Cleveland Press Collection

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Cleveland Press Collection: Photograph Subjects, housed at

Special Collections in the Michael Schwartz Library, Cleveland State University

1864 General Store

3M Company

5th Christian CHurch

AAA electric sewer cleaning company


AB Hart Jr. High School

Abacus investment club

Abby Construction Company

Abby st.

Aberdeen motor supply

Abington arms apts.

Abington house (formerly Benjamin Rose hospital)

Abominable snowman

Abortion- pro and con

Abraham Lincoln Brigade

Acacia country club

Acacia Masonic memorial park

Academy of motion picture and sciences

Acadia farms

Acadia S.S.

Accidents- general

Ace cigarette Service Company

Ace transmission Inc.

ACF industries

Acme meats

Acme news pictures Inc.

Acme rayon corps.


Activities growth center


Addison Jr. high school

Addison road church of Christ

Addison square (public housing)

Addressograph-multigraph corp.

Adele’s bar

Adirondack Mountains

Adlai Stevenson elementary school

Admiral (tug boat)

Adrian school (South Euclid)

Advent evangelical Lutheran church

Advent Lutheran church- Solon, Oh


Aerospace defense command

Aetna finance company

AFG Hanastan

Africa- general

Africa- maps

Africa S.S.

African safari

African sun

Afro set

Afro-American cultural and historical society


Aged- Cleveland area

Agnes De Mille dance theatre

Agnes Spiro- visit


Air Canada airlines

Air Commuter Inc.

Air conditioning

Air force Academy

Air Force- bombers- A-9A, A-10A

Air Force- bombers- B-16, B-60, B-61

Air Force- bombers- B-35

Air Force- bombers- B-52

Air Force- bombers- F-102A

Air Force- bombers- F-104, F-104A, F-105B

Air Force- bombers- F-4C, GC-130, F-5A

Air Force- bombers- F-92, F-93

Air Force- bombers- P-59, P-55, P-51

Air Force- bombers-YB51, YX51

Air Force fighters

Air Force- fighters- F-100, F-100, F-100D, F-100F

Air Force- fighters- F-14, F-15, F-16, F-18

Air Force- fighters- F-87, F-88

Air Force- fighters- F-89

Air Force- fighters- F-94, F-95, F-96

Air Force- fighters- P-39

Air Force- general 1960

Air Force Radar Picket plane

Air Force reconnaissance observation

Air Force reconnaissance observation U-2

Air force thunderbirds

Air Force- transports 1945-1948

Air Force- transports 1949

Air Force- transports 1950

Air Force- transports 1951-1952

Air Force- transports- before 1945

Air Force VTOL vertiplane

Air Force, Navy scouting planes observation

Air mail

Air New England

Air pollution

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1929

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1931

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1932

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1933-1938

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1946

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1947

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1948

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1949

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1953

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1964

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1965

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1966

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1967

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1968

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1969

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1971

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1972

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1973

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1974

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1975

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1976

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1977

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1978

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1979

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1980

Air races and shows- Cleveland 1981

Air races and shows- general

Air traffic control and towers

Air traffic control center- Cleveland and Ohio

Aircraft show- general

Airlines- A

Airlines general

Airplane accidents- Canary Islands

Airplane accidents- Chicago, Illinois 5/25/79

Airplane accidents- Cleveland area- general

Airplane accidents- Cleveland Tag airline 1970

Airplane accidents- general

Airplane accidents- New Hope, Georgia 4/4/77

Airplane accidents- San Diego, California 9/25/78

Airplanes- “C” general

Airplanes- “M”- general

Airplanes- A-B general

Airplanes- B1

Airplanes- B17

Airplanes- B19

Airplanes- B24

Airplanes- B25

Airplanes- B26

Airplanes- B29

Airplanes- B32

Airplanes- B36

Airplanes- B47

Airplanes- B57

Airplanes- B58

Airplanes- Bede, James R.

Airplanes- Beechcraft

Airplanes- Bi-plane

Airplanes- Boeing 307

Airplanes- Boeing 707

Airplanes- Boeing 727

Airplanes- Boeing 737

Airplanes- Boeing 747

Airplanes- Boeing 757, 767

Airplanes- Boeing aircraft

Airplanes- Boeing Jet Stratoliner 720

Airplanes- Boeing Stratocruiser

Airplanes- bombings

Airplanes- Cessna

Airplanes- Concorde

Airplanes- consolidated aircraft

Airplanes- Convair

Airplanes- Curtiss

Airplanes- Czechoslovakia

Airplanes- Dornier

Airplanes- Douglas C-54

Airplanes- Douglas DC-2

Airplanes- Douglas DC-3

Airplanes- Douglas DC-4

Airplanes- Douglas DC-6

Airplanes- Douglas DC-8

Airplanes- Douglas DC-9

Airplanes- E-F

Airplanes- England

Airplanes- experimental

Airplanes- Expo

Airplanes- F-101

Airplanes- F-105

Airplanes- F-106

Airplanes- F-107

Airplanes- F-111

Airplanes- F-80

Airplanes- F-84

Airplanes- Fairchild

Airplanes- flight schools

Airplanes- Fokkers

Airplanes- Ford

Airplanes- France

Airplanes- general

Airplanes- general

Airplanes- general

Airplanes- general

Airplanes- general

Airplanes- Germany

Airplanes- Germany

Airplanes- Grumman

Airplanes- Hughes Hercules (Spruce Goose)

Airplanes- Italy

Airplanes- Lear

Airplanes- Lockheed

Airplanes- Lockheed supersonic SST

Airplanes- man powered

Airplanes- Marines U.S.

Airplanes- Martin

Airplanes- Navy guided missiles

Airplanes- Navy patrol bombers

Airplanes- Navy reconnaissance- EC-121

Airplanes- Navy submarine plane

Airplanes- Navy tankers 1955

Airplanes- North American Rockwell

Airplanes- Northrup

Airplanes- observation

Airplanes- P

Airplanes- P-26A

Airplanes- P-36A

Airplanes- P-38 “lightning”

Airplanes- P-40

Airplanes- P-47

Airplanes- P-61

Airplanes- P-82

Airplanes- Piper

Airplanes- reconnaissance

Airplanes- Russia

Airplanes- Sikorsky

Airplanes- Steaman

Airplanes- Stinson

Airplanes- STOL

Airplanes- trainers

Airplanes- transports

Airplanes- V+W

Airplanes- X-15

Airplanes- XB-70

Airplanes- XP-39

Airplanes- YF-12/ SR-71

Airplanes- YF-17

Airports- Baltimore- Friendship International airport

Airports- Boston- Logan International airport

Airports- Burbank- Union Air Terminal

Airports- California

Airports- Chantilly, Va- Dulles International airport

Airports- Charleston- Kanawha Airport

Airports- Chicago- O’Hare

Airports- Cleveland area and Ohio- general

Airports- Cleveland area- jetports

Airports- Cleveland- Burke

Airports- Cleveland- Hopkins International- air views

Airports- Cleveland Hopkins International- buildings- exteriors

Airports- Cleveland Hopkins International- buildings- interiors

Airports- Cleveland Hopkins International- general

Airports- Cleveland Hopkins International- ground views

Airports- Cleveland Hopkins International- maps/plans

Airports- Cleveland proposals

Airports- Cuyahoga County (Richmond)

Airports- Dallas/Ft. Worth

Airports- England

Airports- France

Airports- general

Airports- Hawaii

Airports- Huron County airport

Airports- Indianapolis- Indianapolis Municipal airport

Airports- Italy

Airports- Kansas City- Kansas City International airport

Airports- Mexico

Airports- military

Airports- military- Ohio

Airports- Milwaukee- General Mitchell Field

Airports- Montreal, Canada

Airports- New York City- JFK International airport

Airports- New York- La Guardia

Airports- New York- New York Offshore

Airports- Newark- Newark International airport

Airports- Oakland- Oakland International airport

Airports- San Francisco- San Francisco International airport

Airports- Santa Monica- Santa Monica International airport

Airports- St. Louis- Lambert

Airports- Tokyo

Airports- Washington D.C. - Washington National airport

Airships- Los Angeles- ZR-3

Airships- non rigid- blimps

Airships- non rigid- Goodyear blimp

Airships- rigid- all metal Dirigibles and Zeppelins

Airships- rigid- general

Airships- rigid- Hindenburg

Airships- rigid- R-101

Airships- rigid- Shenandoah

Airships- rigid- U.S.N. Akron

AJ Heiz florist

Ajax building

Ajax manufacturing

Akron Children’s Hospital

Akron University

Akron, Ohio- airport

Akron, Ohio- general


Alabama- Phoenix city

Alabama- S.S.

Alabama school (Cleveland)

Alabama University

Alahambra village apartments

Alaska- cities and towns

Alaska- general

Alaska- people

Alaska- pipeline

Alaska- U.S. troop


Albanian’s- Cleveland

Albion elementary school

Alcatraz Island

Alcazar hotel

Alco products Inc.


Alcoa cavaliers S.S.

Alcoholics and alcoholism

Alders gate Methodist Church (Warrensville Heights)

Alex Fodor Realty Company

Alexander Graham Bell School for the deaf

Alexander Hamilton Jr. high school (drill team)

Alexander Pushkin S.S.

Alfred M. Benesch School

Alger cemetery

Alger Foundry Company

Alger road

Algeria- general

Alhamba tavern

Alice Lloyd College

Alien registration

All American engineering

All Nationals festival

All Saints Episcopal Church

All Souls cemetery

Allegany Corporation

Allegheny College

Allen theatre

Allendorf’s restaurant

Allenton hotel

Alleys- general

Alliance for progress

Alliance of poles of America

Alliance of Transylvanian Saxon

Alliance printing company

Alliance, Ohio


Allis- Chalmers Corporation

Almiha elementary school

Alpine Valley

Alpine village (night club)

Alports furniture showrooms

Alps (mountains)

Alta house

Altenheim home


Altrusa club


Aluminum Match Plate company

Amalgamated clothing workers

Ambler Park

Ambrose light ship


America S.S.

American Air Corporation

American Airlines

American Apartments

American Association for the advancement of science

American Association of school administers

American Association of University women

American Aviation Corporation

American Ballet theatre

American Bar Association

American Brass Company

American Broadcasting Company

American costume shop

American Debutante Ball of the Silver Rose

American Dental Centers

American Dietetic Association

American District Telegraph Company

American Dream Soap Company

American Express American Federation of Labor

American Federation of State, County and Municipal employees

American field Service

American Foundrymens Society

American Gas Association

American Greetings Corporation

American Heart Association

American Hospital Association

American House

American House Motor Hotel

American Indian Art Hall of Fame

American Indian Center

American Industrial Engineering

American International Management Corporation

American Laundering

American Legion- Cleveland Convention1936

American Legion- general

American Marketing Association

American Mining Congress and Coal Show

American Monorail Company

American Music Awards

American National Bank

American National Hygiene Society

American Opinion Bookstores

American Plastics Co.

American Red Cross- Cleveland area

American Red Cross- general

American Red Cross- posters

American Revolution Bicentennial celebration

American Road Builders Association

American Searchlight Advertising Company

American Seaway Food

American Society for Metals

American Society for Personal Administration

American Stamping Company

American Steamship Company

American Steel and Wire Corporation

American Steel Fabricating and Machinery Company

American Telephone and Telegraph

Amerikanis, S.S.

Ameritrust Bank

Ames Company

Amherst, Ohio

Amnesia victims


Amsterdam Hotel


Amusement Parks



Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation

Anderson School (Lyndhurst)



Andover Arms Apartments (Garfield Heights)

Andre Duval Beauty Salon

Andrea Doria (ship)

Anemia- Sickle Cell


Angier House- (see Kennard House)

Anglican Church



Animal experiment

Animal- general

Animal Protective League

Animals- oddities

Annunciation Church

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church

Ansel Rd.

Ansel’s Cave






Anti Nuke Organization

Anti-aircraft guns


Antilles, S.S.

Antioch Baptiste Church

Antioch College- general

Antiques- general

Anti-tank guns

Anton Gardenia elementary School

Ants (insects)



Apex Electrical Manufacturing Company

Apex Washing Machine Company


Appalachian Trail

Applause machine

Apple cart

Apple Corr (clothing store)

Apple Creek State Institute

Apple Creek, Ohio


Appliance city


Aqua Belles (see oceanography)

Aqua Lade

Aqua Marine Lounge

Aquarama, S.S.

Aquarium- Cleveland

Aquariums- general


Arabs- Cleveland, Ohio

Aragon Ballroom

Arbor Crest Apartments

Arbor Day

Arby’s restaurants

Arcade, The

Archaeology- Cleveland

Archaeology- general

Archaeology- U.S.

Archbold- Ohio

Archer- Daniels- Midland Company


Architects and Architecture- general

Architecture- windows

Archwood United Church of Christ

Arco Company (Paint Company)


Area Councils Association

Argon National Laboratory (Chicago)

Ariadne, S.S.


ARK (literary-social club, 1852)


Arlington Elementary School

Arlington National Cemetery- Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Arm wrestling




Armenian Church of Cleveland (Richmond Heights)

Armenians- Cleveland

Armistice Day

Armor- general

Armories- 107th Cavalry

Armories- Brookpark Village

Armories- Central Armory

Armories- Garfield Park

Armories- general Wood King Calvary Armory

Armour Company

Army Day and Week

Army Doak- 16

Army- general

Army- general 1941-1943

Army observation

Army- robots

Army rubber (inflatoplane)

Arnold Engineering Development Center

Around the Clock restaurant

Arrow Letter Service


Art- general

Art Window Shade Company

Artemus Ward Elementary School

Arthritis- general

Arthur G. McKee Company

Arthur Road School

Artificial insemination

Artificial limbs

Artisan Patterns and Engineering Company

Artists- Cleveland area

Arts and Crafts


AS Beck shoe store

Asbestos suits

Ascension Catholic Church

Ascension Lutheran Church (North Olmsted)

Ash Wednesday and Lent

Ashland College (Ashland University)

Ashtabula- buildings

Ashtabula- harbor

Ashtabula- streets

Ashtabula, Ohio- bridges

Ashtabula, Ohio- general

Asia Cultural Society of Ohio

Assembly Ball- 1960

Assembly Ball- before 1960

Assembly of God Church

Associated Cleaning Company

Associated Grocery Manufacturers Representatives

Associated Industries

Association of Arab-American University Graduates

Assumption Catholic School (Brookpark, Ohio)


Astor House

Astor Theater


Astrologers and Astrology

Astronauts- U.S. - general


Astrup Awning Company

Athens State Hospital

Athens, Ohio

Atlantic Thrift Center

Atlantic, S.S.

Atlas Alloys Incorporated

A-T-O Inc.

Atom smashers

Atomic energy- anti-demonstrations and marches

Atomic energy- China- general

Atomic energy- England- general

Atomic energy- France- general

Atomic energy- general

Atomic energy- Germany- general

Atomic energy- India- general

Atomic energy- plants- Ohio

Atomic energy- Russia- general

Atomic energy- Sweden- general

Atomic energy- U.S. - A-bomb

Atomic energy- U.S. - general

Atomic energy- U.S. – H-bomb

Atomic energy- U.S. – plants

Atomic Fire Equipment Company


Atwater, Ohio

Atwood Lake and Lodge

Au Pere Jacques restaurant

Au Provence restaurant

Auburn Career Center



Auditorium Hotel

Audubon Junior High School

Audubon Society

Augusta National Golf Club

Aurania, S.S. (cruise ship)

Aurora Country Club

Aurora Farmers Market

Aurora, Ohio

Austin Company

Austin Powder Company

Austinburg Township (Ashtabula County)



Austria- Innsbruck

Austria- Vienna

Auto shows

Autogyros and rotor crafts

Automated Packaging Systems

Automatic Sprinkler Corporation


Automobile dealers

Automobile- licenses- bureau- driver’s licenses

Automobile shows- general

Automobile Wrecking Company

Automobiles- A

Automobiles- abandoned and junk cars

Automobiles- AMC

Automobiles- Auburn

Automobiles- B

Automobiles- Buick (2 folders)

Automobiles- C

Automobiles- Cadillac (2 folders)

Automobiles- Chevrolet (2 folders)

Automobiles- Chrysler (2 folders)

Automobiles- Corel

Automobiles- Corvair

Automobiles- Corvette

Automobiles- Crosley

Automobiles- D

Automobiles- Desoto

Automobiles- Dodge (2 folders)

Automobiles- E

Automobiles- Edsel

Automobiles- F

Automobiles- Ford (4 folders)

Automobiles- Frazier

Automobiles- G

Automobiles- General (2 folders)

Automobiles- Graham

Automobiles- H

Automobiles- Hillman

Automobiles- historical- old- general

Automobiles- Hudson

Automobiles- Hupmobile

Automobiles- I-J

Automobiles- Jeeps

Automobiles- K

Automobiles- Kaiser

Automobiles- L

Automobiles- La Salle

Automobiles- Lafayette

Automobiles- Le Sabre

Automobiles- Lincoln (2 folders)

Automobiles- M

Automobiles- Mercury (2 folders)

Automobiles- N

Automobiles- Nash

Automobiles- O

Automobiles- Oldsmobile (2 folders)

Automobiles- P

Automobiles- Packard (2 folders)

Automobiles- Plymouth (2 folders)

Automobiles- Pontiac (2 folders)

Automobiles- R

Automobiles- racing and races- mid Ohio sports car course (Lexington, Ohio)

Automobiles- racing- Cleveland

Automobiles- racing- general

Automobiles- Rambler

Automobiles- REO

Automobiles- repairs

Automobiles- S

Automobiles- safety checks

Automobiles- seat belts

Automobiles- Studebaker (2 folders)

Automobiles- T

Automobiles- theft

Automobiles- U-V

Automobiles- Volkswagen (auto)

Automobiles- Willys

Automobiles- W-Z


Avalon Terrace Apartments

Aviation- flights

Aviation Hall of Fame

Aviation High School

Avis rent-a-truck


Avon Lake Elementary School

Avon Lake Senior High School

Avon Lake, Ohio

Avon Oaks Country Club

Avon United Methodist Church



Azteca Club Incorporated

B & B Appliance Company

B & B Auto Glass Company

B & B Builders Incorporated

B & M air compressor and motor repair

B.R. Baker Company

Babcock and Wilcox Company


Babies and Children’s Hospital (Rainbow)

Babies- Blue Babies


Baby buggies



Bachelor’s Day

Back packing (see: hikers and hiking- general)

Back Stage Club




Bagley Road and Bridge- streets



Bahama Star, S.S.

Bahamas- general

Bahamas- Nassau

Bailey Controls Company

Bailey Wallpaper Company

Bailey’s store (2 folders)

Bainbridge, Ohio

Baker’s Union building

Baker-Raulang Company

Bakers and bakeries

Baldwin Wallace- buildings

Baldwin Wallace- Commencement

Baldwin Wallace drama

Baldwin Wallace- general

Baldwin Wallace- students- 1940

Baldwin Wallace- students- prior

Bali dancers

Ballet Folklorico of Mexico

Ballet- general

Ballet Guild of Cleveland

Ballistic missile early warning system

Balloons (toy)

Balloons and balloonists

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