Critical thinking
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Given each
of the following situations
, discuss the
of each of the sources regarding the task given:
Wanting to know how to prepare
to get into a good law school
Someone who has served on a jury 5 times
A lawyer
Trainers in a program who prepare students for the law entrance exam.
Students who got into a top law school
Students who were turned
away from a top law school
, despite high exam scores
Deciding whether to buy an Apple Macintosh computer or a Windows model. You might consult:
A friend who owns either a Macintosh
or a Windows machine
A friend who now owns one of the machines but used to own the other
A dealer for either Macintosh
or Windows computers
A computer column in a big-city newspaper
in computer magazines
Judging the mechanical condition of a certain used car has
used car salesperson
The former owner (who we assume is different from the salesperson)
The former owner’s mechanic
A mechanic
from an independent garage
indiv -> Cell phone industry analysis
indiv -> Industry analysis: wearable technology
indiv -> Nokia Strategic Audit Presented by
indiv -> Note From the Indivisible team
indiv -> Chapter 4 Studyguide Fabula, Syuzyet and Style Fabula
indiv -> On the Design of Intelligent Memory Functions for Virtual Meeting Places: Examining Potential Benefits and Requirements Version 11
indiv -> Gm 105 Strategic management Strategic Audit
indiv -> Professor Emily Gilbert
indiv -> Symbolic logic: Predicate Logic identity three ways of using the verb “To be”
indiv -> Mirra Ginsburg Papers 1910 1999 20 linear feet in 38 boxes Biography/History
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