Microsoft Office 2010 SAM2010 Projects CMPTR Series 4LTR
COURSE DESCRIPTION The purpose of this course is to improve typing skills and gain an understanding of the many ways one can use computers. This will be accomplished through the use of All the Right Type, Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
Student will be able to increase typing speed and accuracy
Student will be able to create documents using Microsoft Word, create spreadsheets and graphs using Microsoft Excel and slide show presentations using Microsoft Power Point.
ATTENDANCE POLICY Check with the teacher after absences from class. Each student should see the teacher before being gone from class when you know you will be out of school ahead of time. If you know that you will be missing class, please make arrangements to complete work in advance.
CLASS EXPECTATIONS Students are expected to be responsible, respectful and resourceful. Class behavior will make learning possible for all students, and will be part of the class work grade.