This Performance Measure assesses the accuracy of the coverage information provided to Users to support the installation process, as detailed in the CHIMSM.
This Performance Measure includes Attempted Communications Hub Installations that occurred within the Coverage Area during the Performance Measurement Period.
The Performance Measure excludes abandoned installations where the Installer is unable to gain access to the Installation Location.
This Performance Measure excludes Communications Hubs that have not been installed.
For the purposes of all Performance Measures, for any given Communications Hub an Attempted Communications Hub Installation shall occur where:
the installation is within the relevant Coverage Area;
the CH First Time Installed Date is within the Performance Measurement Period;
a Service Request of Service Request Reference Variant 8.14.1 (Communications Hub Status Update – Install Success) or a Service Request of Service Request Reference Variant 8.14.2 (Communications Hub Status Update – Install No SM WAN) is received for the Communications Hub; and
the installation is not an Allowed Exception.
The CSPN shall make available a SM WAN Coverage Database that shall contain the following information in accordance with the DCC Service Provider contracts, as aligned with Section H8.16 of the SEC, regarding each Installation Location where the User attempts a Communications Hub installation:
whether a SM WAN signal is available at the Communications Hub Installation Point; and
which Communications Hub WAN Variant should be installed at the Installation Location.
Following an Attempted Communications Hub Installation, the SM WAN Coverage Database shall be determined to have an Inaccurate Coverage Database Prediction for the relevant Installation Location where:
an Attempted Communications Hub Installation is unable to be completed and the reason for no SM WAN connectivity is determined to be that SM WAN coverage is not available where the Coverage Database stated that there was coverage; or
an Attempted Communications Hub Installation is unable to be completed and the WAN Variant determined by the Coverage Database was not correct.
For the purposes of this Performance Measure only, the Allowed Exceptions in the PMEL for shall include:
Attempted Communications Hub Installations where an unresolved Incident is affecting coverage at the Installation Location at the date of installation; specifically this shall not be counted as an Inaccurate Coverage Database Prediction or an Attempted Communications Hub Installation; or
Attempted Communications Hub Installations where, following DCC Service Provider review, it is determined that the User failed to comply with the CHIMSM in relation to the installation.
The number of Attempted Communications Hub Installations completed in line with CSPN Coverage Database shall be as follows:
the number of Attempted Communications Hub Installations; minus
the number of Attempted Communications Hub Installations where it is determined there has been an Inaccurate Coverage Database Prediction.
In respect of each Performance Measurement Period (p), the Service Level for the Performance Measure shall be calculated as follows:
ACSp = number of Attempted Communications Hub Installations completed in line with CSPN Coverage Database
CHIp = number of Attempted Communications Hub Installations
The duration of the Performance Measurement Period shall be a calendar month.