Course Descriptions-2017 computer information systems cis 162 Business Computer Applications (3 cr.)

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Course Descriptions-2017


CIS 162 Business Computer Applications (3 cr.)

This course will provide students with an introductory

to intermediate level knowledge of general business

computer functions to include personal competency in

word processing, spreadsheet, presentation software,

and database applications.

CIS 163 Introduction to Computer Information

Systems (3 cr.)

Introduces students to the basic concepts and

procedures required to use the computer as a learning,

problem-solving, communications, and research tool.

CIS 210 Introduction to Software Development (3 cr.)

This course introduces basics of programming logic, as

well as algorithm design and development, including

constant, variables, expressions, arrays, files, and

control structures for sequential, iterative, and decision

processing. Students learn to design and document

program specifications using tools such as flowcharts,

structure charts, and pseudocode. Prerequisite: CIS

CIS 214 Foundations of Cyber Crime and Cyber Security

(3 cr.)

Provides an introduction to fundamental principles and

topics of Information Technology Security and Risk

Management at the organizational level. Students learn

critical security principles that will that will enable

planning, development, and the performing of security

tasks. Hardware, software, processes, communications,

applications, and policies and procedures with respect

to organizational IT Security and Risk Management are

addressed. Prerequisite: CIS 163 or equivalent.

CIS 215 Foundations of Digital Forensics (3 cr.)

A study of the application of forensic science and

technology to collect, analyze, document, and present

after-the-fact digital information from digital sources

while maintaining a documented chain of custody to

determine exactly what happened on a digital device.

Overview of legal guidelines/ regulations/laws. Includes

overview of tools used for forensic analysis of digital

devices seized in investigations. Also covers securing a

search warrant, collecting digital evidence, protecting

digital evidence, and obtaining information from

offenders. Prerequisite: CIS 163 or equivalent.

CIS 262 Advanced Business Computer Applications

(3 cr.)

Course will provide students with a more advanced in-depth knowledge of business computer applications.

Prerequisite: CIS 162.
CIS 263 Data Communications (3 cr.)

Explores technologies and concepts of data

communications and networks, implementation and

management of local, metropolitan and wide area

networks, infrastructure design, selection,

implementation, and management of enterprise IT

solutions. Frameworks and strategies for infrastructure

management, and emerging technologies are also

discussed. Students will sharpen their ability to

communicate technology architecture strategies

concisely to a general business audience. Prerequisite:

CIS 163.
CIS 265 Electronic Commerce (3 cr.)

Students are introduced to e-business solutions and

their components. Coursework includes completion of

an independent web project implemented with

established and new technologies. Prerequisite: CIS

CIS 320 Cryptography Methods (3cr.)

The course will include an introduction to standard

terminology related to information assurance, security

policies and mechanisms, cryptography and

cryptanalysis (including symmetric and public key

crypto-systems), and key distribution and management.

Prerequisites: CIS 163 or equivalent, CIS 214, and CIS

CIS 360 Database Design and Implementation (3 cr.)

Provides students with an introduction to core concepts

in data and information management. Course content

is centered on relational database requirements,

modeling and normalization techniques, database

administration tasks, and key concepts of data quality

and data security. The course also provides an

introduction to data and information management

technologies that provide decision support capabilities.

Prerequisite: CIS 263 and CIS 265.
CIS 362 IS Hardware and Software (3 cr.)

An introduction to the computer hardware and

software skills needed to help meet the growing

demand for entry-level information and communication

technology professionals. The curriculum covers the

fundamentals of PC technology, networking, and

security, and also provides an introduction to advanced

concepts. Prerequisite: CIS 263 and CIS 265.

CIS 363 Operating Systems / Software (3 cr.)

The goal of this course is to have students understand

and appreciate the principles in the design and

implementation of operating systems software. Topics

include: Introduction to operating systems concepts,

process management, memory management, file

systems, virtualization, and smart-phone operating

systems. The laboratory exercises will require

implementing a simple operating system. Prerequisites:

CIS 163 or equivalent and CIS 362.

CIS 364 Systems Analysis and Design (3 cr.)

Topics include CASE tools, as well as methodologies,

methods, techniques, processes, and procedures used

for the purposes of analysis, design, and implementation of organizational information systems.

Course also focuses on how computer-based

technologies can effectively contribute to good business

organization while covering a systematic methodology

for analyzing a problem or opportunity. Prerequisite:

CIS 263 and CIS 265.
CIS 368 Application Programming (3 cr.)

Introduces students to fundamental concepts and

models of application development to understand key

processes related to building functioning applications.

Students learn the basic concepts of program design,

data structures, programming, problem solving,

programming logic, and fundamental design techniques

for event-driven programs. Prerequisite: CIS 210.

CIS 369 Advanced Application Programming (3 cr.)

Instruction centers on more fundamentals of object oriented programming and program design for

application development. Course emphasizes program

construction, algorithm development, coding,

debugging, and documentation of programming

applications. Prerequisite: CIS 368.

CIS 413 IT Strategy, Management and Acquisition

(3 cr.)

Explores issues and approaches in managing

information systems in organizations. Provides

exposure from a senior management perspective in

exploring acquisition, development, and the

implementation of information systems plans and

policies. Ideas developed and cultivated in this course

are intended to provide a perspective for future leaders

in an increasingly globalized and technology intensive

business environment. Prerequisite: CIS 263, CIS 265

and Junior status.
CIS 460 IT Project Management (3 cr.)

Course covers a systematic methodology for initiating,

planning, executing, controlling, and closing projects.

Students examine project management in a modern

complex team-based activity organization where

various types of technologies are used in the project

management process. This course also explores

involvement from resources from within a company as

well as from outside the organization. Prerequisite: CIS

263, CIS 265 and Junior status.

CIS 461 Data Mining and Decision Support Systems

(3 cr.)

Introduction to decision analysis options with

structured decision problems to arrive at optimal

business decisions. Course highlights the foundations

needed for applying decision analysis methods in

decision support. Prerequisite: CIS 263 and CIS 265.

CIS 490 Senior Research: Special Topics in IS (3 cr.)

Students work independently under the supervision of

one or more faculty members. Prerequisite: Senior

status and permission of Department Chair.

CIS 492 Internship (1 - 5 cr.)

This course involves a field placement in an approved

Information Technology department for integration of

theory and practice through participant observation

study. A maximum of 5 credit hours may be earned.

This course will be offered every semester.

Prerequisite: Permission of Department Chair.
CIS 499 Independent Study (1 – 3 cr.)

Provides an opportunity for a student to pursue a topic

of study and tailored to his/her personal interests.

Prerequisite: Junior or Senior status.


CSC 160 Introduction to Computing (2 cr.)

Introduces students to the basic concepts and

procedures required to use the computer as a learning,

problem-solving, communications, and research tool.

Course is for non-business and non-CIS majors.
CSC 200 Introduction to Computer Science (3 cr.)

An introduction to the basic concepts and procedures

required in the use of the computer as learning,

problem-solving, communications, and research tool.

Instruction provided on computer concepts, computer

hardware and software, presentation software and data

CSC 201 Programming I (3 cr.)

An introduction to structured programming where

topics emphasize the basics of a structured

programming language such as C, memory concepts,

decision-making, equality and relational operators,

control structures, and functions. Prerequisite: CSC

200, equivalent, or permission of Department Chair.
CSC 202 Programming II (3 cr.)

A study of advanced structured and object-oriented

programming. Topics emphasized include introduction

of classes and data abstractions, operator overloading,

inheritance, virtual functions, polymorphism, and

stream input/output. Prerequisite: CSC 201.

CSC 205 Application Design I (3 cr.)

An introduction of visual basic and windows integrated

development environment, designing windows base

applications, control structures, procedures and

functions, arrays, basic graphical user interface controls,

properties, events, and methods. Prerequisite: CSC 200,

equivalent or permission of Department Chair.
CSC 305 Application Design II (3 cr.)

A study of advanced application design using

Component Object Model, ActiveX technology and

advanced Graphical User Interface Concepts. Instruction

also is provided on mouse and keyboard events, Error

Handling and Debugging, Sequential and Random

Access File Processing, Multimedia Designs and other

Object-Oriented programming in the Windows

environment. Prerequisite: CSC 205.
CSC 310 Data Structures (3 cr.)

A study of data structuring using structured variables,

stacks, queues, linked lists, and trees, recursive

procedures, applications to sorting and merging,

templates, Exception Handling, File processing

sequential, random, Bits and Characters, Strings, and

the processor. Prerequisite: CSC 202 or permission of

Department Chair.

CSC 321 Internet Programming (3 cr.)

Course provides a study of the World Wide Web, the

set-up and configuration of a web site domain and web

site hosting space. Web pages include text and graphic

intensive web pages, and modifications through HTML

or a text editor. Prerequisites: CIS 265, or permission of

Department Chair.
CSC 405 Numerical Analysis (3 cr.)

Provide students the instruction on selected topics from

solutions to nonlinear equations, polynomial

interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration,

solutions to systems of linear equations and initial value

problems. Prerequisites: MAT 216 and CSC 201.

CSC 450 Special Topics in Computer Science (3 cr.)

Students work independently under the supervision of

one or more faculty members. Students may select

topics from the following areas: Java or Visual Java

Programming, Networking, advance web site design,

Visual C++ programming, and advanced visual basic

database development. Prerequisite: Junior or senior

and permission of Department Chair.

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