Circles and Triangles
ow can I improve my Maths?
Below are some examples of areas you need to work on to improve your maths skills and help you in other maths areas. Practise them at home as often as you can:
Subtracting single digit numbers mentally (eg 8 – 3)
Adding two-digit numbers mentally (eg 12 + 15)
Hexagons, Pentagons, Squares
ow can I improve my Maths?
Below are some examples of areas you need to work on to improve your maths skills and help you in other maths areas. Practise them at home as often as you can:
Find computer games or ipad apps that can help you
Ask someone at home to ask you some questions
Find board games that may help
There may be some areas below that you do not need to practise so often but it is good to keep coming back to them.
When did I practise?
Record the short date in the box.
Number Bonds to 100
Counting up and back in tens (starting from 0, but also from other numbers, eg 4 or 6)