Curriculum Vita Donna Marie Bilkovic

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Curriculum Vita

Donna Marie Bilkovic Date: 25 March 2008

Office Address: Coastal Watershed Program, Center for Coastal Resources Management

Phone: 804-684-7331


Home Address: 9158 Butner Ln., Hayes, Virginia 23072

Home Phone: 804-642-1629

Position: Research Associate, Center for Coastal Resources Management


Virginia Institute of Marine Science Gloucester Point, Virginia

Doctorate of Marine Science Aug 1995-Dec 2000

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan

Masters of Science in Biology Jan 1994-May 1995

Bachelors of Science in Biology May 1993


My research primarily focuses on the effect of multiple coastal stressors, such as land-use and shoreline change, on nearshore estuarine communities and habitats. Better understanding of the mechanisms and processes that control and link terrestrial and aquatic resources will aid in the management and conservation of critical ecosystem functions and services. To this end, I conduct research examining the effect of shoreline hardening, land use development and subtidal habitat loss on nearshore fish and benthic communities. This involves using state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies to assess habitat condition, such as acoustic characterization of benthic habitat, for examination in relation to community structure and function. In support of these efforts, I have developed and applied integrative indices for measures of fish community integrity in the estuarine nearshore. Additional interests include the assessment, valuation, and modeling of spawning and nursery habitat for fish based on both abiotic and biotic factors, larval fish ecology, and the importance of habitat heterogeneity, connectivity and complexity on biotic communities. For my dissertation work I researched spawning and nursery habitat suitability for the anadromous American shad in a critical Virginia tributary, the York River.


Post-doctoral Research Associate April 2001-present
Center for Coastal Resources Management, VIMS

My position as post-doctoral researcher began with an involvement in a multi-institute, interdisciplinary collaborative endeavor (Estuarine Indicator Research Program—Atlantic Slope Consortium) funded by an EPA-Star Grant examining ecological and socioeconomic indicators for integrated assessment of aquatic ecosystems of the Mid-Atlantic Region (2001-2005). Project outcomes and responsibilities included the development of indices of biotic integrity for fish and macrobenthos communities in Mid-Atlantic estuarine systems over multiple scales; fish habitat assessment; the development and application of sampling protocols for aquatic communities; synthesis and statistical analyses of current and historic databases; and presentation of results at scientific conferences and in peer-reviewed literature. Shallow water habitat indices were developed for fish communities to direct management questions, such as habitat restoration priorities. Research on the implications of land use change or shoreline alteration on shallow water fish communities utilizing GIS technology was conducted.
Throughout my tenure in this post-doctoral position, I have successfully developed a research program primarily focusing on the implications of coastal stressors on nearshore communities and habitats at varying spatial and temporal scales. Example projects undertaken include the following externally funding activities:
Assessing the potential for changes in Virginia's shallow tidal water habitats
Ecosystem approaches to aquatic health assessment: linking subtidal habitat quality, shoreline condition and estuarine fish communities
Influence of spatial arrangement of habitats on fish communities within the Mobjack Bay
Shallow water fish communities and coastal development stressors in the Lynnhaven River
Assessment of potential Atlantic sturgeon spawning habitat in the James and Appomattox rivers.
Determination of the feasibility of using side scan sonar surveys to locate abandoned or “ghost” fishing gear, and the potential impacts of marine debris in Virginia Coastal waters
Development and testing of gear modification for blue crab pots to reduce crab and by-catch mortality by derelict crab pots
Evaluation of the potential for utilizing restoration as a potential compliance option at Dominion Virginia Generating Stations in response to 316 (b) Phase II Rule by EPA
Assessments of marsh fish, benthic and zooplankton communities along a haline

gradient in a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay with implications for sea-level rise

At the Center, I contribute to many internally funded activities, including the development of integrated management guidance for coastal habitats, the integration of survey databases within the Center, and the development of Virginia Shoreline Classification. Additional research duties include proposal, report and manuscript preparation, presentation of research, acquisition of external funding, and in the role of a QAQC manager, oversee QAQC implementation for Coastal Watershed Program research projects. My educational contributions include supporting and guiding Center students in their research efforts. My ongoing contributions to advisory activities include extensive involvement in formal reviews of the King William Resevoir proposed projects and monitoring plans.
Research Assistantship Aug 1995-Dec 2000

Center for Coastal Management and Policy, VIMS

Conducted research to determine American shad spawning and nursery habitat

characteristics. Developed and conducted ichthyoplankton surveys and identified specimens. Evaluated habitat in freshwater, tidal riverine environments, including hydrographic, morphological, and land use features. Compiled, presented and analyzed data using numerous software programs (S-PLUS, Minitab, Excel, Quattro-Pro and Sigma-Plot). Performed statistical tests on multivariate datasets. Utilized GIS software (ArcInfo) to produce and edit coverages for watershed planning and habitat suitability determination. Prepared grant proposals and reports, and acquired external funding.

Adjunct Professor

Rappahannock Community College Sept – Dec 1997

Independently taught an introductory biology undergraduate laboratory course. Prepared and delivered lectures, took part in experimental design and setups, developed examinations, assignments and grading system.
Teaching Assistant

University of Michigan August 1994 -May 1995

Independently taught an introductory biology undergraduate laboratory course for two semesters. Responsibilities included the preparation and delivery of lectures, experimental preparation and guidance, the development of pertinent examinations and assignments, grading, as well as tutoring in coursework material.

Lab Technician

University of Michigan May-Aug. 1993-1995

Worked as a research assistant on extended cruises of the Great Lakes during the summers of 1993-1995. Performed water chemistry experiments, ran CTD, took light measurements and aided in plankton collection. Performed plankton enumerations. Conducted independent project on lipid analysis of zooplankton during the summer of 1993, which resulted in two scientific publications.


Awarded the Virginia Institute of Marine Science-GSA Conference Fund, 1999 to support travel costs for participation at the Ecological Society of America 84th Annual Meeting in Spokane, Washington.

Honorable mention poster presented at the American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina. August-September 1999. Identification of potential American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) spawning and nursery habitats in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey.
First Place poster presentation awarded at the American Fisheries Society, Tidewater Chapter meeting, in Gloucester Point, Virginia. March 1999. Egg and Larval Distribution of American Shad in the Pamunkey and Mattaponi Rivers.


Students Mentored

Support of current CCRM students Mary Huang, Karinna Nunez and David O’Brien and staff in an informal advisory capacity

Co-Mentored a student (Inia Soto) participating in the NSF funded Research

Experience for Undergraduate Program (REU) during the summer of 2004 with

Marcia Berman


Facilitation of the development of a prototype integrated ecological assessment approach for the Chesapeake Bay. NOAA Chesapeake Bay Program. Oct 2007 - Oct 2008. $30,000, Co-PI with C. Hershner.

Assessing the potential for changes in Virginia's shallow tidal water habitats. NOAA Chesapeake Bay Program. Oct 2007-Oct 2008. $120,000, Co-PI with C. Hershner and M. Berman.

Atlantic sturgeon Spawning Habitat on the James River. 2007-2008. NOAA-CBO. $20,000, Principal Investigator.

The influence of spatial arrangement of habitats on tidal marsh fish communities within Mobjack Bay, Virginia, Phase 1, 2007-2008. NOAA-CBO. $167,745, Principal Investigator.

York River Watershed Water Budget. 2008-2009. Philip Morris USA. $67,205, Co-PI with C. Hershner and K. Havens.
Development and testing of gear modification for blue crab pots to reduce crab and by-catch mortality by derelict crab pots, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, March 2007-March 2008, $50,978 Co-PI with Kirk J. Havens
Affects of Ghost Crab Pots in the Chesapeake (VA), National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, December 2006-November 2007, $35,000, Co-PI with K. Havens
Lynnhaven River Shallow Water Fish Survey and Shoreline Inventory. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Aug 2006-Aug 2007, $134,695, Principal Investigator.
316 (b) Phase II restoration option scaling for Dominion Resources Virginia Generating Stations. August 2006-December 2006, $80,000. Co-PI with C. Hershner and M. Roggero

Atlantic Sturgeon Habitat Assessment Project. USFWS, Aug 2006-May 2007, $3,000, Principal Investigator.

Atlantic Sturgeon Habitat Assessment Project. USFWS, November 2005-May 2006, $9,945, Principal Investigator.
Determination of the feasibility of using side scan sonar surveys to locate abandoned or “ghost” fishing gear, and the potential impacts of marine debris in Virginia Coastal waters. September 2005-August 2006. NOAA Chesapeake Bay Program. $65,000. Co-PI with C. Hershner and K. Havens.
Ecosystem approaches to aquatic health assessment: linking subtidal habitat quality, shoreline condition and estuarine fish communities. NOAA-CBO, Mar 2005-May 2006, Total $100,000, Principal Investigator.
316(b) Phase II Preliminary Restoration Support Activities for Dominion Virginia Generating Stations. CH2MHILL, Oct 2005-May 2006, Total $68,000, Co-PI with C. Hershner.
Development, testing, and application of ecological and socioeconomic indicators for integrated assessment of aquatic ecosystems of the Atlantic Slope in the Mid-Atlantic States. Cooperative project with Penn State, Smithsonian, and East Carolina University. EPA-STAR, 2001-2006, $6.0 million, (VIMS portion $1.2 million), Co-PI with C. Hershner and others.

Monitoring Active Replenishment of Subsiding Habitat (MARSH Project), private/National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, 2000-2004, $250,000, Co-PI with C. Hershner.

Assessing larval American shad growth and survival with in situ mesocosm experiments in three differing habitat within a coastal estuary, CCRM, 2002-2003, $15,000, Principal Investigator.

Assessing anadromous fish habitat for conservation, CCRM, 2003, $25,000, Co-PI with K. Havens.

School of Marine Science Graduate Research Fellowship, VIMS, August 1995-1998, tuition and stipend
Identification of Potential American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) Spawning and

Nursery Habitats in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey Rivers Based on Physical Habitat and Landscape Variables. NOAA/NMFS Grant No. NA96FA0192, May 1999-July 2000, $76,000

Locating upriver spawning reaches of American shad (Alosa sapidissima) on the Mattaponi and Pamunkey Rivers via ichthyoplankton surveys and the examination of relative juvenile abundance and distribution in relation to river discharge. NOAA/NMFS Grant No. NA76FA0361, Aug 1997-July 1998, $52,500
University of Michigan Teaching Assistantship, 1994-1995, tuition and stipend
Michigan Competitive Scholarship, 1991 and 1992
University of Michigan Community College Scholarship, 1992


Refereed publications in periodicals, chapters in books, law review articles and conference proceedings

Bilkovic, D.M. and M. Roggero. 2008. Effects of coastal development on nearshore estuarine nekton communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series 358:27-39.
Havens K.J., D.M. Bilkovic, D. Stanhope, D. K. Angstadt, and C. Hershner. 2008. Derelict Blue Crab Trap impacts on marine fisheries in the lower York River, Virginia. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. In Press.
Perry, J., D.M. Bilkovic, K. Havens, and C. Hershner. Book Chapter: Tidal Freshwater Marshes of the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern United States. In Tidal Freshwater Marshes. In press.
L. Varnell, D.M. Bilkovic, J. Olney, D. Evans, H. Wang, C. Hershner, R. Mann. Managing ecosystem impacts from water withdrawal in tidal systems: probability based assessment approach. Environmental Science and Policy. In Press.

Olney, J.E., D.M. Bilkovic, C.H. Hershner, L.M. Varnell, H. Wang and R.L. Mann. March 2008. Six Fish and 600,000 Thirsty Folks - A Fishing Moratorium on American Shad Thwarts a Controversial Municipal Reservoir Project in Virginia, USA. In Nielsen, J., J. Dodson, K. Friedland, T. Hamon, N. Hughes, J. Musick, and E. Verspoor, editors. Proceedings of the Fourth World Fisheries Congress: reconciling fisheries with conservation. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 49, Bethesda, Maryland. 1,946 pages/2 volumes.

Havens, K.J., C. Hershner, D.M. Bilkovic and D.H. Wardrop. 2007. Assessment of Chesapeake Bay Program Selection and Use of Indicators. EcoHealth 4(2): 187-193
Wardrop, D.H., C. Hershner, K. Havens, K. Thornton and D.M. Bilkovic. 2007. Developing and Communicating a Taxonomy of Ecological Indicators: A Case Study from the Mid-Atlantic. EcoHealth 4(2):179-186.

Bilkovic, D.M., M. Roggero, C.H. Hershner, and K. Havens. 2006. Influence of land use on macrobenthic communities in nearshore estuarine habitats. Estuaries and Coasts 29(6B): 1185-1195. * This research was selected to be featured in an edition of Coastal and Estuarine Science News (February 2007).

Bilkovic, D.M., C.H. Hershner, M.R. Berman, K.J. Havens and D.M. Stanhope. 2005. Evaluating Nearshore Communities as Indicators of Ecosystem Health. In Estuarine Indicators, S.A. Bortone (ed.). CRC Press, Inc. Boca Raton, Florida. pp 365-379.
Bilkovic, D.M. and C.H. Hershner and J.E. Olney. 2002. Macroscale assessment of American shad Spawning and nursery habitats in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22(4): 1176-1192.
Bilkovic, D.M., J.E. Olney and C.H. Hershner. 2002. Egg and larval distribution of American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) and striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey rivers, Virginia. Fishery Bulletin 100(3): 632-640.
Bilkovic, D.M. 2000. Assessment of Spawning and Nursery Habitat Suitability for American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey Rivers. Doctoral Dissertation. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point.

Bilkovic, D.M., J.T. Lehman. 1997. Lipid concentration and size variation of Bythotrephes cederstroemi (Cladocera: Cercopagidae) from Lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 23(2): 151-161.
Lehman, J.T., D.M. Bilkovic, C. Sullivan. 1997. Predicting development, metabolism, and secondary production for an invertebrate predator Bythotrephes. Freshwater Biology 38: 343-352.

Invited scholarly papers and talks
Bilkovic, D.M., other ASC researchers. Coastal development impacts on biological communities in the Chesapeake Bay- Examples from the Atlantic Slope Consortium. December 2006. Living Shorelines Summit. Bringing together diverse perspectives to address shoreline protection alternatives, Williamsburg, Virginia. Keynote speaker.
Bilkovic, D.M., C.H. Hershner, D.M. Stanhope and K.T. Angstadt. Ecosystem approaches to aquatic condition assessment: linking subtidal habitat, shoreline condition and estuarine fish communities. Session: SPS-19 Innovative Techniques for Assessing Fish and Invertebrate Habitat Linkages in Estuaries and Coastal Systems. The 18th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation. October 16-20, 2005. Norfolk, Virginia.
Bilkovic, D.M. The Trials and Tribulations of a Shad on the Run. King and Queen

Women's Club. February 2005. King and Queen, Virginia.

Bilkovic, D.M., M.R. Berman, C.H. Hershner, K.J. Havens, D.M. Stanhope and L.Varnell Evaluating Estuarine Indicators of Ecosystem Condition in the Nearshore of Chesapeake Bay. December 3-5, 2003. 3rd Annual Estuarine and Great Lakes Indicator Development (EaGLe) meeting in Bodega Bay, CA.
M.R. Berman, D.M. Bilkovic, T. Rudnicky, and C. Hershner. May 13-15, 2003.

Evaluating Shoreline Conditions at Different Spatial Scales: Implications as an Ecological Indicator. Using Science To Assess Environmental Vulnerabilities. A ReVA-MAIA Conference in Valley Forge Hilton - King of Prussia, PA.

Bilkovic, D.M. October 2002. Linkages between research and fisheries management in the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain system. Croatia-USA Workshop. Biocomplexity and Sustainable Ecosystem Management: Integrating natural, social and economic sciences in Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Contributed scholarly papers and talks
Bilkovic, D.M. and M.M. Roggero. September 2-6, 2007. Coastal development

impacts on nearshore estuarine nekton communities. The 137th Annual American

Fisheries Conference. San Francisco, California.
Bilkovic, D.M. and M.R. Berman. Shallow Water Use Studies and Shoreline

Inventory. June 2007. Presented to the The Lynnhaven Ecosystem Restoration

Project, led by U.S Army Corps of Engineers.
Bilkovic, D.M., C.H. Hershner, M.R. Berman, K.J. Havens, D.M. Stanhope and L.Varnell. September 30 - October 01, 2004. Evaluating Estuarine Indicators of Ecosystem Condition in the Nearshore of Chesapeake Bay. 4th Annual Estuarine and Great Lakes Indicator Development (EaGLe) meeting in Duluth, MN.
M.R. Berman, D.M. Bilkovic and C.H. Hershner. September 30 - October 01,


Assessing Shoreline Condition as an Indicator of Aquatic Ecosystem Health.

4th Annual Estuarine and Great Lakes Indicator Development (EaGLe) meeting in Duluth, MN.

Bilkovic, D.M., C.H. Hershner, K.J. Havens, M.R. Berman, D.M. Stanhope and L.Varnell. June 20-25, 2004. ERF-Australia. Assessment of Linkages between Nearshore Habitat and Estuarine Fish Communities in the Chesapeake Bay. ECSA37-ERF2004. Ballina, New South Wales, Australia.
Bilkovic, D.M., C.H. Hershner, M.R. Berman, K.J. Havens, and D.M. Stanhope. October 29-31, 2003. Evaluating Nearshore Communities as Indicators of Ecosystem Health. Estuarine Indicator Workshop in Sanibel Island, Florida.
Bilkovic, D.M., M.R. Berman, C.H. Hershner, D.M. Stanhope, K.J. Havens and L.Varnell. Evaluating Shoreline Conditions as Indicators of Ecosystem Health in Estuarine Nearshore. September 14-18, 2003. Estuarine Research Federation Conference in Seattle, WA.
Bilkovic, D.M. November 2002. Shallows, Shorelines, Seines, Sciaenids, and other stuff. Annual Atlantic Slope Consortium (ASC)-EPA Estuarine and Great Lakes Indicator Development (EaGLe) meeting in Williamsburg, VA.
Bilkovic, D.M. and C.H. Hershner. June 2002. The Applicability of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Fish Habitat in the Mid-Atlantic Slope across Spatial Scales. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography meeting, in Victoria, British Columbia.
Bilkovic, D.M. October 2001. Fisheries Data Compilation and Index Development. Annual Atlantic Slope Consortium (ASC)-EPA Estuarine and Great Lakes Indicator Development (EaGLe) meeting, in Williamsburg, VA.
Bilkovic, D.M. May 2001. (Poster) Assessment of spawning and nursery habitat suitability for American shad (Alosa sapidissima) in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey rivers. Shad 2001: A Conference on the Status and Conservation of Shads Worldwide, National Aquarium, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

Bilkovic, D.M. March 2001. Watershed selections for the Atlantic Slope Consortium Project. Atlantic Slope Consortium – 4th All Hands Meeting, in Berkeley Springs, WV.

Bilkovic, D.M., J.E. Olney and C.H. Hershner. June 2000. American Society of

Ichthyologist and Herpetologists, Annual meeting in La Paz, Mexico. Identification of American shad spawning habitats and the associated riverine and landscape variables.

Bilkovic, D.M., C.H. Hershner, and J.E. Olney. August 1999. Identification of potential American shad (Alosa sapidissima) spawning and nursery habitats in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey rivers based on riverine habitat and landscape variables. Ecological Society of America, Annual meeting in Spokane Washington.
Bilkovic, D.M., J.E. Olney and C.H. Hershner. August-September 1999. (Honorable

mention poster) Identification of potential American shad (Alosa sapidissima) spawning and nursery habitats in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey rivers. American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Bilkovic, D.M., J.E. Olney and C.H. Hershner. March 1999. (Award-winning poster) Egg and larval distribution of American shad in the Pamunkey and Mattaponi rivers. American Fisheries Society, Tidewater Chapter meeting, in Gloucester Point, Virginia.
Bilkovic, D.M. and J.T. Lehman. June 1996. (Poster) Lipid concentration and size

variation of Bythotrephes cederstroemi from Lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography meeting, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. June 1996.

Research reports from grant or contract work
Bilkovic, D.M. September 2007. Surveying and summarizing the spatial arrangement of benthic habitat types within the nearshore of Mobjack Bay, Virginia. Interim Report #2 to NOAA Chesapeake Bay Program Office. Award Number: NA06NMF4570303.
Bilkovic, D.M., D. Stanhope and K. Angstadt . August 2007. Shallow Water Fish

Communities and Coastal Development Stressors in the Lynnhaven River. Final Report to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Award Number: W91236-06-C-0065. Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Virginia. 44pp.

Bilkovic, D.M. March 2007. Surveying and summarizing the spatial arrangement of benthic habitat types within the nearshore of Mobjack Bay, Virginia. Interim Report #2 to NOAA Chesapeake Bay Program Office. Award Number: NA06NMF4570303.
Havens, K.J., DM Bilkovic, D Stanhope, K Angstadt, and C Hershner. December 2006. Derelict Blue Crab Trap impacts on marine fisheries in the lower York River, Virginia. Final Report to NOAA Chesapeake Bay Program Office. Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science.
Havens, K.J., D. O’Brien, D. Stanhope, K. Angstadt, D. Schatt, D.M. Bilkovic, and C. Hershner. December 2006. Intermediate development of a forested headwater wetland HGM model for wetlands management in Virginia. Center for Coastal Resources Management, Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Final Report to The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (CD # 973078-01).
Bilkovic, D.M., M. Roggero and C. Hershner. November 2006. A review of habitat restoration scaling methods and options for freshwater generating stations subject to 316(b) Phase II Rule. Report to Dominion Power.
Roggero, M., D.M. Bilkovic, C. Hershner. October 2006. Habitat Restoration Scaling

Workshop Outcomes. Report to Dominion Power.

Bilkovic, D.M., C.H. Hershner and K. Angstadt. May 2006. Ecosystem approaches to aquatic health assessment: linking subtidal habitat quality, shoreline condition and estuarine fish communities. Final Report to NOAA/NCBO. Project Award Number: NA04NMF4570360.
Hershner, C., K.J. Havens, D.M. Bilkovic, D. Stanhope, K. Angstadt. March 2006. Marine Debris Survey in Virginia Interim Report #2 for NOAA/NMFS Grant Award Number #DG133F0SE7115.

Contributing author to: Brooks, R.P., D.H. Wardrop, K.W. Thornton, D. Whigham, C. Hershner, M.M. Brinson and J.S. Shortle, eds. 2006. Integration of ecological and socioeconomic indicators for estuaries and watersheds of the Atlantic Slope. Final Report to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency STAR Program, Agreement R-82868401, Washington, DC. Prepared by the Atlantic Slope Consortium, University Park, PA. 96pp.+ attachments (CD).
Contributing author to “A manager’s guide to indicator selection”. 2006. Published by U.S. EPA Offic of Research and Development, Washington D.C. EPA/600/S-06/002.
Bilkovic, D.M. January 2006. Sturgeon Spawning Habitat on the James and

Appomattox Rivers. Interim Report to USFWS.

Bilkovic, D.M., M. Roggero, J. Herman, K. Reay, J. Bradshaw and C.H. Hershner. December 2005. Dominion Power Generating Stations Background Information for 316(b) Restoration Options. Draft Interim Report to Dominion Power. 233p.
Hershner, C., K.J. Havens, D.M. Bilkovic, D. Stanhope, K. Angstadt. December

2005. Marine Debris Survey in Virginia Interim Report for NOAA/NMFS Grant Award Number #DG133F0SE7115.

Bilkovic, D.M. and C. Hershner. September 2005. Ecosystem approaches to aquatic

health assessment: linking subtidal habitat quality, shoreline condition and estuarine fish communities. Semi-annual Report to NOAA/NCBO. Project Award Number: NA04NMF4570360.

Bilkovic, D.M. 2005. authored sections: MARSH Fish Survey, Prey Community

Surveys, and Insect Surveys of the final report newsletter MARSH: Monitoring Active Replenishment of Subsiding Habitat. Virginia Institute of Marine Science.

Bilkovic, D.M. June 2003. Current research in the assessment of the condition and

integrity of an aquatic ecosystem: a bibliography. Report to the Center for Coastal Resources Management, VIMS.

Bilkovic, D.M., D. Stanhope and C.H. Hershner. December 2002. Assessing Larval

American Shad Growth and Survival with in situ mesocosm experiments in three

differing habitats within a coastal estuary. Final Report to the Center for Coastal Resources Management, VIMS.

Contributing Author to Havens, K.J. (Editor). 2002. MARSH: Monitoring Active Replenishment of Subsiding Habitat. Newsletter and Progress Report. Virginia Institute of Marine Science. 12pp.

Bilkovic, D.M. May 2002. Fish community and habitat quality indices. Annual report to the Atlantic Slope Consortium (ASC) on the EPA Estuarine and Great Lakes Indicator Development (EaGLe) project, Grant Number: R-82868401.

Bilkovic, D.M. and C.H. Hershner. Aug. 2000. Locating upriver spawning reaches of American shad (Alosa sapidissima) on the Mattaponi and Pamunkey Rivers via ichthyoplankton surveys and the examination of relative juvenile abundance and distribution in relation to river discharge. Final Report to National Marine Fisheries Service, Grant Number: NA96FA0192.
Bilkovic, D.M. and C.H. Hershner. Nov. 1998. Identification of potential American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) spawning and nursery habitats in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey Rivers based on physical habitat and landscape variables. Final Report to National Marine Fisheries Service, Grant Number: NA76FA0361.
Olney, J.E., and D.M. Bilkovic. Nov. 1998. Literature survey of reproductive finfish and ichthyoplankton present in proposed sand mining locations within the Middle Atlantic Bight. Final Report Environmental Survey of Potential Sand Resource Sites Offshore Delaware and Maryland for U.S. Department of the Interior (Mineral Management Service). Contract 1435-01-97-CT-30853.

Work in progress or submitted
Hershner, C., K. Havens, D.H. Wardrop and D.M. Bilkovic. A Practical Concept for Developing Indicators of Aquatic Ecosystem Health.
Whigham, D.F., M. Baker, D.M. Bilkovic, W.V. DeLuca, C.L. Gallegos, A.H. Hines, T.E. Jordan, R. King, P.P. Marra and D.E. Weller. Identifying linkages between watersheds and estuaries. To be submitted to Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Bilkovic, D.M., K. Havens, and C.H. Hershner. Assessment of biological community structure and utilization of tidal marshes along a haline gradient. In prep.
Bilkovic, D. M. and C.H. Hershner and J.E. Olney. Development of a coupled 3-dimensional hydrodynamic model with habitat suitability with application to the planktonic early life stages of American shad (Alosa sapidissima). In prep.

Other Scholarly Activity

Contributed to the development and maintenance of QAQC plans (Center for Coastal Resources Management: Field and Laboratory Quality Assurance Plan; and Standard Operating Procedures for the Coastal Watershed Program) for the Center of Coastal Resources Management and the Coastal Watershed Program.

Involved in many internally funded activities at Center for Coastal Resources Management, including the development of integrated management guidance for coastal habitats, the integration of survey databases within the Center, and the development of Virginia Shoreline Classification.

Published Abstracts and Posters
Bilkovic, D.M. and M.M. Roggero. September 2-6, 2007. Coastal development impacts on nearshore estuarine nekton communities. The 137th Annual American Fisheries Conference. San Francisco, California.
Bilkovic, D.M., other ASC researchers. December 2006.  Coastal development impacts on biological communities in the Chesapeake Bay- Examples from the Atlantic Slope Consortium. Living Shorelines Summit. Bringing together diverse perspectives to address shoreline protection alternatives, Williamsburg, Virginia. Keynote speaker.
Bilkovic, D.M., C.H. Hershner, D.M. Stanhope and K.T. Angstadt. Ecosystem approaches to aquatic condition assessment: linking subtidal habitat, shoreline condition and estuarine fish communities. Session: SPS-19 Innovative Techniques for Assessing Fish and Invertebrate Habitat Linkages in Estuaries and Coastal Systems. The 18th Biennial Conference of the Estuarine Research Federation. October 16-20, 2005. Norfolk, Virginia.
Bilkovic, D.M., C.H. Hershner, M.R. Berman, K.J. Havens, D.M. Stanhope and L.Varnell. September 30 - October 01, 2004. Evaluating Estuarine Indicators of Ecosystem Condition in the Nearshore of Chesapeake Bay. 4th Annual Estuarine and Great Lakes Indicator Development (EaGLe) meeting in Duluth, MN.
M.R. Berman, D.M. Bilkovic and C.H. Hershner. September 30 - October 01, 2004.
Assessing Shoreline Condition as an Indicator of Aquatic Ecosystem Health.

4th Annual Estuarine and Great Lakes Indicator Development (EaGLe) meeting in Duluth, MN.


Bilkovic, D.M., C.H. Hershner, K.J. Havens, M.R. Berman, D.M. Stanhope and

L.Varnell ERF-Australia. Assessment of Linkages between Nearshore Habitat and Estuarine Fish Communities in the Chesapeake Bay. ECSA37-ERF2004. Ballina, New South Wales, Australia. June 20-25, 2004.

J.E. Olney, D.M. Bilkovic, C.H. Hershner, L.M. Varnell, H. Wang and R.L. Mann. Six Fish and 600,000 Thirsty Folks - A Fishing Moratorium on American Shad Thwarts a Controversial Municipal Reservoir Project in Virginia, USA. 4th World Fish Congress. May 2004.
Bilkovic, D.M., M.R. Berman, C.H. Hershner, D. M. Stanhope, K.J. Havens and L.Varnell. Evaluating Shoreline Conditions As Indicators Of Ecosystem Health In Estuarine Nearshore. September 14-18, 2003. Estuarine Research Federation Conference in Seattle, WA.
Bilkovic, D.M. and C.H. Hershner. June 2002. The Applicability of Ecological Indicators for Assessment of Fish Habitat in the Mid-Atlantic Slope across Spatial Scales. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography meeting, in Victoria, British Columbia.
Bilkovic, D.M. May 2001. Assessment of spawning and nursery habitat suitability for American shad (Alosa sapidissima) in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey rivers. Shad 2001: A Conference on the Status and Conservation of Shads Worldwide, National Aquarium, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Bilkovic, D.M., J.E. Olney and C.H. Hershner. June 2000. American Society of Ichthyologist and Herpetologists, Annual meeting in La Paz, Mexico. Identification of American shad spawning habitats and the associated riverine and landscape variables.
Bilkovic, D.M., C.H. Hershner, and J.E. Olney. August 1999. Identification of potential American shad (Alosa sapidissima) spawning and nursery habitats in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey rivers based on riverine habitat and landscape variables. Ecological Society of America, Annual meeting in Spokane Washington.
Bilkovic, D.M., J.E. Olney and C.H. Hershner. August-September 1999. (Honorable mention poster) Identification of potential American shad (Alosa sapidissima) spawning and nursery habitats in the Mattaponi and Pamunkey rivers. American Fisheries Society, Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Bilkovic, D.M., J.E. Olney and C.H. Hershner. March 1999. (Award-winning poster) Egg and larval distribution of American shad in the Pamunkey and Mattaponi rivers. American Fisheries Society, Tidewater Chapter meeting, in Gloucester Point, Virginia.
Bilkovic, D.M. and J.T. Lehman. June 1996. (Poster) Lipid concentration and size variation of Bythotrephes cederstroemi from Lakes Erie, Huron and Michigan. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography meeting, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. June 1996.

Professional Activity

Facilitated and co-hosted with NOAA-CBO the second annual ‘Benthic Mapping and Characterization Workshop’ held in February 2007 in Edgewater, Maryland with participants from various groups throughout the U.S., Canada and Taiwan. The objective was to continue to link efforts to establish a more comprehensive approach to describing benthic habitat Bay-wide, and to update training on new technologies offered by Questar Tangent Corp

Scientific Reviewer of A Framework for Assessing the Nation's Fish Habitat a document developed by the National Fish Habitat Science and Data Committee to provide a framework plan for assessing current habitat conditions, prioritizing waters, and evaluating the success of National Fish Habitat Action Plan projects. January 2007.
Course participant in Analysis of Multivariate Data from Ecology and Environmental Science, Using Primer v6, lecturer: Bob Clarke, St. Petersburg, FL October 16-21, 2006
Facilitated a ‘Benthic Mapping and Characterization Workshop’ for 4 days in February 2006 with participants from various groups throughout the U.S. and Canada, including NOAA-CBO. The objective was to link efforts to establish a more comprehensive approach to describing benthic habitat Bay-wide. As a result of the workshop, equipment and software upgrades and associated training are currently being pursued by CCRM in cooperation with NCBO to ensure compatibility with their habitat mapping program.
Professional Affiliations

American Fisheries Society, 1999-present

Early Life History Section of AFS, 2002-present

American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, 1999-2000

Ecological Society of American, 1999-present

Atlantic Estuarine Research Society, present

Workshop Participant

Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee-Spatial Analyses workshop. CBP. Annapolis, MD, March 21-22, 2006.

Atlantic Slope Consortium-9th ASC-EPA All-Hands Meeting, May 25-26, 2005, Edgewater, MD.
Atlantic Slope Consortium-9th ASC-EPA All-Hands Meeting, January 25-26, 2005, Edgewater, MD.
Technical Workshop on Impacts to Coastal Fishery Habitat from Non-Fishing Activities. National Marie Fisheries Service, New England Fishery Management Council and Atlantic States Marie Fishery Commission. Jan 10-12, 2005, Mystic, CT.
Atlantic Slope Consortium-8th ASC-EPA All-Hands Meeting, September 15-17, 2004, Harpers Ferry, WV.
Atlantic Slope Consortium-7th ASC-EPA All-Hands Meeting, March23-25th, 2004, Lewes, Delaware.
Atlantic Slope Consortium-6th ASC-EPA All-Hands Meeting, November 6-7, 2003, Greenville, NC
Estuarine Indicator Workshop. October 29-31, 2003. Sanibel Island, Florida.
Atlantic Slope Consortium-5th ASC-EPA All-Hands Meeting, April 23-25, 2003, Milford, PA
Atlantic Slope Consortium-4th ASC-EPA All-Hands Meeting, November 13-14, 2002, Williamsburg, VA
Croatia-USA Workshop. Biocomplexity and Sustainable Ecosystem Management: Integrating natural, social and economic sciences in Dubrovnik, Croatia. National Science Foundation, October 2002.
Atlantic Slope Consortium-3rd ASC-EPA All-Hands Meeting, March 13-14, 2002, Cacapon, WV
Atlantic Slope Consortium—Ecological Scaling Workshop, ASC-EPA, 12-13 December 2001, Cacapon, WV.
EPA-STAR Estuarine and Great Lakes (EaGLe) Program, EPA, 3-5 December 2001, Morehead City, NC
Chesapeake Bay EcoPath with Ecosim, NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, 22-24 October 2001, Laurel, MD
Atlantic Slope Consortium—Estuarine Workgroup, SERC, 13 September 2001
Chesapeake Bay Program Joint Meeting: Tidal Habitat Workgroup, Non-Tidal Habitat Workgroup, & Fisheries Management Planning and Coordination August 9, 2001, United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Annapolis, MD.
Atlantic Slope Consortium—Watershed Workgroup, SERC, 19 June 2001

Proposal Reviewer: NOAA/NMFS

Manuscript Reviewer:

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society

Section of the Diadromous Fish Species Habitat Source Document for ASMFC

Reviewed Scientific Papers for Virginia Junior Academy of Science competition

Journal of Great Lakes Research

Ecological Engineering


Advisory service relative to VIMS state mandates

Service to state agencies
Serving on an advisory committee at VIMS, which produced comments at the request of the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) on the potential environmental impact from the proposed King William Reservoir. Contributed extensive data, analyses, written summaries, supplied material for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, and participated in meetings with the applicant and VMRC from November 2002- Present (approximately 46 person days in total). Products of these activities include two reports (dated March 12, 2003 and June 25, 2004)) and two manuscripts (published and in prep).

Meetings Dates in 2004:

January 21, 2004, VIMS

March 15, 2004, VIMS

March 19, 2004, Newport News

April 8, 2004, VIMS

April 19, 2004, VIMS

April 30, 2004, VIMS

June 1, 2004, VIMS, Newport News conference call

Monitoring Plan Review

July 2006, VIMS

October 2006, VIMS

January 2007, VIMS

March 2007, VIMS

January 30, 2008, VIMS

February 4, 2008, VIMS

Conducted advisory review of products from the Caroline County, Virginia water supply intake proposed monitoring survey (January 2007)
Completed advisory review of proposed water supply intake project on Powell’s Creek off of the Potomac River in Prince William County for impacts to ichthyoplankton (January-February 2007)
Facilitiated a technical workshop entitled Habitat Restoration Scaling in regards to the use of habitat restoration under 316b regulations for state agencies including VMRC, VGIF, and DEQ. Richmond, Virginia (September 27, 2006)
Continued advisory review of products from the King William Reservoir monitoring activities that resulted from permit conditions (July and October 2006; January and March 2007; January 2008)

In an advisory capacity for VIMS, discussed the Potential Impacts of Temperature Increases on Striped Bass in Lake Anna and the Pamunkey River with representatives from Dominion Power (July 2005)

In an advisory capacity for VIMS, I met with VMRC, Stafford County and County-hired consultants on multiple occasions and provided oral and written guidance in reference to the required Rappahannock River monitoring of fish communities for Stafford County intake (approximately 4 person days)
Public outreach

Invited Speaker at local King and Queen County Women’s Club meeting in February 2005 on American shad life history and restoration King and Queen, Virginia

Contributed to a public service video produced by the Friends of the Rappahannock on the importance of forested riparian buffers to fish communities (Spring 2003)
Riverfest, representing VIMS, June 2, 2001
Staffed Educational display booth for VIMS Tidal Wetlands Seminar, 2001, 2003,2004
Staffed Educational booth for Marine Science Day, VIMS, May 2004, 2005, 2007

Regional, national or international management commissions or programs

Contributed to the development of an essential fish habitat reference document by NOAA Fisheries for use by professionals engaged in marine habitat assessment, permitting agencies, and state and federal marine resource managers in the Atlantic Coast. Technical Workshop on Impacts to Coastal Fishery Habitat from Non-Fishing Activities. Jan 10-12, 2005, Mystic, CT.

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