City 250: some articles

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City 250: some articles:
Mattson, Richard L., and John A. Jakle.

Good-Bye to the Horse: The Transition from Horse-Related to Automobile-Related Businesses in an Urban Landscape

Pioneer America Society Transactions 2 (1979): 31-51.
London, Bruce, and Richard P. Palmieri.

Fredericksburg: The Ecological Foundations of Urban History

Pioneer America Society Transactions 3 (1980): 122-139.
Mohl, Raymond A.

New Perspectives on American Urban History

International Journal of Social Education 1, No. 1 (Spring, 1986): 69-97.
"The Architecture of Urban Housing in the United States during the Early 1930s" RICHARD POMMER

Journal of the Society of Architectral Historians 1978 Volume XXXVII: 235-64
"Microhistory of the Modern City: Urban Space, Its Use and Representation" NANCY STIEBER

Journal of the Society of Architectral Historians 1999 Volume LVIII: 382   
"Contemporary Descriptions of New York City and its Public Architecture ca.1850" ELLEN W. KRAMER

Journal of the Society of Architectral Historians 1968 Volume XXVII: 264
"Country and City Housing in the American Romantic Suburb" JOHN ARCHER

Journal of the Society of Architectral Historians 1983 Volume XLII : 139
"Zoning and Zeitgeist: The Skyscraper City in the 1920s" CAROL WILLIS

Journal of the Society of Architectral Historians 1986 Volume XLV : 47
"Municipal Parks and City Planning: Frederick Law Olmsted's Buffalo Park and Parkway System" FRANCIS R. KOWSKY

Journal of the Society of Architectral Historians 1987 Volume XLVI : 49
"Detroit's City Beautiful and the Problem of Commerce" DANIEL M. BLUESTONE

Journal of the Society of Architectral Historians 1988 Volume XLVII: 245

Papademetriou, Peter C.

Aspects of a New Urban Vernacular

Harvard Architectural Review 1 (1980): 122-135.
Robinson, Philip.

Urban Vernacular Housing in Newtownards, County Down

Folk Life 17 (1979): 20-38.
Melosi, Martin V.

The Sanitary City: Urban Infrastructure in America from Colonial Times to the Present.

Creating the North American Landscape. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.
Melosi, Martin V.

The Urban Physical Environment and the Historian: Prospects for Research, Teaching and Public Policy

Journal of American Culture 3, No. 3 (1980):
Deagan, Kathleen.

Downtown Survey: The Discovery of Sixteenth- Century St. Augustine in an Urban Area

American Antiquity 46 (1981): 626-634.
Dyer, Alan.

Urban Housing: A Documentary Study of Four Midland Towns, 1530-1700

Post-Medieval Archaeology 15 (1981): 207-218.
Beirne, D. Randall.

Hampden-Woodbury: The Mill Village in an Urban Setting

Maryland History Magazine 77 (1982): 6-26.
Daniels, Ted.

A Philadelphia Squatter's Shack: Urban Pioneering

Pioneer America 13, No. 2 (1980): 43-46.
Hancock, John.

The Apartment House in Urban America

Buildings and Society: Essays on the Social Development of the Built Environment. Anthony D. King, ed. Boston, MA: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980.
Marks, Bayly Ellen.

Rural Response to Urban Penetration: Baltimore and St. Mary's County, Maryland, 1790-1840.

Journal of Historical Geography 8 (1982): 113-127.
White, Roger G.

Whither the Urban History Exhibit? The Peale Museum's `Rowhouse'

Technology and Culture 24 (1983): 76-90.
Barrows, Robert S.

Beyond the Tenement: Patterns of American Urban Housing, 1870-1930

Journal of Urban History 9, No. 4 (August, 1983): 395-420.
Groth, Paul.

Street Grids as Frameworks for Urban Variety

Harvard Architectural Review 2 (1981): 68-75.
Faulds, Sara Selene.

`The Spaces in Which We Live': The Role of Folkloristics in the Urban Design Process

Folklore and Mythology Series 5 (1981): 48-59.
Barth, Gunther.

Demopiety: Speculations on Urban Beauty, Western Scenery, and the Discovery of the American Cityscape

Pacific Historical Quarterly 52 (1983): 249-266.
Mattison, David.

In Visioning the City: Urban History Techniques Through Historical Photographs

Urban History Review/RÈvue d'histoire urbaine 13 (1984): 43-52.
Elia, Ricardo.

Urban Archaeology at the Paul Revere House

Context [Boston University Center for Archaeological Studies 3 (Summer, 1983): 5-7.
Crimmins, Timothy J., and Dana F. White, eds.

Urban Structure Atlanta

Atlanta Historical Journal 26, Nos. 2/3 [special issue] (Summer/Fall, 1982): pp.
Goldfield, David R.

North Carolina's Early Twentieth-Century Suburbs and the Urbanizing South

Early Twentieth-Century Suburbs in North Carolina: Essays on History, Architecture and Planning. Catherine W. Bishir and Lawrence S. Earley, eds. Raleigh, NC: Archaeology & Historic Preservation Sect., Div., of Archives & History, NC Dept. Cultural Resources, 1985.

Jackson, J.B.

Urban Circumstances

Design Quarterly No. 128 ( ).
Borsay, Peter.

All the Town's a Stage': Urban Ritual and Ceremony, 1660-1800

The Transformation of English Provincial Towns, 1600-1800. Peter Clark, ed. London: Hutchinson, 1984.
Ebner, Michael H.

Re-Reading Suburban America: Urban Population Deconcentration, 1810-1980

American Quarterly 37, No. 3 (Bibliography 1985): 368-381.
Melvin, Patricia Mooney.

Changing Contexts: Neighborhood Definition and Urban Organization

American Quarterly 37, No. 3 (Bibliography 1985): 357-367.
Rubin, Barbara.

Aesthetic Ideology and Urban Design

Common Places: Readings in American Vernacular Architecture. Dell Upton and John Michael Vlach, eds. Athens, GA: University Press of Georgia, 1986. Pp. 482-508.
Teaford, Jon C.

New Life for an Old Subject: Investigating the Structure of Urban Rule

American Quarterly 37, No. 3 (Bibliography 1985): 346-356.
Cox, Richard J.

Trouble on the Chain Gang: City Surveying, Maps, and the Absence of Urban Planning in Baltimore, 1730-1823; With a Checklist of Maps of the Period

Maryland Historical Magazine 81, No. 1 (Spring, 1986): 8-49.
Mahoney, Timothy R.

Urban History in a Regional Context: River Towns on the Upper Mississippi, 1840-1860

Journal of American History, 72, No. 2 (September, 1985): 318-339.
Gusevich, Miriam.

Meaning and Means in Urban Design: A Case Study in American Urbanism, South LaSalle Street, Chicago

Journal of Architectural Education 39, No. 3 (Spring, 1986): 24-30.
Rigby, S. H.

`Sore Decay' and `Fair Dwellings': Boston and Urban Decline in the Late Middle Ages

Midland History 10 (1985): 47-61.
Robinson, P.

Tenements: A Pre-Industrial Urban Tradition

Review of Scottish Culture 1 (1984): 52-64.
Parrington, Michael and Janet Wideman.

Acculturation in an Urban Setting: The Archaeology of a Black Philadelphia Cemetery

Expedition 28, No. 1 (1986): 55-62.
Stetler, Gilbert A.

The Classical Ideal: Cultural and Urban Form in Eighteenth-Century Britain and America

Journal of Urban History 10, No. 4 (August, 1984): 351-382.
Barrows, Robert S.

Beyond the Tenement: Patterns of American Urban Housing, 1870-1930

Journal of Urban History 9, No. 4 (August, 1983): 395-420.
Stewart-Abernathy, Leslie C.

Urban Farmsteads: Household Responsibilities in the City

Historical Archaeology 20, No. 2 (1986): 5-15.
Knight, David B.

The Other Side of the Tracks: Perceptions of an Urban Space

Journal of Geography 86, No. 1 (January/February, 1987): 14-18.
Wheeler, James O.

Subsidiary Centers in the Southeastern United States: The Role of Urban Hierarchy

Southeastern Geographer 27, No. 1 (May, 1987): 48-63.
Anderson, Richard A.

Some Comments on the Changing Urban Pattern of American Cities

MASS 4 (Fall, 1986): 9-14.
Bouman, Mark J.

Luxury and Control: The urbanity of Street Lighting in the Nineteenth Century

Journal of Urban History 14, No. 1 (November, 1987): 7-37.
Gilfoyle, Timothy J.

The Urban Geography of Commercial Sex: Prostitution in New York, 1790-1860

Journal of Urban History 13, No. 4 (August, 1987): 371-393.
Tarr, Joel A., with Thomas Finhold and David Goodman.

The City and the Telegraph: Urban Telecommunication in the Pre-Telephone Era

Journal of Urban History 14, No. 1 (November, 1987): 38-80.
Bender, Thomas.

The `Rural' Cemetery Movement: Urban Travail and the Appeal of Nature

Material Life in America, 1600-1860. Robert Blair St. George, ed. Boston, MA: Northeastern University Press, 1988.
Celik, Zeynep and Diane Favro, eds.

Urban History in the 1980s

Journal of Architectural Education Special Issue, 41, No. 3 (Spring, 1988): 4-51.
Celik, Zeynep, and Diane Favro.

Methods of Urban History

Journal of Architectural Education 41, No. 3 (Spring, 1988): 4-9.
Crouch, Dora.

A Firm Archaeological Base for Urban History?

Journal of Architectural Education 41, No. 3 (Spring, 1988): 25-28.
Groth, Paul.

Generic Buildings and Cultural Landscapes as Sources of Urban History

Journal of Architectural Education 41, No. 3 (Spring, 1988): 41-44.
Ley, David.

From Urban Structure to Urban Landscape

Urban Geography 9, No. 1 (January/February, 1988): 98-105.
Marston, Sallie A., and Andrew Kirby.

Urbanization, Industrialization, and the Social Creation of a Space economy: A Reconstruction of the Historical Development of Lowell and Lawrence, Massachusetts

Urban Geography 9, No. 4 (July/August, 1988): 358-375.
Miller, Henry.

Baroque Cities in the Wilderness: Archaeology and Urban Development in the Colonial Chesapeake

Historical Archaeology 22, No. 2 (1984): 57-73.
Geismar, Joan H.

Patterns of Development in the Late-Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century American Seaport: A Suggested Model for Recognizing Increasing Commercialization and Urbanization

American Archaeology 5, No. 3 (1985): 175-184.
Honerkamp, Nicholas, and Charles H. Fairbanks.

Definitions of Site Formation Processes in Urban Contexts

American Archaeology 4, No. 1 (1984): 60-66.
McMurry, Sally.

Urbanization and the Progressive Farmhouse Ideal in the Northeast, 1855-1885

Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, III. Thomas Carter and Bernard L. Herman, eds. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1989. Pp. 231-232.
Rothschild, Nan A.

Spatial Aspects of Urbanization

American Archeology 5, No. 3 (1985): 163-169.
Rothschild, Nan A., Joan H. Geismar, and Diana diZ. Wall, eds.

Urbanization and Social Change in Historical Archeology

American Archeology 5, No. 3 (1985): 162-221.
Zierden, Martha A., and Jeanne C. Calhoun.

Urban Adaptation in Charleston, South Carolina, 1730-1820

Historical Archaeology 20, No. 1 (1986): 29-43.
Chappell, Sally A. Kitt.

Urban Ideals and the Design of Railroad Stations

Technology and Culture 30 (April, 1989): 354-375.
Rutherdale, R. A.

New Directions in American Urban History

Canadian Review of American Studies 20 (Summer, 1989): 89-98.
Taylor, Quintard.

Black Urban Development--Another View: Seattle's Central District, 1910-1940

Pacific Historical Review 58 (November, 1989): 429-448.
Gillette, Howard, Jr.

Rethinking American Urban History: New Directions for the Posturban Era

Social Science History 14 (Summer, 1990): 203-228.
Martin, Judith A.

European Models & American Realities: A Perspective on Urban Design

Landscape 30, No. 3 (1990): 36-43.
Coffey, Brian.

The Changing Form and Function of Urban Mansion Districts: The Example of Rochester, New York

Material Culture 23, No. 1 (Spring, 1991): 15-25.
Johnson, Jerah.

New Orleans's Congo Square: An Urban Setting for Early Afro-American Culture Formation

Louisiana History 32 (Spring, 1991): 117-157.
Bauman, John F, et al.

Public Housing, Isolation, and the Urban Underclass: Philadelphia's Richard Allen Homes, 1941-1965

Journal of Urban History 17 (May, 1991): 264-292.
Knox, Paul L.

The Restless Urban Landscape: Economic and Sociocultural Change and the Transformation of Metropolitan Washington, D.C

Annals of the Association of American Geographers 81 (June, 1991): 181-209.
White, Allison Carll.

Monuments to Their Skill: Urbana- Champaign Carpenters, Contractors, and Builders, 1850-1900

Illinois Historical Journal 85, No. 1 (Spring, 1992): 37-46.
Holden, Alfred.

Lighting the Night: Technology, Urban Life and the Evolution of Street Lighting

Places 8, No. 2 (Fall, 1992): 56-63.
Domosh, Mona.

Controlling Urban Form: The Development of Boston's Back Bay

Journal of Historical Geography [London] 18 (July, 1992): 288-306.
Gasparini, Graziano.

The Pre-Hispanic Grid System: The Urban Shape of Conquest and Territorial Organization

Settlements in the Americas: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Ralph Bennett, ed. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 1993. Pp. 78-109.
Nash, R. C.

Urbanization in the Colonial South: Charleston, South Carolina, as a Case Study

Journal of Urban History 19 (November, 1992): 3-29.
Bragdon, Kathleen, Edward Chappell, and William Graham.

A Scant Urbanity: Jamestown in the 17th Century

The Archaeology of 17th-Century Virginia. Theodore R. Reinhart and Dennis J. Pogue, eds. Special Publication No. 30. Richmond, VA: Archeological Society of Virginia, 1993. Pp. 223-251.
Hennessey, George R.

San Diego, the U.S. Navy, and Urban Development: West Coast City Building, 1912-1929

California History 72 (Summer, 1993): 128-149.
Lees, Lynn Hollen.

The Challenge of Political Change: Urban History in the 1990s.

Urban History 21, No. 1 (April, 1994): 7-19.
McMahon, Michal.

`Publick Service' versus `Mans Properties': Dock Creek and the Origins of Urban Technology in Eighteenth-Century Philadelphia

Early American Technology: Making and Doing Things from the Colonial Era to 1850. Judith A. McGaw, ed. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press for the Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1994. Pp. 114-147.
Colten, C. E.

Chicago's Waste Lands: Refuse Disposal and Urban Growth, 1840-1990

Journal of Historical Geography 20 (April, 1994): 124-142.
Von Hoffman, Alexander.

Weaving the Urban Fabric: Nineteenth-Century Patterns of Residential Real Estate Development in Outer Boston

Journal of Urban History 22 (January, 1996): 191-230.
Zimmerman, Susanne A.

The Urbanization of Toledo's Suburbs.

Northwest Ohio Quarterly 67 (Winter, 1995): 35-54.
Hise, Greg.

Homebuilding and Industrial Decentralization in Los Angeles: The Roots of the Post-World War II Urban Region.

Planning the Twentieth-Century American City. Mary Corbin Sies and Christopher Silver, eds. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Pp. 240-261.
Lotchin, Roger W.

World War II and Urban California: City Planning and the Transformation Hypothesis.

Planning the Twentieth-Century American City. Mary Corbin Sies and Christopher Silver, eds. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Pp. 305-330.
Johnson-McGrath, Julie.

Review Essay--Who Built the Built Environment? Artifacts, Politics, and Urban Technology.

Technology & Culture 38, No. 3 (July, 1997): 690-696.
Tuason, Julie.

Rus in Urbe': The Spatial Evolution of Urban Parks in the United States, 1850-1920.

Historical Geography 25 (1997): 124-147.
Schuyler, David.

Prologue to Urban Renewal: The Problem of Downtown Lancaster, 1945-1960.

Pennsylvania History 61 (January, 1994): 75-101.
Candee, Richard M.

Social Conflict and Urban Rebuilding: The Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Brick Act of 1814.

Winterthur Portfolio 32, Nos. 2/3 (Summer/Autumn, 1997): 119-146.
Simpson, Lee M. A.

Women, Real Estate, and Urban Growth: A Case Study of Two Generations of Women Property Owners in Redlands, California, 1880-1940.

California History 76, No. 1 (Spring, 1997): 24-43.
Reinberger, Mark.

Oglethorpe's Plan of Savannah: Urban Design, Speculative Freemasonry, and Enlightened Charity.

Georgia Historical Quarterly 81, No. 4 (Winter, 1997): 839-862.
Upton, Dell

The Urban Cemetery and the Urban Community: The Origin of the New Orleans Cemetery.

Exploring Everyday Landscapes: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, VII. Annmarie Adams and Sally McMurry, eds., Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1997. Pp. 131-148
Vlach, John Michael

Without Recourse to Owners': The Architecture of Urban Slavery in the Antebellum South.

Shaping Communities: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, VI. Carter L. Hudgins and Elizabeth Collins Cromley, eds. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press, 1997. Pp. 150-160
Davis, Timothy.

Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway, Washington DC: The Evolution of a Contested Urban Landscape.

Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes 19, No. 2 (Summer, 1999): 123-237 entire issue.
Vlach, John Michael.

The Plantation Tradition in an Urban Setting: The Case of the Aiken-Rhett House in Charleston, South Carolina.

Southern Cultures 5, No. 4 (Winter, 1999): 52-69.
Day, Jared N.

Urban Castles: Tenement Housing and Landlord Activism in New York City, 1890-1943.

Columbia History of Urban Life. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 1999.
Anderson, Scott.

Entrepreneurs and Place: The Rise and Decline of Urban Communities in Central New York, 1848-1900.

New York History 80, No. 3 (July, 1999): 245-278.
Zierden, Martha A.

A Trans-Atlantic Merchant's House in Charleston: Archaeological Exploration of Refinement and Subsistence in an Urban Setting.

Historical Archaeology 33, No. 3 (1999): 73-87.
Self, Robert.

Writing Landscapes of Class, Power, and Racial Division: The Problem of (Sub)Urban Space and Place in Postwar America.

Journal of Urban History 27 (2001): 237-250.
Lloyd, William J.

Understanding Late Nineteenth-Century American Cities

Geographical Review 71 (1981): 460-471.
Keller, Morton.

The Personality of Cities: Boston, New York, Philadelphia

Massachusetts Historical Society, Proceedings 97 (1985): 1-15.
Anderson, Richard A.

Some Comments on the Changing Urban Pattern of American Cities

MASS 4 (Fall, 1986): 9-14.
Nash, Gary B.

The Social Evolution of Preindustrial American Cities, 1700-1820: Reflections and New Directions

Journal of Urban History 13, No. 2 (February, 1987): 115-145.
McClung, William Alexander.

Dialectics of Literary Cities

Journal of Architectural Education 41, No. 3 (Spring, 1988): 33-37.
Ford, Larry R.

Reading the Skyline of American Cities

Geographical Review 82 (April, 1992): 180-200.
Power, Garrett.

Entail in Two Cities: A Comparative Study of Long Term Leases in Birmingham, England and Baltimore, Maryland 1700-1900

Journal of Architectural and Planning Research 9, No. 4 (Winter, 1992): 315-324.
Becker, Robert F.

Gardening for Profit: Supplying America's Cities with Vegetables Prior to 1900

Proceedings of the 20th Anniversary Annual Meeting, June 17-24, 1990, Association for Living Historical Farms and Agricultural Museums. Debra Reid and Ken Yellis, eds. Vol. 13. Santa Fe, NM: Association for Living Historical Farms and Agricultural Museums, 1993. Pp. 138-141.
Shackel, Paul A.

Town Plans and Everyday Material Culture: An Archaeology of Social Relations in Colonial Maryland's Capital Cities

Historical Archaeology of the Chesapeake. Paul A. Shackel and Barbara J. Little, eds. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994. Pp. 85-96.
King, Anthony D.

Terminologies and Types: Making Sense of Some Types of Dwellings and Cities

Ordering Space: Types in Architecture and Design. Karen A. Franck and Lynda H. Schneekloth, eds. New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994. Pp. 127-144.
Adler, Moshe.

Ideology and the Structure of American and European Cities

Journal of Urban History 21 (September, 1995): 691-715.
Aubrey, Karen.

Sinning Without Consequences and Other American Dreams: Southern Theme Parks, Restaurants, and Vacation Cities.

Studies in Popular Culture 19, No. 2 (October, 1996): 39-47.
Rosen, Christine Meisner.

Noisome, Noxious, and Offensive Vapors, Fumes and Stenches in American Towns and Cities, 1840-1865.

Historical Geography 25 (1997): 49-82.
Home, Robert K.

Of Planting and Planning: The Making of British Colonial Cities.

Studies in History, Planning and the Environment, 20. New York, NY: Spon, 1997.
Tangires, Helen.

Feeding the Cities: Public Markets and Municipal Reform in the Progressive Era.

Prologue 29 (Spring, 1997): 16-26.
Elkind, Sarah S.

Building a Better Jungle: Anti-Urban Sentiment, Public Works, and Political Reform in American Cities, 1880-1930.

Journal of Urban History 24, No. 1 (November, 1997): 53-78.
Shammas, Carole.

The Space Problem in Early United States Cities.

William and Mary Quarterly 3rd ser., 57, No. 3 (July, 2000): 505-542.
Topping, Elizabeth.

Fact and Fiction Regarding Prostitution in Mid-Nineteenth Century American Cities.

Nineteenth Century 20, No. 2 (Fall, 2000): 8-12.
Blackmar, Betsy.

Re-Walking the `Walking City:' Housing and Property Relations in New York City, 1780-1840

Radical History Review No. 21(1979): 131-150.
Flowerdew, Robin.

Spatial Patterns of Residential Segregation in a Southern City

Journal of American Studies 13 (1979): 93-108.
Kirk, Carolyn Tyirin, and Gordon W. Kirk, Jr.

The Impact of the City on Home Ownership: A Comparison of Immigrants and Native Whites at the Turn of the Century

Journal of Urban History 7 (1981): 471-498.
Muller, Peter O.

Everyday Life in Suburbia: A Review of Changing Social and Economic Forces that Shape Daily Life within the Outer City

American Quarterly 34 (1982): 262-277.
Duis, Perry.

Whose City? Public and Private Places in Nineteenth-Century Chicago--I

Chicago History 12, No. 1 (Spring, 1983): 2-27.
Duis, Perry.

Whose City? Public and Private Places in Nineteenth-Century Chicago--II

Chicago History 12, No. 2 (Summer, 1983): 2-23.
Fusch, Richard, and Larry R. Ford.

Architecture and the Geography of the American City

Geographical Review 73 (1983): 324-340.
Daunton, M.J.

House and Home in the Victorian City: Working Class Housing, 1850-1914.

Studies in Urban History, 7. London: Edward Arnold, 1983.
Mattison, David.

In Visioning the City: Urban History Techniques Through Historical Photographs

Urban History Review/RÈvue d'histoire urbaine 13 (1984): 43-52.
Wit, Wim de.

Apartment Houses and Bungalows: Building the Flat City

Chicago History 11 (1983): 19-29.
Jackson, J.B.

The Vernacular City

Center 1 (1985): 27-43.
Eig, Emily Hotaling, with Laura L. Harris.

City as Museum: Building as Artifact

Journal of Museum Education: Roundtable Reports 10, No. 3 (Summer, 1985): 21-24.
Neverdon-Morton, Cynthia.

Black Housing Patterns in Baltimore City, 1885-1953

Maryland Historian 16, No. 1 (Spring/Summer, 1985): 25-39.
Coclanis, Peter A.

The Sociology of Architecture in Colonial Charleston: Pattern and Process in an Eighteenth-Century Southern City

Journal of Social History 18, No. 4 (Summer, 1985): 607-623.
Cox, Richard J.

Trouble on the Chain Gang: City Surveying, Maps, and the Absence of Urban Planning in Baltimore, 1730-1823; With a Checklist of Maps of the Period

Maryland Historical Magazine 81, No. 1 (Spring, 1986): 8-49.
Stachiw, Myron O.

Impermanent Architecture in the City: Examples from Nineteenth-Century New England [Abstract]

Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, II. Camille Wells, ed. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press for the Vernacular Architecture Forum, 1986. Pp. 232.
Taylor, Henry L.

On Slavery's Fringe: City-Building and Black Community Development in Cincinnati, 1800-1850

Ohio History 95 (Winter/Spring, 1986): 5-33.
Sies, Mary Corbin.

The City Transformed: Nature, Technology and the Suburban Ideal, 1877-1917

Journal of Urban History 14, No. 1 (November, 1987): 81-111.
Taylor, William R.

New York and the Origins of the Skyline: The Visual City as Text

Prospects 13 (1988): 225-248.
Wall, Diana diZerega.

The Separation of Home and Workplace in Early Nineteenth-Century New York City

American Archeology 5, No. 3 (1985): 185-189.
Wood, Joseph S.

Suburbanization of Center City

Geographical Review 78, No. 3 (July, 1988): 325-329.
Domosh, Mona.

Shaping the Commercial City: Retail Districts on Nineteenth-Century New York and Boston

Annals of the Association of American Geographers 80, No. 2 (June, 1990): 268-284.
Arnebeck, Bob.

Tracking the Speculators: Greenleaf and Nicholoson in the Federal City

Washington History 3 (Spring/Summer, 1991): 112-125.
Kimball, Gregg D.

African-Virginians and the Vernacular Building Tradition in Richmond City, 1790-1860

Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, IV. Thomas Carter and Bernard L. Herman, eds. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press for the Vernacular Architecture Forum, 1991. Pp. 121-129.
Taylor, William R.

The Evolution of Public Space in New York City: The Commercial Showcase of America

Consuming Visions: Accumulation and Display of Goods in America, 1880-1920. Simon J. Bronner, ed. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company for The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, 1989. Pp. 287-309.
Krim, Arthur.

Los Angeles and the Anti-Tradition of the Suburban City

Journal of Historical Geography 18, No. 1 (1992): 121-138.
Muller, Edward K.

The Americanization of the City

The Making of the American Landscape. Michael P. Conzen, ed. Boston, MA: Unwin Hyman, 1990. Pp. 269-292.
Rothschild, Nan A.

Spatial and Social Proximity in Early New York City

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 11, No. 2 (June, 1992): 202-218.
Upton, Dell.

The City as Material Culture

The Art and Mystery of Historical Archaeology: Essays in Honor of James Deetz. Anne Elizabeth Yentsch and Mary C. Beaudry, eds. Boca Raton, LA: CRC Press, 1992. Pp. 51-74.
Harris, Richard.

The End Justified the Means: Boarding and Rooming in a City of Homes, 1890-1951

Journal of Social History 26 (Winter, 1992): 331-358.
Deutsch, Sarah.

Reconceiving the City: Women, Space, and Power in Boston, 1870-1910.

Gender & History 6, No. 2 (August, 1994): 202-223.
Murphy, Kevin.

Walking the Queer City

Radical History Review 62 (Spring, 1995): 195-201.
Sandweiss, Eric.

Before the Instant City: San Francisco's Colonial Origins Reconsidered

Forms of Dominance: On the Architecture and Urbanism of the Colonial Experience. Nezar AlSayyad, ed. Ethnoscapes, No. 5. Brookfield: Avebury, 1992. Pp. 139-166.
Allaback, Sarah.

Three Victorian Women View the City.

Nineteenth Century 15, No. 1 (1995): 16-19.
King, Anthony D.

Introduction: Cities, Texts and Paradigms. Re-Presenting the City: Ethnicity, Capital and Culture in the Twenty-First Century Metropolis.

Anthony D. King, ed. Houndmills, Basingstroke: Macmillan Press, Ltd, 1996.

Pp. 1-20.

Mohl, Raymond A.

City Building in the Sunshine State: The Urbanization of Florida

Locus 8 (Fall, 1995): 1-24.
Sciorra, Joseph.

Return to the Future: Puerto Rican Vernacular Architecture in New York City

Re-Presenting the City: Ethnicity, Capital and Culture in the Twenty-First Century Metropolis. Anthony D. King, ed. Houndmills, Basingstroke: Macmillan Press, Ltd, 1996. Pp. 60-92.
Stowell, David O.

Small Property Holders and the Great Strike of 1877: Railroads, City Streets, and the Middle Classes.

Journal of Urban History 21 (September, 1995): 741-763.
Abbott, Carl

The International City Hypothesis: An Approach to the Recent History of U.S. Cities.

Journal of Urban History 24, No. 1 (November, 1997): 28-52.
Sandweiss, Eric

What is 'Diversity'?: The Lessons of the Nineteenth-Century City.

Gateway Heritage 18, No. 2 (Fall, 1997): 4-13.
Gurganus, Allan.

The Ideal City--The Invention of Suburbia.

Preservation 51, No. 5 (September/October, 1999): 56-61, 110-111.
Melosi, Martin V.

The Sanitary City: Urban Infrastructure in America from Colonial Times to the Present.

Creating the North American Landscape. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.
Fairbanks, Robert B.

Public Housing for the City as a Whole: The Texas Experience, 1934-1955.

Southwestern Historical Quarterly 103, No. 4 (April, 2000): 403-424.
Mele, Christopher.

Selling the Lower East Side: Culture, Real Estate, and Resistance in New York City.

Globalization and Community, vol. 5. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2000.
Dell Upton, intro essay in Voorsanger, Catherine Hoover, and John K. Howat, eds.

Art and the Empire City: New York, 1825-1861.

New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000.

D. Ward, "The Emergence of Central Immigrant Ghettos in American Cities, 1840-1920," Annals of the Association of American Geographers 58, no. 2 (June 1968): 343-59.
Sherry Olson, "Baltimore Imitates the Spider," Annals of the Association of American Geographers 69, no. 4 (1979): 557-74.
P. Kramer, "River Cities, 1800-1850," in Kramer and F. L Holborn, eds., The City in American Life (New York, 1970).
J. F. Vance, "Six Forces in the Life of Downtown," in J. F. Vance, The Scene of Man, (New York, 1977).
M. P. Conzen, "The Morphology of Nineteenth-Century Cities in the United States,"in W. Borah et al, eds., Urbanizationj in the Americas (Ottawa, 1980).
M. P. Conzen, "Analytical Approaches to the Urban Landscape," in K. W. Butler, Dijmensions of Human Geography (Chicago, 1978), pp. 128-65.
Sherry Olson?, "Urban Metabolism and Morphogenesis," Urban Geography 3, no. 2 (1982): 87-109.
Homer Hoyt, "The Urban Real Estate Cycle," Performance and Prospects," in Urban Land (June 1950).
Journal of urban history

[Beverly Hills, Calif.] Sage Publications

Descript v. 21 cm

History v. 1- Nov. 1974-

Loc B Canaday    HT111 .J68
Timothy Mahoney

"Urban History in Regional Context: River Towns on the Upper Mississippi, 1840-1860" J Amer History 72 (1985): 318-339.

Don Doyle

"The Urbanization of Dixie" from New Men, New Cities, New South: Atlanta, Nashville, Charleston, Mobile, 1860-1910, * 1-21.

Elizabeth Blackmar

"The Formation of Urban Tenancy," in Manhattan for Rent 1785-1850, * pp. 44-71.

William Cronin

"Bounding the Land" in Changes in the Land; Indians, Colonists and the Ecology of New England, pp. 54-81.


David Gerber, The Making of an American Pluralism; Buffalo New York 1825-1860,

"A Place of Immense Resort: From Frontier Village to Continental Entrepot" pp. 3-21.

"Commerce and Class Formation " pp. 43-62.

Timothy Mahoney

"The Land Takes Shape: The Process of Settlement" in River Towns in the Great West; The Structure of Provincial Urbanization in the American Midwest 1820-1870, * pp. 16-54.

Edward Muller

"Metropolis and Region: A Framework for Enquiry Into Western Pennsylvania" in Samuel Hays, ed., City at the Point; Essays on the Social History of Pittsburgh,* pp. 181-211.

Edward Papenfuse

"The Stages of Urban Growth and the Emergence of a Merchant Class 1684-1774" in In Pursuit of Profit, The Annapolis Merchants in the Era of the American Revolution, * pp.5-34.

Sam B. Warner

"The Environment of Private Opportunity" in The Private City, Philadelphia in Three Stages of Its Growth, * pp. 3-21.

"William Penn's Green Country Towne" pp. 79-107.

"Savannah: The City in the Country" pp. 136-166.

in Sylvia Fries, The Urban Idea in Colonial America
Roy Lubove, "The Urbanization Process," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 33 (1967), 33-39.
Lynn Lees and John Modell, "The Irish Countryman Urbanized," Journal of Urban History, 3 (1977), 391-408
Christine Stansell, "Women, Children, and the Uses of the Streets: Class and Gender Conflict in New York City, 1850-1860," Feminist Studies, 8 (1982), 309-335.
James Borchert. 1967. "American Metropolitan Evolution" The Geographical Review  57: 301-322. A 'technological' interpretation of modern urban growth in the US.
David Gordon. 1984. "Capitalist Development and the History of American Cities" In William K.Tabb and Larry Sawers (eds) Marxism and the Metropolis  New York: Oxford University Press. Gordon is a critic of the technological viewpoint.
Richard Harris and Robert Lewis. 1999. The Geography of North American Cities 1900-1950. A Reinterpretation. Journal of Urban History (2001?). An overview, organised thematically.
Ernest W.Burgess. 1925. "The Growth of the City", reprinted with an introduction in Richard T. LeGates and Frederic Stout, eds. The City Reader, London: Routledge, 1996, pp.89-97. The classic essay on the social geography of the North American city in the twentieth century, using Chicago as a case study.
Richard Harris. 1994. "Chicago's Other Suburbs." The Geographical Review 84,4: 394-410. A different view of Chicago's suburbs
Joel Tarr, "Sewerage and the Development of the Networked City...," in Joel Tarr and Gabriel Dupuy, eds., Technology and the Rise of the Networked City
Pierce Lewis. 1979. "Axioms for Reading the Landscape" in Donald Meinig, ed. The Interpretation of Ordinary Landscapes. Toronto: Oxford University Press. A general guide to reading landscapes.
Pierce Lewis. 1994. "Common Houses, Cultural Spoor." in K.E.Foote, et al. Re-reading Cultural Geography. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press. Concerned chiefly with the architectural features of houses. Read pages 82-84, and 104-108 with particular care. 
 *  Richard Harris. 1997. "Reading Sanborns for the Spoor of the Owner-Builder, 1890s-1950s." in A.Adams and S.McMurry, eds. Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture 6 Knoxville, Tennessee: University of Tennessee Press. How to infer the building process from residential landscapes up to the 1950s.
Ann R.Markuson. 1981. "City Spatial Structure, Women's Household Work and National Urban Policy." in C.R.Stimpson, et al., eds. Women and the American City. Chicago: Chicago University Press, pp.20-41
Paul Knox. 1992. "The Packaged Landscapes of Post-Suburban America." in J.W.R.Whitehand and P.J.Larkham. eds. Urban Landscapes. International Perspectives. New York: Routledge. An example of a recent (privately) Planned Unit Development (PUD).
Ned Eichler. 1982. "Building." in N.Eichler, The Merchant Builders. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. An account of large-scale building by one of the biggest builders in the US.
Harris, Neil, 1938-

"Four stages of cultural growth: the American city,"

Cultural excursions, University of Chicago Press, 1990 6260
Robbins, Mark

"Framing American cities"

Annotation 5 article special section

Design Quarterly no151 ([1991]) p. 3-34
John F. Sutherland,

"Housing the Poor in the City of Homes: Philadelphia at the Turn of the Century,"

in Allen F. Davis and Mark H. Haller, eds., The Peoples of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, 1973), 1975-200.

Arthur M. Schlesinger, "The City in American History"

Eric Monkkonen, "The Premodern Heritage" in xxxx

Gary Nash, "The Web of Seaport Life," in xxxx

William Issel and Robert W. Cherny, "Commercial Village to Coast Metropolis," in xxxx

Timothy Gilfoyle, "The Urban Geography of Commercial Sex: Prostitution in New York City, 1790-1860," in xxxx

Shane White, "We Dwell in Safety and Pursue Our Honest Callings: Free Blacks in New York City, 1783-1810," in xxxx

Allen Pred, "Manufacturing in the American Mercantile City," in xxxx

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