Curriculum vitae kimberly Anne (Kim) Sawchuk Department of Communication Studies

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Kimberly Anne (Kim) Sawchuk

Department of Communication Studies

Concordia University

7141 Sherbrooke Street West

Montreal, Quebec

Canada, H4B 1R6

(514) 279-0174

University Appointments

2012 Concordia University Research Chair in Mobile Media Studies, Tier 1, June 1, 2012- June 1, 2017.

2010 External Examiner, Faculty of Creative Media, Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

2009 Promotion to Full Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University.

1996 Promotion to Associate Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University.

1996 Tenure Awarded, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University.

1993 Tenure Track Position Awarded at rank of Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University.

1991-1993 Limited Term Appointment at Rank of Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University.

1990-1991 Lecturer, nine-month appointment, Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University.

2012 Franklin Institute for the Humanities, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, October 1-5.

2009 Faculty of Creative Media, Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 25-December 5.

2009 Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies, Marconi Foundation/University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, March 1- April 30.

2007 Pembroke Institute, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, Roundtable Symposium on “Bodies, Mediations, Ethics,” March 14-16.

2006 Almost Perfect, Rapid Prototyping and Locative Media, Banff New Media Institute, Banff, Alberta, November 10-21.

2004 Digital Politics and Poetics, Film and Media Studies, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, August 3-10.

2004 Institute for Cultural Research, Lancaster University, Lancaster, England.

1999 Studio Arts Program, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan.

1994 The Free Idea Zone: Realidad/Réalité/Reality, San Francisco, California, June 27-July 3.

1993 Visual Arts Programme, Banff Centre for the Arts, Banff, Alberta, October- December.

1991 Fellowship: Critic in Residence, The Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina Public Library, Regina, Saskatchewan, May- August.


2011 Ageing-Communications-Media (network being built from Active Ageing, Mobile Technologies Research Grant, SSHRC).

2011- present Orbicom – Network of the UNESCO Chairs in Communications (Claude-Yves Charron, Chair).
2010- present Fembot- The Digital Feminist Research Network (Carole Stabile, coordinator).
2010- present Pan-American Mobilities Research Network (Mimi Sheller; Phil Vannini, coordinators).

2009- present Mediatopias: Art and Hybrid Spaces; McGill University Communications and Art History (Christine Ross, coordinator, FQRSC).

2007- present Mobile Media Lab: Concordia University, Montreal (with Owen Chapman) in collaboration with York University, Toronto (Barbara Crow; Michael Longford, SSHRC).

2003- present Hexagram. Concordia/UQAM/University of Montreal (CFI Funded Research Consortium for Art and Technology).

2005- 2009 Cut Rate Collective. Fine Arts-Communications, Concordia University (L. Oades ; G Amantea, Directors Canada Council).

2008- 2009 Marconi Galaxy; Concordia University; University of Bologna; Marconi Foundation, Italy; York University (SSHRC).

2007- 2009 Lo-fi Lab: York University (N.Tenhaaf; M. Baljko, Directors, SSHRC).

2007- 2008 Purlieus: art/science and technology. Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Concordia University (T. Clarke, Director, Concordia).

2006-,2007 EMU: Evaluating Mobile Users. Concordia University-York University-MDCN (Barbara Crow; Kim Sawchuk, Directors, Heritage Canada).

2005- 2007 MDCN: Mobile Digital Commons Network. Concordia University; York University; Ontario College of Art and Design; Banff New Media Institute. (Michael Longford and S. Diamond, Directors, Heritage Canada/Hexagram).


1991 Doctor of Philosophy, Graduate Programme in Social and Political Thought, York University, North York, Ontario.

1986 Master of Arts, Graduate Programme in Social and Political Thought, York University, North York, Ontario.

1982 Bachelor of Arts Honours, Double major in Political Science and History, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba.


2012 VPRGS, Concordia University Seed Grant, “Montreal *In/accessible: disability, mobility and the urban landscape,” (PI), $6,800.

2012 VPRGS, Concordia University Aid to Research-Related Events, “MemorySpace,” (PI), $5,000.

2012 Concordia University Research Chair in Mobile Media Studies, Tier 1, June 1, 2012- June 1, 2017, (PI), $210,000.

2012-2015 SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals, Canadian Journal of Communication, (PI), $60,000.
2012- 2015 FQRSC Research-Creation Programme, “Echoscape: une application mobile et interactive pour la génération et navigation, des architectures dymamique-sonores,” (co- applicant; Owen Chapman, PI; Zachary Patterson, co-applicant; Yvon Cazabon, collaborator), $130,000.

2012-2013 NCE Grand, “Ageing and Media Migration: The RECAA Project,” $16,000.

2011- 2012 NCE Grand, “Laptop Recycling Program for Seniors Residencies,” Pilot Project, $18,000.

2011 VPRGS, Concordia University, wi: journal of mobile media, (PI), $5,000.

2011- 2013 SSHRC Insight Development Grant, “Audio-Mobile: eco-territories and mobile sound,” (co-applicant; Owen Chapman, PI; Charity Marsh, co-applicant), $70,000.

2011-2014 SSHRC Strategic Partnership Development Grant, “Active Ageing, Mobile Technologies,” (PI; Barbara Crow, York University; Chui Yin Wong, Multimedia University, Kuala Lumpur; Line Grenier University of Montreal; Mireia Férnández-Ardèvol, IN3, Open University Catalonia, co-applicants) $167,430.

2011- 2014 SSHRC Research/Creation Grant, “Virtual Daylighting: lost rivers, mobile phones and augmented reality,” (PI; Katarina Soukup; Robert Prenovault, collaborators) $209,039.

2011 VPRGS, Concordia University Seed Grant, “Audio-Mobile,” (co-applicant; Owen Chapman, PI; Zachary Patterson, Geography, co-applicant), $12,000.

2011 NCE Grand,”Seniors and ICTs” (co-applicant; Barbara Crow, PI), $12,500.

2010 NCE Grand, “SFU Mobilizing Pain,”(collaborator; Diane Gromala,PI) , $10,500.

2009 Concordia University Faculty Mobility Grant Travel to Kuala Lumpur, (PI; Leslie Shade, Rae Staseson, Owen Chapman, co-applicants) $10,400.

2009 SSHRC Standard Research Grant, “Redressing silences, confronting mobility: Seniors, cell phones and aging,” (co-applicant; Barbara Crow, York University, PI), $103,000.

2009 FQRSC, Team Grant, “Art et nouveaux médias: vers une redéfinition hybride du lieu,” (co-applicant; Christine Ross, McGill University, PI), $400,000.

2009 Senior Research Fellowship, “The Wireless Imaginary,” Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Bologna, $5000.

2009 SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals and Publications , The Canadian Journal of Communication, (PI), $90,000.

2008 SSHRC International Opportunities Fund, Wireless Communications and the Marconi Galaxy:  Culture, Technology and Myth-Making,” (co-applicant; co-investigators: Barbara Crow, Elena Lamberti, Michael Longford, Seth Feldman, Martin Stiglio, Barbara Valotti), $24,422.

2008 Aid to Scholarly Publication Program with University of Toronto for The Wireless Spectrum,(co-applicant), $8,000.

2008-2011 SSHRC, Standard Research Grant, “Illustrating Medicine: The Case of Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy,” (PI), with an interdisciplinary team comprised of Nicholas Woolridge (biomedical communications), Nina Czegledy (independent curator), Nancy Marrelli (archivist), and Brian Sutherland (information architect), $107,000.

2008 Conference Travel Grant, Centre de Université de Arts, “Rethinking Labour: Labour Affect and Material Culture,” (PI),University College of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, April 18, 19, 20, $2,000.

2008- 2009 Hexagram: Concordia/UQAM/Université de Montreal, “Networking the Image: Antoni Abad and Cheryl Sourkes,” (PI), $8,400.

2007-2009 SSHRC Research/Creation Grant, “Conversing with Abstract Artificial Agents” (collaborator; Nell Tenhaaf, PI), $109, 698.

2006-07 Heritage Canada, Culture and Technology, “Mobile Digital Commons Network,” (co-applicant; Michael Longford, PI, Concordia University, $1,300,000.00 received for total grant). Under this grant I received money for the project “Evaluating Mobile Users” co-lead with Barbara Crow, York University, $100,000.

2006 Publication grant with Canada Council (co-applicant) ($20,000.00) and Conseil des Arts et letters du Québec ($10,000) for USED /goods catalogue (with Lorraine Oades and Gisele Amantea, PIs), $30,000.

2004- 2007 SSHRC Standard Research Grant, “Medicine and the Media Arts in Canada: The Biomatrix,” (PI), $101, 000.

2004 SSHRC Partnership Grant, “Text, Sound, Image” (collaborator; Sara Diamond Banff New Media Institute, PI), “Collaborative networks and new media,” $50,000 .

2004 SSHRC GRF Internal Research Fund, “An Anatomy of Controversy: Body Worlds,” (PI), $5,000.

2003 CIAM Travel grant, “Medicine and new media art,” (PI), $2,000.

2003 CIAM Techwatch, “Posthuman” (student research grant for Kamal Fox), (PI), $4000.

2003 CIAM Techwatch, “Data bodies,” (student research grant for Jeny Nussey), (PI), $4,000.

2002 Hexagram, “DVD ROM as Research Tool” (Team grant with Martin Allor and Hal Thwaites), $30,000.

2002 CIAM Techwatch, “DVD Roms” (student research grant for K. Werbin), (PI), $4,000.

2000- 2003 SSHRC Standard Research Grant, “Biotourism: Medical Imaging in Popular Culture,” (PI), $54, 220.

2000 SSHRC Research/Seed and International Travel Grant, “Enter the Museum: Giganticism and Inner Body Space,” (PI), $3,000.

1998 Teaching and Development Grant, “Interactive Teaching Environments,” (with Maurice Charland and Chantal Nadeau), $2,000.

1998 SSHRC Conference Grant, "Textual Encounters of the Archival Kind: a symposium on archival research in cultural studies,” (PI), $8,883.

1996 Summer Student Employment Grant, “Our Time is Now,” (PI), $749.

1996-1999 FCAR (now FQRSC) Nouveaux Chercheurs, "C. Wright Mills et The Cultural Apparatus," (PI), $40,029.

1996 Concordia University Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching.

1996 SSHRC, Concordia University General Research Fund, "La blessure: wounded states and media discourses in the 1995 referendum," (PI), $2,950.

1993-96 Faculty Research and Development Programme Grant, Concordia University, “Network Art,” (PI), $27,000.

1995 Media Arts Grant- Special Projects, Canada Council, "Ideologies of Interactivity: Freedom, Choice, Creativity," (PI), $2,000.

1993 Employment and Immigration Canada- Challenges Grant, "Feminism, Curriculum and the Woman Question in Communication Studies," (PI), $1,800.

1993 SSHRC, Concordia University General Research Fund, “C. Wright Mills and the Cultural Apparatus,” (PI), $2,500.

1992 SSHRC, Concordia University General Research Fund, “C. Wright Mills and the Cultural Apparatus,” (PI), $1,700.


1987-89 Social Science and Humanities Research Council , Doctoral Fellowship, $14,000 (X2).

1983-85 Ontario Graduate Scholarship, $12,000 (X2).

1982 York University Entrance Scholarship, $3,000.

1982 University Women's Club of Winnipeg, Graduate Scholarship, $700.

1982 Gold Medal, Political Science, University of Winnipeg, Awarded to the graduating student at the University of Winnipeg with the best academic record in honours political science.

1979, 1981 Board of Regents General Proficiency Scholarship, University of Winnipeg, $175, $250.

1981 Peat-Goodridge Prize in Political Philosophy, University of Winnipeg, $50.

1979 D. J. Jessiman Scholarship in Political Science, University of Winnipeg, $250.

1978 Alumni Entrance Scholarship, University of Winnipeg, $500.


Edited Collections: Books

2010 The Wireless Spectrum: The Politics, Poetics and Practices of Mobile Media, with Barbara Crow and Michael Longford, eds. (Toronto: The University of Toronto Press).

2010 On line Proceedings, After Mobile Media in Digital Arts and Culture, (California: University of California at Irvine),

2009 USED/goods, Gisele Amantea, Lorraine Oades and Kim Sawchuk, eds. (Montreal: Conseil des Arts/Cut Rate Collective).

2007 Verkörperungen/Embodiment, Christina Lammer, Catherine Pilcher, Kim Sawchuk, eds. (Vienna: Löcker Verlag).

2000 Wild Science: reading feminism medicine and the media, Janine Marchessault and Kim Sawchuk, eds. (United Kingdom: Routledge).

1999 When Pain Strikes, Bill Burns, Cathy Busby and Kim Sawchuk, eds. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press).
Refereed Conference Proceedings, Edited

2009 After Mobile Media, in Proceedings of Digital Arts and Culture, (California: University of California at Irvine), with Marc Bohlen, Simon Penny, Conference Coordinator. (9 papers in this section),

D/N/A, Editing one scalar text-project with Brigit Maher and Jen Proctor. Matt Soar and Monika Kim Gagnon, Project Leaders.
Exhibition Catalogues

“Richard Hancox: Apparencies” with Rae Staseson (Montreal: MMG/Concordia University, 2009).

Canadian Journal of Communication: Editor, June 2005-September 2011.

As Senior Editor of the Canadian Journal of Communication I published 24 issues, 4 per year as well as 8 issues of wi: journal of mobile media.

2012 Vol. 37 (1) “Media Arts Revisited (MARs),” Special Issue co-edited with Andrea Zeffiro.

2011 Vol. 36 (3) “Canadian Fascinations,” Special Issue co-edited with Michael Dorland.

2011 Vol. 36 (2) “The Senses of Technology,” co-edited with Fabio Josgrillberg.

2011 Vol. 36 (1) “Democratizing Communication Policy in the Americas: Why It Matters,” Guest Edited and Intro: Leslie Shade and Rebecca Lentz, Editor, K. Sawchuk.

2010 Vol. 35 (4) Edited and Intro.

2010 Vol. 35 (3) Edited and Intro.

2010 Vol. 35 (2) Edited and Intro.

2010 Vol. 35 (1) Edited and Intro.

2009 Vol. 34 (4) “Race, Ethnicity, and Intercultural Communication,” Guest Edited: Karim Karim and Faiza Hirji.

2009 Vol. 34 (3) Edited and Intro.

2009 Vol. 34 (2) “Rethinking Public Relations,” Guest Edited: Josh Greenberg and Graham Knight.

2009 Vol. 34 (1) “Reality Television,” Guest Edited: Jean Bruce.

2008 Vol. 33 (3) “Wireless Technologies,” Edited and Intro: co-edited with Barbara Crow and Richard Smith.

2008 Vol. 33 (2) “Mediating Spaces,” Edited and Intro.

2007 Vol. 32 (3) “Communicating Health,” Edited and Intro.

2007 Vol. 32 (2) “Vocabularies of Citizenship,” Edited and Intro.

2007 Vol. 32 (1) Edited and Intro.

2006 Vol. 31 (4), “Sexualities,” Edited and Intro: co-edited with Rebecca Sullivan.

2006 Vol. 31 (3) “Labouring of Communication,” Guest Edited: Catherine McKercher and Vincent Mosco.

2006 Vol. 31 (2) “Public Matters,” Edited and Intro.

2006 Vol. 31 (1) “Culture, Heritage, and Art,” Special Issue, Edited and Intro.

2005 Vol. 30 (4) “Life on Line,” Edited and Intro.

2001 Vol. 26 (2) “Archival Documents and Records,” Special Issue co-edited with Stacey Johnson.
Wi: Journal of Mobile Media

2012 “Mobile Cultures ” co-edited with Giuliana Cucinelli and Line Grenier.

2012 “Out of the Mouths of Casseroles 1 and 2” co-edited with Magdalena Olszanowski, Alison Loader, Ben Spencer and Owen Chapman

2011 “Observing the Mobile User Experience,” Special Issue co-edited with Barbara Crow and Benjamin Poppinga.

2008 “Pedestrian Traffic,” Special Issue, co-edited with Andrea Zeffiro, Barbara Crow, and Michael Longford.

2007 “Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Research-Creation,” Special Issue co-edited with Barbara Crow.

2006 Issue co-edited with Barbara Crow.
Chapters in Books – Refereed


2012 “Patient Care,” in Empathography, Christine Lammer, ed. (Vienna: Löcker Verlag). 15-31.

2012 “Tactical Restriction: Seniors and Cell Phones,” co-authored with Barbara Crow in Technologies of Mobility in the Americas, Phillip Vannini, eds. (New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.). 157-174.

2011 “Thinking About Methods” in Intersections of Media and Communications: Concepts, Context, and Critical Frameworks, Sandra Gabriele, Will Straw, Ira Wagman, eds. (Toronto: Edmond Montgomery). 333- 350.

2010 “Introduction: The Wireless Spectrum,” co-authored with Barbara Crow and Michael Longford in The Wireless Spectrum, Crow, Longford and Sawchuk, eds. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press). 3-16.

2010 “Radio Hats, Wireless Rats, and Flying Families: stationary journeys and the wireless imaginary,” in The Wireless Spectrum, Crow, Longford and Sawchuk, eds. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press). 29-45.

2009 “Beyond the F-word: feminism and communications in Canada” mediascapes, Leslie Regan Shade, ed. (Toronto: Nelson). 35-52.

2009 “Leave it to Beavers: Animals, Icons and the Canadian Communication Industry,” co-authored with Barbara Crow in Screening the Nation, Enric Castelló, Alexander Dhoest and Hugh O’Donnell, eds. (Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing). 130-157.

2008 “Voices from Beyond: ephemeral histories, locative media and the volatile interface” co-authored with Barbara Crow, Michael Longford and Andrea Zeffiro, in Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City, Marcus Foth, ed. (Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, IGI Global). 158-178.

2008 “Shaking Hands with the User”: principles, protocols, and practices for user-integrated testing in mobile design,” co-authored with Barbara Crow, in Mobile Nation, Martha Ladly and Philip Beesley, eds. (Toronto: Riverside Architectural Press). 37-43.

2008 “Performance (Art): a Method of Inquiry,” in Ironic to Iconic: The Performance Works of Tanya Mars, Paul Couillard, ed. (Toronto: FADO). 10-25.

2008 “Feminism in Waves: re-imagining a watery metaphor” in Open Boundaries: a women’s studies reader, 3rd edition, Lise Gotell and Barbara Crow, eds. (Toronto: Pearson/Prentice Hall). 58-63.

2007 “Ironic Empiricism” in Embodiment, eds. Lammer, Pilcher and Sawchuk.

2007 “The Spectral Politics of Mobile Communications Technologies: Gender, Infrastructure and International Policy,” co-authored with Barbara Crow, in Feminist Interventions in International Communication: Minding the Gap, Katharine Sarikakis and Leslie Regan Shade, eds. (New York: Rowman and Littlefield). 90-105.

2007 “A Tale of Two Beavers: Cellphones and Shifting Notions of Public and Private Space,” co-authored with Barbara Crow in Communication in Question: Competing Perspectives on Controversial Issues in Communication Studies, Joshua Greenberg and Charlene Elliot, eds. (Toronto: Thompson). 142-149.

2004 “Enthusiasm, Unbridled: Tanya Mars,” in Difficult Women: performance art in Canada, Tanya Mars and Johanna Householder, eds. (Toronto: YYZ press).

2001 “Biotourism: Travels in the bioscape,” in Digitized Bodies Virtual Spectacles (Budapest Hungary: Ludwig Museum and Museum of Contemporary Art). Translated into Hungarian as Biotusztika: utazasok a biotajban”.

2000 "Introduction to Part Three: Modernity, Nostalgia, and the Standardization of Time," in Antimodernism and Artistic Experience: Policing the Boundaries of Modernity, Lynda Jessup, ed. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press). 155-164.

2000 "Biotourism, Fantastic Voyage, and Sublime Inner Space," in Wild Science: Reading Feminism Medicine and the Media, Janine Marchessault and Kim Sawchuk, eds.(UK: Routledge). 9-23.

2000 “Introduction,” Wild Science: Feminism, Medicine and the Media, Janine Marchessault and Kim Sawchuk, eds.(UK: Routledge). 1-8.

1999 "An Index of Power: Innis, Aesthetics, and Technology," in Harold Innis in the New Century: Reflections and Refractions, Charles Acland and Bill Buxton, eds. (Montreal: McGill-Queens Press). 369-385.

1999 “Monstrous Feminism: feminism, photography and the abject,” Deviant Practices (Montreal: Dazibao).

1999 “Wounded States: Sovereignty, Separation, and the Quebec Referendum,” in When Pain Strikes, Bill Burns, Cathy Busby, Kim Sawchuk, eds. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press). 96-115.

1999 “Introduction,” When Pain Strikes, Bill Burns, Cathy Busby, Kim Sawchuk, eds. (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press). xi-xxv.

1995 "From Gloom to Boom: Aging, Identity and Target Markets," in Images of Aging: Cultural Representations of Later Life, Andrew Wernick and Mike Featherstone, eds. (London: Routledge).173-187.

1994 "Semiotics, Cybernetics and the Ecstasy of Marketing Communications," in Baudrillard: A Critical Reader, Douglas Kellner, ed. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1994). 89-118.

1994 "Pirate Writing: Radiophonic Strategies for Feminist Techno-Perverts," in Radio Rethink: Art, Sound and Transmission, Dan Lander and Daina Auguitis, eds. (Banff: Walter Phillips Gallery, 1994). Translated into German for In Control: Mensch-Interface-Maschine. Eva Ursprung, ed. (Graz, Austria: Kunstverein W.A.S.). 201-221.

1993 "(Re)packaging Difference: Globalization and Culture," Territories of Difference, Renée Baert, ed. (Banff: Walter Phillips Gallery). 111-134.

1989 "Shifting Fields: Art within the Context of Colonialism in Canada; The work of Don Proch," Sightlines, Lesley Johnstone and Jessica Bradley, eds. (Montréal: Artexte, 1994). 83-95. Reprint from: Provincial Essays, vol. 8 (1989).

1989 "Panic Obscenities: Medusa's Revenge," The Panic Encyclopedia, Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, eds. (London: Macmillan Education). 163-169.

1987 "A Tale of Inscription/Fashion Statements," Body Invaders, Arthur and Marilouise Kroker, eds. (Montréal: New World Perspectives). 61-77. Reprint from Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, 11(1-2). 51-67.
Forthcoming: submitted and accepted for publication

2013 “Ageing the Mobile Imaginary: Stories-so-far,” in Materialities of the Mobile Imaginary, Andrew Hermann, Thomas Swiss, and Janin Hadlaw, eds.,submitted to MIT Press, contracting negotiation.

2013 “On the Marconi Trail: site and the performance of memory” in The Marconi Galaxy: Culture, Technology, Myth-Making, Elena Lamberti, ed., contract being negotiated with University of Toronto Press (in press, fall, 2012).
2013 “From Entrails to Orifices: phenomenological aesthetics and Mona Hatoum’s Corps étranger,” in Embodied Politics, Janice Hdlacki and Sarah Brophy, eds. (in editing at University of Toronto Press, forthcoming).
Journal Articles (Refereed)

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