Annual Research Institutes Reports

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Annual Research Institutes Reports

2009 - 2010


  1. RIMAD Research Institute for Media Arts and Design 3

  1. BMRI Business and Management Research Institute 24

  1. IRAC Institute for Research in Applicable Computing 62

  1. LIRANS Institute of Research in the Applied Natural Sciences 81

  1. IASR Institute of Applied Social Research 96

  1. IHR Institute for Health Research 133

  1. ISPAR Institute of Sports and Physical Activity Research 156

  1. Institute for Research in Education 181

Research Institute for Media Arts and Design

Annual Research Report 2009 - 2010

Annual Report for the Research Institute for Media Art and Design 2009-10

By Professor Alexis Weedon, Director

  1. Research Areas

The Research Institute for Media Art and Design has two centres (the Centre for International Media Analysis and Consultancy, and the Centre for Applied Research in Dance) and four research groups:

  • Journalism and Communications - leader Dr Alec Charles

  • Interactive Media Research Group - leader Dr Gavin Stewart

  • Practice Research Group - leader Joanna Callaghan

  • Screen and Script - leader Dr Carlota Larrea

  1. Activities and Achievements – report

The year got off to a good start with the Research Informed Teaching scheme. It was warmly embraced within the Divisions and the Research Institute. Divisions paired up to produce shared plans. Both plans proved highly successful and the MAP, J&C RiT led by Joanna Callaghan and Gavin Stewart was named the best example in the University. Their objectives and achievements are listed below.

In November an initial REF draft was put forward to the University. This included

Targeting funding to support staff members with the potential to become REF members. This has resulted in some considerable success: I particularly want to congratulate Mark Collington on his plan for research in animation, and Elsa Bradley on her research outputs. Other have also done well: Gavin Stewart has co-editing a book, Maria Weiner given papers and shown her creative work. At the next RIMAD board will consider how to build on this success.

In March the Institute validated its Professional Doctorate in Journalism, Media, Cinema and Television. Development was lead by Professor Luke Hockley and supported by a strong team.
The Junior Research Institute in PAE continues to thrive under the leadership of Sadie Hunt. It hosts a seminar series and involves students in the practice-led research in the Division.
Following the sad loss of Professor Manuel Alvarado, the University will be receiving the donation of his book and journal collection. Thanks to Luke Hockley for his work facilitating this and to his widow, Tana Wollen, for her generosity.

Staff achievements
Staff achievements this year have been many and numerous.
Staff members have had personal successes this year: congratulations to Helen Bailey who from the 1 September 2010 became the University’s Professor of Dance, much deserved. She has a number of collaborative dance research projects to her credit, and leads the Division of Performing Arts and English dance company and this year established the Theatre season on the Polhill site. Congratulations too to Janey Gordon on her PhD by publication. Janey joined the University in 1995 after a career in radio broadcasting and this award is a confirmation of her academic achievements over the years in her second career. Her collection Notions of Community, A Collection of Community Media Debates and Dilemmas was published this year. Having established a community radio in the University, she is leading the development of the RadioLab build. I hope it inspires others!
Congratulations to Kathryn Woolfe has published her first book, So you want to be a TV presenter? which is doing well. She gave a seminar on her experiences. We look forward to the next book Kathryn.
Institute members have given a number of keynotes or plenary talks this year:

John Digance and Dave Green featured at the British Short Film Production, Peterkit Film Festival, St Petersburg, and are active film makers.

Luke Hockley gave the plenary at the Jung and Film - Post Jungian Takes on the Moving Image, Confederation of Analytical Psychology, Third Annual Andrew Samuels Lecture, Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies,

Keith Jebb gave the keynote at the 16th International Reflective Practice Conference, University of Bedfordshire. Helen Bailey gave the Opening plenary on her e-dance project at the All Hands Meeting and IEEE conference

The institute has had a number of students complete this year: congratulations to them all.
Dr Akmal Abd Elrahman

Dr Stephen Conway

Dr Nigel Robinson

Robin Saklatvala MA

Tracey Minutillo MA

Research funding bids

Univ Sessex PI and Helen Bailey co-I


Archeology & motion



With Univ Loughborough, and Stirling,Garry Whannel


Sport and media



Steven Conway

B Academy

Videogame athlete



Ivor Gaber


Role of Media in Policy Formation



Alexis Weedon & partners


Crossing media boundaries: new forms of the book



Joanna Callaghan

B Academy

Narrative from and Artists film



Jon Silverman

B Academy

Role of Media in Transtitional Justice



Joanna Callaghan


Freezing the future



Janey Gordon


Community Radio Fund



Mark Gamble, Ivor Gaber et al


Internet radio show to support seniormanagers understanding of JISC e-learning outcomes



Joanna Callaghan


The Postcard



Jon Silverman


Media Analysis of representation of Drug users



Alexis Weedon


New forms of the book


Outline successful

City (Steve Barnett) PI and Ivor Gaber (co-I)


Changing news television agendas



A sample of our activities are given in the attached RIMAD newsletter.

3. Research seminars term 1 2010

6.10.10 Jarrell Pair

13.10.10 Michael Chanan (Roehampton University) The Role of History in the Individual

20.10.10 Lisa Thomas (University of Bedfordshire) Shaping counter-terrorism policy in the UK: Analysing the relationship between government and external influencers

27.10.10 Roberta Buiani (Anglia Ruskin) Tbc

3.11.10 Dan Pinchbeck (University of Portsmouth) Tbc

10.11.10 RIMAD Board

17.11.10 Professor Martin McQuillan (University of Kingston) Disney, Ecology and Globalization

1.12.10 Paul Manning (University of Winchester)

8.12.10 Sean Nixon (University of Essex)

Research seminars 2009-10

Research informed teaching seminars term 1

Mike Weller

The Making of 'Slow Fiction' for Print and Web-based Formats

Nigel Bristow, Director & Scriptwriter

Casting… and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Paula Roush, Artist & Academic

Download fever: photography, subcultures and counter-archival strategies


All Board members

Co-ordinated by Alexis Weedon

Research Bids workshop for staff and research students

Co-ordinated by Janey Gordon

Radio Colloquium

Joanna Callaghan

Why read if I want to make stuff?

Clare Walsh & Chantal Oliver

On cross-over fiction

Adam Procter

Create, Share and Collaborate: Using open content.

Simon Levitt


Arit Eminue

Diva Films

Determining Creative Practice

A practice based research symposium in association with MeCCSA and the University of Derby

Stuart Harris

Cinematographer, National Film and Television School

Term 2

Alexis Weedon

'You can do that': The unexpected pleasure of writing a textbook chapter

Ivor Gaber

The odd couple: political trust and political communication

Elena Boschi & Tim McNelis (University of Liverpool School of Popular Music)

'Same Old Song' On Audiovisual Style in the Films of Wes Anderson

Supervisors meeting


Jo Littler, Middlesex University, London UK

Ecologies of green consumption

Janey Gordon

RIT Mentoring projects '

Sharon Lockyer, Brunel University

Social Class Contempt in Contemporary TV Sketch Comedy: The Case of Little Britain

Jon Silverman

How Tony Blair fed the feral beast of the media and savaged the criminal justice system

Anna Zarifi

The role of rumour in political comunications

Term 3

Dr Akmal Abdelrahman

Murals and The Poetic of Space

Dr Milly Willamson (Brunel University)

When "popular" was "radical": early celebrity journalism, popular taste and the US penny press in the1890s

Dr Jussi Parikka (Anglia Ruskin University)

Media Archaeology and New Media Studies


Under the Mask Conference

Garry Whannel & Samuel Benagr / Joanna Callaghan

RiT Collaboration Project (2 presentations)

4. Research informed teaching

Divisions of Media Art and Production, and Journalism and Communications

Joanna Callaghan, Gavin Stewart

The overall objectives of this RiT action plan for 2009 are to:

  1. Maximize the impact of existing RiT activities through optimum use of existing teaching and research;

  2. Make available in an accessible format the various practice and research resources relevant to student learning;

  3. Provide a range of opportunities for students to engage with practice and research experiences which will allow them to develop transferable skills;

  4. Encourage staff and student researchers to collaborate and bid for internal and external funding that will help them to develop their practice, teaching and research in an informed and co-ordinated manner;

  5. Encourage staff members to undertake professional activities, such as formal professional development and external examining, that will facilitate the diffusion of best practice; and

  6. Promote the practice and research of all staff members

It will seek to achieve these objectives by providing a range of activities from a variety of funding sources including: existing divisional funding, external funders, and RiT funding (discussed in section 9 below).

Examples of RiT activities, to be conducted by RIMAD in conjunction with the Divisions, during 2010 include:-

  • The involvement of students in CIMARC activities especially conferences and research projects,

  • The development of the existing RIMAD Research Seminar Series to include workshop sessions led by practitioner-experts familiar with the latest industry developments

  • The continuing development of the RIMAD and 2D newsletters to provide a pilot platform for the internal dissemination of research and practice, and

  • The further development of student-initiated events, such as, the Film Festival, The Playful Paradox conference, The Under the Mask conference and the Luton Arts Festival which provide our students and staff with organizational challenges as well as an opportunity to attend and engage with respected practitioners and researchers working in relevant fields.



Action(s) required

Lead responsibility


Resource needs with any Costings

Success Criteria- expected outcomes

1. Mapping existing RiT practice
(Objective 1)

Mapping existing RiT practice

Alexis Weedon

March 2009

RA for 50 hours
Additional RiT Funding

Report of RiT best-practice with Divisions

2. Incorporating the RiT strategy within the Subject Review
(Objective 2)

Subject Review


Peter Dean & Alexis Weedon

March 2009

The incorporation of RiT best-practice within the Subject Review process

3. Improve dissemination of research outputs by MA students
(Objective 2)

Catalogue MA dissertations & practical work

Garry Whannel

April 2009

RA for 10 hours
Additional RiT Funding

Research Catalogue for use by students and staff

4. Improve the dissemination of staff and student

practice & research

(Objective 7)

Show and promote practice & research for exhibition & screening within the university & local venues

Joanna Callaghan

March- December 2009

RA for 30 hours
£400 for promotional material (e.g. postcards)
Additional RiT Funding

Increased staff & student engagement with practice and research

5. Co-ordinate online dissemination of research and practice
(Objective 3)

Create an effective an online resource that co-ordinates existing online resources used by staff and students

Joanna Callaghan

April 2009

RA for 15 hours
Additional RiT Funding

Online resource

6. Weekly RIMAD Seminars
(Objective 4)

Maintain the weekly programme of seminars available to staff and students

Gavin Stewart

All Year - Weekly in Term time

RIMAD funding

Promoting and Delivering 20 Research Seminars

7. RiT Capability Seminars
(Objective 6)

An occasional programme of Divisional seminars on learning, curriculum development, professional development etc. (e.g. The role of external examiner by Peter Dean)

Peter Dean and Alexis Weedon

Feb-Dec 2009


Additional RiT Funding

Promoting and delivering 3 Capability Seminars

8. RIMAD Seminar Workshops
(Objective 4)

Extend the programme of RIMAD seminars to include workshops from non-affiliated practitioner experts

Joanna Callaghan


RA for 15 hours
Additional RiT Funding
Plus:- Practitioners expenses, posters and refreshments

Additional RiT Funding

Promoting and Delivering 10 additional RIMAD workshops for staff, students and alumni

9*. Pilot staff and student research and practice publication

(Objective 4)

Building on the existing RIMAD newsletter, this would be an new online and 20 page bound format publication that would provide an opportunity for staff, students and visitors to contribute, edit & disseminate practice and research outputs

Gavin Stewart
Alexis Weedon

2 per year
July & Dec 2009



Publication Costs
RA for 220 hours
Mentored student editorial assistants

Additional RiT Funding

Online resource
Opportunities for student editorial positions
Promoting and delivering new research to staff and students

10. 2D Newsletter
(Objective 4)

Building on the existing RIMAD newsletter this new publication will provide an opportunity for staff, students and visitors to disseminate teaching information

Charmaine Cummings

3 per year

J&C, MAP funding

Promoting and delivering new teaching-related initiatives

11. Contemporary Chinese Film Festival
(Objective 4)

Developing a student-led initiative, which will involve staff and students working together to deliver events and research seminars

Carlota Larrea

Feb 2009

MAP funding


Promoting and delivering a student-led film festival

12. The Playful Paradox Conference
(Objective 4)

Developing a student-supported initiative which will involve staff and students working together on an international literary conference

Keith Jebb & Gavin Stewart

May 2009


RIMAD funding

Promoting and delivering a student-led literary conference, which will provide an opportunity for students and staff to engage with leading practitioners

13. Under the Mask: Perspectives on the Gamer conference
(Objective 4)

Developing a student-led initiative, which will involve staff and students working together on an international gamer conference

Luke Hockley & Gavin Stewart

June 2009

£2,600 RIMAD, MAP & RiT project funding

Promoting and delivering a student-led gamer conference which will provide staff and students with an opportunity to engage with leading academics and industry game-makers

14. B: Fest Luton Arts Festival
(Objective 4)

Developing a student-led initiative, which will involve staff and students working together in developing and delivering an arts festival

Robin Saklatvala

May-June 2009

£4,000 U of Beds Marketing dept, Division of A&D, Division of MAP & Division of J&C
£6,000 Arts Council & External Sponsors

Promoting and delivering a student-led arts festival

15. Practice-based Symposium 1
(Objective 4 & 7)

Delivering one day symposium for internal and external practitioners

Joanna Callaghan

April 2009

RiT project funding

Providing staff and students with an opportunity to engage with leading academic practitioners, and also providing an opportunity to showcase their work

16 *. Practice-based Symposium 2
(Objective 4 & 7)

Delivering one day symposium for internal and external practitioners

Joanna Callaghan

Dec 2009

Additional RIT funding

Providing staff and students with an opportunity to engage with leading academic practitioners, and also providing an opportunity to showcase their work

17. Staff/Student Mentoring scheme
(Objective 4 & 7)

Developing a mentoring scheme that will bring together staff and students on research project by providing funding for research projects with student involvement

Peter Dean & Alexis Weedon

Feb-Dec 2009

Additional RiT Funding

Facilitating short internships in which students gain relevant experience of research and practice

18. Practice & Research

Capability Fund
(Objective 5 & 7)

Providing a fund that staff can bid for
- for projects that encourage new practice or research initiatives which involve collaboration, and/or student involvement and have a written outcome (that can also be reported at a future RIMAD seminar)

Peter Dean & Alexis Weedon

Feb-Dec 2009

£3,500 Additional RiT Funding

Provide funding for new practice and research projects



Mapping existing RiT practice (1)

Achieved: (attached)

Incorporation of RIT strategy within the Subject Review (2)

Achieved: – March 09 (attached)

Cataloguing of MA dissertations and practical work (3))

Achieved: - 7.5.09 (attached)

Show and promote practice & research within the university (4)

2 events achieved

a. Student film screening event 9.12.09 (attached)

b. RiT Seminar, J.Callaghan: 4.11.09: Teaching Practice

Survey of existing online resources and interviews with staff members to determine direction (5)

Achieved: 6.11.09 (attached)

RiT RIMAD seminar workshops

Delivered 8 seminar/workshops

Attached documentation, speakers list, attendence lists

Practice based research Symposia


29 April 2009 - Circularity, narrative & aesthetic translation, University of Bedfordshire – promotional materials attached

2 experts, 11 practitioners, 48 others including 27 students
2 December 2009 - Determining Creative Practice symposium – 2.12.09, University of Bedfordshire – promotional material attached

2 keynotes, 12 academic/practitioners, others – 65 staff/external academics, students (33)

Wiki built for both projects
Published Report: Determining Creative Practice by Joanna Callaghan & Joanna Lee, Journal of Media Practice, forthcoming 2010

Mentoring project 1

Practice-based research and Teaching, Joanna Callaghan and Lisa Thomas

A survey of relevant journals to teaching and practice-based research compiled to detail foci, audience and publisher with a sample abstract (attached)

A brief survey of publications in teaching and practice-based research (attached)

Mentoring project 2

Qualitative Audience Research for UK community radio - a pilot study, Janey Gordon and Lakshmi Rajeev

Part achieved (Due to student illness this project is incomplete - see report)

- Colloquium of Community Radio practitioners and academics, 4th November 2009

- MeCCSA 2010 Conference presentation LSE London, January 6th-8th 2010

Collaboration project 1

A Literature Review of Research into Professional Gamer Culture in the UK

Gavin Stewart & Steve Conway

Part achieved – will be completed end April
- Literature review (part complete)

- Attendance at the 'E-sports and Cyberathleticism' event, held at the Center for Computer Games Research of the IT University of Copenhagen in May.

- Upcoming conference paper to be presented at 'Under the Mask: Perspectives on the Gamer 2010' in June.

- Attendance of professional games players from 'team Dignitas' at the 'Under the Mask: Perspectives on the Gamer 2010' conference, including a Q&A panel session with the group.

Collaboration project 2

A search for resources in the UK (London) that will be beneficial to the teaching of African Cinema, that will enhance delivery of the MA Global Media module and that will contribute to the proposed African Cinema Event. – Garry Whannel and Samuel Benagr

- Identification of resources needed for LRC including books & DVDs

- Identification of institutions/individuals as potential developers of this area

- Conference on digital cinema in West Africa, entitled Is Celluloid Dead / West African Cinema Now University of Bedfordshire, October 22-23 2010

Collaboration project 3- Literature review of Adaptation theories in relation to film productions Joanna Callaghan & Lisa Thomas

Underway (see note below)

-Debates paper for journal Convergence (April 2010)

Divisions of Performing Arts and English and Art and Design

RiT Action Plan

The overall objectives of this RiT action plan for 2009/10 are to:

1. Map existing examples of RiT within the Divisions and to promote these examples as best-practice for future curriculum developments

2. Maximise the impact of existing RiT activities through optimum use of existing teaching and research3. Make available in an accessible format the various

practice and research resources relevant to student learning

3. Provide a range of opportunities for staff and students to engage with creative practice and research experiences, which will allow them to develop

transferable skills and develop and value a sensibility to the potential of intuition and creativity as the origin of certain kinds of knowledge.

4. Encourage staff and student researchers to collaborate and bid for internal and external funding that will help them to develop their practice, teaching and

research in an informed and co-ordinated manner

5. Encourage staff members to undertake professional practice and research activities that will facilitate the diffusion of best practice

6. Promote and support the professional practice and research of all staff members. It will seek to achieve these objectives by providing a range of activities

from a variety of funding sources including: existing Divisional funding and RiT funding (discussed in section 9 below).

Examples of RiT activities, to be conducted by the two Divisions in conjunction with RIMAD during 2009/10 include:

  • The mapping of current Research-informed teaching activity within the current curriculum,

  • The development of the existing RIMAD Research Seminar Series to include workshop sessions led by creative practitioners/experts familiar with cultural and industry developments

  • The identification of best practice to provide a platform series for the internal and external dissemination of research and practice

  • The further development of events, such as, the ‘Against the Wall’ mural symposium and the ‘Hockcliffe Collection Symposium’,

  • The activity plan also includes an opportunity for Divisional responsive mode support for RiT projects to be developed and led by individual staff members over the period of the project.

1. Mapping existing RiT practice (Objective 1) Mapping existing RiT practice and undertaking gap analysis

2. Incorporating the RiT strategy within Divisional Strategic Review and Planning (Objective 2)

3. Co-ordinate online dissemination of research and practice (Objective 3) Create an effective online resource of research by staff for access and use by students

4. Platform Series: Improve the dissemination of professional practice and practice as research in creative and performing arts

(Objectives 4, 7) Show and promote professional practice and practice as research for exhibition & performance within the university & local venues through a platform series of events in performance, poetry, fiction, visual arts, video photography etc. to include staff, students and external practitioners.

5. RIMAD/CARD Seminars (Objective 4) Contribute more actively to the weekly programme of seminars available to staff and students

6. RiT Capability Seminar/workshop programme (Objective 6) A programme of seminars/workshops on research topics, research support, curriculum development, professional development etc. to be provided by invited experts internal and external to the institution (e.g. research application process by AHRC officer)

7. Activating staff applied research and professional practice for the RiT context (Objectives 4,5,6,7) A responsive scheme of small grants to support collaborative projects between the staff within the divisions (eg. Reflective practice in performance, using technology to document and visualise the creative process, the challenge of evaluating the changing aesthetic in creative arts practice). Research outputs to be presented at the Applied Research in the Creative and Performing Arts symposium

8. Applied Research in the Creative and Performing Arts Host a one-day symposium event of practical presentations, performances, workshops

5. Research outputs


Wolfe, Kathryn (2010) So you want to be a TV presenter?, Nick Hern Books

Edited works

Gordon, Janey (editor) (2009) Notions of Community, A Collection of Community Media Debates and Dilemmas, Peter Lang Ltd, Oxford.

Weedon, Alexis (2010) (General Editor) History of the Book in the West, 5 Vols series.

Weedon, A (2010) (ed) History of the Book in the West: the Twentieth Century, Volume 5 with introductory essay

Weedon A (2010) and Stephen Colclough (eds) History of the Book in the West: the Nineteenth Century, volume 4 with introductory essay

Bailey H and e-dance project. Opening plenary, All Hands Meeting and IEEE conference, Dec 2009

Digance J & Green D. British Short Film Production, Peterkit Film Festival, St Petersburg, Russia, October 2009.

Hockley, L., Plenary, Jung and Film - Post Jungian Takes on the Moving Image, Confederation of Analytical Psychology, Third Annual Andrew Samuels Lecture, Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies, London, April 2010.

Jebb, Keith, Keynote, 16th International Reflective Practice Conference, University of Bedfordshire, Putteridge Bury, Luton, 23-25 June 2010

Douglas, Noel (2010) Street based installations, COP15 UN Summit, Copenhagen December 2009, World Peoples' Summit on Climate Change, Cochabamba, Bolvia April 2010.

Group exhibitions

Callaghan, J. (2010) Ikonoclash, Centro Cultural de Lagos, Algarve Portugal, 5 June - 1 August

Callaghan, J. (2010) ''Still Moving'' in Moves10: International Festival of Movement on Screen, Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool, 21-25 April

Douglas, Noel (2010) Finalist 22nd International Poster Biennale Wilanów Poster Museum, Warsaw, Poland 2 June–31 August 2010.

Douglas, Noel (2010) Protest: Fight the Power: Twenty Years of the Political Poster, part of BASS Festival, Custard Factory, Birmingham, 3–30 June 2010. (British Council sponsored show)

Douglas, Noel (2010) as Curator and exhibitor. Signs of Revolt, Truman Brewery, London. 13–23 November 2009.

Peer reviewed journal articles

Charles, Alec (2009) ‘Playing with one’s self: notions of subjectivity and agency in digital games’ in Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture 3:2, pp. 281-294.

Jebb, Keith, review of Ian Brinton, A Matter of Utterance: The Poetry of J.H. Prynne, in Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry, Vol 2, Number 1, March 2010.

Larrea, Carlota. "Water, Window, Moon: Visual Metaphors in Julio Medem's Lucia y el sexo". Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 2009, vol15, no. 1

Saklatvala, Robin and Gordon, Janey (2009) “The B:Fest: Pedagogy and Public Spaces”, Networks, ADM-HEA, October 2009

Stewart, Gavin (2010) "The Paratexts of Inanimate Alice: Thresholds, Genre Expectations and Status", Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Vol. 16, No. 1, 57-74 (2010)DOI: 10.1177/1354856509347709

Whannel, Garry (2009) ‘Television and the Transformation of Sport’, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Vol. 625, No. 1, 205-218, DOI: 10.1177/0002716209339144

Whannel, Garry (2009) (with John Horne) ‘The ‘caged torch procession’: celebrities, protesters and the 2008 Olympic torch relay in London, Paris and San Francisco, in Sport in Society Special Issue, edited by D. Martinez & K Latham, 2010

Whannel, Garry (2010) ‘News, Celebrity and Vortextuality: a study of the media coverage of the Jackson Verdict’ in Cultural Politics, v6 n1, pp65-84,
Articles and chapters

Charles, Alec (2009) ‘History & Who-topia: a Wellsian re-reading of Russell T Davies’s Doctor Who’ in Altertopian 1.

Charles, Alec (2010) ‘The mediacratic subject: reflections upon the illusion of interactivity in contemporary mass media forms’ in The Evidence 3.

Darwood, Nicola (2009) 'Empty Boxes, Empty Spaces: Elizabeth Bowen's The Little Girls' in McNair, A and Ryder, J (eds). Further From the Frontiers: Cross-currents in Irish and Scottish Studies. Aberdeen, AHRC Centre for Irish and Scottish Studies, pp.11-20.

Darwood, Nicola (2010) 'Eviction from Eden: The Fiction of Elizabeth Bowen' in The Glass. No 22, Spring 2010, pp.41-49.

Douglas, Noel (2010) 'Attacked by Music, Type and Light', in Eye 76 pp.19-21

Faherty, Michael (2010) 'The Strange Ones: John Montague, Ezra Pound and the Troubadour Tradition', in Lee, Michelle (ed.) Poetry Criticism, vol. 106. Detroit: Gale, pp. 299-306.

Gaber, Ivor and Lisa Thomas (2009) ‘Is the BBC biased? The Corporation and the coverage of the 2006 Israeli-Hezbollah war’, in L. Marsden & H. Savigny (eds), Media, religion and conflict, Surrey: Ashgate.

Gordon, Janey (2009) (Invited) Spectrum for the Common People / Spettro per la gente comune No. 13, September 2009 Connected & People a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by Andreas Fernadez, Andrea Mubi Brighenti on line at

Hockley, Luke (2009) 'Shaken, Not Stirred: James Bond and the Puer Archetype' in, Perpetual Adolescence: Jungian Analyses of American Media, Literature and Pop Culture. Eds. Sally Porterfield, Keith Polette and Tita French Baumlin. The State University of New York Press (SUNY): Albany.

Hockley, Luke (2009) 'Losing the Plot: A Story of Individuation and the Movies'. Quadrant: THe Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation. Volume XXXX, no 1. Winter. pp9-24

Horne, John and Garry Whannel (2009) Beer Sponsors football: What could go wrong ?, in Sport Beer and Gender: Promotional Culture and Contemporary Social Life, (edited by Lawrence A. Wenner and Steven L. Jackson), Peter Lang, New York, 2009

Larrea, Carlota (2010) "Consciousness- raising for the 21st Century: Feminist Websites and Postfeminism Online", in Transcultural Encounters Amongst Women in Hispanic and Lusophone literature, art and film, Cambridge Scholars Press

Layden, Garry (forthcoming) "Vertical Studio Teaching and Assessment in Art and Design: an Evaluation of Learning Systems", on Art Design Media Subject Centre - The Higher Education Academy (ADM-HEA) website.

Silverman, Jon (forthcoming) YouTube if you want to : new media,investigative tele-journalism and social control. Part of UoB End of Journalism conference compendium.

Silverman Jon (2009) Why Tony Blair could never have been a satisfactory first president of Europe. Amsterdam Law Forum, Vol 2, No 1.

Silverman Jon (2010) Counterblast: How Tony Blair fed the feral beast of the media and savaged the criminal justice system. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. May 2010, Vol 49, No 2.

Weedon, Alexis (2010) ‘The Economics of the Book’ in Michael Suarez SJ and H. R. Woudhuysen (eds) "Oxford Companion to the Book". Vol 1. Oxford University Press.

Weedon, Alexis (2010) in 'The Numbers Game: Quantifying the Audience' in Cutchins, Raw and Welsh (eds) ''Redefining Adaptation Studies'' Scarecrow Press p. 113-146 ISBN 978-0-8108-7298-1

Boyle, Raymond, David Rowe and Garry Whannel (2009) ‘A Crass Lack of Seriousness’? Questions for Sports Journalism, in The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism Studies. Ed Stuart Allen, Routledge

Whannel, Garry (2009) Between culture and economy: understanding the politics of media sport, in Marxism, Cultural Studies and Sport, (edited by Ben Carrington and Ian McDonald) London: Routledge

Whannel, Garry and John Horne (2009) Beer Sponsors football: What could go wrong ?, in Sport Beer and Gender: Promotional Culture and Contemporary Social Life, (edited by Lawrence A. Wenner and Steven L. Jackson), Peter Lang, New York,

Whannel, Garry (forthcoming) ‘Caught in the Spotlight: Media Themes in the build-up to the Beijing Olympic Games’, in Esporte e Sociedade Journal, Brasil

Callaghan, J.(2010) '' Determining Creative Practice'', Journal of Media Practice

Print and online Journalism

Silverman J "Taking a Chance" /Jon Venables and rehabilitation of offenders - BBC News Online (8.3 2010)

Silverman J " Jamaica Violence linked to US drug market" - BBC News Online ( 27.5.2010)

Silverman J Various articles, Policy Review Online / Sept.2009-April 2010

Silverman J Suspected war criminals in the UK and genocidaires - StandupTall Project website/ - 15.6.2009

Silverman J The death of Ian Tomlinson - StandupTall Project website - - 4.8.2009


McKenna, Lesley (2009) 'Body/Scapes' and 'The Snowbound Heart' at The Blue Bus Poetry Series. The Lamb. Lamb's Conduit Street. London (15th September).

McKenna, Lesley (2009) '''Amaranthus caudatus''. Love Lies Bleeding' at Determining Creative Practice symposium. University of Bedfordshire, Luton (2nd December).

Britten, Robin (2009/10) BBC 3CR … IV's x 3. Why are Royals firing warning shot at press? The perfect red top story; Premier League footballers and sex. Is Sun fair to use images from "personal"mobile on front page?

Charles, Alec (2009) Interviewed on BBC Three Counties Radio about online newspaper provision (30 November).

Charles, Alec (2009) Interviewed on BBC Three Counties Radio about Jean Baudrillard and the culture of the virtual (27 October).

Silverman Jon (2009/10) Various interviews on criminal justice/legal issues for BBC Radio 4,5 Live, BBC World Service, BBC Wales, BBC Scotland, BBC Northern Ireland.
Conference papers

Bradley, Elsa (2009) 'Frequency of flow experiences in recreational, vocational and professional dancers.' International Association of Dance Medicine and Science 19th Annual General Meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands, October 2009.

Bradley, Elsa (2010) 'Positive dancing: The key to optimal experiences among professional, vocational and recreational dancers.' Healthy Dancer, Healthy Dance Teacher Conference, Tartu, Estonia, June 2010.

Bradley, Elsa (2010) 'Going with the flow.' Teaching and Learning Conference, University of Bedfordshire, July 2010.

Callaghan, Joanna (2010) 'Film & Philosophy: Ideas and Things', University of Bristol - research seminar, 26 January 2010

Charles, Alec, Conrad, Mark and Neale, Jo (2010). 2010: ‘Of mice or men? – the avatar in the virtualscape’ , International Conference on Information Society, London, 28-30 June.

Charles, Alec (2010) 'The illusion of agency: a theoretical footnote upon notions of media interactivity, participation and co-authorship', Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Edinburgh.

Charles, Alec (2010) ‘The mediacratic subject: reflections upon the illusion of interactivity in contemporary mass media forms’, MeCCSA Conference, LSE.

Charles, Alec (2009) ‘The politics of trivia: a case study in the ideological iconography of the fantastical marginalia of BBC News Online’, Political Studies Association Media & Politics Group Annual Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 5-6 November.

Charles, Alec (2010) ‘Let’s stop playing games: a deconstruction of the illusory interface between the material and the virtual’, Under the Mask 2010, University of Bedfordshire.

Charles, Alec (2010) ‘The meta-Utopian metatext: the deconstructive dreams of Ulysses and Finnegans Wake’, Modernism and Utopia: Convergence in the Arts, University of Birmingham.

Darwood, Nicola (2009) ‘Elizabeth Bowen and a Tale of Two Tigers’ Sound, Image, Text, ISSCL Annual Conference, Trinity College, Dublin.

Darwood, Nicola (2009) ‘Eviction from Eden: the Fiction of Elizabeth Bowen’ at ‘Down to Earth: The Fall in Modern Literature’ conference, Corpus Christie College, Oxford, 7th November 2009.

Douglas, Noel (2010) 'Sign Wars' Paper given at 2nd International Design Conference: 'Responsibility in Graphic Design', Katowice, Poland 11–15 January 2010.

Gazzard, Alison 'Routes through Gamespace: Maze Paths and Videogames ', Ludotopia, ITU, Copenhagen, 27th-29th May 2010

Gordon Janey (2009) “Qualitative Audience Research: a model for the UK community radio sector.” University of York, Toronto, Canada. July 27th- 30th 2009

Gordon Janey (2010)“Qualitative Audience Research for UK community radio - a pilot study.” MeCCSA Conference, London School of Economics, 6th-8th January 2010

Hockley, Luke (2010) 'On the Edge: Psyche in Ethics, the Arts and Nature: A Conference of Research in Jung and Analytical Psychology', -‘Shaken Not Stirred…James Bond and the Country that wouldn’t grow up’, and second paper ‘House: Explorations of a Wounded Healer’. Cornell University, USA.

Jebb, Keith, 'The Pronominal Monster,' at Determining Creative Practice symposium, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, 2 December 2009.

McKenna, Lesley (2009) 'Cutting it Up: Intertextuality and the Collage Poem' at Determining Creative Practice symposium. University of Bedfordshire, Luton. 2nd December.

Stewart, Gavin (2010) Ergodicity and ARGing, at Under the Mask, Perspective on the Gamer 2010, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, Wednesday 2nd June 2010

Walsh, Clare (2009) 'Re-visioning Kipling’s Kim for a multicultural audience: a study of John Howard Davies’ 1984 film Kim’, Sound, Image, Text, ISSCL Annual Conference, Trinity College, Dublin

Weedon, Alexis (2009) 'Using the Reading Experience Database in cross-media research' British Library, 29th September 2009.

Weedon, Alexis (2009) ‘Elinor Glyn: Novelist and Photoplay Writer’ National Film Theatre/British Film Institute, 7 November 2009.

Weedon, Alexis (2010) ‘Problems of Multi-disciplinarity’ – i.e. writing up research for different academic audiences so that it addresses - or recognises - the different questions which frame work in different disciplines. 12-13 Feb 2010

Whannel, Garry (2009) ‘“Is there anyone I haven’t offended ?” Notes on the roots of political stand-up comedy’ at the 3rd International Comedy Conference, University of Salford, 4th - 5th June

Whannel, G (2009) Invited Speaker, University of Malaga, Spain Summer School, August 5th, 2009

Conference/Workshop attendence/participation

Conway, S, Gazzard, A & Stewart, G - Conference Co-ordinators 'Under the Mask: Perspectives on the Gamer Conference', University of Bedfordshire, 1st June 2010

Digance J, Landscaping: Artists, Maps and Britain, British Library 11/09/10.

Digance J, Documentary Now, Birkbeck College, January 2010.

Gordon, Janey - Colloquium organiser " Community Radio in Higher Education", University of Bedfordshire, 4th November 2009

Green D, Sheffield International Documentary Film Festival, November 2009.

Green D & Digance J, International Documentary Film Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands, November 2009.

Silverman, Jon (2009) Just Journalism round-table on international law, Westminster, 19.8.2009

Silverman, Jon (2009), Chair, 'Understanding Violence Against Women' annual conference, 19.11.2009

Silverman, Jon (2009)Chair, National Citizen Focus Policing Conference, 24.11.2009

Silverman, Jon (2010 Chair, 'Crime & Punishment in the 21st century' (Part of Myths &Realities public debates, ESRC, British Academy, British Library, 8.2.2010

Silverman, Jon (2010), Chair, National Offender Management Conference, 8.6.2010

Wolfe, Kathryn attended MeCCSA conference, January 2010

Wolfe, Kathryn 'The CETL C-Space as a learning environment', presentation at Bridging the Gaps conference, University of Bedfordshire, July 2010


Layden, Garry and Hesketh Joslin, Dawn (2010) Funds of £472.76 awarded for Research Informed Teaching Project: “An evaluation of measures put in place to prepare Level 5 Interior Architecture and Interior Design Students to work collaboratively with Level 5 Contemporary Theatre Practice students”

Silverman, Jon (2010) Three-year research grant awarded by British Academy under its International Partnership programme to examine the impact of the media on transitional justice in Sierra Leone and Liberia. (Project starts Oct.2010)

Other activities

Callaghan, Joanna (2010) Artist talk, Whitechapel Gallery, London, 18 February 2010

Gordon Janey (2010) Launched Radio LaB 97.1 FM, full time community radio station based in University of Bedfordshire

Green D & Digance J, Curate British Shorts Film Festival and run Journey film workshops, Szimpla Kertmozi, Budapest, May 2009.

Green D & Digance J, Curate British Shorts Film Festival and run fiction film workshops, Sputnik Kino, Berlin, Jan 2010.

Green D & Digance J, Short film workshops , experimentation and Journeys, Sputnik Kino, Berlin, July 2009.

Green D & Digance J, Experimental film practice, Journeys and Movement, lecturers and workshops, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, July / Aug 2010.

Silverman Jon (2009-) Consultancy for BBC World Service Trust mentoring West African journalists covering the Charles Taylor trial in The Hague

Silverman Jon (2010), Member, Media & Public Confidence sub-group of the National Inquiry into Social Work, chaired by Professor Eileen Munro.

Stewart Gavin (2009) Texter-in-residence, A Mobile Phone Haiku Project, Determining Creative Practice - A practice-based research symposium,MeCCSA: Media, Communication & Cultural Studies Association, University of Bedfordshire, Luton

Wolfe, Kathryn, 'So You Want to Write a Text Book?' presentation to 2D, March 10

Wolfe, Kathryn 'What are the main differences between acting and presenting on camera in terms of the skills you need to display?' The Stage, 1.7.10

Wolfe, Kathryn The Stage TV Presenting supplement, contributor 8.7.10

Wolfe, Kathryn, 'So You Want to be a TV Presenter?' Book review, The Stage, 8.7.10

Wolfe, Kathryn, My West London Life,

Wolfe, Kathryn, The Write Pitch, 20.7.10


Douglas, Noel (2010) Book Cover 'Dark Matter–Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture', Gregory Sholette Pluto Books 2010

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