Colloquium & annual general meeting

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February 6-7, 2009, Delta Beausejour Hotel, Moncton, New Brunswick

Meetings, technical sessions, luncheon, & banquet are all at the Delta Beausejour Hotel, Moncton New Brunswick. For Colloquium registration information contact Jim Walker @ (506) 547-2070; email: or check the AGS website The Mactaquac Room will be the speaker-ready room and will be available from Friday 12:00 Noon to 9:00 PM and Saturday all day.
Friday, February 6, 2009

11:30AM-5:00PM Sussex potash mine tour

Noon-9:00PM Registration - Mezzanine

2:00-5:00PM Poster set-up

1:00-5:15PM Workshop: “Rationalization of the Mississippian stratigraphy of the Maritimes Basin through inter-regional correlations and nomenclatural debate” - Shediac A

2:45-3:00PM Coffee Break for workshop – Sponsored by Mining Association of Nova Scotia - Mezzanine

4:00-5:00PM Atlantic Geology editors meeting – Boardroom

5:00-6:30PM AGS Executive and Council Meeting - Boardroom

5:00-7:00PM Poster session and cash bar - Mezzanine

7:00-9:00PM General Session: Current Research in the Atlantic Provinces I - Ballroom B

7:00-9:00PM General Session: Current Research in the Atlantic Provinces II - Ballroom C

9:00-Midnight Poster session and cash bar – Mezzanine

Saturday, February 7, 2009

8:30AM-5:00PM Poster Session - Mezzanine

9:00-10:20AM Special Session: Quaternary Geology I: - Ballroom B

9:00-10:20AM General Session: Current Research in the Atlantic Provinces III - Ballroom C

10:20-10:40AM Coffee – Sponsored by EnCana Corporation - Mezzanine

10:40-12:00PM Special Session: Quaternary Geology II - Ballroom B

10:40-12:00PM General Session: Current Research in the Atlantic Provinces IV - Ballroom C

12:00-2:00PM Annual General Meeting and LuncheonBallroom A

2:00-3:20PM Special Session: Surficial Geochemistry - Ballroom B

2:00-3:20PM General Session: Current Research in the Atlantic Provinces V - Ballroom C

3:20-3:40PM Coffee – Sponsored by APEGNB - Mezzanine

3:40-5:00PM General Session: Current Research in the Atlantic Provinces VI - Ballroom B

3:40-5:00PM General Session: Current Research in the Atlantic Provinces VII - Ballroom C

5:00-6:00PM APICS Earth Sciences Committee Meeting - Boardroom

6:00-12:00PM Cash Bar - Mezzanine

7:00PM Awards Banquet and Social - Ballroom A

Speaker: Dr. John Spray, University of New Brunswick –

Deep Impact and the Phoenix Effect

9:00-1:00AM A post-banquet tradition is the annual AGS Ceilidh and Jam-Session. The musically-inclined are invited to bring their instruments and entertain those of us who aren’t so musically inclined. All instruments and styles welcome.


1) Posters will be displayed on 6'x 6' velcro friendly boards, and presenters must bring there own velcro. Posters will be assigned to a designated board. Please set up posters as soon as possible after arrival, preferably before 5:00 PM on Friday to be ready for the first poster session at 5:00PM and so that the judges of student posters may get started before the evening sessions begin. The Graham Williams student poster award will be presented at the Banquet. Students check for notices at registration and poster areas announcing judging times. Posters must be taken down by 5:30 PM on Saturday.

2) Speakers will have 20 minutes including time for questions, and the sessions will be kept on schedule by the Chairs, to allow for judging of the high number of student presentations. The Rupert MacNeill and Sandra Barr student awards will be presented at the Banquet.

3) Speakers will have one LCD projector with a dedicated laptop, and a laser pointer available. Slide preview room will be the Mactaquac Room. Deliver your CD or memory stick to the technical assistant well in advance of your scheduled talk; if possible have it loaded on the session computers on Friday February 6, before 7pm.

  1. The Beausejour requires 3 days notice for the number of meal attendees. Accordingly, buy your Luncheon and Banquet tickets prior to arrival by registering through the AGS website, or else notify Jim Walker by phone: (506) 547-2070; Fax: (506) 547-7694; or e-mail:

Rationalization of the Mississippian stratigraphy of the Maritimes Basin through inter-regional correlations and nomenclatural debate”

Time: Friday, February 6, 1-5 PM, Shediac A

Convenor: Pierre Jutras, St. Mary’s University

Moderator: John Waldron, University of Alberta
Mississippian units in the Maritimes are at present very poorly correlated from one region to the next, which complicates large scale geological studies on rocks of that interval. This workshop will include short formal talks by geologists who have worked extensively on units of that interval in different areas of the Maritimes, followed by lengthy discussion periods during which other workers who are interested in the upper Paleozoic geology of eastern Canada will also have a voice. This workshop session aims at resolving certain contentious issues regarding the existing Mississippian stratigraphic nomenclature in the Maritimes Basin, and is an effort at rationalizing it.

* Student Presentation First author is the speaker unless indicated by a ►
AGS POSTER SESSION – Mezzanine Friday 5:00PM – 7:00PM and 10:00PM - Midnight
GENERAL SESSION: Current Research in the Atlantic Provinces I – Ballroom B

Chairs: Chris White and Kara-Lynn Scallion
7:00 – *Jamie A. Braid, J.B. Murphy, J.K. Mortensen, and C. Quesada - U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology of the South Portuguese Zone (Southern Iberia): linkages to Avalonia and Meguma
7:20 – J. Brendan Murphy and Alan S. Collins - 40Ar-39Ar white mica ages reveal Neoproterozoic/Paleozoic provenance and an Alleghanian overprint in coeval Upper Ordovician-Lower Devonian rocks of Meguma and Avalonia
7:40 – Georgia Pe-Piper, Sandra L. Kamo, and Curtis McCall - The German Bank pluton, offshore SW Nova Scotia: age, geochemistry and regional significance for the Alleghanian orogeny

8:00 – Leslie R. Fyffe, S.M. Barr, S.C. Johnson, M.J. McLeod, V.J. McNicoll, P. Valverde-Vaquero, C.R. van Staal, and C.E.White - Evolution of Neoproterozoic to Ordovician volcanic arcs along the Ganderian margin of New Brunswick and coastal Maine: evidence from detrital zircons
8:20 – Susan C. Johnson, M.J. McLeod, L.R. Fyffe, and G.R. Dunning - A Penobcsottian arc system along the margin of Ganderia: evidence from geochemistry and U-Pb zircon dating of the Annidale Group in southern New Brunswick
GENERAL SESSION: Current Research in the Atlantic Provinces II – Ballroom C

Chairs: Dave Keighley and Stephanie Anderson
7:00 Martin R. Gibling, A.R. Bashforth, and H.J. Falcon-Lang - Log jams caused braided-channel abandonment and avulsion in the Pennsylvanian South Bar Formation, Sydney Basin, Nova Scotia
7:20 – Neil S. Davies and M.R. Gibling - Lower Palaeozoic alluvial systems: the sedimentological impact of evolving vegetation in terrestrial environments
7:40 – *Stephanie L. Anderson and P.K. Pufahl - The sedimentology of phosphatic iron formation from the Labrador Trough: implications for the accumulation of Precambrian phosphorite
8:00 – *Robin Buckley, A.M. Grist and M. Zentilli - Application of (U-Th-Sm)/He analysis in apatite: assessing the paleothermal effect of salt structures on Sverdrup Basin rocks, Axel Heiberg Island, Nunavut
8:20 – *Shannon Ledger-Piercey, Georgia Pe-Piper and J. Victor Owen - The use of detrital rutile as a provenance indicator
8:40 – *Ann Okwese, Georgia Pe-Piper, and David J.W. Piper - The relationship of transgressive systems tracts to sea-floor diagenesis, Lower Cretaceous, Scotian Basin
9:00PM-Midnight Poster Session and Cash Bar – Mezzanine

GENERAL SESSION: Quaternary Geology I – Ballroom B

Chairs: Michael Parkhill and Jean-Luc Pilote
9:00 – David J.W. Piper - The birth and death of Quaternary turbidity currents: what those who study turbidites on land need to know
9:20 – *Nicole M. Peters, E.L. King, and D.B. Scott - Holocene stratigraphy and micropaleontology of an urban lake, Dartmouth NS
9:40 – *Jean-Luc Pilote, Michael A. Parkhill, and Marc Desrosiers - Quaternary geology and till geochemistry of the Grand River map area (NTS 21 O/05), northwestern New Brunswick
10:00 – *Gabriela Budulan, M. Beth McClenaghan, Michael A. Parkhill, and Dan Layton-Matthews - Bedrock and till indicator minerals of the Halfmile Lake Zn-Pb-Cu volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, New Brunswick
10:20 – COFFEE - Sponsored by EnCana Corporation
GENERAL SESSION: Quaternary Geology II – Ballroom B

Chairs: Bruce Broster and Christine Legere
10:40 – E.L. (Ned) King and T.J. Huppertz - Early post-glacial mass failures in the Orpheus Graben, Scotian Shelf
11:00 – John Gosse, K. Karlstrom, J. Pederson, G.Yang, and R. Finkel - Muddying the waters: Quaternary incision of the Grand Canyon, USA

11:20 – Daniel J. Utting - Revised surficial geology mapping based on LiDAR, Halifax, Nova Scotia
11:40 – Rudolf Stea, Leah Rosenmeier, Gordon Brewster, and Scott Buchanan - The geography of first human habitation in Nova Scotia
GENERAL SESSION: Current Research in the Atlantic Provinces III – Ballroom C

Chairs: David Mosher and Grant Wach
9:00 – David Mosher, Grant D. Wach, Virginia Brake, Janette Cullen, D. Calvin Campbell, Les Eliuk, Michael Giles, Shawn Goss, Yawooz Kettanah, and Eric Negulic - "Passive” margin sedimentation and reservoir distribution along the Scotian margin
9:20 – David E. Brown, W.U. Mohriak, G.C. Tari, and H. Jabour - Central and South Atlantic conjugate margin pre- and post-salt successions: implications to rift models and petroleum systems
9:40 – Atika Karim, Georgia Pe-Piper, and David J.W. Piper - Facies-related diagenesis and multiphase carbonate cementation and dissolution in the reservoir sandstones of the Sable Subbasin, offshore Nova Scotia
10:00 – Basilios Tsikouras, Georgia Pe-Piper, and David J.W. Piper - Mineral Liberation Analysis (MLA) study of detrital mineralogy of the Appalachian hinterland to the Cretaceous Scotian Basin deltas
10:20COFFEE - Sponsored by EnCana Corporation
GENERAL SESSION: Current Research in the Atlantic Provinces IV - Ballroom C

Chairs: Kathleen Thorne and James Walker
10:40 – Jacob J. Hanley and C.A.Heinrich - Extremely gold-rich sulfide melt inclusions preserved in magnesiohastingsite xenocrysts from the Mount Milligan porphyry deposit, Quesnel Terrane, British Columbia
11:00 – *Darren LeFort, Georgia Pe-Piper, and David J.W. Piper - Petrology of the mafic trigger of the Kos Plateau Tuff super-eruption, 0. 16 Ma, Greece
11:20 – *Luke Hilchie and Y. Fedortchouk - An experimental investigation of diamond oxidation in Cl- – H2O fluids: implications for kimberlitic fluid composition
11:40 Yana Fedortchouk and S. Matveev - Surface features on diamonds and water content of olivines from kimberlites as indicators of fluid system of kimberlite magma

GENERAL SESSION: Surficial Geochemistry - Ballroom B

Chairs: Cliff Stanley and Pizye Nankamba
2:00 – Terry A. Goodwin, G. A. O’Reilly, R. J. Ryan, and A. M. O’Beirne-Ryan - Radon in Nova Scotia: defining areas of geogenic enrichment
2:20 – Michael B. Parsons, A.J. Desbarats, J.B. Percival, Y.T.J. Kwong, and J.L. Bates - Developing a geoenvironmental model for Canadian orogenic lode gold deposits
2:40 – *Hayley D. Pothier and A.M. O’Beirne-Ryan - Triassic core stratigraphy of the Wolfville Formation in the Bridgetown area, Nova Scotia and associated uranium in groundwater

3:00 – *Tim P. Bachiu, T.A. Clair, and A.M. O’Beirne-Ryan - An investigation of spatial and temporal variations of chloride concentrations in selected watersheds of southwestern Nova Scotia
3:20 – COFFEE - Sponsored by APEGNB

GENERAL SESSION: Current Research in the Atlantic Provinces VI – Ballroom B

Chairs: Erin Smith and Pam Dickinson
3:40 – Simon K. Haslett - Monitoring change along an Atlantic coastline: an example linking undergraduate teaching and research in the study of a gravel shoreline
4:00 – Philip Finck - Coastal hazard assessment mapping in St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia
4:20 – Grant Ferguson - Putting the “geo” back in geothermal energy
4:40 Garth J. DeMont - Marketing geoscience data: challenges and progress in 2008
GENERAL SESSION: Current Research in the Atlantic Provinces V - Ballroom C

Chairs: Sean McClenaghan and Hamish Sandeman
2:00 – Andrew Kerr, G. W. Sparkes, J. G. Hinchey and H. A. I. Sandeman - Visible/Infra-Red Spectrometry (VIRS) in economic geology research: some pilot studies from Newfoundland and Labrador
2:20 – Adrian F. Park, Andrew C. Parmenter, Sandra M. Barr, Chris E. White, and Peter H. Reynolds - Structural evolution and deformation of the Caledonian Highlands, New Brunswick: a preliminary model
2:40 – Mike A. MacDonald and G. Reith - The geology of mafic porphyry in the South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia
3:00 – John W.F. Waldron and David I. Schofield - A Welsh Meguma? Comparison of the Meguma Supergroup of Nova Scotia with the Harlech Dome succession of North Wales
3:20 – COFFEE - Sponsored by APEGNB
GENERAL SESSION: Current Research in the Atlantic Provinces VII Ballroom C

Chairs: Steve McCutcheon and Holly Stewart
3:40 – Peta J. Mudie and Anna Gaponova - The tale of two shelves: palynology records of red tides off Nova Scotia vs. Ukrainia
4:00 – Holly J. Stewart - Geochemical profiling as an indicator of potash in Windsor Group evaporites in the Sackville Subbasin
4:20 – Jon C. Q. Xu, Stephen D. Butt, and Patrick J.C. Ryall - Seismic Rayleigh wave method for imaging subsurface cavities
4:40 Tim Webster, Jeff Harris, and Richard Grieve - Opportunities for geoscience students to apply geomatics techniques to mapping and exploration programs in northern Canada

Speaker: Dr. John Spray, University of new Brunswick - Deep Impact and the Phoenix Effect

AGS POSTER SESSION – Mezzanine Friday 5:00PM – 7:00PM and 9:00PM - Midnight; Saturday 8:30AM – 5:00PM * Student presentation
*T. Collins, C. Hopkinson, and I. Spooner - Snow pack modeling using LiDAR derived elevation data
*A.J. DesRoches and K.E. Butler - Borehole geophysical characterization of the fractured bedrock aquifer underlying Black Brook Watershed, near Saint-André, New Brunswick

Pamela J. Dickinson, G. Rex Boldon, Marc Desrosiers, Michael A. Parkhill, and Allen A. Seaman - Till geochemistry of the New Brunswick Lowlands

E.A. Escarraga, S.M. Barr, J.B. Murphy, and M.A. Hamilton - Field relationships, petrology, and age of Neoproterozoic granitic and syenitic plutons in the Antigonish Highlands, Nova Scotia
*C.L. Legere, B.B. Broster, J.E. Hughes Clarke, and R.D. Parrott - Acoustic mapping of the Bay of Fundy between Maces Bay and Passamaquoddy Bay
*Tamara Moss and Cliff Stanley - Lithogeochemistry of the Quebrada Blanca porphyry copper deposit, Atacama Desert, northern Chile
*Pizye Nankamba, Cliff Stanley, and Elizabeth Kosters - Geochemistry of the Three Mile Plains uranium deposit, Nova Scotia
*T. Palacios, S. Jensen, S.M. Barr, C.E. White, and R.F. Miller - Preliminary results from an ongoing study of acritarchs in Cambrian and Lower Ordovician rocks of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
*M. Roik, T. Webster, and I. Spooner - Using LiDAR-derived digital elevation models to identify areas of unregulated surface mining in the Sydney Coalfields of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada
H.A. Sandeman, H. Rafuse, D.A. Copeland, and J. Morgan - The Golden Promise deposit, central Newfoundland: structurally controlled, mesothermal, auriferous quartz veins in the Upper Victoria Lake Supergroup
*Kara-Lynn Scallion, Rebecca A. Jamieson, Sandra M. Barr, Chris E. White, and Saskia Erdmann - Origin of garnet in the Liscomb Complex, north-central Meguma terrane, Nova Scotia
H. Wouter van de Poll and Edward King - Northeastern Appalachian geology project: combining small-scale digital geological maps from disparate sources
*M.T. West, K.E. Butler, S. Allard, and T. Webb - Ground penetrating radar transect of the Gilbert-type, glaciomarine Pocologan delta, southwestern New Brunswick
Chris E. White, Kara-Lynn Scallion, Sandra M. Barr, and Rebecca A. Jamieson - The Liscomb Complex, Meguma terrane, Nova Scotia: basement or urban legend?


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