CurRiculum Vitae leAnne Howe

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CurRiculum VitaE

LeAnne Howe
Associate Professor

University of Illinois

American Indian Studies Program

English, MFA Program

Native American House

1206 W. Nevada

Urbana, Illinois 61801


Websites for Howe:

Native Storytellers
University of Minnesota, Voices from the Gap
Grassroots Community Arts
2004 Prix Medici Award
Co-Fiction editor Ninth Letter 2006


Advanced degree:

MFA in Creative Writing, January 2000

Vermont College of Norwich University

Montpelier, Vermont


Fall Winter 2005:

Essay. “The Bases Are Loaded: American Indian and American Studies” co-authored by Carter Meland, Joseph Bauerkemper, LeAnne Howe, Heidi Stark. American Studies Journal. [Stark and Bauerkemper are two of my students at Minnesota who are PhD candidates in American Studies.] Special Issue: Indigenous Peoples of the United States. Vol. 46:3/4 (Fall-Winter 2005), #1. Editors, Norman Yetman, David M. Katzman, Bernard Alan Hirsh.

Fall 2005:

Essay. “Tribalography: The Story of America.” First Nations of North America, Politics and Representation, VU Uitgeverij/VU University Press, Editor, Hans Bak. Volume 54 in the series European Contributions to American Studies.

October 2005:

History. “Betsy Love and the Married Women’s Property Act.” Mississippi History Now, is an Online History Journal, sponsored by the Mississippi Historical Society, Editor, Peggy Jeanes.

April 2005:

Poetry. Evidence of Red. Salt Publishing, Cambridge UK

Honors: 2006 Oklahoma Book Award for Poetry, Oklahoma Libraries Association and the Oklahoma Center for the Book.
Fall 2004:

Novel. Équinoxes Rouges. Roucher, Collection Nuage Rouge, Paris France.

Honors: 2004 Prix Medici Award Finalist
Spring 2002:

C.N-F. “Choctalking on Other Realities appears in Sister Nations: Native American Women Writers on Community, Minnesota Historical Society Press, St. Paul, MN, Heid Erdrich, Laura Tohe, Eds.

Fall 2001:

Novel. Shell Shaker. Aunt Lute Books, San Francisco, CA

Honors: American Book Award 2002, Before Columbus Foundation and

finalist for the Oklahoma Book Award 2003

Wordcraft Circle Writer of the Year, Fiction 2002


Novel. Miko Kings. Aunt Lute Books, San Francisco, CA

Criticism and Essays:
Spring 2004:

Essay. “Indians in the Act: Native Theater Past and Present.” Craig Howe, Harvey Markowitz, Dean Rader and LeAnne Howe. SAIL: Studies in American Indian Literatures 16.1

“The Story of America: A Tribalography” appears in the following:

Fall 2001: Clearing a Path: Theorizing the Past in Native American Studies, Routledge Press, Nancy Shoemaker, Editor. My chapter argues that narratives, whether classified as mythological, scientific, historical or fictional, share the power to create truths to live by and through which members of specific cultural groups see the world. Pgs 29-48.

Fall 2005:

First Nations of North America, Politics and Representation, VU Uitgeverij/VU University Press, Editor, Hans Bak. Volume 54 in the series European Contributions to American Studies.


Anthologies (Short Fiction)
“An American In New York” a short story, appears in the following:
Spr. 00 New York Fiction Fremdsprachentexte edited by Dietrich Klose, published by Phillip Reclam Jun. Verlag GMBH, Ditzingen, Germany.

July 1999 What’s Fun Gotta Do With It, edited by Belle Klem Thomsen and Jacob Eichler, Copenhagen Business School Press, Denmark. (The anthology includes: Tom Wolfe, Arthur Miller, Ferlinghetti, Stephen King, Terry McMillian, Malcolm X, Amy Tan, Mark Twain, Nora Ephron, Dorothy Parker.)

1995 “Un'americana a New York” in Figlie Di Pocohontas racconti e poesie delle indiane d'America, Giunti Gruppo Editorial, Firenze Italy, a cura di Cinzia Biagiotti e Laura Coltelli.

1996 The Beacon Book of Essays by Contemporary American Women, Boston, Beacon Press, edited by Wendy Martin

1994 Global Cultures: A Transnational Short Fiction Reader Wesleyan University Press, edited by Elisabeth Young-Bruehl.

1990 Spider Woman's Granddaughters, Ballantine Press edition. Edited by Paula Gunn Allen.

1989 Spider Woman's Granddaughters, Beacon Press, Edited by Paula Gunn Allen.
Anthologies (Short Fiction) continued
Spr. 00 “Blood Sacrifice,” and “A Story for Ohoyo Shatanni” appear in Through The Eye Of The Deer, Aunt Lute Books, edited by Carolyn Dunn Anderson and Carol Comfort. “Blood Sacrifice” is chapter two of my novel, Shell Shakers.

1997 “Indians Never Say Good-bye” in Reinventing the Enemy's Language, W.W. Norton, edited by Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird

1995 “Moccasins Don't Have High Heels” appears in Native American Literature, HarperCollinsCollegePublishers, edited by Gerald Vizenor.

1994 “A Story for Ohoyo Shatanni” in Returning the Gift, An Anthology, The University of Arizona Press, edited by Joseph Bruchac.

1992 “Danse de l'amour, Danse de mort” in Earth Song, Sky Spirit: An Anthology of Native American Writers, Doubleday & Co., edited by Clifford Trafzer (winner of the Pen Oakland Josephine Miles Award.)

1991 “Dance of the Dead” in Looking Glass, Uni. of Calif.'s Publications in American Indian Studies, edited by Clifford Trafzer.

1991 “Moccasins Don't Have High Heels” and “The Red Wars” both appear in American Indian Literature, Revised Edition University of Oklahoma Press, edited by Alan Velie.
Anthologies (Theater)
May 1999 “Indian Radio Days,” a three-act play in Seventh Generation:

An Anthology of Native American Plays published by TCG,

Theatre Communications Group, Inc., edited by Mimi D'Aponte.

Anthologies (Essays)
Spring 00 “My Mothers, My Uncles, Myself” appears in Here First: Autobiographical Essays by Native American Writers, Original Modern Library, a Random House imprint, edited by Brian Swann, Arnold Krupat.

1993 “The Indian Researcher As An Interpreter of History” essay, and the poem, “Hashi Mi Mali” both appear in Gatherings, The En'owkin Journal of First North American Peoples, Vol. IV, Theytus Books, Penticton, British Columbia.

Literary Journals (Short Fiction)
“Choctalking on Other Realities” appears in the following:
2002 Sister Nations: Native American Women Writers on Community, Minnesota Historical Society Press, St. Paul, MN edited by Heid Erdrich and Laura Tohe

1999 Grinnell Magazine, Vol. 31, # 2, Winter, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA.

1997 Cimarron Review, #121, October, Oklahoma State University, edited by Michael Wilson
Literary Journals (Short Fiction) continued:
2003 “Mistakes Were Made” appears in the literary magazine Speakeasy, Vol. 1 #5 published by The Loft Literary Center, Minneapolis, MN

1996 “Shell Shakers” appears in Story, published by F & W Publications, Volume 44.3, edited by Lois Rosenthal.

1994 “The Chaos of Angels” in Callaloo, Native American Literature, Volume 17, #1 Native Heritage Issue, Johns Hopkins University Press.

1991 “The Bone Picker” in Fiction International #20 edited by Clifford Trafzer.

Literary Journals (Poetry)
1993 “Evidence of Red” in Nebraska English Journal,

Vol. #38.2, edited by Carter Revard.

1993 “Hashi Mi Mali” in Gatherings, The En'owkin Journal of First North American Peoples, Vol. IV, Theytus Books, Penticton, British Columbia.

1990 “Choctaw Mortuary Practices” in SAIL: Studies in American Indian Literatures, Vol. #2.2 University of Richmond.

1978 “Children” in The Chariton Review,

Vol. #4.2, edited by Jim Barnes.

Essays (Theater Journal)
Nov. 1999 “Tribalography: The Power of Native Stories” in the Journal of Drama and Theatre, University of Kansas.
Essays (Legal Journal)
1992 “The Sewage of Foreigners” co-authored with Ms. Scott Morrison appears in Federal Bar News and Journal, Vol. 39, No. 6 (July).


1997 Encyclopedia of North American Indians, Marshall Cavendish Reference Books, Tarrytown, New York; included in the Contemporary Choctaw Literature section of an 11-volume set. Edited by Don Birchfield.

Chapbooks (Out of print)
1987 A Stand Up Reader, Into View Press, Arlington, Texas, a collection of short fiction.

1985 Coyote Stories, Wowapi Press, Dallas, Texas, a collection of poetry, and short fiction.


Aug. 15-2005 Associate Professor, American Indian Studies, English

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Aug. 03-May 05 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of American Indian Studies, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

June 2003 Loft Fiction Mentor for the Loft Literary Center, in Creative Prose and Poetry, Minneapolis, MN

Jan 03.-May 03 Louis D. Rubin Jr. Writer-in-Residence, Hollins University, Roanoke, VA. Graduate fiction workshop.

Fall 2002 Visiting Professor, University of Cincinnati, Women’s Studies

Cincinnati, Ohio, graduate seminar

Spring 2002 Visiting Lecturer, ASAP program, University of Cincinnati. Short course titled, Native American Women’s Literature

Spring 2001 Visiting Professor, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC. Fiction workshop.

Aug. 97 - Aug. 00 Assistant Professor, American Studies Department

Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA.

Developed three new courses:

Native American Literature and Culture

Writing Native America

Red and Black: Studies in American Indian and African American

Mar 97 - June 97 Visiting Professor, American Studies, Carleton College, Northfield, MN.

Developed theater course: Theater For Social Change and Development

Native American Literature course

Feb. 97 - Mar 97 Visiting Lecturer, American Studies Department

Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA.

Sept. 96 - Nov. 96 Visiting Faculty, American Studies, English, Theater Departments

Carleton College, Northfield, MN.

Developed introductory course: Native American Literature

Created interdisciplinary Faculty seminar

1992, 94, 95 Lecturer, Anthropology Department, Law School, and American Indian and Native Studies Program, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.

Introductory Course.

Curricula Development

 Time Travel and Space Exploration: An American Indian Approach to Reading (and writing on) American Indian fiction and poetry.

Department of American Indian Studies, University of Minnesota (undergraduates)

 Theater for the Mind: Turning Texts and theories into Drama(s): Department of American Indian Studies, University of Minnesota. (graduate seminar).

 Crafting Time and Space: An American Indian Approach to Writing the Short Story. Hollins University (graduate fiction workshop)

 American Indian Guides, Saviors, Lawmakers. University of Cincinnati ,Women’s Studies. (graduate seminar)

 Native Literature and Culture. English, Grinnell College, Wake Forest University

 Writing Native America. American Studies, Grinnell College

 Theater For Social Change and Development. Drama and American Studies, Carleton College

 American Indian Literature, Poetry and Theater: A Genre that Circles Itself. English and Drama, Carleton College

 Red and Black: Studies in American Indians and African Americans. American Studies and English, Grinnell College

Grants, Awards, Fellowships

Nov. 05 John and Renee Grisham Writer in Residence Fellowship. Oxford MS.

June ‘05 ITVS San Francisco. Development grant to begin production on a 90-minute documentary film – working title Playing Pastime. Co-producer.

March ’04 Regents’ Lecturer, University of California, Riverside, CA

Nov. 03 Distinguished Lecturer, Kenyon College, Ohio

Nov. 02 Native American Writer-in-Residence fellowship, Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO

May 02 Before Columbus Foundation, American Book Award, NYC,

2002, Fiction

Aug 28, -Sept. 00 Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Writer-in-Residence Fellowship, Sweet Briar, VA

July 00 Master Artist, Project Hoop Writer-in-Residence, Sinte Gleska University, Rosebud Sioux Reservation, Mission, SD

July 1999 Africana Studies Summer Seminar Grant, Grinnell, College, Grinnell, IA

Aug. 1998 Teaching and Faculty Travel Grant, Grinnell, College to support Romania Teaching and Research trip.

July 1996 D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian History, Research Grant, part of Indian Voices in the Academy, The Newberry Library, Chicago, Illinois, investigating Karpinski Map Collection, Byington papers

June 1996 Ragdale Writers Residency, Ragdale Foundation, Lake Forest, Illinois

Dec. 1995 Atlantic Center for the Arts, Writer-In-Residence, New Smyrna, FL

Oct. - Nov. 1995 The MacDowell Colony, Writer-In-Residence, Peterborough, NH

June - July 1995 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar for College Teachers. Ethnohistory of American Indians - University of Oklahoma, director Professor Gary Anderson, with Jacki Thompson Rand

Nov. 1993 Smithsonian Institution - Native American Internship. Investigated nineteenth century primary documents left by missionaries on the morphological changes in the Choctaw language

Oct. 1993 Iowa Arts Council Grant, Artist-in-Residence. Rewrote, produced and directed Indian Radio Days, a theatrical play in Cedar Rapids, IA, that was both theatrically staged at CSPS Theater, and broadcast to all American Public Radio stations, Midwest, on Columbus Day, 1993.

Oct. 1993 National Association of Foreign Student Advisers (NAFSA) grant for video documentary at University of Iowa.

Feb. 1993 Japan from the Okayama Buraku Liberation Research Institute, in conjunction with Hosei University faculty in Tokyo. One month-long grant to read and lecture from my fiction and non-fiction. This program was part of the United Nations resolution proclaiming 1993 “International Year For The World’s Indigenous People.”

June 1991 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar for Historical Research on Ethnohistory of Southeastern Indians - University of Kentucky. Directed by Professors Theda Perdue and Michael Green.


2000 Indian Radio Days, co-authored by Howe and Roxy Gordon. Directed by Cameron Ulrich, performed at the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, South Dakota with a thirteen-member cast.

1995 Indian Radio Days, co-authored by Howe and Roxy Gordon. Directed by Howe. Performed by the WagonBurner Theatre Troop with Howe at the National Museum of the American Indian, NYC, NY, in August 1995.

1995 Indian Radio Days, produced in February 1995, as part of a new play series at the Mark Taper Forum, Los Angeles, California. Theater invited Howe to Los Angeles as consultant on the production.

1993 Indian Radio Days, directed, rewritten by Howe for radio. Staged at CSPS Theater in Cedar Rapids, IA. Also broadcast on American Public Radio stations, throughout the Midwest, and up-linked via satellite to Alaska Public Radio stations, on Columbus Day, 1993.

1987 Big PowWow, co-authored by Howe and Roxy Gordon. Staged and produced by Sojourner Truth Theater in Fort Worth, Texas. Six weeks run. Sojourner Truth Theater is an African-American theater company in Texas. This was the first collaboration between American Indians and African-Americans of this kind in Texas.


1992 Hawk in Hand - Recorded readings with music of my short fiction and poetry. Original music recorded and produced by Jarryd Lowder.


Indian Country Diaries: Spiral of Fire. 90-minute documentary for PBS. Screenwriter and On-Camera Narrator on the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians shot on location in Cherokee, North Carolina. Set to air nationally, November 2006. A four-year project completion.
2005 Playing Pastime: American Indians, Softball, and the Politics of Survival. A documentary about fifty years of fast-pitched Indian Softball set in Oklahoma. James M. Fortier, Producer/Director (Métis-Ojibway) and Howe, producer/Writer. Began production, Sept.2004. Ongoing.

1994 Creator, producer Life in the USA, as Told To My Video Camera. An verité film project centered on foreign students' adjustment to life at USA universities. Nominated by the NAFSA Association of International Educators, for 20-year Anniversary award for excellence in cross-cultural education.

  1. Producer, writer, director Handfuls of Earth. Three three-part mini-series on the challenges facing indigenous students studying at the UI. Broadcast on University of Iowa Television serving 100,000 viewers.

1993 Producer, Writer, Director. A Look at Minorities in Education in Iowa. Film Short. Iowa Public Television. Part of a “Racism Project in Iowa” series. Aired February 18, 1993.


Howe, But NOT Like Tonto a collection of travel short stories set in the Middle East. Memoir.
Big PowWow, a play co-authored by LeAnne Howe and Roxy Gordon produced in 1987 by Sojourner Truth Theater will appear in a new anthology of Native American Women’s plays, University of Michigan, edited by Rebecca Howard and Shirley Huston-Findley. Expected February 2007.

Blind Bread and the Business of Theorymaking: By Embarrassed Grief as Told by LeAnne Howe.” The essay is for Reasoning Together: Native Critics in Dialogue an anthology on Native literary criticism. Editors: Native Critics Collective. Manuscript at Press; University of Oklahoma Press. Expected Spring 2008.

Seeing Red: American Indians in the Cinema. The volume is a compilation of movie reviews and essays written by tribal and non-Indian historians, anthropologists, and authors on movies whose plots involve Indians in significant ways. Edited by LeAnne Howe and Harvey Markowitz.


May 24, ’06 Reading: National Museum of the American Indian, Washington DC

May 22, ’06 Reading: Washington and Lee University, Virginia

April 20, ’06 Reading: The University of Georgia, Athens

March 11, 06 Reading; The AWP, Austin, Texas

Nov. 7, ’06 Reading: Illini Bookstore. Champaign, Illinois

Nov. 11, ’05 Paper Presentation: Creative Non-fiction Conference,

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA

Oct. 27-29’05 Reading and lectures. Oklahoma Arts Council, Quartz Mt. Oklahoma

Sept 25-26, 05 South Dakota Festival of the Book, Deadwood, SD

July 25, 2005 Reading, BookWoman, Austin, Texas

May 3, 05 Lecture presentation, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii

May 1, 05 Reading, Native Winds, Honolulu, Hawaii

April 29,05 Reading, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii

April 24, 05 Reading, St. Thomas University, St. Paul MN

April, 7, 05 Reading, Native American Lit. Symposium, Mystic Lake Casino, MN

April’05 Reading Birchbark Books, Minneapolis, MN

April ’05 Reading Anoka School District, K-12 Teachers Anoka Minnesota

Feb. 23, 05 Reading, Cedar Rapids Public Library, Cedar Rapids, IA

Jan 9-16,’05 Readings, film lecture, Bilbao Spain

Nov. 19, 04 Readings, lecture, East Central University, Ada, Oklahoma

Nov. 13, 04 Paper Presentation, American Studies Assoc. Atlanta, Georgia

“Speaking of Mounds in the Southeast Oral Tradition.”

Oct. 28 04 Panel Presentation, American Society for Ethnohistory, Chicago, Illinois

“Got Corn?”

Sept.’04 Reading, Washington and Lee University, Lexington VA.

July 31, ’04 Theatre performance and reading, Undermain Theater, Dallas, Texas

April 15’04 Reading and panel participant, Georgetown University, Washington, DC

April 14 ’04 Native American Literature Symposium, Mystic Lake Casino, MN

Mar 9-19’04 Regents Distinguished Lecturer at University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA.

Feb. 19 04 Reading, University Illinois Champaign-Urbana, Urbana, Ill.

Feb. 13, ‘ 04 Reading, Syracuse University and Onondaga Nation School. Conducted writing workshop for beginning Native writers.

Nov. 25, 03 Reading, University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas.

Nov., 3, 03 Week-long Reading and lectures, Kenyon College, Ohio.

Oct. 13, 03 Reading and lecture Michigan State University, Michigan.

August 7, 03 Reading and lecture, Native Religious Studies, Jace Weaver, conference organizer, Claremont College, CA

July 28, 03 Reading and lecture, NEH Summer Seminar, Evergreen College, Olympia, WA, Gail Trembley Director

April 30, 03 Reading and lecture Dartmouth University, Hanover, MA

April 17-18 03 Reading, class visits SUNY/Potsdam University, Potsdam New York

April 9-10 03 Reading, Endicott College, Beverly, MA

April 4-5, 03 Reading &Keynote Speaker, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara CA, American Indian Family Day Conference

March 28, 03 Lecture, Radical History Conference, Minneapolis, MN

March 20, 03 Film Panel Presentation, Native American Literature Symposium, Mystic Lake Casino, MN

March 15, 03 Reading, Hollins University, Literary Festival, Roanoke VA

Feb 19, 03 Reading, Yale University, New Haven Connecticut

Feb.10, 03 Reading, class visits, Evergreen College, Washington

Nov. 21, ‘02 Reading, class visits University of Las Vegas, Nevada

Nov. 15, ‘02, Reading, Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC

Oct. 27, 02 Week-long Writer’s Residency at South East Missouri State, Cape Girardeau, MO

Oct. 15-19 Paper presentation, American Society of Ethnohistory, Quebec City, Canada

Sept. 23-25 Reading and lectures University of Montana, Missoula MT

July 30, 02 Reading, Oak Dale Writers Retreat, Brookings, SD

July 20,02 Theatre performance and reading, Undermain Theater, Dallas, Texas

May 30, 02 Reading Netherlands American Studies Association, Roosevelt Study Center, Middleburg, The Netherlands

May 11, 02 Reading Inca Gardens, San Jose, CA

May 10, 02 Reading and book signing party Women’s Building, San Francisco, CA

May 8, 02 Reading, DQ University, Davis CA

May 7, 02 lecture, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA

May 6, 02 reading, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

May 4, 02 Black Oak Books, San Francisco, CA

April 30 Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

April 29 Reading Book Woman bookstore, Austin, Texas

April 15, Reading, and lecture, Winona State University, Winona, MN

April 12-14 Theater performance, reading, Native American Literature Symposium, Mystic Lake Casino, MN

April 11 Reading, Bear Crossing Como Pavilion, St. Paul, MN., St. Paul MN

April 8 Reading and lecture, Mankato State University, Mankato, MN

April 4 Amazon Bookstore, Minneapolis, MN

April 3 Reading and lecture, University of Madison, Wisconsin

March 19-22 Fiction workshop, reading, NECC, Norfolk, Nebraska, and Wayne State, NE

March 7 Reading, Women and Children First Bookstore, Chicago, Ill.

Mar.1, 02 Reading and book signing, Reynolda House, Winston-Salem, NC

Feb. 11 ’02 Reading and book signing, Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA

Feb. 6 -9 ’02 Lectures, book signing, Uni. of Iowa, Prairie Lights Bookstore, Iowa City, IA

Feb. 5, ’02 Reading and book signing, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa.

Jan. 6, ’02 Reading and book signing, Paperbacks Plus, bookstore, Dallas, TX

Dec. 11 ‘01 Reading and book signing, Mercantile Library, Cincinnati, OH

Dec. 1, ‘01 Teaching and lecture session, Birch Bark Books, Minneapolis, MN

Nov. 30 ‘01 Reading, Native Words Series, Bear Crossing, Como Pavilion, St. Paul, MN.

Nov. 28, ‘01 Reading, book signing, class visits, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN

Nov. 19,‘01 Lecture, book signing, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA,

Nov. 19,‘01 Reading, book signing, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA,

Nov. 15,‘01 Lecture, book signing, class visit, San Francisco State University, SF. CA,

Nov. 15,‘01 Reading, book signing, class visits, Uni. of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

Nov. 14 ’01 Reading and book signing, Modern Times Bookstore, San Francisco, CA

Nov.1 ‘01 Reading and book signing, Case Western University, Cleveland, OH

Oct. 01 Reading, book signing, class visits, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN

Oct.’01 Reading, book signing, class visits, Carleton College, Northfield, MN.

Oct. 01 Lecture, reading for EPA Agency, Seattle, WA.

Oct. ’01 Reading, book signing, and lecture, Oberlin College, Oberlin OH.

Aug. ‘01 Reading, Bumpershoots Arts Festival, Seattle, WA.

June ‘01 Reading, National Women Studies Association: Minneapolis, MN.

April ‘01 Guest lecturer. Oklahoma City Community College, Division of Arts and Humanities, Oklahoma City, OK. Lecture Topic: “Indians: Our Love Hate Relationship with Dances With Wolves.”

March ‘01 Reading and panel at Yale University’s (RE) Presenting Native American Cultures, hosted by The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library.

March ’01 Reading at Hollins University, VA.

Jan .’ 01 Reading at Wake Forest University’s Anthropology Museum, Winston-Salem, NC.

Nov. ‘00 From Nov. 28 - Dec. 3, 00: Panel Chair, “Indians in the Act: Native Theater Past and Present” American Literature Association, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and presenting paper, “Circling the Wagons: Confessions of a Native American Theatre Troop.”

Oct.’ 00 Reading and lecture at the University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD, in conjunction with the opening of my play, Indian Radio Days.

Oct. ‘00 Reading at Sinte Gleska University, Rosebud Sioux Reservation, Mission SD.

Sept. ‘00 Lecture at the “Mentor Series Dialogue” in collaboration with Susan Power 9/28/00 at The Loft, Minneapolis, MN.

Sept. ‘00 Reading at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Sweet Briar, Virginia.

April 2000 Book signing and reading with Native women authors whose work appears in: Through the Eye of The Deer, Noun Program, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA.

Feb. 2000 Fiction reading at Wake Forest, NC.

Feb.2000 Fiction reading at the Native American Writing Festival, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.

Nov. 1999 Fiction reading, Southeastern Oklahoma State University in Durant, OK.

Nov. 1999 Panel Chair, “American Indian Literature: The Other History,” American Literature Association , Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and presented paper by the same title.

Oct. 1999 Fiction reading at South Central, MLA, Memphis TN

April 1999 Fiction reading and lecture at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC from Shell Shaker.

Mar.1999 Panel moderator Native American Women’s Playwrights Festival, Miami University, Oxford, OH.

Nov.1998 Panel chair “American Indian Literature: The Other History” and paper presentation annual conference American Society for Ethnohistory, Minneapolis, MN.

Sept. 1998 Presented paper, “Two Million American Indian Tricksters: On destroying paradigms and creating new textual spaces. . . Indians, what will we think of next!” at “Crossing Borders: American Indians and Encounters with Diversity” conference at the D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian Research at The Newberry Library, Chicago, Ill.

Aug. 1998 Invited lecturer for the department of Anthropology.

Presented a series of lectures for a two-week summer seminar for the Center for Complexity Studies of Bucharest, Romania. This session was held at Resita in the mountains of western Romania, title of the seminar was “Cultural Communication and the Understanding of Otherness.”

June 1998 Presented lecture at The Newberry Library, Chicago, Ill on the history of Choctaw Sacred sites in Mississippi.

May 1998 Invited to lecture on Choctaw history for the OK Choctaws Association, an organization of Choctaws living in Oklahoma City and surrounding area.

April 1998 Fiction reading at Texas Lutheran College, Seguin TX.

April 1998 Presented lecture on Sacred Spaces and gave fiction reading at The Newberry Library in Chicago. Ill.

Nov. 1997 Fiction reading Wartburg College, Waverly, IA.

Nov. 1997 Fiction reading and lecture, Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA.

Nov. 1997 Fiction reading Southeast Missouri State University, Cape Girardeau, MO.

Oct. 1997 Lecture Presentation, Northeastern State University Returning the Gift conference, Tahlequah, OK.

Aug. 1997 Fiction reading and lecture for Austin Museum of Art, at Jaune Quick-To-See art exhibition with Gail Trembley, Austin, TX.

Aug. 1997 History lecture at OK Choctaws, a monthly meeting of Choctaws living in Oklahoma City, OK, and surrounding area.

June 1997 Lecture and reading on Choctaw Star Stories at The Newberry Library, Chicago, Ill.

April 1997 Fiction reading and lecture for Minnesota College in the Schools, Literature Program, at the University of Minnesota. (500 High school seniors)

April 1997 Reading and lectures, University of Wisconsin at Eau-Claire. WI.

Feb. 1997 Lecture and reading: “Remembering Our Future, A Symposium”

sponsored by the University of Oklahoma, Native American Studies department, and The Oklahoma Foundation for the Humanities

Feb. 1997 Reading and lectures at NW Missouri State University, Maryville, MO.

Feb. 1997 Lecture and fiction reading, Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA. (American Studies)

Nov. 1996 Lecture and reading, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, (English)

Nov. 1996 Presented paper at the 1996 annual conference of the American Society for Ethnohistory, Portland, Oregon. “Matrilineal to Patrilineal in Choctaw Culture”

Oct. 1996 Fiction Reading and Lecture, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC, (Women’s Studies)

Oct. 1996 Fiction reading and Lecture, Davidson College, Davidson NC, (Sociology/ Anthropology and English)

July 1996 Presented research on Choctaw women for the Indian Voices in the Academy Fellowship at The Newberry Library, Chicago, Ill.

April 1996 Convocation speaker at Carleton College, Northfield, MN “American Indians and the Need for Religious Tolerance”

Feb. 1996 Lecture and fiction reading, Barat College, Lake Forest, Ill.

Feb. 1996 Lecture, and fiction reading Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA.

Dec. 1995 Fiction reading with author Shelby Hearon, Atlantic Center for the Arts, FL.

Nov. 1995 Reading MacDowell Colony, Peterborough, NH.

Oct. 1995 Fiction reading and lecture, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest, Ill.

May 1994 Reading and lecture at American Center for Oriental Research, Amman, Jordan

Mar. 1993 Presented paper, “For Love or Money: A Case Study of Betsy Love, A Chickasaw woman who helped create the Women’s Property Act of 1829” University of Iowa, Women in Development Conference, Iowa City, IA.

July 1993 Reading and panel workshop on writing the novel, Returning the Gift conference, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK.

Oct. 1993 Presented lecture “Choctaw Women and Land Tenure”

UN Day Speaker for Johnson Country United Nations Association, Iowa City, IA.

Feb. 1993 Japan from the Okayama Buraku Liberation Research Institute, in conjunction with Hosei University faculty in Tokyo. One month-long grant to read and lecture from my fiction and non-fiction.

Nov. 1992 Reading at Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI (English)

July 1992 Reading and invited author, Returning the Gift conference, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK.

Memberships and Organizations

Member ASAIL Association of Studies in American Indian Literature

Member Clan Mothers Board for NALS (Native American Literature Symposium) held yearly at Mystic Lake Casino, MN

Member AWP, Associated Writing Programs

Member American Studies Association

Member Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, of the Native American Women’s Playwrights Association.

Member Association of American Indian and Alaska Professors

Member American Society for Ethnohistory.

Member Choctaw Code Talkers Association, Chickasha, OK.

Member Wordcraft Circle, Native Writer Mentoring Program

Member Native Writers Circle Of The Americas, an organization of North and South American indigenous writers, including the Artic. Formerly part of Returning the Gift.

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