Course Objective

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English II

Instructor: Christin Norris Email:

Term: 2017 - 2018 Phone: 904-538-5120 ext.1332

My Teacher Blog:

Course Objective: This course will follow the English II core curriculum set by Duval County in the 2017 - 2018 Curriculum Guide. This guide will direct student growth and performance aligned with each of the English Standards for the State of Florida (LAFS), Benchmarks and Common Core Standards. In following this schedule, our goal as English/Reading instructors is to teach, analyze, emphasize, and discuss reading and writing skills; which will later enable students to become more motivated, confident, and successful in literacy all together.

Skills Addressed: Students will strengthen their critical thinking, reading and writing skills through active reading, analysis of literature and informational texts, writing prompts, vocabulary analysis and collaboration amongst peers to understand text deeper through whole/small group interactions and discussions. Students will also annotate, and question the text; making connections, predicting and proving, questioning, summarizing, inferring, and visualizing. These skills will promote higher order thinking and better preparation for state and district based assessments and courses, beyond this school year.

Teaching Philosophy: Through my instruction, neither the background, nor the neighborhood or the color of any one of my students’ skin will act as the deciding factor hindering his/her educational fate. Here at Atlantic Coast High School we embrace the cultural diversity of each student while working to build knowledge, scaffolding on the personal foundation of each student. It is important to show students that they too can succeed in whichever endeavor they choose to embark upon. Once this course comes to an end, students will discover that their possibilities are exceptionally never-ending, as well!

Course Texts: Achieve 3000/Common Lit online articles, Collections: Grade 10 (Houghton), various works such as: Animal Farm (Orwell), Antigone (Anouilh), and Into the Wild (Krakauer).

Class sets are available for all course text assigned within the county based curriculum guides.

*Students are not required to purchase their own personal copy of the aforementioned class novels, but may choose to do so for both annotation purposes and completion of classwork/homework assignments, outside of class. Copies are readily available for discounted prices at Chamblin Bookmine and online sites, such as Amazon.

Weight of Classroom Grade:
Classwork 50%
Written Work 35%
Tests/Quizzes 15%

Home Learning: Students are required to read for at least 20-25 minutes each night (Monday – Friday) to practice fluency and comprehension skills addressed in class, in addition to other assigned reading and writing tasks including, but not limited to, unfinished class work.

*Students are expected to read one novel, on their own, for pleasure, each grading period. Dialectical Journals will be submitted at the end of each grading period to accompany this independent reading, showing evidence of comprehension and annotation of select pieces of text, emphasizing the importance of each, to the text as a whole.

Daily Materials:

3-ring binder, 3-hole spiral notebook (to be kept in 3-ring binder), composition notebook, college rule loose leaf paper, highlighters, sticky notes, pencils, erasers, handheld pencil sharpeners, and blue/black ink pens.

*Students should also have their own college-level dictionary less than 5 years old, as well as a thesaurus.

Ongoing Notebooks: Students are responsible for organizing a 1 inch, 3-ring binder with dividers/tabs and pockets to store notes, study guides, handouts and any graded papers needed throughout the school year.

Interactive Notebooks: Students are required to keep a composition notebook which counts as part of students’ quarterly “written work” grade. These notebooks will primarily house classwork, including daily warm-ups, rough drafts and some final drafts of essays, collaborative activities, etc.

Composition notebooks should be kept inside the classroom, in the assigned class period’s crate.

*Notebooks may be taken home to complete unfinished tasks, as often as needed. However, students are expected to have their notebook, in class, each meeting period for their scheduled class (A-day or B-day).

Grading Scale:

90 – 100 A

80 – 89 B

70 – 79 C

60 – 69 D

59 and below F

Rituals and Routines:

  1. Student IDs must be worn around neck with a lanyard at all times.

  2. Students must come prepared to each class period (on time with required class materials).

  3. Students will follow all classroom rules and expectations.

  4. Upon entering the classroom, students should check board for daily warm-up, opening instructions and daily objective/activities for class period.

  5. Students should sharpen pencils and collect class set materials.

  6. Students will end all discussions and out of seat movement once the bell has rung to begin class.

  7. Students are dismissed by my instruction, not the school bell or announcements.

  8. Students will pack up their belongings (clean up their area) before departing for their next class.

Academic Honesty:

Personal pride and integrity are essential to Atlantic Coast High School’s dedication to academic excellence and are fundamental elements of the Student Statement of Commitment. Cheating is a Class II offense as defined in the Duval County School Board Student Code of Conduct. Consequences may include, but are not limited to, zeroes input in the gradebook for all students involved, phone call home, discipline referral or suspension from school. Cheating, including plagiarism, will not be tolerated. Examples of acts constituted as cheating in this specific course, include the following, but are not limited to:

  • Giving and/or receiving help on any individual assignment

  • Paraphrasing or copying/pasting someone else’s work, even from the internet

  • Allowing someone to copy your work is still cheating and will earn a zero, in addition to the consequences mentioned above.

  • Failure to acknowledge the source of a direct quote or phrase

  • Representation of another person’s words, ideas, or information as one’s own

Protecting your work is your responsibility, both in and out of class.

*An academic contract will be signed by each student, as it is expected that guidelines will be strongly adhered to, throughout this academic school year

Make-Up Work Procedures

Make-up work for excused absences:

  • Proper documentation must be submitted in order for an absence to be considered excused

  • Student is responsible for checking the homework crate for missed assignments

  • One day per excused absence will be given for completion of missed assignments

  • Student must confer with instructor to determine the due date for their make-up work

  • Daily quizzes cannot be made up

  • Tests will be made up on non-Early Release Wednesdays after school


Students who miss class due to severe circumstances with proper documentation will be able to submit their assignments - without penalty. These students will be given the same amount of time to complete their assignments as the students who were present (one day per absence is allotted). It is the responsibility of the student to ask any clarifying questions regarding the missed assignments, in doing so they will be able to submit make-up work on time. Any graphic organizers missed will be available in our homework box. The due date for these assignments will be decided after consulting with the instructor. Quizzes cannot be made up, solely because they assess homework readings or other tasks assigned for homework. Make-up test days will be after school on non-Early Release Wednesdays. The test date will be arranged for a Wednesday that works for both the teacher and the student. As far as projects go, students will present their project the day of their return. A supplemental assignment will be created if the student misses the project all together.

Late work and unexcused absences:

  • Student is responsible for checking the homework box for missed assignments

  • All homework assignments (i.e. graphic organizers and assignments assigned for take home completion) will be deducted 10 points per day, after the due date

  • Homework assignments requiring typed work (i.e. essays and stories) will be deducted 20 points per day, after the due date

  • Projects turned in after the due date will be deducted 20% of the highest grade achievable

  • Daily quizzes cannot be made up

  • Tests will be made up on a non-Early Release Wednesday, after school



Any student who misses an assignment due to an unexcused absence or just fails to turn in their work, fall under this make-up category. Just as the excused absences, students are responsible for finding out exactly what they missed. Homework assignments that are to be written by hand (i.e. graphic organizers, drafts, etc.) will be deducted 10 points every day after the due date. Assignments that are typed (i.e. essays, final drafts, etc.) will be deducted 20 points every day after its due date. Projects that are not turned in on their due date will receive no higher than 80% acting as the highest achievable grade (80 out of 100). Quizzes cannot be made up solely because they assess homework readings or other tasks assigned for homework. As far as tests missed by these students, they can be made up but there is only one day (a Wednesday) towards the end of the semester in which tests can be made up. If the test is not made up on that particular day, the score will go into the grade book as a zero.

As a Safety Net for the 2017-2018 school year, after school help sessions and assignment recycling are available
Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 2:30 – 3:30.

Students must schedule help sessions at least one day in advance to ensure availability in my classroom, room 332.

Miss. Norris’ Rule of Three

During each class period:

  1. Show me the same respect that you expect me to show you,

  1. Be respectful of the thoughts, opinions, and property of each of your classmates and any guest who comes into our class,

  1. Come prepared to class.

Justification for my “Rule of Three”:

Rule 1 asserts that in order to get anywhere in my classroom, my students and I, must have respect for each other. In having this rule first, students can begin to presume that I do mean business. This rule will be practiced from day one all the way to the end of the school year.

Rule 2 continues with respect, but goes further to say that without the respect of fellow classmates and any guests that may arrive, things won’t go as smoothly as they should either. Without an ounce of respect for someone and their property (thoughts and opinions included) communication is unachievable. Lewd, vulgar, derogatory, and explicit language are included here.

They will NOT be tolerated in my classroom, NO EXCEPTIONS.

Rule 3 entails all the essentials necessary to succeed in my class: binder, notebook paper, pens/pencils, textbook(s), cell phones out of sight, no eating or drinking in class (aside of water), undivided attention to the speaker for the day, and an open mind for an array of intellectual individual and group discoveries.

Consequences for disregarding any of these three rules are strictly enforced as followed:

1st offense: verbal warning

2nd offense: remain after class to have a brief conference with me

3rd offense: phone call and email, if available, to parent/guardian

4th offense: referral to school administrator

I ____________________________________________ have read over Ms. Norris’ syllabus on ________ and understand the rules and policies she has set in place for the 2017 - 2018 school year. I plan to follow her rules and policies enabling all students in my class to enjoy learning the curriculum set for my 10th grade year.

Student Signature: ___________________________________________________

Parent Signature: ____________________________/Printed Name: ______________________________

Parent Contact Number: ____________________________/Email: ______________________________

Please print clearly.

DO NOT detach this page from the rest of your syllabus. Please hole-punch and place at the front of your class binder before showing signatures to Ms. Norris, for in-class credit.

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