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Curriculum Vitae


James T. Vogt, Ph.D., BCE

Deputy Program Manager

USDA Forest Service

Forest Inventory & Analysis

4700 Old Kingston Pike

Knoxville, TN 37919

Ph. (865) 862-2035

B.S. Biology, 1990

Tusculum College, Greeneville, Tennessee

M.S. Entomology, 1992

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee

Ph.D. Entomology, 1999

Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama

Adjunct Professor of Entomology

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Entomology

Mississippi State University

Auburn University, 1998. Economic Entomology (ENT 502) (Assisted).
Auburn University, 1996. Economic Entomology (ENT 502) (Assisted).
Auburn University, 1995. Economic Entomology (ENT 502) (Assisted).
Auburn University, 1994. Insects (ENT 204) (Assisted).
Refereed Publications:
Vogt, J. T. and F. H. Koch. 2014. The evolving role of Forest Inventory and Analysis data in invasive insect research. American Entomologist (in prep).
Rashid, T., J. Chen, J. T. Vogt, and P. J. McLeod. 2013. Arthropod prey of imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Mississippi sweetpotato fields. Journal of Insect Science DOI: 10.1111/1744-7917.12003
Vogt, J. T. 2009. Nature and severity of imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) infestations on the Mississippi River levee. Midsouth Entomologist 2 (2): available online at
Vogt, J. T., B. Wallet, D. Boykin, W. A. Smith, and M. Allen. 2009. Distribution patterns of imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on a sheep and goat farm in Oklahoma. Environmental Entomology 38: 551-560.
Dingha, B. N., A. G. Appel, and J. T. Vogt. 2009. Effects of temperature on the metabolic rates of insecticide resistant and susceptible German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.) (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae). Midsouth Entomologist 2(2): available online at
Vogt, J. T., and B. Wallet. 2008. Feasibility of using template-based and object-based automated detection methods for quantifying black and hybrid imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren and S. invicta x richteri) mounds in aerial digital imagery. The Rangeland Journal 30: 291-295.
Vogt, J. T., T. Rashid, and J. Chen. 2008. Note: New distribution record and behavioral observations for Pseudacteon curvatus (Diptera: Phoridae), a parasitoid of Solenopsis richteri, S. invicta, and their hybrid (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of Entomological Science 43: 443-446.
DeFauw, S. L., J. T. Vogt, and D. L. Boykin. 2008. Influence of mound construction by red and hybrid imported fire ants on soil chemical properties and turfgrass in a sod production agroecosystem. Insectes Sociaux (available online at
DeFauw, S. L., J. T. Vogt, and D. L. Boykin. 2008. Imported fire ant bioturbation and its influence on soils and turfgrass in a sod production agroecosystem. Journal of Entomological Science 43: 121-127.
Vogt, J. T., B. Wallet, and S. Coy. 2008. Dynamic thermal structure of imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) mounds. Journal of Insect Science 8: 31.
Vogt, J. T., B. Wallet, and B. Freeland. 2007. Imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) mound shape characteristics along a north-south gradient. Environmental Entomology 37: 198-205.
Vogt, J. T. 2007. Three-dimensional method for characterizing ant mounds. Florida Entomologist 90: 553-558.
Vogt, J. T., and W. A. Smith. 2007. Effects of simulated and natural rainfall on summer mound construction by imported fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 50: 379-390.
Vogt, J. T., and J. Kozlovac. 2006. Suggested personal protective equipment and other considerations for handling imported fire ants (Solenopsis spp.) in the laboratory and field. Applied Biosafety 11: 88-97.
Vogt, J. T., and J. A. Oliver. 2006. Distribution and size of imported fire ant mounds in recently-invaded ball-and-burlap plant nurseries in Tennessee. Journal of Entomological Science 41: 385-393.
Thead, L. G., J. T. Vogt, and D. A. Streett. 2005. Dispersal of the fire ant decapitating fly, Pseudacteon curvatus (Diptera: Phoridae) in northeast Mississippi. Florida Entomologist 88: 214-216.
Vogt, J. T., J. T. Reed, and R. L. Brown. 2005. Timing bait applications for control of Solenopsis spp. fire ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): efficacy and effects on non-target ants. International Journal of Pest Management 51: 121-130.
Vogt, J. T., J. T. Reed, and R. L. Brown. 2004. Temporal foraging activity of selected ant species in northern Mississippi. Journal of Entomological Science 39: 444-452.
Vogt, J. T. 2004. Detection of imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) mounds with satellite imagery. Environmental Entomology 33: 1718-1721.
Vogt, J. T. 2004. Quantifying imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) mounds with airborne digital imagery. Environmental Entomology 33: 1045-1051.
Vogt, J. T., D. A. Streett, and D. Boykin. 2004. Seasonal characteristics of black imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) mounds in northern Mississippi pastures. Sociobiology 43: 513-522.
Vogt, J. T. 2003. Attractiveness and effectiveness of an artificial diet fed to Solenopsis invicta X richteri (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), the hybrid imported fire ant. Florida Entomologist 86: 456-459.
Vogt, J. T., S. A. Rice, and S. A. Armstrong. 2003. NOTE: Seed preference of the red imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Oklahoma. Journal of Entomological Science 38: 696-698.
Vogt, J. T., D. A. Streett, R. M. Pereira, and A. M. A. Callcott. 2003. Mississippi area-wide program: Unique aspects of working with black and hybrid imported fire ants. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 20: 105-111.
Vogt, J. T., S. D. Porter, D. A. Nordlund, and R. Smith. 2003. A modified rearing system for production of Pseudacteon curvatus (Diptera: Phoridae), a parasitoid of imported fire ants. Biological Control 28: 346-353.
Vogt, J. T., W. A. Smith, R. A. Grantham, and R. E. Wright. 2003. Effects of temperature and season on Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) foraging in Oklahoma. Environmental Entomology 32: 447-451.
Vogt, J. T., and D. A. Harsh. 2003. NOTE: A simple device to assist with pitfall trap sampling. Florida Entomologist 86: 94-95.
Vogt, J. T. and D. A. Streett. 2003. Pseudacteon curvatus (Diptera: Phoridae) laboratory parasitism, release, and establishment in Mississippi. Journal of Entomological Science 38: 317-320.
Vogt, J. T., T. G. Shelton, M. Merchant, S. A. Russell, M. Tanley, A. G. Appel, and

R. E. Wright. 2003. Efficacy of three citrus oil formulations against Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), the red imported fire ant. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 19: 159-171.

Shelton, T. G., J. T. Vogt, M. J. Tanley, and A. G. Appel. 2003. Monthly fluctuation of termite caste proportions (Isoptera) within fire ant mounds (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 41: 571-581.
Burns, S. N., P. E. A. Teal, R. K. Vander Meer, J. L. Nation, and J. T. Vogt. 2002. Identification and action of Juvenile Hormone III from Sexually Mature Alate Females of the Red Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis invicta. Journal of Insect Physiology 48: 357-365.
Vogt, J. T., P. Mulder, Jr., A. Sheridan, E. Shoff, and R. E. Wright. 2002. NOTE. Red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta Buren) fail to reduce predator abundance in peanuts. Journal of Entomological Science 37: 200-202.
Vogt, J. T., R. A. Grantham, E. Corbett, S. Rice, and R. E. Wright. 2002. Dietary habits of Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenptera: Formicidae) in four Oklahoma habitats. Environmental Entomology 31: 47-53.
Vogt, J. T., W. A. Smith, D. B. Jones, and R. E. Wright. 2001. Feasibility of dragging pastures for control of Solenopsis invicta Buren, the red imported fire ant, in Oklahoma. The Southwestern Entomologist 26: 339-344.
Vogt, J. T., R. Grantham, W. A. Smith, and D. Arnold. 2001. Prey of Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Oklahoma peanuts. Environmental Entomology 30:123-128.
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 2000. Flight energetics and dispersal capability of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren. Journal of Insect Physiology 46: 697-707.
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 2000. Effects of spontaneous, voluntary activity on metabolic rate of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 35: 89-98.
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 2000. Discontinuous gas exchange in the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren: Caste differences and temperature effects. Journal of Insect physiology 46: 403-416.
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 1999. Standard metabolic rate of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta (Buren): Effects of temperature, mass, and caste. Journal of Insect Physiology 45: 655-666.
Shelton, T. G., J. T. Vogt, A. G. Appel, and F. M. Oi. 1999. Observations of Reticulotermes spp. in Solenopsis invicta Mounds (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae, Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology 33: 265-275.
Kells, S. A., J. T. Vogt, A. G. Appel, and G. W. Bennett. 1999. Estimating nutritional status of German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.) (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae), in the field. Journal of Insect Physiology 45: 709-717.
Vogt, J. T. 1996. Founding queen of the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) observed in carnivorous plant. Ent. News 3: 141-2.
Selected Non-refereed Publications:
Brown, M.J., and J.T. Vogt. 2015. North Carolina’s Forests, 2013. Resour. Bull. SRS-xxx. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. Xxx p.
Brown, M.J., JT Vogt, and B.D. New. 2014. Forests of North Carolina, 2012. Resource Update FS–13. Asheville, NC: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 4 p.
Vogt, J. T. 2002. Fire Ants, by Stephen W. Taber. The Quarterly Review of Biology 77: 73 (Invited Book Review).
Vogt, J. T. and J. Jarratt. 2002. Control Fire Ants by using Decapitating Flies. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station fact sheet 1636.
Drees, B. M., C. L. Barr, S. B. Vinson, R. E. Gold, M. E. Merchant, D. Kostroun, B. Sparks, D. Pollett, D. Shanklin, K. Vail, K. Flanders, P. M. Horton, D. Oi, P. Koehler, J. T. Vogt, N. Riggs, L. Lennon, S. Russel, and P. Nester. 2000. Managing Imported Fire Ants in Urban Areas. Tx. Agric. Ext. Svc. Bull. B-6043. 24 pp.
Vogt, J. T., W. A. Smith, and K. Pinkston. 2000. Treatment Options for Controlling Red Imported Fire Ants. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Current Report CR-7309.
Grantham, R. and J. T. Vogt. 1999. Website ( detailing imported fire ant biology and control.
Shelton, T. G., J. T. Vogt, and A. G. Appel. 1999. Dangerous liaisons? Native termites inhabiting red imported fire ant mounds. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Highlights of Agricultural Research 46 (2): 5-6.
Appel, A. G., J. T. Vogt, and T. G. Shelton. 1997. Respiration patterns play key role in pest biology. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Highlights of Agricultural Research 44 (4): 20-21.
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 1997. Individual mound treatments for control of red imported fire ants. Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Highlights of Agricultural Research 43 (4): 16-18.
Vogt, J. T., C. D. Pless, and K. D. Gwinn. 1997. Seasonal incidence of chloropid flies

in tall fescue. pp. 205-208 in C. W. Bacon and N. S. Hill, eds., Neotyphodium/Grass Interactions. New York: Plenum Press.

Vogt, J. T. 1995. The Catchalot Lure Company of Gardner, Massachusetts. The National Fishing Lure Collector’s Club Gazette 19: 11.
DeFauw, S. L., J. T. Vogt, P. J. English, and D. L. Boykin. 2008. Hyperspectral remote sensing of seasonally-acquired imported fire ant mound features (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in turfgrass. Proceedings of the 2008 Imported Fire Ant Research Conference, Charleston, SC, March 24-26.

DeFauw, S. L., J. T. Vogt, and D. L. Boykin. 2008. Seasonal dynamics of imported fire ant pedoturbation on soils and turfgrass in a Mississippi sod production agroecosystem. Proceedings of the 2008 Imported Fire Ant Research Conference, Charleston, SC, March 24-26.

Streett, D. A., A. M. Pranschke, J. T. Vogt, J. T. Reed, and A. M. A. Callcott. 2007. Areawide suppression of fire ants: Demonstration project in Mississippi, 2006. Proceedings of the 2007 Imported Fire Ant Research Conference, Gainesville, FL, April 23-25.
Portilla, M., D. Streett, and J. T. Vogt. 2007. Developing methods to evaluate reproductive rates of Pseudacteon curvatus (Diptera: Phoridae) in Solenopsis richteri (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Proceedings of the 2007 Imported Fire Ant Research Conference, Gainesville, FL, April 23-25.
DeFauw, S. L., and J. T. Vogt. 2007. Seasonal shifts in the hyperspectral characterization of imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) mound features in turfgrass (Abstract). Proceedings of the 2007 Imported Fire Ant Research Conference, Gainesville, FL, April 23-25.
DeFauw, S. L., J. T. Vogt, and D. L. Boykin. 2007. Influences of imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) bioturbation on soils and turfgrass in a sod production agroecosystem (Abstract). Proceedings of the 2007 Imported Fire Ant Research Conference, Gainesville, FL, April 23-25.
Wallet, B., and J. T. Vogt. 2005. Graphical exploration of features to detect imported fire ant (Solenopsis spp., Hymenoptera, Formicidae) mounds in high resolution aerial imagery. Proceedings of the 20th Biennial Workshop on Aerial Photography, Videography, and Digital Imagery for Resource Assessment, Weslaco, TX, October 4-6.
Vogt, J. T., and B. Wallet. 2005. Daily fluctuations in imported fire ant (Solenopsis spp., Hymenoptera, Formicidae) mound surface temperature. Proceedings of the 20th Biennial Workshop on Aerial Photography, Videography, and Digital Imagery for Resource Assessment, Weslaco, TX, October 4-6.
Parkman, P., Vail, K., Rashid, T., Oliver, J., Pereira, R., Porter, S. D., Shires, M., Haun, G., Powell, S., Thead, L., and Vogt, J. T. 2005. Establishment and spread of Pseudacteon curvatus in Tennessee. Proceedings of the 2005 Imported Fire Ant Research Conference, Gulfport, MS, March 22-24.
Vogt, J. T., and S. E. Coy. 2005. The imported fire ant mound in three dimensions. Proceedings of the 2005 Imported Fire Ant Research Conference, Gulfport, MS, March 22-24.

Vogt, J. T., D. A. Streett, J. Chen, L. G. Thead, K. Ward, R. Ward, and J. A. Oliver. 2005. Regional integrated management of imported fire ants (Solenopsis spp.) along the Natchez Trace Parkway, pp. 76-81 in Proceedings of the George Wright Society, Philadelphia, PA, March 14-17.

Nelson, R. E., S. A. Rice, and J. T. Vogt. 2004. Effects of fire ants on peanut plants. Proceedings of the 2004 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, March 21-23, Baton Rouge, LA. (p. 65)
Vogt, J. T. 2004. Detection of fire ant mounds in airborne digital images: Hierarchical learning for automated feature detection. Proceedings of the 2004 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, March 21-23, Baton Rouge, LA. (p. 122-125)
Vogt, J. T. 2003. Seasonal effects on detection of imported fire ant mounds with airborne digital imagery. Proceedings of the 2003 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Mar. 30-Apr. 1, Palm Springs, CA.
Vogt, J. T., and D. A. Streett. 2003. Establishment of Pseudacteon curvatus in Mississippi. Proceedings of the 2003 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Mar. 30-Apr. 1, Palm Springs, CA.
Vogt, J. T., D. A. Streett, R. M. Pereira, and A. M. A. Callcott. 2003. Mississippi Area-Wide Program: Unique Aspects of Working with Black and Hybrid Imported Fire Ants. Proceedings of the 2003 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Mar. 30-Apr. 1, Palm Springs, CA.
Thomson, S. J., and J. T. Vogt. 2003. Applications for thermal remote sensing on a field scale using ground-based methods and agricultural aircraft. 30th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Nov. 10-14, Honolulu, HI. CD-ROM paper no. PS-V.7.pdf.
Vogt, J. T., S. A. Rice, and S. A. Armstrong. 2002. Seed preferences of the red imported fire ant in Oklahoma. Proceedings of the 2002 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Mar. 24-Mar. 26, Athens, GA.
Vogt, J. T., and A. C. Cohen. 2002. Studies on attractiveness and effectiveness of an artificial entomophage diet fed to hybrid imported fire ants. Proceedings of the 2002 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Mar. 24-Mar. 26, Athens, GA.
Vogt, J. T. 2002. Light intensity affects distribution of attacking Pseudacteon curvatus (Diptera: Phoridae) in a laboratory rearing system. Proceedings of the 2002 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Mar. 24-Mar. 26, Athens, GA.
Vogt, J. T. 2002. Modifications to a rearing system for Pseudacteon curvatus (Diptera: Phoridae). Proceedings of the 2002 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Mar. 24-Mar. 26, Athens, GA.
Vogt, J. T., P. Mulder, W. Smith and R. E. Wright. 2001. Effects of red imported fire ants on abundance of peanut arthropods. Proceedings of the 2001 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Feb. 28-Mar. 2, San Antonio, TX.
Vogt, J. T., R. Grantham, E. Corbett, S. Rice, and R. E. Wright. 2001. Dietary habits and foraging dynamics of Solenopsis invicta Buren in Oklahoma. Proceedings of the 2001 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Feb. 28-Mar. 2, San Antonio, TX.
Vogt, J. T., and A. G. Appel. 1999. An examination of the flight capability of Solenopsis invicta Buren alates. Proceedings of the 1999 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Charleston, S.C.
Vogt, J. T. 1992. Seasonal incidence and laboratory rearing of selected chloropid

flies occurring in tall fescue in Tennessee. M. S. Thesis, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. Advisor: Dr. Charles Pless.

Vogt, J. T. Respiratory physiology and energetics of Solenopsis invicta Buren

(Hymenoptera: Formicidae), the red imported fire ant, in east-central Alabama. Department of Entomology, Auburn University, AL.

Advisor: Dr. Arthur G. Appel.

Selected Publications Related to Freelance Work:
Vogt, J. T. A healing journey. Delta Democrat Times, front page, November 8, 2005.
Vogt, J. T. Domino wants to ‘nudge’ Leland. Delta Democrat Times, front page, November 2, 2005.
Vogt, J. T. Family excites Leland for Halloween. Delta Democrat Times, front page, October 31, 2005.
Vogt, J. T. 2005. Poison-arrow frogs. Prepared for Enrichment Plus, LLC, Ackworth, GA.
Vogt, J. T. 2005. Mole crickets don’t need microphones. Prepared for Enrichment Plus, LLC, Ackworth, GA.
Vogt, J. T. 2004. Decapitating flies. In Alabama High School Graduation Exam, Student Review Guide: Reading Comprehension. Enrichment Plus, LLC, Acworth, GA. P. 28.
Invited Presentations (Speaker in boldface):
Oswalt, CM and Vogt, JT 2014. Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA)- Brief History and Organizational Structure. An oral presentation delivered to the USAID, Forest Service International Programs, and SilvaCarbon sponsored Data Analysis Training Course for VNForest and FIPI personnel in Hanoi, Vietnam, June 29-July 4.
Vogt, J. T. 2014. Forest Inventory and Analysis’ role in broad-scale risk mapping for forest pests. SilvaCarbon Honduran Forestry Study Tour USA, April 28-May 1, Knoxville, TN.
Vogt, J. T. 2014. Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA)-Brief History and Organizational Structure. SilvaCarbon Honduran Forestry Study Tour USA, April 28-May 1, Knoxville, TN.
Coulston, J. C., D. Gartner, D. Jacobs, J.T. Vogt, and W.G. Burkman. 2014. The influence of a 10 panel design on FIA estimates. State FIA Coordinator’s Meeting, March 25-28, Norman, OK.
Vogt, J. T. 2012. Assessing the past, predicting the future: Relationships between invasive insect pests and Forest Inventory and Analysis data. The University of Tennessee Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Fall seminar series, October 1, Knoxville, TN.
Vogt, J. T. 2008. The imported fire ant mound from near and far: Characterization, estimation, and detection. Remote Sensing/GIS Symposium, Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Southeastern Branch, March 2-5, Jacksonville, FL.
Vogt, J. T., and B. Wallet. 2006. Modeling thermal dynamic structure of imported fire ant mounds. IUSSI (The International Union for the Study of Social Insects) 2006 Congress, July 30-August 5, Washington, DC.
Vogt, J. T. 2006. Fire ants: the good, the bad, and the goofy. Presented to the Indianola Rotary Club, April 11, Indianola, MS (approx. 30 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 2006. Offbeat approaches to fire ant control (or, “don’t try this at home”). Presented to the Leland Rotary Club, March 30, Leland. MS (approx. 30 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 2005. The imported fire ant. Presented to the Leland Garden Club, Feb. 3, Leland, MS (approx. 35 attending).
Vogt, J. T., D. A. Streett, L. G. Thead, and J. Chen. 2004. Imported fire ants: New approaches for long-term suppression. Presented at the Mississippi Association of Pest Management Applicators meeting, Feb. 19, Greenville, MS (approx. 125 attending)
Vogt, J. T. 2003. Tips for managing fire ants. Presented to the Inverness, MS Rotary Club, Aug. 27, Inverness, MS (approx. 20 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 2003. Fire ant control. Presented to pest control operators at training session (for recertification points), Mar. 21, Hinds Community College, Raymond, MS (approx. 60 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 2003. Fire ant research in the Mid-South area. Presented to Leland MS Lions Club, Jan. 16, Leland, MS (approx. 30 attending).
Vogt, J. T., and D. A. Streett. 2002. Establishment of the little decapitating fly, Pseudacteon curvatus, in Mississippi. Presented at the annual Mississippi Entomological Association meeting, Oct. 28-30, Mississippi State University, MS (approx. 75 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 2002. Fire ant research in the Mid-South area. Presented to Leland MS Rotary Club, Nov. 15, Leland, MS (approx. 30 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 2002. Area wide management of fire ants in Mississippi. Presented to the Moorhead, MS Rotary Club, June 21, Moorhead, MS (approx. 20 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 2001. Fire ants in the nursery. Presented at the biannual meeting of the Horticultural Inspector’s Society, Central Chapter, Oct. 22-23, Wichita, KS. (approx. 30 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 2001. The strange life of Pseudacteon phorid flies. Presented at the annual Mississippi Entomological Association meeting, Nov. 6-8, Mississippi State University, MS (approx. 75 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 2001. Fire ant control. Presented at the annual WBCU Home and Garden Show, Union, SC (2 sessions, approx. 150 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 2000. Ants: Definitely the coolest insects on Earth. 1 hr. lecture presented to Southeastern Oklahoma State University Botany and Botany-Ecology classes (approx. 75 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 2000. Fire ant control. Presented to attendees of Noble Foundation Annual Field Day, June 3, Ardmore, OK (approx. 100 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 2000. History, biology, and control of red imported fire ants. Presented to Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association at Early Spring Roundup, Jan. 31, Ardmore, OK (approx. 120 attending). Also presented at Texoma Lodge Fire Ant Meeting, March 9, 2000 (approx. 70 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 1999. Management of red imported fire ants in turf and ornamental situations. Presented at Oklahoma State University Lawn Care Program (CEU program for lawn care professionals) Dec. 7, Oklahoma City, OK, and Dec. 8, Tulsa, OK (approx. 100 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 1999. Red imported fire ant biology and control. Presented to the Oklahoma Pest Control Association, Tulsa, OK, Annual Meeting, Oct. 14 and 15, Doubletree Hotel Downtown (approx. 150 attending).
Vogt, J. T., and A. G. Appel. 1998. Respiratory physiology and energetics of Solenopsis invicta (Buren), the red imported fire ant. Presented to Entomology Faculty and Students at Clemson University, Clemson, SC, as part of fall seminar series (approx. 30 attending).
Formal Presentations (Speaker in boldface):1
Vogt, J. T. and C. M. Oswalt. 2012. Early signs of emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) infestations in Tennessee? Potential of Forest Inventory and Analysis data for advance detection. Presented at the annual National Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, November 11-14, Knoxville, TN.
Vogt, J. T. and C. M. Oswalt. 2012. The emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire), a threat to the urban ash resource in Tennessee. Presented at the 2012 joint meeting of the Southeastern and Southwestern Branches, Entomological Society of America, March 4-7, Little Rock, AR.
Vogt, J. T. 2008. Predicting imported fire ant density at a field scale. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Reno, NV, November 16-19.
Vogt, J. T. 2008. Effects of insolation on fire ant distribution at a field scale. Presented at the 2008 Imported Fire Ant Research Conference, Charleston, SC, March 24-26.
Vogt, J. T. 2007. Fire ants and other urban pest insects in the popular press. Presented at the annual Mississippi Entomological Association Meeting, Oct. 25-26, Starkville, MS.
Vogt, J. T., B. Wallet, and S. Coy. 2007. Method for investigating spatial and three dimensional characteristics of ant nests. Presented at the 2007 meeting of the Southeastern Branch, Entomological Society of America, March 4-7, Knoxville, TN.
Vogt, J. T. 2007. Fire ant control—playing to win. Presented at the 2007 Mississippi Association of Pest Management Professionals Tri-Society Meeting, Stoneville, MS, February 20-22.
Vogt, J. T., and B. Wallet. 2006. Modeling thermal dynamics of imported fire ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) mounds. Presented at the 2006 Imported Fire Ant Research Conference, Mobile, AL, March 28-30.
Vogt, J. T., and B. Wallet. Modeling the thermal dynamics of imported fire ant mounds. Presented at the 2006 meeting of the Southeastern Branch, Entomological Society of America, March 5-8, Wilmington, NC.
Vogt, J. T. 2004. Spectral characteristics of imported fire ant mounds in Mississippi pasture. Presented at the annual Mississippi Entomological Association Meeting, Nov. 4-5, Starkville, MS.
Vogt, J. T. and J. A. Oliver. 2003. Trends in imported fire ant infestations in recently-invaded Tennessee ball-and-burlap nurseries. Presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Tennessee Entomological Society, Nashville, TN.
Thead. L. G., J. B. Oliver, J. T. Vogt, D. A. Streett, N. Y. Youssef, W. G. Haun and S. D. Powell. 2003. Establishment of Pseudacteon curvatus vs. black and hybrid fire ants in Tennessee. Presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Tennessee Entomological Society, Nashville, TN.
Thead, L. G., J. T. Vogt, and D. A. Streett. 2003. Update on Mid-South releases of Pseudacteon curvatus vs. black and hybrid fire ants. Presented at the annual Mississippi Entomological Association Meeting, Nov. 4-5, Starkville, MS.
Vogt, J. T., P. English, and F. A. Harris. 2003. Detecting and quantifying imported fire ant mounds using airborne multispectral imagery: Useful transformations and indices. Presented at the 30th annual meeting of the Tennessee Entomological Society, Nashville, TN.
Vogt, J. T. 2003. Offbeat approaches to fire ant control (or, “don’t try this at home”). Presented at the annual Mississippi Entomological Association Meeting, Nov.

4-5, Starkville, MS.

Vogt, J. T., J. T. Reed, and R. L. Brown. 2003. Temporal foraging activity of imported fire ants and native ants in northeastern Mississippi. Presented at the 2003 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Mar. 30-Apr. 1, Palm Springs, CA.
Vogt, J. T. 2002. Detecting and quantifying imported fire ant infestations with remote sensing technology. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Nov. 17-20, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Vogt, J. T., and S. D. Porter. 2001. Rearing Pseudacteon curvatus Borgmeier (Diptera: Phoridae) for release against Solenopsis richteri Forel, the black imported fire ant. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA, Dec. 7-14.

D. B. Jones, J. T. Vogt, and L. C. Thompson. 2001. Effects of mound construction on red imported fire ant nest temperature. Presented at the annual Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, San Antonio, TX, Feb. 28-Mar 2.
Vogt, J. T., P. Mulder, W. Smith, and R. E. Wright. 2001. Effects of red imported fire ants on abundance of peanut arthropods. Presented at the annual Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, San Antonio, TX, Feb. 28-Mar 2.
Vogt, J. T., R. A. Grantham, E. Corbett, S. Rice, and R. E. Wright. 2001. Dietary habits and foraging dynamics of Solenopsis invicta Buren in Oklahoma. Presented at the annual Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, San Antonio, TX, Feb. 28-Mar 2.
Vogt, J. T., and R. A. Grantham. 2000. Dietary habits of red imported fire ants in an Oklahoma peanut field. Presented at the annual Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Chattanooga, TN, April 5-7.
Vogt, J. T., and W. A. Smith. 2000. Home-brewed fire ant control? Presented at the annual Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Chattanooga, TN, April 5-7.
Vogt, J. T., and W. A. Smith. 2000. Efficacy of an orange oil recipe against red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, in Oklahoma. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Branch, Entomological Society of America, Ft. Worth, TX.
Vogt, J. T., I. Taylor, and R. E. Wright. 1999. Foraging dynamics of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, in southern Oklahoma. Presented at the annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Atlanta, GA.
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 1999. Flight capabilities of Solenopsis invicta Buren, the red imported fire ant. Presented at the annual Red Imported Fire Ant Research Conference, Charleston, SC.
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 1999. Red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) Flight: Flight energetics and dispersal capability. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Destin, FL.
Shelton, T. G., J. T. Vogt, A. G. Appel, and F. M. Oi. 1998. Red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta (Buren), mounds as Reticulotermes sp. habitats. Presented at the biannual National Conference on Urban Entomology, San Diego, California.
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 1998. Red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta (Buren), flight energetics. Presented at the biannual National Conference on Urban Entomology, San Diego, California.
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 1998. Flight capabilities of red imported fire ant alates: a study in energetics. Presented at the 1998 Graduate Student Organization Research Forum, Auburn University, AL.
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 1997. Flight of red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) alates: Physiological aspects and energetics. Presented at the annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Nashville, TN.
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 1997. Discontinuous gas exchange in red imported fire ant workers: Effects of temperature and mass. Presented at the 1997 Graduate Student Organization Research Forum, Auburn University, AL
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 1997. Discontinuous gas exchange in the red imported fire ant. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Asheville, N. C.
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 1996. Characterization of the discontinuous gas exchange cycle in red imported fire ants. Presented at the annual Red Imported Fire Ant Research Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 1995. Foraging dynamics of Solenopsis invicta in east-central Alabama: A preliminary report. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Charleston, SC.
Vogt, J. T., C. D. Pless, and K. D. Gwinn. 1992. Seasonal incidence of Rhopalopterum carbonarium (Leow) (Diptera: Chloropidae) in Acremonium coenophialum-infected and non-infected tall fescue. Presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Savannah, GA.
Vogt, J. T., C. D. Pless and K. D. Gwinn. 1992. Seasonal emergence and incidence selected chloropid flies occurring in tall fescue in Tennessee. Presented at the 19th annual meeting of the Tennessee Entomological Society, Nashville, TN.
Vogt, J. T., C. D. Pless and K. D. Gwinn. 1992. Incidence of Rhopalopterum carbonarium (Leow) (Diptera: Chloropidae) in ‘Ky 31’ and ‘Forager’ tall fescue in Tennessee. Presented at the national meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Baltimore, MD.
Vogt, J. T., C. D. Pless and K. D. Gwinn. 1991. Seasonal incidence and laboratory rearing of selected chloropid flies associated with tall fescue. Presented at the 18th annual meeting of the Tennessee Entomological Society, Nashville, TN.

Symposia Organized:
Vogt, J. T. and T. Poland (co-organizers). 2012. Bugs, Bytes, and Basal Area: How Forest Inventory & Analysis Programs Support Forest Entomology Research. The 2012 meeting of the Entomological Society of America, November 11-14, Knoxville, TN.
Formal Poster Presentations:
DeFauw, S., and J. T. Vogt. 2006. Implementation of hyperspectral techniques in the remote detection of imported fire ant mounds (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in cultivated turfgrass. Presented at the 2006 meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Dec. 9-14, Indianapolis, IN.
Vogt, J. T., and W. A. Smith. 2006. Imported fire ant mound building in response to simulated rainfall. Presented at the 2006 meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Dec. 9-14, Indianapolis, IN.
Streett, D., A. Pranschke, J. Vogt, J. Reed, and A. Callcott. 2006. Area-wide suppression of fire ants: demonstration project in Mississippi, 2005. Presented at the 2006 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, March 28-30, Mobile, AL.
Vogt, J. T., and S. E. Coy. 2005. The imported fire ant mound in three dimensions. Presented at the 2005 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, March 22-24, Gulfport, MS. Also presented at the 2005 meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Southeastern Branch, March 6-9, Tunica, MS.
Ward, K., R. Ward, L. C. Graham, L. G. Thead, and J. T. Vogt. 2004. Release of Pseudacteon curvatus into black and hybrid imported fire ant populations in northern Alabama, southern Tennessee, and eastern Mississippi. Presented at the 2004 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, March 21-23, Baton Rouge, LA.
Vogt, J. T., J. T. Reed, and M. MacGown. Temporal foraging activity of selected ant species in northern Mississippi. Presented at the 2003 meeting of the Mississippi Entomological Association, Nov. 3-4, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS.

Vogt, J. T., J. T. Reed, and M. MacGown. Temporal foraging activity of selected ant species in northern Mississippi. Presented at the 2003 meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Southeastern Branch, March 10-12, Baton Rouge, LA.

Vogt, J. T. Detection of Hybrid Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta X richteri) Mounds using Airborne Digital Photography. Presented at the 2002 meeting of the Mississippi Entomological Association, Oct. 28-30, Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS.

Streett, D. A., J. T. Vogt, and R. M. Pereira. Area-wide suppression of black imported fire ants on pasture in Mississippi. Presented at the 2002 Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Mar. 24-Mar. 26, Athens, GA.

Burns, S. N., R. K. VanderMeer, J. T. Vogt, J. L. Nation, and P. E. Teal. 2001. Evidence of the importance of juvenile hormone for flight in Solenopsis invicta female alates and the influence of mating in post-nuptual flight dealation. Presented at the annual Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, San Antonio, TX, Feb. 28-Mar. 2.
Smith, W. A., J. Kanary, and J. T. Vogt. 2000. Coal Co., OK RIFA survey. Presented at the annual Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, San Antonio, TX, Feb. 28-Mar. 2.
Smith, W. A., and J. T. Vogt. 2000. Educating the public: Increasing fire ant awareness in Oklahoma. Presented at the annual Red Imported Fire Ant Conference, Chattanooga, TN, April 5-7.
Shelton, T. G., J. T. Vogt, A. G. Appel, and F. M. Oi. 1998. Observations of Reticulitermes spp. in Solenopsis invicta Buren mounds. Presented at the National Conference of the Entomological Society of America, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Kells, S. C., J. T. Vogt, A. G. Appel, and G. W. Bennett. 1997. Nutritional ecology

of German cockroaches in the field. Invited Symposium: The Science of Baiting Urban Pests. Sept 21-23. Purdue University, Lafayette, IN.

Kells, S. C., J. T. Vogt, A. G. Appel and G. W. Bennett. 1996. Employing physiological parameters to predict the nutritional status of in situ German cockroach. Display D623, Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Louisville, KY.
Vogt, J. T. and A. G. Appel. 1995. Red imported fire ant respiration: Temperature and group effects. Presented at the National Conference of the Entomological Society of America, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Selected Informal Presentations:
Vogt, J. T. 1999. Dos and don’ts of fire ant control. Presented to staff at the Oklahoma City Zoological Park, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (approx. 15 attending).
Vogt, J. T. 1997. Flight energetics of red imported fire ants. Presented to the F. S. Arant Entomology Club, Auburn University, AL.
Vogt, J. T. 1994. Insects as food in the modern world. Presented to the F. S. Arant Entomology Club, Auburn University, AL.

Vogt, J. T. 1994. Insects and the development of artificial fishing lures. Presented to

the Auburn troop of the Boy Scouts of America. Also presented to the F. S. Arant Entomology Club, Auburn University, AL.
Vogt, J. T. 1992. Tall fescue and chloropid flies at Highland Rim Experiment Station: Current research. Presented to research and support personnel at Highland Rim Experiment Station, Springfield, TN.
Prepared reports:
Vogt, J. T. 2000. Efficacy of CGA-293343 as a perimeter treatment vs. nuisance pests around homes. Prepared for Novartis CP.
Vogt, J. T. 2000. Efficacy of dust insecticides as individual mound treatments vs. Solenopsis invicta Buren, the red imported fire ant. Prepared for Novartis CP.
Vogt, J. T. 2000. Reinfestation of plots following application of CGA-293343 and a dursban check as individual mound treatments vs. Solenopsis invicta Buren, the red imported fire ant. Prepared for Novartis CP.
Vogt, J. T. 1999. Efficacy of CGA-293343 applied as a mound drench for control of Solenopsis invicta Buren, the red imported fire ant. Prepared for Novartis CP.
Vogt, J. T. 1999. Efficacy of CGA-293343 applied as a mound drench for control of Solenopsis invicta Buren, the red imported fire ant: Drench volume effects. Prepared for Novartis CP.
Vogt, J. T. 1999. Reinfestation of areas treated with CGA-293343 as a mound drench for control of red imported fire ants (interim report). Prepared for Novartis CP.
Vogt, J. T. 1995. Performance of Abamectin baits against the red imported fire ant.

Prepared for Whitmire/Microgen Inc.

Professional Awards and Honors:
$1650 cash award (USDA, FS, SRS, FIA) for Outstanding Performance as a Deputy Program Manager in Southern Forest Inventory and Analysis, Knoxville, TN, November 2014.
$800 cash award (USDA, FS, SRS, FIA) for Superior Performance as a Deputy Program Manager in Southern Forest Inventory and Analysis, Knoxville, TN, November 2012. $800 cash award.
Certificate of Merit (USDA, ARS MSA) for Superior Performance as a Research Entomologist in the Biological Control of Pests Research Unit, Stoneville, MS, March 2008. $2,250 cash award.
Certificate of Merit (USDA, ARS MSA) for Superior Performance as a Research Entomologist in the Biological Control of Pests Research Unit, Stoneville, MS, March 2007. $1,200 cash award.
Certificate of Merit (USDA, ARS MSA) for Outstanding Performance as a Research Entomologist in the Biological Control of Pests Research Unit, Stoneville, MS, March 2006. $3,000 cash award.
Certificate of Merit (USDA, ARS MSA) for Outstanding Performance as a Research Entomologist in the Biological Control of Pests Research Unit, Stoneville, MS, March 2005. $3,000 cash award.
Certificate of Merit (USDA, ARS MSA) for Continued Assistance with Phorid Fly Rearing at the Biological Control and Mass Rearing Research Unit, March 2004. $1,000 cash award.
Certificate of Merit (USDA, ARS MSA) For Superior Execution of Duties Related to the Mass Rearing of Phorid Flies, April 2002. $1,000 cash award.
Recipient of the Robert T. Gast Award, Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, 1999. $500 cash prize.
Recipient of Graduate Student Association Research Forum Award, Auburn

University, 1997 ($100 cash prize for oral presentation).

Recipient of F. S. Arant Memorial Scholarship (tuition scholarship), Department of Entomology, Auburn University, 1997 (three consecutive quarters).
Recipient of Graduate Student Association Research Forum Award, Auburn

University, 1996 ($125 cash prize for oral presentation).

Recipient of the Southeastern Branch, Entomological Society of America M.S. Student Award, 1991. $200 cash prize.
USDA, FS, Southern Research Station Director’s Poster Competition award (2014). $25,000 to support development of Outdoor Environmental Learning Area for Carpenter’s Elementary School, Blount County, Tennessee.
USDA, Agricultural Research Service Postdoctoral Research Associate Program (2006). $100,000 total awarded over 2 years to support hire of postdoctoral researcher.
CSREES Small Business Innovative Research, Phase I (2007). USDA cooperator under Cooperative Research and Development Agreement with Automated Decisions, LLC. Title: Development of a System for Automated Detection of Imported Fire Ant Mounds in Aerial Multispectral Imagery. $80,000 awarded ($18,000 to ARS).

Novartis CP (2000a). $3500 grant in support of red imported fire ant research.

Novartis CP (2000b). $3500 grant in support of red imported fire ant research.
Novartis CP (2000c). $500 grant in support of red imported fire ant education.
Whitmire-MicroGen Research Laboratories, Inc. (2000). $500 grant in support of fire at education.
Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, OSU (Internal IPM Mini-Grant Program) (2000). Vogt, J. T., W. A. Smith, J. House, J. McDaniel, L. McDaniel, and H. Stevens. Timing insecticidal applications to preserve native ant species in areas infested with Solenopsis invicta Buren, the red imported fire ant. $9,200.00 awarded.
Novartis CP (1999a). $2500 grant in support of red imported fire ant research.
Novartis CP (1999b). $3000 grant in support of red imported fire ant research.
Clemson University Department of Entomology (1998). $50 honorarium.
Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (1998). Desiccation and energetic expenditure of red imported fire ant alates. $10,000. Since I was a graduate student at this time, I could not be an author on the proposal—however, I did assist the Primary Investigator (Dr. Arthur Appel) in preparing the proposal and this money supported my salary at Auburn

University for approximately 6 months.

Professional Memberships:
Entomological Society of America
Positions and Committee Assignments:
President, Mississippi Entomological Association, 2006-2007

Vice President, Mississippi Entomological Association, 2005-2006

Chair, Mississippi Entomological Association Public Relations Committee, 2003-2006

Tennessee Entomological Society, Program Committee 2003-2004

President, F. S. Arant Entomology Club, Auburn University, 1994-95
Professional Qualifications/Certifications/Training:
Congressional Briefing Training (Government Affairs Institute at Georgetown University), 2013.
Certified HACCP training for the Food Service Industry, 2010.

National Pest Management Association Quality Pro, 2009.

SC Commercial Pesticide Applicator’s License, household insects / wood destroying organisms / research & demonstration, 2009/2010.
Board Certified Entomologist (Urban & Industrial Entomology), 2008-Present.
Creating, Editing, and Managing Geodatabases for ArcGIS 9 (completed online, April 2006).

Learning ArcGIS 9 3D Analyst (completed online, March 2006).

Learning ArcGIS 9 Spatial Analyst (completed online, March 2006).
USDA Graduate School: Supervisory Training (2004)
Exploring ENVI. Research Systems, Inc., Boulder, CO., July 8-11, 2003.
ESRI Introduction to ArcView GIS, Mississippi State University Remote Sensing Technology Center, April 17-18 2002.
ESRI Introduction to ArcGIS I, Mississippi State University Remote Sensing Technology Center, May 2-3 2002.
Numerous statistics workshops (primarily regression and spatial analysis) offered through the USDA, ARS Mid-South Area Statistics Office (2003-present).
Certified in Good Laboratory Practice (Auburn University, 1996)

Professional Experience:
Jan 2011-Present: Deputy Program Manager

USDA, Forest Service, Forest Inventory & Analysis (FIA), Knoxville, TN

  • Oversaw significant increases in peer-reviewed publications for FIA from 2012 to 2014 [11 (2012), 19 (2013), 23 (2014)] in spite of key retirements and declining budget. Consultations and international activities increased as well; in fact, FIA was sought out by foreign govermnents on several occasions and with increasing frequency for training in data acquisition, analysis, and quality assurance.

  • Worked diligently to increase and improve communication within FIA; for example, tasked a team with crafting documentation and procedures for end-of-panel meetings to review issues between Sections with data input, estimation procedures, analysis, and reporting.

  • Led and facilitated several public relations and outreach efforts, liaised with science delivery staff to produce videos and other promotional tools.

  • Led successful effort to fully staff administrative group after key position retirements within FIA in midst of difficult hiring environment.

  • Served as Facilitator for multiple Safety Journey Engagements (within and outside of Forest Inventory & Analysis).

  • Completely updated Unit Safety Awards Program, restructured and re-invigorated Unit Safety Committee. Member of unit Safety Committee.

  • Worked closely with Program Manager in the areas of workforce planning and budget management to successfully deliver FIA mission – and actually increase timeliness of data delivery – while undergoing numerous retirements, and budget reductions of approximately 18%, FY11-FY13 (roughly $17 to $14 million).

Feb 2009-July 2010: Technical and Quality Control Director

Black Pest Prevention, Inc., Charlotte, NC

  • Responsible for all training and regulatory aspects of $4.5 million Pest Prevention company.

  • Led company-wide, third-party certification (National Pest Management Quality Pro); certification obtained in 2009.

  • Wrote new Standard Operating Procedures for general pest service, implemented goals for quality control including monthly tracking of extra services.

  • Implemented daily reporting of reasons for extra services, resolved customer issues by educating technicians on the spot on best practices for inspection and treatment for specific pests.

  • Implemented customer follow-ups (phone) and enlisted help of IT specialist to create database for follow-up results; oversaw significant increase in customer satisfaction (from 70% to over 90%) through technician coaching.

  • Wrote and distributed “Guide to Common Pests in the Carolinas.”

July 2004-Feb 2009: GS 13 Research Entomologist & Lead Scientist

USDA, ARS Biological Control of Pests Research Unit, Stoneville, MS

  • Led development and implementation of externally-reviewed, 5-year, $1.7 million/year Project Plan, which was used by ARS upper management as an example for other Lead Scientists. Selected Project accomplishments included:

    • New time-saving tools for handling imported fire ants

    • Discovery of new repellent and attractant substances for imported fire ants

    • New information regarding effects of landscape metrics and habitat characteristics on fire ant populations

    • Release and establishment of classical biological control agents for imported fire ants

  • Partnered with Industry, obtained competitive funds, developed new remote sensing technology to quantify fire ants over large areas. Developed new object- and template-based automated detection methods.

  • Led two successful multi-state, multi-agency research and technology transfer efforts for biological control of imported fire ants.

  • Consulted with scientists from the USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to establish risk factors for imported fire ant movement around ports, based on landscape characteristics and land use.

  • Administered successful Agency-funded cooperative agreements, including budgeting and approval of expenditures; actively pursued and secured partnerships with 1890 Institutions, Industry, Academia, and other collaborators.

May-June 2005: Acting National Program Leader (Medical, Veterinary and Urban Entomology)

USDA, ARS National Program Staff, Beltsville, MD

  • Networked extensively with National Program scientists nationwide to answer Congressional inquiries.

  • Approved or clarified changes in direction and/or expenditures for National Program laboratories nationwide.

Feb. 2001-July 2004: GS 12 Research Entomologist

USDA, ARS Biological Control and Mass Rearing Research Unit, Starkville, MS

USDA, ARS Biological Control of Pests Research Unit, Stoneville, MS

  • Spearheaded new remote sensing research project designed to facilitate mapping of imported fire ant populations over large areas using aerial sensors and GPS/GIS technology.

  • Made key discoveries regarding temporal variation in fire ant mound shape and surface temperature to maximize efficiency of remote sensing efforts.

  • Constructed and staffed new, complex rearing facility for phorid flies that parasitize fire ants; improved rearing technology, reduced rearing costs, and transferred technology to end-users.

  • Led collaborators in successful establishment of biological control agents for fire ants to fulfill major objective of a multi-state, multi-agency research and demonstration program.

  • Developed new tools and methods to increase field research efficiency; new sampling device cut pitfall trap retrieval time by > 70% and reduced physical effort.

Mar. 1999-Feb. 2001: Fire Ant Research and Education Specialist

Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

  • Revised regional recommendations for application of fire ant control products based upon original research on ant foraging ecology; transferred new information to homeowners, pest control operators, and others via Extension publications and public presentations.

  • Enhanced program visibility and image through interaction with key stakeholders such as Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association and Oklahoma Nursery and Landscape Association.

  • Aggressively built research and education program; partnered with Industry and obtained funding; acquired new pesticide storage facility, equipment, and sponsorship for educational meetings.

1995-2000: Independent Consulting

  • Tested numbered compounds and registered products for efficacy against urban pest insects.

  • Periodically engaged in consulting for private pest control companies. Made professional recommendations on pest monitoring, housekeeping/sanitation, and pest control in institutional facilities.

Demonstrated Professional Skills:

  • Effective communication skills; ability to teach, train, and develop others

  • Ability to effectively present complex scientific data and results to diverse audiences, from researchers and pest control professionals to the general public

  • Results-oriented leadership and program development / management

  • Supervisory skills (hiring, training, conflict resolution, setting and attaining goals)

  • Partnering, building coalitions, identifying and capitalizing on individual strengths

  • Proven troubleshooting, analysis, and problem solving skills

  • Technology improvement, development, and transfer to end-users

  • Advanced computer skills (image analysis, statistics, and graphics)

  • Advanced GPS and GIS skills


1 Presentations that also resulted in proceedings publications are not included

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