessment for the Mediterranean Basin Countries. Five Years Accomplished 2003. This five-year project was prepared and submitted by Myself to the IGCP Scientific Committee. Later Co- Principal investigators were added to insure representatives of European Mediterranean Basins Countries. Results are important contribution to the Global Seismic Hazards Assessment Program (GSHAP).

  1. Ancient Earthquakes Reported by some Arabic Sources and Catalog of Middle East Historical Earthquakes. Book, 106 pp. For the first time historical earthquakes are documented with their Arabic sources.

  1. Crisis/Disaster Management in Egypt, Report prepared by Samir Riad, M. Adel Yehia, Mustafa Tag-Eldeen, Hassan A. El Etr, Ahmed Ibrahim Naguib, and Amin El Sharkawi, for UNDP in Egypt. Submitted to United Nation Disaster Management Team DMT, November 2002.

  1. Disasters Risk Management in Egypt. Report prepared for UNDP in Cairo. February 2007

  1. Tectonic Setting and Seismicity of the Southern Part of Egypt. Report 39 pp.

  1. Seismicity maps for Sinai and South Valley. Maps at scales 250,000; 500,000; and 1,000,000

  1. Seismicity and Seismotectonics of Sinai. Report, 47 pp.

  1. Seismicity and Seismotectonics of the Gulf of Aqaba. Report, 37 pp.

  1. Seismicity of Egypt and Surrounding Countries. Report, 63 pp.

Pre-proposals, Proposals and Project Documents Prepared for Fund Raising

  1. Draft proposal on: Seismic hazards and risk assessment in the Gulf of Aqaba region, 1996.

  2. Assessment of Water Resources in the Arab States and Management Strategies in Light of Future Scarcity and Political Conflicts.1998

  3. Climatic Changes and Their Environmental Impact on the Mediterranean Basin Countries.1998.

  4. Management of Sand Encroachment on the Nile and Land Degradation in Sudan and Egypt. 2001.

  5. Project document for the establishment of geo-environmental digital database for Lebanon. 2002.

  6. Project Document for the establishment of geo-environmental digital database for the North Western Desert and Coastal Areas of Egypt - Phase II for the UNDP/UNESCO/EMRA/NARSS capacity building project, 2003.

  7. Proposal for Early Warning System Project for the Eastern Mediterranean Area to be submitted to UNESCO Cairo Office Director, March 2005.

  8. Multi-layer hazard profile of Egypt, 2005.

  9. Digital Geo-Environmental Database in Egypt, 2005.

  10. Characterization of potential sources of strong earthquakes affecting heavily populated centers in Egypt, with emphasis on the Greater Cairo Area, 2002.

  11. Pre-proposal for the establishment of geo-environmental digital database for the Eastern Desert of Egypt - Phase III for the UNDP/UNESCO/EMRA/NARSS capacity building project, 2006.

12- مقترح بخصوص الدراسات الجيوتقنية التمهيدية اللازمة للنظر فى امكانية تنفيذ المراحل المختلفة من مشروع ممر التعمير المقدم من الدكتور فاروق الباز- مايو 2006


  1. Aly A.Tealeb, 1973

Gravity investigation of West Cairo area, Egypt. Applied Geophysics, Cairo University.

  1. Mohamed A.A.Shaaban, 1973

Geophysical studies on the Lead-Zinc mining districts between Queseir and Mersa Alam, Red Sea Coast, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Ph.D. in Applied Geophysics, Cairo University.

  1. Adel A. Othman, 1975

Geophysical study of El - Baharya Oasis area, Western Desert, Egypt. M.Sc. in Geophysics, El Azhar University.

  1. Moustafa C. Kazkaz, 1976

Geophysical study on Jebissa area, northeastern part of Syria for petroleum exploration. Ph.D. in Applied Geophysics, Cairo University.

  1. Mokhtar A. Sayed, 1977

Geophysical study on the area between Cairo and Beni-Mazar in relation to ground water and oil possibilities. Applied Geophysics, Ain Shams University.

  1. Awad A.Omran, 1977

Geophysical studies on Wadi Araba and Ras Gharib areas, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Applied Geophysics, Assiut University

  1. Hassan M. H. Hosney, 1978

Gravity studies of the subsurface layers of the Suez Canal zone. M.Sc. in Applied Geophysics, Cairo University.

  1. Mahmoud A. Ghleb, 1978

Gravity investigations for studying subsurface structures in the Eastern Mediterranean. M.Sc. in Applied Geophysics, Cairo University.

  1. Samir A. Shafiy, 1979

Gravity studies on South Aswan - Tushka area, Western Desert, Egypt. Applied Geophysics, Cairo University.

  1. Ahmed Samir M.A.El Kahwagy, 1979

Application and interpretation of induced polarization method (time domain) on some mineral deposits in Egypt. Applied Geophysics, Cairo University.

  1. Yousry A. Darwish, 1979

Geophysical study of the Qattara Depression area, Western Desert, Egypt. Ph.D. in Applied Geophysics, Assiut University.

  1. Esmat M. Abd El-All, 1982

Interpretation of gravity data of Kharga Oasis area, Western Desert, Egypt. M.Sc. in Applied Geophysics, Assiut University.

  1. Adel Moukhles, 1982

A geophysical approach to study basement tectonics in northern Egypt, with special emphasis on the Cairo-Suez district. M.Sc. in Applied Geophysics, Ain Shams University.

  1. William K. Awad, 1982

Complex geophysical investigations at Baharyia Oasis area, Western Desert, Egypt. Ph.D. in Applied Geophysics, Cairo University.

  1. Rahmatalla A. Rahmatalla, 1984

Interpretation of aeromagnetic anomalies of South Eastern Desert of Egypt. M. Sc. in Applied Geophysics, Assiut University.

  1. Asem M. El-Haddad, 1984

Interpretation of aeromagnetic anomalies of South Eastern Desert of Egypt. M. Sc. in Applied Geophysics, Assiut University.

  1. Mohamed Sharaf El-Din Naiem, 1984

Interpretation of Bouguer anomalies of El - Fayoum area in terms of subsurface geological structures. Ph.D. in Applied Geophysics, Sohag University.

  1. Mousa Fakhry Mousa, 1984

Interpretation of aeromagnetic anomalies in Aswan-Toshka area, southwestern Desert, Egypt. M.Sc. in Applied Geophysics, Assiut University.

  1. Mahmoud Aly Ghaleb, 1986

Geophysical Studies in Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean. Ph.D. in Geophysics, Cairo University.

  1. Mohamed Fikry, 1988

Hydrogeophysical studies at Wadi El Assiuty - Wadi Ibrahemy, Assiut, Egypt. M.Sc. in Applied Geophysics, Assiut University.

  1. Medhat N. Imran, 1988

Geomagnetic study of South Hamedia area, Northeastern Jordan, and its geological significances. M.Sc. in Geophysics, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.

  1. Mousa Fakhry Mousa, 1993

Ph.D. in Geophysics, Assiut University.

  1. Ahmed Bekhit, 1993

M.Sc. in Geophysics, Assiut University.

  1. Mohamed Gamal, 1997

Regional Seismic Hazard Studies in Egypt. M.Sc. in Geophysics, Cairo University.

  1. Gamal Zidan Abdel Aal Husien, 1998

Geophysical and Geotechnical; Studies on El Salam Suburb Area, Kharga, Egypt. M.Sc. in Geophysics, Assiut University.

  1. Shehata Attea Abadei, 1999.

Detailed hydrogeological studies on the area located between latitudes 25 50’ & 26 05’ N and longitudes 32 10’ & 32 30’ E, Qena Governorate, Upper Egypt. Ph.D. in Hydrogeology, Assiut University.

  1. Mahmoud Hamed Ahmed Darwish, 2001

Hydrogeological Studies on the Area Located to the Northeast of Assiut City. M.Sc. in Hydrogeology, Assiut University.

  1. Ahmed M. Seif El-Nasr, 2003

Hydrogeological studies on some areas in the New Valley Governorate, Western Desert, Egypt. M.Sc. In Hydrogeology, Assiut University.

  1. Medhat N. Imran, 2006

Geophysical and Geotechnical Studies on the Area Around Al-Madenah El-Minawrah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ph.D. in Geophysics, Assiut University.

  1. Mostafa Sarhan Abdel Hakam, 2007

Geotechnical and site effect studies in Hurghada City, Red Sea Egypt. Geophysics, Assiut University.

  1. Mohamed Mahmoud El-Hossainy, 2008

Reservoir characteristics and sedimentology of some Cretaceous reservoirs in Abu Gharadig Basin, Western Desert, Egypt. M.Sc. in Petroleum Geology, Assiut University.

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