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Headteacher: Mrs Christine Mead

School News Issue 7 – Friday 21st October 2016

The Week Ahead

Monday 31st October: School returns after Half Term.

Breakfast Club from 8am. £2.50 per session.

PUMPKIN DAY – come to school dressed in orange or as a pumpkin!

Keyboard lessons continue.

Cross Country Timed Running for KS2 at lunchtime.

Dodgeball Club continues 3 – 4.15pm. £3 per session to be paid in advance.

All children who have sent in money have a place. There are still 9 places

available so you can still book places on the first day back.

Tuesday 1st November: Breakfast Club from 8am. £2.50 per session – in the hall.

FOCS meeting to discuss the Christmas Fayre.

Knitting Club with Mrs Wymer at lunchtime.

Eco Club led by Lucy (Head of Eco) at lunchtime.

After School Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session.

Table Tennis Club £3 per session. 3 – 4.15pm spaces available.

KS2 Boys’ Football Club 3 – 4.30pm with James and Ed. £3 per session.
Wednesday 2nd November: Breakfast Club from 8am. £2.50 per session.

Stay and Play 9 – 10.15am. £1.50.

KS1 Football Club at lunchtime.

Cross Country Club at lunchtime.

Leadership Club with Mrs Moulton at lunchtime.

Year 4, 5 and 6 Girls’ Footie Club continues 3 – 4.30pm. £3 paid in advance.

After School Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session.
Thursday 3rd November: Breakfast Club from 8am. £2.50 per session.

Swimming for selected pupils.

After School Club. 3 – 4.30pm. £3 per session.

FOCS Jumble Sale in the hall 3pm.

Friday 4th November: Breakfast Club from 8am. £2.50 per session.

FOCS Jumble Sale in the hall 8.50pm.

Dates for your diary

Monday 7th November: Phil the Bag recycling collection.

Monday 14th November: FOCS meeting in the school hall at 9am.

Monday 14th November: Book Week

Monday 21st November: Flu Immunisation for Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 children.

Friday 2nd December: Year 6 watch The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe at AHS.

Friday 2nd December: FOCS Christmas Fair 3 – 4.45pm.

Tuesday 6th December: Height and weight measuring for Reception and Year 6.

Tuesday 13th December: KS2 Christmas Performance rehearsal at The Atrium.

Wednesday 14th December: KS2 Christmas Performance at The Atrium pm. (Time to be confirmed.)

Friday 16th December: School closes for Christmas holiday at 3pm.

Thursday 5th January: School reopens for the Spring term.

Lost Property

We have already collected a large pile of unnamed Lost Property this half term. Please could you check all of your child’s belongings to ensure they are clearly labelled with their name, including water bottles, packed lunch boxes (and lids) and shoes. If your child has lost any items, please ask them to check the Lost Property box next week. Unnamed school uniform will be recycled after half term – we can’t store items indefinitely.

Harvest Festival

Thank you to Amber class and Sapphire class for the wonderful Harvest Festival celebration last Friday. We were pleased so many of you were able to come to join us. The children had worked enthusiastically to prepare a very special service – thanks too to Mrs Williams, Rachel, Georgi, Mrs Ward, Lynn and James (and all other staff who have popped in to help during rehearsals) for all their hard work.

Once again we had a lovely display of harvest foods. Dried foods and tins will be taken to the Aylsham Food Bank for redistribution. Thank you very much.

Helping with maths at home

Lots of you have asked if there is anything extra you can do to help your child with mathematics at home. The curriculum includes increased emphasis on children being able to read and write numbers ie.

Twenty-six = 26, Seventy-three = 73, Five thousand one hundred and fourteen = 5114

Practising reading and writing numbers (little and often) would really help to improve your child’s understanding and confidence in this area.

Thank you.

Headteacher Awards

Eva N, Sam I-G, Harry and Alfie (Amber) for great Jolly Phonics work at home

Darcia, Callum, Jack C, Caleb, Rhys, Samuel, Sadie and Theo (Amber)

for descriptive phrase about “Whale Song”

Sam I-G, Toby, Oscar, Bella, Amelie, Alfie, Phoebe, Freddie and Jack M (Amber)

for great describing words

Zara, Shelbi, Harry, Jacob and Ben (Amber) for making up a new story based on “Whale Song”

Darcia, Jack C, Caleb, Samuel, Theo and Sadie (Amber) for fantastic story-writing

Harry, Shelbi, Ben and Jacob (Amber) for fantastic leaf measuring

Caleb (Amber) for amazing Computing

Sadie (Amber) for great independent writing

Freddie (Amber) for super tidying up

Holly and Imogen E (Ruby) for excellent chicken observation and care

Eva M and Lexie (Amber) for beautiful underwater boxes

Rita (Amber) for beautiful drawing on the computer

Oscar (Amber) for being able to log on

Isabelle (Amber) for great name writing

Emily (Amber) for lovely listening

Rhys and Callum (Amber) for being fantastic phonics mini teachers

Lucy (Amethyst) for a great explanation

Oliver, Reuben and Evan (Amethyst) for great word problems

Elise (Amethyst) for fantastic fractions

Sophia (Amber) for joining in so well with the Harvest Festival

Bonnie, Isabel, Reece and Samson (Sapphire) for beautiful sky poems

James, Beatrice, Henry, Ivy, Rudi, Belle and Bonnie (Sapphire) for lovely poems written at home

Illy (Sapphire) for fantastic map work

James and Beatrice (Sapphire) for an excellent attitude to learning

Alex, Jennifer, Honor, Lily (Year 2), Phoebe, Reece, Ivy and Isabel N (Sapphire)

for fantastic news-writing

Fred and Ethan (Sapphire) for lovely writing with lots of finger spaces

Florence P and Gabriel (Sapphire) for lovely handwriting

Dom and Reece (Sapphire) for beautiful presentation

Honor (Sapphire) for using time words

Imogen H and Maddy (Ruby) for listening to Sapphire readers

Imogen H, Imogen E, Evie and Mae (Ruby) for excellent reading records

Brae (Ruby) for excellent Zumba dancing

Josh, Luke and Mae (Ruby) for passing the Gold times table challenge

Maisie (Ruby) for winning a listening game

Maddy, Evie and Sophie (Ruby) for passing the European times table challenge

Isabel and Daniel (Ruby) for passing the Semi-Finalist times table challenge

Tom (Ruby) for being Star of the Week

Oren, Reuben, Axel, William, Alfie, Freya, Jacob, Jim and Rosa (Amethyst) for fantastic diary writing

Axel, William, Rose, Evan, Jacob, Harry, Jim, Milly, Lucy and Lucas (Amethyst)

for accurate reading comprehension answers

William (Amethyst) for beautiful handwriting

Rosa (Amethyst) for amazing story writing

Ruby E, Joshua, Andre, Jacob and Chloe (Emerald) for brilliant tidying up

Chloe (Emerald) for marvellous maths measuring

Axel (Amethyst) for correcting multiplications

Freddie (Emerald) for a fantastic clay statue

More Headteacher Awards

Milly and Mia (Amethyst) for amazing cricket

Freddie (Ruby) for super swimming

Lucy, Mitzie, Freya, Evan, Harry C, Louie, Oliver and Rose (Amethyst) for great maths

Ezra (Amethyst) for fabulous fractions

Rose (Amethyst) for being the first pupil ever to achieve Level Q on spellings!

Reuben (Amethyst) for finding out something tricky

William (Amethyst) for good bowling in cricket

Oliver (Amethyst) for being the best all rounder in cricket

Frank (Amethyst) for good handwriting

Harry C (Amethyst) for great fractions

Axel (Amethyst) for great handwriting

Edward (Amethyst) for good homework

Bella, Amelie, Emily, Oscar, Jack M, Sam and Freddie (Amber) for keeping up with the Year 1s in Spanish

Toby (Amber) for being very kind to another pupil

Jack M, Alfie, Phoebe and Freddie (Amber) for great whale fact finding

Caleb, Jack C, Samuel, Sadie, Darcia and Theo (Amber) for being great mini phonics teachers

Emily (Amber) for using a metre stick independently to find longer and shorter

Darcia, Rhys, Theo, Samuel, Sadie, Callum, Caleb and Jack C (Amber)

for being great mini maths teachers

Darcia, Callum, Sadie, Samuel, Rhys, Jack C, Caleb and Theo (Amber)

for using metre sticks to measure the hall

Bella, Isabelle, Amelie, Toby, Oscar and Sam (Amber) for great non-fiction writing

Zara (Amber) for really good listening to instructions

Bella (Amber) for kindness to another pupil

Lily Year 1 (Sapphire) for brilliant LEXIA

Isabel T, Jennifer, Lily Year 1, Ava G, Honor, Phoebe, Florence P,

Charlie, Ava W, Dom, Illy and Rudi (Sapphire) for fantastic reading

Ethan, Bella, Ivy, Ava W, Phoebe, Isabel T and Isabel N (Sapphire) for amazing news-writing

Samson (Sapphire) for perfect punctuation

Henry (Sapphire) for saying thank you

Isabel N, Henry, Felix, Abbie, Ben and Aston (Eco) for great Eco work

Pearl, Abbie, Joel and George (Ruby) for fantastic times tables

Tom (Ruby) for being Star of the Week

Imogen E and Isabelle (Ruby) for fabulous spellings

Erin (Ruby) for passing the semi-finalist times tables test

Evie (Ruby) for being kind to a class mate

Abbie and Aston (Ruby) for great litter picking

Imogen H and Maddy (Ruby) for reading with younger children

Aston, Isabel, Luke, Daniel and Joel (Ruby) for great Zumba

Brae, Sophie, Isabelle, Imogen E and Imogen H (Ruby) for being Spelling Bee Champions

Aston, Luke, Freddie and Sophie (Ruby) for excellent swimming

Oliver (Emerald) for brilliant measuring in maths

Oliver (Emerald) for more brilliant measuring in maths

Ruby E (Emerald) for lovely technical language

Andre, Harvey, Ben and Phoebe (Emerald) for awesome number-line multiplication

George (Emerald) for fantastic work

Phoebe (Emerald) for amazing planet drawings and dotty patterns at home

Danny (Emerald) for being really kind to a younger person at lunchtime

Felix, Jamie, Lily, Thomas, Harvey, Alastair, Jessie, Theo, Danny and Chloe (Emerald)

for perfect reading diaries

Why you should read with your child every day

As the English Co-ordinator for Colby School, part of my responsibility is to encourage and foster a love of reading in the children in our school. As parents, I know that you want the very best for your children and already appreciate that learning to read is key to accessing the curriculum at school and the wider world. However, with increasingly busy lives it may seem that hearing a child read at the end of a tiring day can feel like just another chore. I’m hoping that by writing this article for the newsletter I can remind everyone of the importance of reading with children, not just as a mechanical process but as an enjoyable activity for you to share with your children. You reading to your child is as equally as important as them listening to you.

Here are some reasons why you should read with your child every day:

  1. Reading is fun! Sharing a story, or a non-fiction book, whether it is read by an adult or by a child can give you the opportunity to share funny moments, or wonder at the world and beyond.

  2. The value of a bedtime story cannot be over-estimated. It can be a quiet, settling time and gives your child the opportunity to listen to story language and allow their imagination to paint pictures. A CD or DVD just doesn’t have the same impact as time with a parent.

  3. Children absorb language structure and extend their vocabulary.

  4. Children are able to think more logically and express their own thoughts and ideas more clearly.

  5. Attention and concentration span is improved which has an impact on all learning.

It is really useful to spend a few moments discussing a book with your child. You can find out how much they have enjoyed it, how well they understood it and whether they have any questions about it.

Some useful questions to ask your child about the book they have shared - choose just one or two to discuss.

  1. Who are the main characters?

  2. What do you think will happen next?

  3. How do you think that character feels? Why? How would you feel in that situation?

  4. Can you predict how the book will end?

  5. Who is your favourite character? Why?

  6. Is there a hidden message in the story? What is it?

  7. Can you tell the story in your own words?

  8. Do you like how it ended? Can you think of another way the book could have ended?

Remember that reading doesn’t just have to be ‘done’ through books. Comics and magazines are equally good at encouraging children’s interest. Point out signposts and information as you are out and about. Children like to be like you, so let them see you reading newspapers, magazines, as well as books.

I hope that this information has been useful. May I recommend that you make use of the school library lending service if you haven’t already done so and of course it is free to join the local library. With half term nearly upon us a visit to the local library could make a good rainy day activity!

Nick Butterworth, Author.

Q: “What is the best thing about reading?”

A: “The way it transports you to another time or another place – or into another person’s shoes! Reading fact or fiction can fire the imagination and that in turn opens up possibilities. What If…?”

Quote taken from Author Interviews on This is a great website with ideas and resources to support reading.

By Mrs Williams

Parent Support Advisors - Working with parents for their children

I’ve included details below from a Parent Support Advisors leaflet received in school. Do not hesitate to contact me if you would like further information, or feel free to contact the Parent Support Advisor direct.

Parent Support Advisors are there to help you deal with any worries or concerns about how your child is doing at home or school. We may not have the answers, but we might be able to help you work out how to find them. Parenting isn’t an easy job and at times, things can get tough. Like every other parent, you want what is best for your child.

Helping to prevent problem behaviour becoming more difficult.

Regular visits and meetings with you, at school or in your home.

Finding services and other agencies available to help families.

Supporting parents to get the best out of school life.

or if you just need to talk, we’re here to help you.

Carol Flatters - Parent Support Advisor - Tel: 07780 922 545

Manners Awards

Congratulations to the following children who have impressed us with their beautiful manners:

Alfie, Toby, Rita and Sophia (Amber)

Alex, Isabel N, Beatrice, Illy and Bonnie (Sapphire)

Lily, Ben, Alastair and Harvey (Emerald)

Pearl, Imogen E and Daniel (Ruby)

Lucas, Rose and Jim (Amethyst)

SEND Partnership News

SEND Partnership News (supporting children and young people 0 – 25 years with Special Educational Needs and their families) leaflets have arrived in school. If you would like one, please ask in the school office.

Wild about Reading

Thank you to everyone who has sent in photographs for the School Council Shelfie Competition. Photographs of children and pets reading or pets reading by themselves will be displayed in the library. If you haven’t had a chance to send in a photo yet, please send in after the holiday. The photos are great fun!

Cross Country Success

By Evan (Amethyst)

On Monday lots of people, who had volunteered to do a Cross country event, travelled on a coach from Colby all the way to Holt.

The first race was the Year 3 girls. In that race there was Chloe and Ruby E. Ruby came 28th and Chloe came 30th. That was an amazing score, because there were around 50 people in that race.
Next it was the Year 3 boys. In that race was Theo P and Jacob E. Theo came 12th, but there were seven

people disqualified, so Theo came 5th. Jacob came 15th counting the disqualified.

After that was the Year 4 girls, but we didn’t take any to the event.
After that was the Year 4 boys. In that race there was Tom, Andre and Freddie P. Tom came 1st again. Freddie came 19th and Andre came 13th.
Next was the Year 5 five girls. In that race Colby had Isabelle, Maddie and Mae. Isabelle came 2nd and Maddie came 3rd both winning a medal. Mae came 28th, and that’s great considering there were 45 people in the race.
Next was the Year 5 boys. In that race was Evan S and Harry D. Evan came 4th and Harry came 15th. Both doing very well.
Next was the Year 6 girls. There were a lot of people in this race for Colby holding most of the fastest people in the school. Rose, Mitzie, Isabella ( Iggy ), Daisy and Elise. Rose came 8th, Mitze was 4th, Iggy came 3rd, Daisy came 2nd and Elise came 28th.
Finally - the last race - Year 6 boys. Harry C was the only person that raced as Alfie D had a leg injury. There was a tiny bit of competition, as both Harry’s knew some other people from different schools. Harry came a whopping 5th place.
A perfect score for the end of a hard day’s work.
Everyone was amazing and the Year 3’s and 4’s get to rest for the day, but tomorrow another sporty day for the tag rugbyers! It’s been a sporty week!

Pumpkin Day

On Monday 31st October 2016, Sophie (Head of Events) and Milly (Head of Entertainment) will be organising Pumpkin Events for the whole school. Children are invited to wear orange clothes or pumpkin costumes (please only send children wearing pumpkin costumes that are practical for toilet use!). Thank you to Jessie and Kira’s Dad for providing lots of pumpkins. We will be doing pumpkin arts and crafts and fun games throughout the day. No charge – this isn’t a fundraiser – it’s just for fun!

Sponsored Walk

Ethan (Sapphire) along with his family is going to walk the 12 miles of Marriott's way between Reepham and Aylsham to raise money for Alzheimer’s. His family have set up a Just Giving page and just wanted to see if anybody would like to give towards it. then it's under Sarah Cushion’s memory walk. Thank you.

Good luck to Ethan and his family.

What a great half term!

As we reach the end of another half term at Colby School, I would like to wish everyone a fantastic break.

Thank you to the children of Colby School for your enthusiasm and to parents, carers and friends for your wonderful support.
Thank you to all staff for their hard work and laughter – they really are a special bunch and work diligently to provide the very best care for your children.
It has been wonderful to see our lovely new Reception children settle in so beautifully and we are enjoying getting to know them and their parents. Thanks to their Buddies for being such thoughtful and enthusiastic friends.
It has been another successful half term for FOCS – Animal Week was amazing! Thanks to the whole team for all you do – it really is much appreciated.
And so, that’s all for this half term. Enjoy your family time together and let’s all come back relaxed and ready for the fun and excitement that comes in the second half of term. We have lots of fun planned!

Christine Mead

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