Course Description

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Advancement Via Individual Determination

Streisand Hall

(925) 833-3300 ext. 7136

Room J105

Course Description

The course is designed for students who elect to take a course that prepares them for the rigor required for college work. While concurrently enrolled in a college-prep course of study, students learn strategies to enhance success. To ensure success in their course work, students work individually, as well as in tutor-led collaborative groups. Note taking, outlining, writing, speaking, reading, test taking strategies and self-awareness are stressed. The AVID curriculum focuses on writing, inquiry, collaboration and reading (WICR). In addition, students participate in motivational and leadership development activities.

Student Responsibilities

  • All students are required to sign and adhere to the AVID contract.

  • Students will complete the “a-g” course requirements for entrance to the University of California and/or California State University.

  • All students will take the PSAT on Saturday, October 15.

  • All students must complete 10 hours of volunteer work each semester.

  • Be prepared for all classes. (Homework complete, in seat prior to tardy bell)

  • Be respectful of others by listening to your teacher, tutors and classmates.

  • Comply with all school and class policies and procedures.


  • a 1.5–2 inch, 3 ring binder

  • 15 dividers

  • binder paper

  • highlighters (3 different colors)

  • AVID Planner

Grading Policy

Each type of assignment will have the following weight on your final grade:

  • Binder/Planner…..40%

  • Tutorials…..20%

  • Projects…..20%

  • Classwork/Citizenship …..20%

Your final letter grade will be based on the following percentages: A 90-100%

B 80-89%

C 70-79%

D 60-69%

F Below 60%

In addition, each of the report cards that are mailed home (both progress and quarter grades) is worth 50 points. You will automatically earn the 50 points if all your grades are above a C-. Otherwise, you will have to complete an “AVID Improvement Plan.” Comments on report cards like “Poor participation,” “Incomplete assignments,” “Fails to follow directions,” “Tardies excessive,” etc. will result in a deduction of your AVID participation points.

(see back for more information)

AVID Binder and Planner

  • Binders and planners will be due on Fridays at the beginning of the period. You are to keep all your subjects’ assignments in one 3-ring binder (preferably 2 inches wide).

  • Students will maintain their binders and planners daily.

  • Binders and planners will be graded using a rubric. Each binder/planner check is worth 100 points.

Cornell Notes

  • 4 full pages of quality notes per academic class, per week

  • Only Cornell style notes will be accepted. Summaries must be completed to show that you have processed the material.

  • A full page reflection may be used as a substitute for up to one page of notes per class, per week.

Tutorials (Tuesday and Thursday)

  • Tutorial request forms are due by the beginning of 3rd period in the envelope outside Mrs. Hall’s room.

  • Each tutorial is worth 50 points.

  • If you are absent on a tutorial day, you are required to do a make up assignment. Read the article,

write a one page summary/reflection, ask for Mrs. Hall’s signature, and then put this in the Tutorial Notes/Tutorial Request Forms section of your binder to be checked during the following week’s binder check. (See your “AVID 9 Class Procedures/Instructions” handout for more information.)


  • You will begin the semester with 200 participation points.

  • To keep your points, you need to:

    • Come to class on time.

    • Be prepared with your materials.

    • Have warm-up and binder out on desk when the final bell rings.

    • Participate in the day’s activity.

    • Not eat during or bring food/drinks to class.

    • Not disrupt the class (talking, distracting others, head down, etc).

In addition, you can lose points if any of your teachers contact me with their concerns about poor behavior, incomplete assignments, etc. Your parents will also be contacted and/or you will have a meeting with Mrs. Rubio and me.


Being in class everyday is extremely important. Many AVID activities are most beneficial when you are in class participating and experiencing the learning along with your classmates. If you are absent during an activity that is not possible to makeup outside of class (tutorial, Socratic seminars, motivational activities, speakers, etc), you will be required to do a makeup assignment. The makeup assignment will consist of reading an approved article and writing a one-page reflection. Please see Mrs. Hall after each absence for instructions on all makeup work. (See your “AVID 9 Class Procedures” handout for more information.)

Extracurricular Activities

  • You must join at least one campus club (other than the AVID club) and attend meetings regularly.

  • Your goal is to volunteer or perform community service for 10 hours each semester. You will be required to obtain proof for your service hours (appropriate signature or letter).

Miscellaneous Information

  • You may write in pencil, black ink or blue ink. (10% of assignment will be deducted)

  • Typed work is always appreciated.

  • All assignments should be neat and legible. (If I can’t read it, I can’t grade it.)

  • All assignments need a title, your name and the date. (10% of assignment will be deducted)

  • Always follow both written and verbal directions. (10% of assignment will be deducted)


I have read and understand the policies listed above. I, the student, will keep a copy in my binder at all times.

Student (print): ___________________________ Student (signature): ______________________________

Parent/guardian email (please neatly print): _____________________________________________________
Parent/guardian (signature): ______________________________________________________________

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