Course Code: tit 501 ltpc course Name: Theory of Computation 3 0 0 3 unit-i 6 Hours Introduction

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Course Code: TIT 501 L T P C

Course Name: Theory of Computation 3 0 0 3
UNIT-I 6 Hours


Introduction of Theories of: Automata, Computability and Complexity Mathematical Notions and Introduction to Terminology Sets, Sequences and tuples, Functions and Relations, Graphs, Alphabets, Strings and Languages.

UNIT-II 10 Hours

Automata & Languages: Regular Languages

Finite Automata definition, examples, computation, designing, regular operations Nondeterministic Finite Automata definition, NFA-DFA equivalence.

UNIT-III 9 Hours

Context free Languages

Regular Expressions definition, application of regular expressions (unix, lexical analysis), equivalence with finite automata, Introduction to Nonregular Languages pumping lemma for regular languages, Context-free Grammars definition, designing, Chomsky normal form Applications Of CFG Parse Trees, Left factoring and Left Recursion.

UNIT-IV 8 Hours

Push-down automata

Pushdown Automata definition, Types of equivalence with context free grammars, Designing of PDA (Nondeterministic and deterministic), Non Context Free Languages pumping lemma for context free languages.

UNIT-V 9 Hours

Computability Theory

Introduction computability theory, Church-Turing thesis Turing Machines definition, examples, design variants of turing machines: nondeterministic, hilbert’s problem, terminology for describing turing machines Decidability and Undecidability , decidable languages, unsolvability of halting problem, Reducibility undecidable problems from language theory, computable functions


  1. Michael Sipser ,”Introduction to Theory of Computation” ,2nd Edition, Course Technology.

  2. Peter Linz , “Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata”, 3rd Edition, Jones and Barlett,2009.

  3. Elaine Rich,”Automata, Computability, Complexity-Theory and applications”, 1st Edition PHI, 2008.

  4. Hopcroft, Rajeev, Ullman,” Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and

Computation”,3rd Edition, Pearson, 2008

Course Code: TIT 502 L T P C

Course Name: Computer Networks-I 3 0 0 3
UNIT-I 7 Hours

Introduction: Computer Networks and the Internet, Overall view: As components and as services; What is a protocol, what is a network protocol, Access Networks and Physical Media, Circuit and Packet Switching, Internet Backbone, Delays: Processing, Queuing, Transmission and Propagation delays
UNIT-II 8 Hours

The Layered Architecture: Protocol Layering, The OSI Reference Model and the TCP/IP protocol stack, History of Computer Networking and the Internet

Application Layer: Principles and Architectures of Network Applications, Client and Server processes, the idea of socket, Transport services available to Application Layer especially in the internet.
UNIT-III 8 Hours

Application Layer Protocols:

The Web and http: Persistent and Non-persistent connections, http message format, cookies, proxy server, conditional GET, File Transfer Protocol.

Email: smtp, mail message formats, mail access protocols: pop3, imap, MIME

DNS: Services, how it works, Root, Top-Level and Authoritative DNS servers, Resource Records, DNS messages. A simple Introduction to p2p files distribution: Bit Torrent

UNIT-IV 10 Hours

Transport Layer: Introduction and Services, Transport layer in internet, Difference between Connection Oriented and Connectionless services.

UDP: Segment structure, checksum in UDP.

TCP: the principles behind connection oriented data transfer, designing a connection oriented protocol, stop-and-wait, Go Back N, Selective Repeat. Connection Establishment, TCP header, Sequence and acknowledgement numbers, Round Trip Time, Flow Control, Congestion Control

UNIT-V 10 Hours

Network Layer: Network Layer Design Issues, Packet Forwarding and Routing, Difference between Virtual Circuits and Datagram networks, The internals of a router: Input ports, output ports, switching architecture. The Internet Protocol(IP), Datagram format, IP fragmentation, IPv4 addressing, subnets, CIDR, classful addressing, DHCP, Network Address Translation(NAT), Universal Plug and Play as a provider of NAT, Internet Control Message Protocol(ICMP), IPv6 Header, Moving from IPv4 to IPv6: tunneling, A brief discussion on IP security
Text Books:

  1. Computer Networking , 3th Edition , James F. Kurose/ Keith W. Ross, Pearson.

  2. Computer Networks, 4th Edition, Tanenbaum, Pearson.

  3. Computer Networks & Internets 4th Edition , Douglas E. Comer, MS Narayanan.

  4. TCP/IP Protocol Suite 4th Edition, Forouzan, TMH

Course Code: TIT- 503 L T P C

Course Name: Operating Systems 3 1 0 4

UNIT-I 6 Hours

Fundamentals of Operating System

Introduction to Operating System, Functions of Operating system, Types of operating systems, Batch Systems, multi-programming, time-sharing, parallel, distributed and real-time systems, Operating system structure, Operating system components and services, System calls, Virtual machines. Case Study: Structure of Linux .

UNIT-II 7 Hours


Process Concept, Process State, PCB, Context Switch, Process Scheduling Queues, Types of Scheduler CPU Scheduling Criteria, Preemptive vs Non-Preemptive Algorithm, CPU Scheduling Algorithms, FCFS, SJF, SRTN, Priority, Round Robin , Multilevel Queue Scheduling, Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling, Multiple-processor scheduling, Real-time scheduling Operation on Process, Thread. Case Study: Process Creation in Linux.

UNIT-III 10 Hours

Process Coordination and Deadlock

Cooperative vs Independent Process, Advantage of Cooperating Process, Implementation of Cooperating process; IPC, Shared memory, Problem due to Co-operating Process; Critical Section Problem, race condition, Two process Solution; Algo 1, Algo 2, Peterson Algorithm, N process solution; Bakery Algorithm, Semaphore, Process Synchronization , Classical Problem of Synchronization, Monitor, Solution of Producer-Consumer using Semaphore and Monitor, Deadlock, Deadlock Characterization, RAG, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection and Recovery. Case Study: IPC mechanism in Linux.

UNIT-IV 10 Hours

Memory Management

Logical and Physical Address Space, Swapping, Allocation methods, Paging, Segmentation, Virtual Memory, Demand paging, Page replacement algorithms, Allocation of frames, Thrashing, Page Size and other considerations, Demand segmentation. Case Study: Linux Memory Management

UNIT-V 9 Hours

Storage Management

File concept, access methods, allocation methods-contiguous, linked and index allocation, directory structure – single level, two-level, tree structure, acyclic graph and general graph directory structure of file system, Secondary storage structure; Disk structure, disk scheduling algorithm. Case Study: Linux File System.

Text Books:

  1. Abraham Silberschatz and Peter Baer Galvin, “Operating System Concepts”, Wiley, eight edition, 2012.

  2. Stuart E.Madnick, John J. Donovan, “Operating System”, TMH,2010.

  3. Andrew S Tanenbaum, Modern Operating System, PHI, third edition, 2011.

  4. Milan Milankovic, “Operating Systems, Concepts and Design”, TMH, second edition, 2011.

Harvey M Deital, "Operating Systems", Pearson, third edition, 2012

Course Code: TIT 504 L T P C

Course Name: Database Management Systems 3 0 0 3

UNIT-I 6 Hours

Introduction: An overview of DBMS; Advantages of using DBMS approach; Database systems vs File Systems, Database system concepts and architectureData models, schemas and instances; Three-schema architecture and data independence; Database languages and interfaces; The database system environment; Centralized and client-server architectures; Classification of Database Management systems.

Entity-Relationship Model:

Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models for Database Design; An Example Database Application; Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes and Keys; Relationship types, Relationship Sets, Roles and Structural Constraints; Weak Entity Types; Refining the ER Design; ER Diagrams, Naming Conventions and Design Issues; Relationship types of degree higher than two.

UNIT-II 8 Hours

Relational Model and Relational Algebra: Relational Model Concepts; Relational Model Constraints and Relational Database Schemas; Update Operations, Transactions and dealing with constraint violations; Unary Relational Operations: SELECT and PROJECT; Relational Algebra Operations from Set Theory; Binary Relational Operations : JOIN and DIVISION; Additional Relational Operations; Examples of Queries in Relational Algebra; Relational Database Design Using ER- to-Relational Mapping.

UNIT-III 10 Hours

SQL: SQL Data Definition and Data Types; Specifying basic constraints in SQL; Schema change statements in SQL; Basic queries in SQL; More complex SQL Queries. Insert, Delete and Update statements in SQL; Specifying constraints as Assertion and Trigger; Views (Virtual Tables) in SQL; Additional features of SQL; Database programming issues and techniques; Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL; Database stored procedures.

UNIT-IV 10 Hours

Database Design: Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas; Functional Dependencies; Normal Forms Based on Primary Keys; General Definitions of Second and Third Normal Forms; Boyce-Codd Normal Form. Properties of Relational Decompositions; Algorithms for Relational Database Schema Design; Multivalued Dependencies and Fourth Normal Form; Join Dependencies and Fifth Normal Form; Inclusion Dependencies; Other Dependencies and Normal Forms.

UNIT-V 10 Hours

Transaction Management

The ACID Properties; Transactions and Schedules; Concurrent Execution of Transactions; Lock- Based Concurrency Control; Performance of locking; Transaction support in SQL; Introduction to crash recovery; 2PL, Serializability and Recoverability; Lock Management; Log Files; Checkpointing; Recovering from a System Crash; Media Recovery

Text Books:

  1. Elmasri and Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5th Edition, Pearson Education, .

  2. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke: Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill,

  3. Silberschatz, Korth and Sudharshan: Data base System Concepts, 6th Edition, Mc-GrawHill, .2010

  4. C.J. Date, A. Kannan, S. Swamynatham: A Introduction to Database Systems, 8th Edition, Pearson education,

Course Code: TIT 505 L T P C
Course Name: Java Programming 3 1 0 4

UNIT-I 8 Hours

History of Java, Features of Java, Object oriented concepts related to java, Java environment and tools (javac, java, appletviewer, javadoc, jdb), Garbage collection and finalize method, Data types, variable, expressions, operators, and control structures, arrays, string and mutable string, command line argument, Basic idea of Java application.

UNIT-II 10 Hours

Java as an object oriented language: objects, classes, Instance variables and instance methods, Constructors, Method overloading and constructor overloading, Access specifies, Abstract classes, Wrapper classes, Inheritance in java, Single, multilevel, Hierarchical, Static and final keyword, Runtime polymorphism, Method overriding, Use of super and this keyword. Visibility control: public access, default access, protected access, private access, private protected access. Packages and Interfaces: Package concept, creating user defined package,Access control protection, defining interface, implementing interface.

UNIT-III 10 Hours

Applets: Applet security restrictions; the class hierarchy for applets; Life cycle of applet; HTML Tags for applet. Event Handling and GUI Components (AWT & SWING)GUI concepts in Java, Basic GUI Components in AWT, Container Classes, Layout Managers, Flow Layout, Border Layout, Card Layout, Box Layout, Adapter and inner classes; Event Handling – Handling Keyboard Events and Mouse Events; Difference between AWT and SWING.

UNIT-IV 10 Hours

Exception Handling: Basic idea of exception handling, Exception types, stack based execution and exception propagation usage of Try, Catch, Throw & Throws and Finally statement, built in exceptions, creating own exception sub classes.Multithreading: Overview of simple threads, Basic idea of multithreaded programming, Thread synchronization: Locks, Synchronized methods, synchronized block, Thread scheduling, Producer-consumer relationship, Daemon thread,

UNIT-V 8 Hours

Java Networking: Exploring package, Networking basics: Socket, Client server, reserved Sockets, Internet addressing, TCP sockets, UDP sockets, creating a server that sends data, Creating a client that receives data, two way communication between server and clientJDBC: JDBC-ODBC Bridge; The connectivity model; the driver manager; navigating the result set Object contents; java.sql Package; The JDBC exception classes; Connecting to Remote database.

Text Books:

  1. Naughton & Schildt “The Complete Reference Java 2”, Tata McGraw Hill

Reference Book:

  1. Deitel “Java- How to Program:” Pearson Education, Asia

  2. Bert Bates, Kathy Sierra “Head First Java” O’Reilly publication

  3. Java Programming for the absolute beginners By Russell, PHI Learning

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