Commander Niall Hanratty, C. D. Section Head for Strategic Training Requirements, Naval Staff, National Defence Headquarters

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Commander Niall Hanratty, C.D.

Section Head for Strategic Training Requirements,

Naval Staff, National Defence Headquarters
Cdr Niall Hanratty, a native of Saint John, New Brunswick, joined the Naval Reserve as an Ordinary Seaman, initially as a summer job. After completing his preliminary trade training as a cook the following summer, AB Hanratty was accepted into the officer corps. Excited at the prospect of continuing military training, NCdt Hanratty elected to postpone the third year of his Bachelor of Physical Education degree, which he had begun at the University of New Brunswick, in favour of completing his Maritime Surface (MARS) training in a continuous period.
On completion of MARS training and a summer of consolidation, SLt Hanratty returned to Fredericton and completed his degree, spending the following summers continuing to consolidate his naval training. Commencing in 1996, he filled various full-time sea-going and staff positions in HMC Ships PORTE DE LA REINE, MIRAMICHI, QUEEN CHARLOTTE, GLACE BAY and GOOSE BAY and the Canadian Forces Naval Operations School (CFNOS). While at CFNOS, Lt(N) Hanratty was promoted to LCdr effective 1 January 2003. In April 2004, LCdr Hanratty was appointed as Executive Officer in HMCS GLACE BAY and served in GLACE BAY and HMCS KINGSTON until June 2006, when he was posted to the position of MCDV Division Commander at Canadian Forces Fleet School Quebec. He assumed Command of HMCS SHAWINIGAN 6 June 2008 and refused to relinquish Command until 22 July 2011. Cdr Hanratty became Commander Coastal Division in July 2011 and was promoted to his current rank 1 January 2012. He served as Division Commander for the six Atlantic Fleet Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels until August 2014, when he was appointed Officer in Charge of the Minor War Vessel team at Sea Training (Atlantic). After a rewarding two years of lighting fires/starting floods, Cdr Hanratty was selected for the position of Section Head of Strategic Training Requirements for the Director of Naval Personnel & Training in Ottawa in August 2016.
A qualified Minor War Vessel Navigating Officer, Cdr Hanratty is also a graduate of the Joint Command and Staff Program at the Canadian Forces College in Toronto and a graduate of the Mine Counter Measures Staff Officer Course for NATO Officers at the Belgium-Netherlands Mine Warfare School (EGUERMIN) in Oostende, Belgium. Cdr Hanratty has participated in multinational exercises such as MARCOT ’98 in Newfoundland, BLUE GAME ‘99 & ‘01 in Europe and IMCMEX ’12 in the Gulf of Aden (Horn of Africa region), with the highlight of his naval career being a six-week deployment as a member of Standing NATO MCM Group One (SNMCMG1) in September-October 2009. His deployments in KINGSTON Class ships have taken him from Cleveland, Ohio to Kristiansand, Norway and from the Arctic Circle to The Bahamas.
Cdr Hanratty resides in Ottawa. He enjoys all sports, particularly basketball and golf, and is a loyal Chelsea FC supporter.

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