Contact details Organization: "netix skrzypczyński, Krzysztofowicz" Spółka Jawna Organization Acronym

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Partner Search –

7th Framework Programme

Date: 01.09.2010
Profile valid until: 31.12.2011

Contact details
Organization: "NETIX Skrzypczyński, Krzysztofowicz" Spółka Jawna
Organization Acronym: Netix
Address: Jutrzenki St. 94, 02-230, Warsaw, Poland

Contact person:
Title: Mr
First Name: Maciej
Family Name: Skrzypczyński
Telephone: +48 601 20-16-22
Fax: +48 22 873-24-81
Type: private enterprise, SME, less than 10 employees
NETIX is a Polish company specialized in construction, implementation, service and maintenance of sophisticated ICT infrastructural systems. Its area of expertise are videoconferences, audioconferences, webconferences and complex services related to integration of IT systems. It has 17 years of experience in the field of implementing computer networks services for workgroups collaboration. It has substantial experience in meeting needs of research communities.
Sector of interest
Research topics according to workprogrammes:

INFRA-2011-1.2.1: e-Science environments
Objective ICT-2011.10.1 EU-Brazil Research and Development cooperation e) e-Infrastructures
Objective ICT-2011.1.5 Networked Media and Search Systems
Objective FI.ICT-2011.1.7 Technology foundation: Future Internet Core Platform
Objective ICT-2011.1.3 Internet-connected objects
Objective FI.ICT-2011.1.8 Use Case scenarios and early trials
Objective ICT-2011.5.1: Personal Health Systems (PHS)
Objective ICT-2011.5.5 ICT for smart and personalised inclusion
Objective FoF-ICT-2011.7.3 Virtual Factories and enterprises
Networks of Excellence:
Objective ICT-2011.1.1 Future Networks
Objective ICT-2011.1.6 Future Internet Research and Experimentation (FIRE)
Objective ICT-2011.4.3 Digital Preservation c) Interdisciplinary research networks
Objective ICT-2011.5.3 Patient Guidance Services (PGS), safety and healthcare record

information reuse c) A Network of Excellence on semantic interoperability and European Health Infostructure.

NMP.2011.4.0-5 Support to Networks of Excellence with durable integrated structures
Topic SEC-2011.7.4-1 Networking of researchers for a high level multiorganisationaland cross-border collaboration
Further information:
NETIX has an infrastructure and staff ready to implement large systems for recording, archiving and streaming of multimedia content, to build and maintain multipoint audio and video communication networks, to develop web collaboration tools and sophisticated e-mail solutions for workgroups. The NETIX engineers experience and skills are confirmed by multiple trade certificates issued by the most important manufacturers.
Therefore, NETIX’s interests are twofold:

  1. NETIX is interested in participating in FP7 projects related to building and sustaining networks of geographically dispersed users, especially scientists. Its expertise is not limited to providing adequate equipment. The main added value of Netix to a potential consortium is creation and maintenance of an ICT system (eg. using videoconferences technology) that is tailor made for needs of the scientific community involved. As such, the main area of interest for Netix is the activity “INFRA-2011-1.2.1: e-Science environments” within the theme Research Infrastructures of the Capacities Specific Programme. Netix could contribute to integration of networking services, developing of user-friendly interfaces through advanced Web technologies, providing virtual access to remote instruments and providing means for user driven “composition of virtual facilities” and to development of “anywhere, any-time” eScience training and support centres. Netix is particularly ready to provide this expertise for the development of pilot implementations of eScience service environments. Moreover, Netix is able to provide systems that are easily scalable (and therefore accessible by a broader user population), addressed to diverse international communities and which respond to standardisation challenges.

Moreover, Netix’s expertise could be of a great value to any other project requiring frequent contacts of the best possible quality (substitution to physical meeting) between geographically dispersed partners/ participants. Such projects could include, not limited to, Networks of Excellence.

  1. NETIX is interested in participating in FP7 projects that address development of new and advanced Web services and tools related to audio-visual communication and research on external factors related to their implementation (eg. user’s behavioural patterns, legal and environmental obstacles, business constrains, standardisation problems, etc.). Such tools and services could be developed for the aim of replacing physical mobility by ICT, new transportation concepts, eInclusion, low carbon economy, environment protection, Future Internet, Personal Health Systems, etc.

Keywords describing expertise:
accessible convergent communications and accessible digital audio-visual systems (also 'total conversation'- real-time multimedia electronic communications), web-based and multimedia collaboration tools and services,

Previous experience in FP7 project:
Providing means of effective communication between other partners in the FP6 Network of Excellence project ECNIS (Environmental Cancer Risk, Nutrition and Individual Susceptibility, Its role in the project was to provide means of effective communication between other partners. NETIX has designed and built the dedicated videoconferencing network, covering 25 partner locations in 13 European countries, has carried out the trainings for end-users and now constantly monitors, services and maintains the whole system. NETIX has also delivered the network infrastructure and servers for ECNIS web site, e-mail and databases. Another example of NETIX’ activity is the dedicated webconferencing system for large ECNIS seminars and building and maintaining the multimedia system for recording, archiving and streaming audio, video and computer content for all ECNIS meetings. Finally, a specialized application was developed by NETIX for the ECNIS community for secure, encrypted votings over the Internet.
Time commitment: any length (from <1 year to > 3 years)
Activity offered: Technology, Demonstration, Training, Management, Other
Proposed Role: Work Package Leader, Partner, Other (also eg. subcontractor)
Expected results:
-creation and maintenance of a tailor made for a research community(ies) ICT system

-collecting and exchanging experiences with companies and organisations with similar and complementary field of expertise

-finding partners for future collaboration in scientific, technological and development projects

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