CPNO BOARD MEETING: February 8, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Attending: Doug Wetzel, Regina Brandt, Courtenay Dusenbury, Lauren Welsh, David Aynes, Randy Pimsler, Trey Long and Walt Weimar.
1. Welcome.
Ben Dostal, Event Operations Manager, Atlanta Track Club, presented information on the Atlanta Women’s 5K, which will be held March 27 in the neighborhood. About 1300 people are expected for the run, which will begin near Mary Lin school at 8:00 a.m. and conclude at about 9:30-10:00 a.m. at the northeast corner of the Candler Park Golf Course.
II. Old Business
Meeting notes from January were not available; these will be approved at the March meeting
The Flying Biscuit Alcohol Permit was approved by the NPU. They are planning to send a representative to the CPNO meeting Monday
Messenger editor: Donna will resign as editor this month. Walt will temporarily serve as editor. All CPNO board members will be asked to contribute an article each month. If a volunteer editor cannot be found to format the newsletter the Board could consider hiring someone for a few hours each month to do this.
Reoccurring Budget Items: these were summarized in a Messenger article and will be voted upon at the February general meeting.
Updating Contacts with outside organizations: organizations such as Park Pride, Friends of Iverson Park and the Freedom Park Conservancy will be added to the list.
Committee Chairs: Fall Fest: a meeting is planned for March 2. Walt will prepare a list of jobs and a timeline. A volunteer to chair the Festival has not yet been found. Doug will invite Tom to the next Board Meeting to provide an update on the Infill Development Committee.
III. New Business
Website: Board members may receive training on how to update the website if they are interested.
Liability: Doug is reviewing the policy. It is broad and covers all volunteers (past and present). He has specific questions on what is covered and will follow up on these. The fee is $900, renewable in June.
IV: Officer Reports
Membership: no response to Messenger article soliciting volunteers. Lauren will write another article and will also look for informal leaders in the community. Doug will send her the block captain list and Walt will send her the list of Messenger delivery people. Lauren is exploring web-based options for community communications. Lauren will draft an amendment to the by laws concerning membership. This will be considered by the Board at its next meeting and brought before the general membership during the March meeting.
Treasurer: Dave noted that he also will have a proposed amendment to the by-laws to be considered in March. He updated the group on a budget meeting held February 1, during which options for a Candler Park grant program were discussed. Dave will write an article in the Messenger to update neighbors on the proposed changes. A second meeting will be scheduled.
Zoning. Randy updated the Board on pending or potential future zoning issues. The Zoning Committee met February 3rd and approved a variance for 1423 McClendon. Pending issues include a proposed project at the Wrecking Bar property, a preliminary design from James Johnson and an inquiry from Allan Cunningham, a Washington, D.C. – based planner who is interested in work-live strategies for the Candler Park/Edgewood Marta station.
Safety: no presentation.
Environment: The proposed graffiti eradication program was discussed. Kits will cost about $150.00 each. They will be housed at the Candler Park Market, with a sign-out sheet, waiver and instructions. Neighbors will need to have proof of residency (e.g. a drivers’ license) in order to borrow a kit. Trey will regularly refill items as needed. The Board voted to approve the purchase of 3 kits, with additional kits to be purchased if future demand merits. Trey will outline the new program in a Messenger article. He noted that funds are not available for sidewalks, although if ING funds were won by the neighborhood they could go toward a sidewalk fund. Other neighborhoods contribute ½ the cost of sidewalk repair. Trey noted that Terri Stewart lost her appeal regarding a property on DeKalb Avenue and will file another appeal. He also noted that Trees Atlanta will be working in the neighborhood March 20 and is looking for neighbors who would like trees planted near their homes for a nominal fee. It is unclear whether the Candler Park Pool will be open this summer. Eric Dusenbury will present to the CNPO an update on a master plan for Iverson Park, approved by the neighborhood last year and funded with monies from the ING race. In response to a question about whether matching funds were required for the ING funds, Doug and Courtenay agreed to check previous meeting notes and to follow up with Eric.
Special Projects: Dave updated the group on an agreement for running this year’s Sweetwater 420 race. Mark Clement will run the race, with Dave Aynes as treasurer. All proceeds will go to CPNO. There will be a resolution to the membership to support $4,500 for 6 movies in the park, to be run by Friends of Candler Park with equipment rented from Park Pride.
V. Announcements:
Lauren Sandival will come before CPNO to discuss a grant she is seeking from Park Pride to foster native plants in Freedom Park.
Randy Pimsler noted a Southern Living writer was interested in putting together a piece on Candler Park; neighbors will be solicited for ideas on what “defines” our neighborhood and makes it special.
Trey updated the group on the most recent NPU meeting, including decisions on a cell phone tower in Inman Park (approved), a master plan for digging from Atlanta Gas Light, a master plan for Poncey Highlands (available on the neighborhood’s website) and police matters. There are no details on the opening/brown-outs at the fire station. A license for the Flying Biscuit, which the neighborhood had opposed, was approved by the NPU.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
February 11, 2010
Courtenay Dusenbury
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