Consumer Behaviour

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CB A2 BBA202001

Consumer Behaviour
Assignment 2

BBA Class of 2024

Video 1: How Apple and Nike have branded your brain | Your Brain on Money | Big Think

The video starts with a very interesting question that why consumers choose certain brands over the others regardless of the fact that they are offering the same thing as others. From an economist’s point of view, or assumption we can say, most people are rational; why would a rational person decide to buy something more expensive rather than the one with the lesser price but with same quality. We think of ourselves as rational beings, but our decisions are hardly rational most of the time.

A study done at Duke University divided participants into two randomized groups and flashed logos of Apple and IBM to them. After that, groups were assigned some creative tasks. Results showed that participants performed better after being flashed by Apple logo as compared to the IBM logo. The reason behind is that Apple has been propagating in it’s marketing campaigns, over and over again, that it is a brand of cool and creative individuals. So it got hardwired in the subconscious of Apple users that Apple is all about creativity and when they got flashed by Apple logo, the creative part of their brain got more active. This is how brands can influence our behaviour way beyond just the activities of business. The video demonstrated an analysis on to what extent brands can influence our decision making. Americus Reed, a student of identity and marketing at University of Pennsylvania made the point that when we make a decision about choosing a certain brand over the other, we are actually choosing an identity. Others make an impression about us through our choice of brands. When we make such choices repeatedly, our relationship with a brand gets developed to the extent that, that particular brand becomes a part of our identity. Once, it becomes a part of our identity, it changes the way we behave around it. We tend to feel bad if someone talks bad about that brand and we go out of the way to defend it because we consider it an attack on our identity.
Michael Platt, a professor of neuroscience, marketing and psychology stated that our perception of brands has a strong influence on our decision making regarding a purchase. We perceive brands in a similar fashion as we perceive people. We choose brands subconsciously because they something called self-expressive value. When we choose one brand over the other, we subconsciously believe that this choice will make us more valued in terms of self-expression.

Video 2: Self Image and Consumer Behaviour

When someone is asked a question about who they are, the answers are similar to “I am this…. I am that….”. Where do these answers come from? They are formed based on our internal sense of who we are. It is about how people perceive themselves. Psychology terms this internal sense of who we are as “Self-Concept”. It’s a primary idea we have that describes physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. It is based on all the knowledge we have about ourselves and is formed and updated as we grow up. It is also known by some other names such as self-esteem, self-image, self-efficacy and self-awareness etc.

The important aspect of self-concept of self-image is that it doesn’t necessarily match with reality. People tend to create mental model of themselves that are far from reality. We can call these as ideal self. All our lives, we tend to chase that ideal self. We, as consumers, buy products that are either consistent with our self-image (no matter real or false) or to enhance our self-image, one closer to the ideal self. Every time we make such a purchase, our existing self-image or mental model of ourselves gets upgraded a bit. That’s why people tend to perceive their possessions as part of themselves.
How Brands Leverage this Concept?
Brands put effort to provide the customers with their products as means to get closer to their ideal self-image, the person who they want to be.
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