Curriculum Vitae Lynn Columba A. Biographical Information Office Home

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Curriculum Vitae

Lynn Columba
A. Biographical Information
Office Home

Department of Education & Human Services 3006 Kenndy Dr.

College of Education Northampton, PA 18067

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Ed.D. University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, 1989

Major: Supervision in Metropolitan Settings

Subspecialty: Urban Social Sciences

Cognate Areas: Mathematics Education and Literacy

Dissertation: Equivalent Fraction Concepts: A Teaching Experiment

(Advisor: Charles S. Thompson, PhD)
M.Ed. University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, 1977

Major: Elementary Education

Concentration: Reading Education
B.A. Morehead State University, Morehead, Kentucky, 1972

Major: Elementary Education

Concentration: Pre-Pharmacy
Professional Certifications

Elementary Teacher (1-8), 1972

Reading Specialist (K-12), 1977

Administration--Elementary Principal (K-8), 1987

Supervision Endorsement (K-12), 1988

Professional Positions
Lehigh University, College of Education, 1989-Present

Associate Professor of Teacher Education, 1995-Present

Program Director, 2005-08 and 1996-2000

Teaching, Learning, and Technology Program, formerly Technology-based Teacher Education and Educational Technology Programs, led the merger of the two programs in 2006, formerly Teacher Education

Coordinator of the Five-Year Program, 1996-2008

Developed, recruited, and coordinated the program

Coordinator of the Education Minor, 1989-2008

Reactivated and recruited students for the Education Minor

Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, 1989-1995

University of Louisville

Department of Early and Middle Childhood Education, 1986-1989

Clinical Instructor

Full-Time Faculty, Non-Tenure Track, Louisville, Kentucky

Jefferson County Public Schools, 1972-1986

Elementary Teacher,

Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School, Taught Levels 1-6, Louisville, Kentucky
Educational Consultant, 1986-Present

Professional Development Provider

for over 30 school districts in Kentucky, Indiana, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland; International Schools in Guatemala, Thailand, and Philippines; and Textbook Publishers

B. Publications and Creative Activities
Research and Scholarship
Authored Books
Wellman, D., Columba, L., Kim, C., & Moe, A. J. (in print). Content at the core: Integrating literacy in the middle grades. AZ: Holcomb Hathaway.
Dougherty, B., Lingo, A., & Columba, L. (2013). Math of Tomorrow (MOTO)-Clockwise: Learning time with the MOTO family. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Digital.
Dougherty, B., Lingo, A., & Columba, L. (2013). Math of Tomorrow (MOTO)-What comes next? Making patterns with the MOTO family. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Digital.
Dougherty, B., Lingo, A., & Columba, L. (2013). Math of Tomorrow (MOTO)-Shapes and sizes: Learning geometry with the MOTO family. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Digital.
Dougherty, B., Lingo, A., & Columba, L. (2013). Math of Tomorrow (MOTO)-One foot, two feet: Measuring with the MOTO family. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Digital.
Dougherty, B., Lingo, A., & Columba, L. (2013). Math of Tomorrow (MOTO)-Everybody counts: Learning to count with the MOTO family. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Digital.
Dougherty, B., Lingo, A., & Columba, L. (2013). Math of Tomorrow (MOTO)-It all adds up! Learning to add and subtract with the MOTO family. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Digital.
Dougherty, B., Lingo, A., & Columba, L. (2013). Math of Tomorrow (MOTO)-Bits and pieces: Sorting and representing data with the MOTO family. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Digital.
Leinwand, S., Balka, D., Cleaver, V., Columba, L., Fulmore, L., Miles, R., Cleaver,

V., . . . Zimmerman, G. (Draft, April 2013; in press, April 2014). It’s TIME: Themes and imperatives for mathematics education: A leadership framework for Common Core Mathematics. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree.

Columba, L., Kim, C., & Moe, A. J. (2009). The power of picture books in teaching math, science, and social studies: Grades PreK-8 (2nd ed.). Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway.
Columba, L., Kim, C., & Moe, A. J. (2005). The power of picture books in teaching math and science: Grades PreK-8. Scottsdale, AZ: Holcomb Hathaway.

Edited Books
Evitts, T. A., Breyfogle, M. L., & Columba, L. (Eds.). (2013). Teaching and learning mathematics in the 21st century’s first decade, 2011-2012 Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics Yearbook. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University.
Evitts, T. A., Columba, L., Wilburne, J. W. (Eds.). (In review). Mathematics teacher leaders in curriculum, teaching and learning, 2013-2014 Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics Yearbook. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University.

Book Chapters
Columba, L. (2014). Here’s the story: Multiplication facts using storybooks. Teaching Children Mathematics, 19(6), 374-381. In D. Thiessen (Ed.), Exploring mathematics through literature: Articles and lessons for prekindergarten through grade 8 (2nd ed.). Reston, VA: NCTM. Online anthology.
Spade, J. Z., Columba, L., & Vanfossen, B. E. (2007). Tracking in mathematics and science: Courses and course selection procedures. In J. H. Ballantine & J. Z. Spade, (Eds.), Schools and society: A sociological approach to education, (3rd ed.), pp. 286-297. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Columba, L., & Leight, R. L. (2000). Early immersion in meaningful teaching: School-University collaboration in a summer school program. In P.A. Nelson (Ed.) & J. F. Nolan, Jr. & K. C. Scanlon (Assoc. Eds.), School and university partnerships: Issues, trends, research, and best practices, (Monograph II, pp. 24-31). Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Teacher Educators.

Journal Articles
Refereed (Blind Peer review)
Columba, L. (2014). Storybooks + technology = successful patterns. National Teacher Education Journal 7(2), 5-10.
Allen, L., & Columba, L. (In review). The graphing calculator: Still graphing after all these years. Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics Yearbook.
Breisch, J., & Columba, L. (In review). Technology integration: Increasing interactions in the math classroom. Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics Yearbook.
Columba, L., & Stotz, M. (In revision). Shifting preservice teacher beliefs: The power of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics. Investigations in Mathematics Learning.
Adams, C., & Columba, L. (Accepted). Classroom response systems:  Effects on the critical analysis skills of students in introductory science courses. School Science and Mathematics Journal.
Columba, L., & DeMarco, D. (Revise/resubmit). Mastering multiplication facts using First in Math® online program. Investigations in Mathematics Learning.

Hojnoski, R., Columba, L., & Polignano, J. (2014) Embedding mathematical dialogue in parent-child shared book reading: A preliminary investigation. Early Education and Development. DOI:10.1080/10409289.2013.810481

Harmer, A., & Columba L. (2013). Does authentic science inquiry in middle school impact college and career choice? National Teacher Education Journal, Special Technology Issue, 6(3), 87-96.
Columba, L., Hojnoski, R., & Polignano, J. (2013). How big is humongous? Mathematics conversations. Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal, 6(4), 22-35 .
Columba, L. (2013). Here’s the story: Multiplication facts using storybooks. Teaching Children Mathematics, 19(6), 374-381 & online appendix 1-3.
Szmodis, W., & Columba, L. (2013). Technology for young learners: Making a case for digital tools. National Teacher Education Journal, 6(1), 61-68.
Columba, L. (2012). Sorting mathematical representations: Words, symbols, and graphs. Learning and Teaching in Mathematics, 12, 3-8.
Draper, L., & Columba, L. (2011). Students creating questions in the mathematics classroom. Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal, 5(1), 1-31.
Fedynyshyn, G, Evans, J., Blank, G., & Columba, L. (2011). Developing fraction concept knowledge with a fraction tutor [Special issue]. National Teacher Education Journal, 4(1), 15-20.
Yudt, K., & Columba, L. (2011). Interactive whiteboards: A tool for enhancing teaching and learning. Journal of Technology Integration in the Classroom, 3(2), 17-22.
Harmer, A. J., & Columba, L. (2010). Engaging middle school students in

nanoscale science, nanotechnology, and electron microscopy affects achievement. Journal of Nano Education, 2(1-2), 92-101.

Columba, L. (2010). Weaving the strands: Literature, mathematics, science, and technology. Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics Yearbook 2007-2008, Focusing the Mathematics Curriculum, 1-13.
Rolón, A., & Columba, L. (2008). Constructing bridges, constructing knowledge. Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal, 2(3), 62-73.
Kolodziej, N. J., & Columba, L. (2006). Invented spelling: Guidelines for parents. Reading Improvement, 42(4), 212-223.
Smith, C., & Columba, L. (2006). Writing to enhance mathematical understanding. Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics Yearbook, Learning and Teaching Mathematical Processes, 53-62.
Columba, L. (2001). Daily classroom assessment. Education, 122(2), 372-376.
Spade, J. Z., Columba, L., & Vanfossen, B. E. (1997). Tracking in mathematics and science: Courses and course selection procedures. Sociology of Education, 70(2), 108-127.
Columba, L., & Dolgos, K. A. (1996). Integrating mathematics and science through bubble exploration. 1996 Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics Yearbook, Integrated Mathematics and Integrating Mathematics, 1-6.
Columba, L., & Dolgos, K. A. (1995). Exploring with Geometric Solids. 1995 Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics Yearbook, Teaching Mathematics with a Focus on Learning, 39-44.
Columba, L., & Dolgos, K. A. (1995). Building bridges through fraction language. New England Mathematics Journal, 28(1), 48-55.
Columba, L., & Dolgos, K. A. (1995). Portfolio assessment in mathematics. Reading Improvement, 32(3), 174-176.
Columba, L., & Dolgos, K. A. (1994). Going the distance: Interpreting data. 1994 Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics Yearbook, Mathematics for All Students, 90-98.
Dolgos, K. A., & Columba, L. (1993). Alternative assessment: The mathematics portfolio. 1993 Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics Yearbook, Alternative Assessment in Mathematics, 23-28.
Columba, L., & Dolgos, K. A. (1993). Professional development for teachers of mathematics. (Reprinted from Education). Education, 114(1), 32-36.
Columba, L., & Dolgos, K. A. (1993). Professional development for teachers of mathematics. Education, 113(4), 656-660.
Columba, L., & Dolgos, K. A. (1993). Tips for beginners: Daily quiz sheet. Mathematics

Teacher, 86(5), 378-379.
Columba, L., & Dolgos, K. A. (1992). Instructional model for the teaching of mathematics. 1992 Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics Yearbook, New Standards for Teaching Mathematics, 37-43.
Columba, L., & White, G. P. (1992). Writing: A tool for teaching middle level mathematics. Transescence: The Journal of Emerging Adolescent Education, 20(1), 32-41.
Lunenberg, F. C., & Columba, L. (1992). The 16PF a predictor of principal performance: An integration of quantitative and qualitative research methods. Education, 113(1), 68-73.
Columba, L., & Wire, D. (1991). Nutrition: Educational issue for parenting teens. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 57(4), 18-22.

Columba, L., & Dolgos, K. (1991). Connecting mathematics and science: Investigating the

pendulum. 1991 Yearbook, Mathematics Education Making Connections, Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 27-34.

Columba, L. (1991). Problem solving: An essential skill. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 57(3), 32-36. [Reprinted by San Mateo Department of Education, CA.]
Columba, L. (1991). Implementing calculators: Issues and implications. Ohio Journal of School Mathematics, 20, Winter, 27-29.
Columba, L. (1990). An issue facing educators today: Censorship. Kappa Delta Pi Record, 27(2), 47.
Columba, L. (1990). Technology is changing the mathematics classroom. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, 56(3), 20-22.

Invited or Editorial Review (Prestigious nonrefereed)
Columba, L. (In review). Go fly a kite. In Math by the Month, M. Amador (Ed.)., Teaching Children Mathematics.
Columba, L. (2014). If the shoe fits, wear it. In Math by the Month, M. Amador (Ed.). Teaching Children Mathematics, 20(6), 352-353.
Columba, L. (2013). Flipping for pancakes. In Math by the Month, M. Amador (Ed.). Teaching Children Mathematics, 20(5), 292-293.
Columba, L. (2013). All hands on deck. In Math by the Month, C. Poulsen & K. Lilienthal (Eds.). Teaching Children Mathematics, 19(8), 478-479.
Columba, L. (2012, Winter). Leadership tip: Leadership roles for teacher leaders. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Newsletter, 43(2), 9.
Columba, L. (2012). You take the cake. In Math by the Month, C. Poulsen & K. Lilienthal (Eds.). Teaching Children Mathematics, 19(1), 18-19.
Columba, L., (2011). Hats off to you. In Math by the Month, C. Poulsen & K. Lilienthal (Eds.). Teaching Children Mathematics, 18(3), 142-143.
Columba, L., (2011). The amazing number nine. In Math by the Month, L. Columba (Ed.). Teaching Children Mathematics, 17(8), 462-463.
Columba, L., O’Donnell, P., & Sanchez, Y. (2011). A dime @ a time. In Math by the Month, L. Columba (Ed.). Teaching Children Mathematics, 17(6), 340-341.
Columba, L., (2011). In the garden. In Math by the Month, L. Columba (Ed.). Teaching Children Mathematics, 17(9), 528-529.
Hammond, T., Columba, L.*, & Waddell, L. (2010). On the map with Google Maps. In Math by the Month, L. Columba (Ed.). Teaching Children Mathematic, 16(9), 522-523.
Columba, L.*, O’Donnell, P., & Frick, A. (2010). Speedy Gonzalez. In Math by the Month, L. Columba (Ed.). Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(8), 456-457.
Columba, L., Hammond, T., & Waddell, L. (2010). Where is the math in names? In Math by the Month, L. Columba (Ed.). Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(7), 400-401.
Columba, L., & Waddell, L. R. (2009). A treasure trove of triangles. In Math by the Month, L. Columba (Ed.). Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(5), 272-273.
Waddell, L. R., Columba, L.*, & Hammond, T. C. (2009). Let’s take a trip. In Math by the Month, L. Columba (Ed.). Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(3), 148-149.
Columba, L.*, Hammond, T. C., & Waddell, L. R. (2009). Fun with fascinating and fabulous frogs. In Math by the Month, L. Columba (Ed.). Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(2), 88-89.
Columba, L. (2009). Tantalizing thirteen. In Math by the Month, D. Islas (Ed.). Teaching Children Mathematics, 15(9) 540-41.
Columba, L. (2007). Exploring weighty matters with Cucumber Soup: An interdisciplinary approach. In Classroom Idea-Sparkers, B. Chakraborty & S. Stone (Eds.). Childhood Education, 84(1), 30R-30U.
Columba, L. (2006). A tree at bedtime investigation: Connecting mathematics, science, and literature. In Classroom Idea-Sparkers, J. Kieff (Ed.). Childhood Education, 82(3), 162G-162J.
Columba, L. (2012, Winter). Leadership tip: Teacher leaders support colleagues. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Newsletter. 43(2), 9.
*Policy change, author’s name as editor removed

Non-Refereed Journals (Editorial Review, State Level)
Columba, L. (2013, February). Leadership tip: Leadership roles for teacher leaders. Pennsylvania Council of Leaders in Mathematics Newsletter, 6-7. [Reprint]
Columba, L. (2011). Questioning in the mathematics classroom: A classic theory revisited. In Teaching Tip, Pennsylvania Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Newsletter, 5(1), 2.
Columba, L. (2008). GOPSGEFAR: Gagné’s nine events of instruction. In Teaching Tip, Pennsylvania Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Newsletter. 2(4) Retrieved from
Columba, L. (2008). Enhancing mathematics and science concepts through children’s literature. Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics Magazine, 46(2),


Columba, L., & Voiles, B. (2006). Problem solving with pink piranhas. Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of Mathematics Magazine, 44(3), 16-19.
Columba, L., & Dolgos, K. A. (1996). Building bridges through fraction language. (Reprinted from the New England Mathematics Journal). Virginia Mathematics Teacher, 23(1), 15-17.

Instructional Website Project
Columba, L. (2014). Teacher Notes and Recording Sheets for Time for Bed, Online Resources for Exploring Mathematics through Literature (2nd), D. Thiessen (Ed.). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Digital.
Columba, L. (2014). Teacher Notes and Recording Sheets for Six Dinner Sid, Online Resources for Exploring Mathematics through Literature (2nd), D. Thiessen (Ed.). Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Digital.
Dougherty, B., Lingo, A., & Columba, L. (2013). Teacher Connect, Online Resources K-2 Digital Series, RtI Levels 1 & 2, Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Digital. (aligned to CCSSM, over 240 resource sheets and answer keys)

Book Reviews

Columba, L. (2014, Spring) [Review of the book Whole class mathematics discussions: Improving in-depth mathematical thinking and learning, by T. Lamberg.] National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Newsletter, 45(3).

Columba, L. (2014, Spring) [Review of the book Math sense: The look, sound, and feel of effective instruction, by C. Moynihan.] National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Newsletter, 45(3).

Columba, L. (2013, Fall) [Review of the book Understanding RTI in mathematics: Proven methods and applications, by R. Gersten & R. Newman-Gonchar.] National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Newsletter, 44(1).
Columba, L. (2013, Summer) [Review of the book A guide to mathematics coaching: Processes for increasing student achievement, by T. H. Hull, D. Balka, & R. H. Miles]. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Newsletter, 43(4), 13.
Columba, L. (2012, Winter). [Review of the book Caring enough to lead: How reflective practice leads to moral leadership, by L. O. Pellicer]. National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Newsletter, 43(2), 21.
Columba, L. (2008). Review of the book Tools for matching readers to text: Research-based practices. Education Review. Retrieved August 28, 2008 from

Published Conference Proceedings
Columba, L. (2007). Assessing and helping more students achieve success with First in Math online program. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, July.
Columba, L. (2005). Learning through integration: Using literature to teach mathematics and science. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, Victoria, BC, Canada, August.

Works in Preparation
Columba, L., & Drake, B. M. (prospectus in preparation, invited). Reasonin', wRitin' and aRithmetic: The New 3 "R's". Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Journal Manuscripts
Stotz, M., & Columba, L. (in preparation). An Assessment of Learner’s Subitizing Skills During an Augmented Reality Math Lessons [Qualifier Research]
Hojnoski, R., Columba, L., & Polignano, J. (In preparation). The effect of book type on mathematical talk during shared book reading in preschool. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education.
Yudt, K., & Columba, L. (In preparation). The effects of blended learning on pre-service elementary mathematics teachers’ mathematics performance and attitudes. [Qualifier Research]
Rolón, A., & Columba, L. (In preparation). Technology-use and inquiry-based learning supporting the needs of English language learners. [Qualifier Research]

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