Curriculum Vitae Makungu M. Akinyela, Ph. D., Lmft associate Professor Director of Undergraduate Studies Department of African American Studies I. Education

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Curriculum Vitae

Makungu M. Akinyela, Ph.D., LMFT

Associate Professor

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Department of African American Studies
I. Education

Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences: Institute of Liberal Arts

History, Culture and Theory (Family and Human Development)

Ph.D., 1996

Pacific Oaks College, Pasadena, California

Human Development (Marriage, Family and Child Counseling)

MA, 1989

California State University at Northridge

Pan African Studies / Journalism

BA 1978
II. Professional Credentials

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (GA MFT 000671)

Approved Supervisor (AAMFT)

III. Teaching Experience

1999 to Present: Georgia State University, Department of African American Studies.

Associate Professor.

1998 Spring: Pacific Oaks College, Pasadena, California

Visiting Instructor

1997 Spring: Agnes Scott College, Decatur, Georgia

Adjunct Professor

1995 Fall: Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia

Student Instructor

IV. Administrative Experience

Curriculum Committee Fall 2004 to 2007, School of Arts and Sciences, GSU

V. Courses Taught

1999 to Present:

Introduction to African American Studies (AAS 2010)

African American Family (AAS 3000)

Issues in the African American Community (AAS 4000)

African American Religion (AAS 4250)

Theories and Concepts of African American Studies (AAS 3975)

Theories of African American Studies (AAS 6005)

Race, Class and Gender in Contemporary South Africa (Study Abroad 2014)
1998 Spring:

Critical Pedagogy in Theory and Practice

Seminars in Bicultural child development and education

Socio-linguistics and Educational Policy and Practice (On-line Course).

1997 Spring:

Marriage and the Family (Sociology 211)

1995 Fall:

The politics of identity (institute of liberal arts course).
VI. Intellectual Contributions

  1. Publications-Journal Articles- Media

Akinyela, M., (forth coming 2016) “Culture, Power and Resistance: Testimonies of hope and dignity” in Pinderhughes, E., and Jackson, V. (eds) Understanding Power: A 21stCentury Human Services Imperative, New York, National Association of Social Workers Press

Akinyela, M., "Culturally grounded therapy in the Palestinian context: Lessons learned by an African American therapist" Context: The magazine for family therapy and systemic practice in the UK, October 2015 vol 141, 3-5

Akinyela, M., (Spring 2014) “Narrative Therapy and Cultural Democracy: A Testimony View” Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy. Vol. 35, no 1, pp 46-49
Akinyela, M., (2013) “Cabral, black liberation and cultural struggle” in Manji, F., Tell no lies, claim no easy victories: Amilcar Cabral forty years after. , New York, Daraja Press

Akinyela, M., (Spring 2013) “Testimony Therapy in working with African American couples” a video production produced, directed and edited by Lucy Vale. Alexandria, VA, Alexander Street Press.

Akinyela, M., (2011) “Conscious Parenting Family Circles: An African Centered Bicultural Pegagogy” in Darder, A., Culture and Power in the Classroom: Educational Foundations for the Schooling of Bicultural Students, Expanded and Updated Second Ed. , New York, Paradigm Publishers.

Davis, S.,Williams, A and Akinyela, M., (Spring 2010) An Afrocentric Approach to Building Cultural Relevance in Social Work Research in The Journal of Black Studies. New York: Sage Publication.

Akinyela, M., (2008) “Once they come: testimony therapy and healing questions for African

American couples” in Revisioning family therapy: Race, class, culture, and

gender in clinical practice, 2nd Ed. Monica McGoldrick & Ken Hardy, editors.

New York: Guilford Press

King, S. V., Burgess, E. O., Counts-Spriggs, M., Akinyela, M., & Parker, H. (2006).

“The Religious Dimension of the Grandparent Role in Three-generation African

American Households.” Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Aging, Vol. 19(1),

Akinyela, A. (2006). “Conscious Parenting Family Circles: An African-Centered

Pedagogy”. In Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies: Special Issue on Critical

Pedagogy. Darder A. and L. Miron (eds). 5:1.3
Akinyela, M., King, S., Burgess, E. et al. “Your body is God’s Temple: The

spiritualization of health beliefs in multigenerational African American families”

in Research on Aging, Angela M. Orano (ed) 27: 4.
Akinyela, A. “Testimonies of Hope: African Centered Praxis for Therapeutic Ends” in

The Journal of Systemic Therapy, Spring 2005.
Akinyela, M. & Aldridge, D. (2003) Beyond Eurocentrism, Afrocentrism and

multiculturalism: Toward cultural democracy in social work education. The

Journal of Race, Class and Gender Vol. 10, no 2
Akinyela, M. (2003) “Battling the serpent: Nat Turner, Africanized Christianity and

black ethos”. Journal of Black Studies, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 255 – 280.

___________, (2002) “Decolonizing our lives: Divining a post-colonial therapy”. The

International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work, No. 2, pp. 32 - 43.
___________, (2002) “Reparations: Repairing relationships and honoring ancestry”. The

International Journal of Narrative Therapy and Community Work,No. 2, pp. 45 - 49.
__________, (2002) Creating rituals and traditions in adoptive families: A computer

based training course. V. 3, No. 2. Center for the Support of Families / Georgia

office of Adoptions. (CD, Videotape and workbook)

__________, (1997) “Guidelines for family support and cultural democracy”. : FRC

Report. pp. 35 - 38 Vol. 15, Nos. 3 & 4. Chicago: Family Resource Coalition.


Akinyela, M. (2004). “Family” in Molefi Kete Asante and Ama Mazama (Eds.),

Encyclopedia of Black Studies. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Akinyela, M. (2004) “Meeting the Trickster at the Crossroads: Oral cultures and the use

of metaphor in therapeutic conversations” in Stephen Madigan (Ed) Therapeutic

Conversations 5: Therapy from the Outside In. pp 111 to 122. Vancouver, BC:

Yaletown Family Therapy Publisher.

Akinyela, M.. (2000) “In the wake of destruction: Ujamaa circle process therapy and

black family healing”. In D. Aldridge & C. Young (Eds.) Out of the Revolution:

The development of Africana studies, pp. 255 – 280. New York: Lexington


Akinyela, M, (1998) Culture and power in practice: Cultural democracy and the family

support movement. A monograph. Chicago: Family Resource Coalition.

  1. Proceedings (Refereed)

Paper presentation: “Conscious Parenting Family Circles”. A paper presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of the National Council for Black Studies, Inc., March 12, 2015, Los Angeles, California.

Paper presentation. “Somebody’s Got to Testify: Cointelpro and mental health”. A paper presented at the 31st Annual Conference of the National Council for Black Studies, Inc., March 26, 2012, Atlanta, Georgia.
Workshop presentation. “Testimony Therapy and Critical Pedagogy and Paulo Freire”. A workshop for the International Narrative Therapy and Community Work Conference. Salvador Bahia, Brazil. July 2011.
Paper presentation. “Conscious Parenting Family Circles: An African-Centered

Pedagogy”. A paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the National

Council for Black Studies, Inc., March 2005, New Orleans, La
Paper presentation. “I don’t want to be sick like grand mom:: Health attitudes and

behaviors in multigenerational African American families. S.V. King 1, M. Akinyela 1, M. Counts-Spriggs 2, & N. Johnson 1. 1 Gerontology Institute, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. 2 Whitney M. Young, Jr. School of Social Work, Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, GA. A paper presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the National Council for Black Studies, Inc., March 2003, Atlanta, GA

Paper presentation. “Sexism, Popular Culture and the Capitalist War on Black People:

The Quest for Authentic Black Culture”. A paper presented at the 27th Annual

Conference of the National Council for Black Studies, Inc., March 2003, Atlanta, GA.
Paper presentation. “Somebody Ought to testify: The struggle for reparations and the

mental health of Africans in America”. Annual conference of the National Council of Black Studies. San Diego, California. March 8, 2002.

Paper presentation. “Political violence and trauma in families of political prisoners in the

United States”. Annual conference of the American Family Therapy Academy.

Miami, Florida. June 2001.
Paper presentation. “Nat Turner, Africanized Christianity and Black Ethos”. Annual

conference of the National Council of Black Studies. Charlotte, North Carolina.

March 2001.
Paper presentation. “Education as the practice of freedom”. Annual National Council of

Black Studies conference. Atlanta, Georgia. March 2000.

  1. Professional Presentations

Keynote Speaker: “Cultural Domination and Therapeutic Resistance: A discussion on decolonization and telling our own stories” Keynote given at the annual Palestinian Narrative Therapy conference sponsored by the Treatment and Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture (TRC) in Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine. May, 28, 2015.

Lecture: “Resistance and dignity: Mental health, oppression and hope” a lecture presented at Georgia State University, African American Studies Department Spring Lecture Series 2015. March 25, 2015, Atlanta, Georgia.
Response Panelist: Lecture on Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome presented by Dr. Joy DeGruy at the “Seeking to tell a story: Political Action from slavery to civil rights exhibition program. Atlanta University Center, Woodruff Library. Sponsored by Atlanta Student Movement Alumni. October 16, 2014.
Panel discussant: “Claim no easy victories: The legacy of Amilcar Cabral, book launch and authors roundtable”. Spoke as one of several authors in this volume. 2nd Annual Walter Rodney Public Speakers Series. Atlanta University Center, Woodruff Library. February 20, 2014
Opening Keynote Speaker: International Narrative Therapy and Community Work Conference: Salvador Bahia, Brazil, July 2011.
Opening Keynote Speaker: Heart and Soul of Change Conference: Somebody Ought to Testify: In Defense of Dignity. New Orleans, LA, June 17, 2010.

Heart and Soul of Change Conference: Co-Presenter with Jacquiline Sparks. New Orleans, LA June 17-19th 2010. Social Justice and Family Therapy.

Multicultural Family Therapy Conference, New Jersey: April 16 and 17, 2010. Faculty presenter. Multi-Cultural Family Therapy Institute.

Seminar: “Healing and Political Trauma”, Culture and Mental Health: Emerging Tendencies in Psychotherapy and Social Programs. Havana, Cuba, February 2, 2009.

Key Note Address : Louisville, KY. National Association of Black Social Workers Convention. April 8, 2009.
Opening Address: Atlanta, GA. National Black Child Development Institute Convention. October, 2009.

Key Note Address: “Culture and Power in the Therapy Room”. A key note address for the Grady Health System 2009 mental health conference. Atlanta, Georgia, February 13, 2009.

Key Note Lecture: “African History and Mental Health” Center for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Canada, February 28, 2008.
Round Table Facilitation: “Culture and Context of Healing”. Multi-Cultural Family Institute, 17th annual culture conference. New Bruswick, NJ. April, 2008.

Seminar: “Once He’s There: African American Men in Couple Therapy”, Therapeutic Conversations 8 Conference. Toronto, Canada, May 2007.

Panel Presentation: “The Wire”. Panel Discussion on class, gender, educational and

political issues in HBO television series “The Wire”. Annual Convention of the National

Council for Black Studies. San Diego, California, March 15 – 17, 2007.
Seminar: “Building Intentional Communities”. Narrative Cuba Conference.

International Conference sponsored by the International Association of Social Workers.

Havana Cuba, Jan17 – 19, 2007.
Panel Presentation: “Rescuing and Reconstructing Community for African American

Men”. One Day Seminar on Engaging, Connecting and Working With Men in Therapy.

Sponsored by the Multi-Cultural Family Institute, New Bruswick, NJ. November 3, 2006.
Keynote Address: Ontario College Counselors and the College Committee on Disabilities

Annual Conference. Humber College, Toronto, Canada. May 2006

Workshop: Once he’s there: African American men in couple therapy. Therapeutic

Conversations 7 Conference. YaleTown Family Therapy, Vancouver, BC May 2006

Keynote Address: “Rescuing and Reconstructing Our Lives”. Therapeutic Conversations

7 Conference. YaleTown Family Therapy, Vancouver, BC May 2006.

Keynote Address: Student Counseling Fair: Mercer University March 2006
Workshop: Brainwashing and Propaganda: NABSW ATL March 2006
Workshop: “Working with Minority Families” with Camille Hannays-King, MSW.

American Counseling Association and Canadian Counseling Association

Convention. Montreal, Canada, March 30, 2006.
Key Note Address: “Changing A Lifetime”. Comprehensive Child and Family

Assessment Symposium DFCS and CCFA Providers: Changing a Lifetime

Conference. Sponsored by the Georgia Department of Human Resources. Omni

CNN Center, June 17, 2005.

Workshop: “Cultural Diversity”. Comprehensive Child and Family Assessment

Symposium DFCS and CCFA Providers: Changing a Lifetime Conference.

Sponsored by the Georgia Department of Human Resources. Omni CNN Center,

June 17, 2005.

Seminar: “Testimony Therapy in Practice”. With Vanessa Jackson, LCSW. Therapeutic

Conversations 6 Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia. May 4, 2005.

Workshop: Learning to ask the healing questions: Curiosity and an open hand in

Testimony therapy. Therapeutic Conversations 6 Conference. YaleTown Family

Therapy, Vancouver BC, May 2005.
Seminar Series: Keys to the First Doors: New stories in the clinical care of HIV, mental

health, and substance abuse. January 26, Feb. 23, March 30, and April 27 2005, Sponsored by the Emory University School of Public Health.

Workshop: “Asking the Healing Questions: Practicing Testimony Therapy” Annual

Conference of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapist.

October 2004. Atlanta, Georgia.
Seminar: In Search of the Soul of Africa. Annual Conference of the South African

Association of Marital and Family Therapy. May 13, 2004. Durban, South Africa.

Keynote Address: “Generations of Resistance”. Annual Conference of the South

African Association of Marital and Family Therapy. May 17, 2004. Durban,

South Africa.
Seminar: Therapeutic Conversations 5 Conference. Toronto, Canada. May 4, 2004

Workshop: Meeting the Trickster at the Crossroads. Therapeutic Conversations 5

Conference. Toronto, Canada. May 6, 2004.
Seminar: “Confronting issues of gender and power in therapy with African American

Couples”. North American Narrative Therapy and Community Work Conference.

Evanston, IL, Aug., 2003.
Seminar Panel: “Lingering Effects of Slavery and Racism on Health Disparities”. 4th

Annual Biomedical Research Symposium. Tuskegee University, College of

Veterinary Medicine, Nursing and Allied Health. June 26, 2003.
Keynote address. “Securing together a new destiny for children”. Fifth annual Adoptions

Conference. ROOTS adoption agency. Georgia International Convention Center.

College Park, Georgia. October 19, 2002.
Workshop. “Sex and Intimacy after adoption”. Fifth annual Adoptions Conference.

ROOTS adoption agency. Georgia International Convention Center. College

Park, Georgia. October 19, 2002.

Lecture Series. “Critical pedagogy and post-colonial therapy”. University of Durban at

Westville, schools of Psychology, Social Work, Religion, and Communication.

Durban, South Africa. October 10th through 16th, 2002.

Workshop. “Towards a post-colonial therapy”. Fourth annual International Narrative

Therapy and Community Work Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, June 2002.

Workshop. “Parenting the adopted child: An Afrocentric Approach”. Adoptive family

and youth training seminar. Sponsored by the Georgia Department of Human

Resources, Department of Adoptions. Wyndham Peachtree Convention Center,

Atlanta, Georgia. June 28, 2002.
Keynote address. “Reparations and honoring ancestry”. Fourth annual International

narrative therapy and community work conference. Sponsored by the Dulwhich

Centre of Adelaide, Australia and Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia. June 20, 2002.

Workshop. “Repairing harm: The Ethics of accountability in family therapy”. 11th annual

Culture Conference sponsored by the Multicultural family Institute and Behavioral Research and Training Institute. New Brunswick, New Jersey. May 3, 2002.

Institute. “Culture, context, testimony and therapy with black families”. Annual

convention of the Georgia Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. St.

Simon’s Island, Georgia. May 2, 2002.
Seminar. “Successful Clergy Marriages”. Annual Combined Clergy, Spouses and

Widows Retreat. African Methodist Episcopal Church, 11th Episcopal district.

Orlando, Florida. April 11 and 12, 2002.
Televised Seminar. “Creating Rituals and Traditions in Adoptive Families”. Sponsored

by the Center for the Support of Families/ Georgia office of Adoptions. February

1st and 2nd, 2002.
Plenary Panel. “At the end of the day, how do you know you’ve done a good job?”

Annual Conference of the American Association of Marriage and Family

Therapists. Nashville, Tennessee. October 7, 2001.
Workshop. “Sometimes I rage: Black men, therapy and resilience”. Annual conference

of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. Nashville,

Tennessee. October 2001.
Grand Rounds Lecture. “Somebody Ought to Testify: Culture, context and testimony in

therapy with African American families. Virginia Commonwealth University

Medical School. December 7, 2001.

Seminar. “African Centered Family Therapy”. Third annual International Narrative

Therapy Confrence. Adelaide, Australia. February 2001.
Keynote address. “Working with African American Families and Children”. Annual

conference of the National Association of Black Social Workers Convention.

Charlotte, North Carolina, April 2001.
Workshop. “The Ethics of Cross Cultural Counseling”. Monthly Luncheon Meeting of

the Metro-Atlanta Chapter of the Georgia Association of Marriage and Family

Therapists. October 2000.
VIII. Professional and Honor Organization Activities

A. Membership

Fellow: American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT)
Clinical Member: American Family Therapy Association (AFTA)
Member: National Council for Black Studies

B. Offices/Committees/Presentations

Elections Council: American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (AAMFT) 2005 – 2008.
IX. Honors, Awards and Recognition
2009 Pyramid Award: National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW)
2005 Honorary Couple Award. Hearts and Roses Ball. Sponsored by Divine Creations

Leadership Empowerment Group. Clayton County International Park.

2003 Honorary Guardian of Human Rights: Awarded by the National Center for Human

Rights Education (NCHRE).

2001 Pyramid Award: National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW

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