Date of Birth: May 16, 1967 Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts

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Curriculum Vitae
Biographical Data:

Date of Birth: May 16, 1967

Place of Birth: Boston, Massachusetts

Education and Medical Training:

1997 -1998 David Packard Fellow,

Laser Applications in Dermatology

University of California, Irvine

1994-1997 Resident in Dermatology,

University of California, Irvine

1993-1994 Intern, St. Mary’s Medical Center,

Long Beach, California: an affiliate of the UCLA School of Medicine

1989-1993 Medical Student, University of

California, Los Angeles

    1. Undergraduate Student graduating with a B.S. in Psychobiology, University of California, Los Angeles

Certification: California Medical License

Fellow American Academy of Dermatology

Fellow American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery

Orange County Dermatologic Society

American Society for Photodynamic Therapy

Work History

2005-Current Residency Program Director

Chief of Clinical Operations

Dermatology Department

University of California, Irvine

2003-Current Associate Clinical Professor

University of California, Irvine

1997-2003 Assistant Clinical Professor

101 City Drive

Orange, CA 92868 (949) 824-5515

1997-2002 Silverberg Surgical and Medical Group

1401 Avocado, Suite 703

Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 760-0190

    1. Laguna Niguel Dermatology Group

30131 Town Center Drive, Suite 130

Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (949) 363-1788

Awards and Honors:

1997 Outstanding Resident Teacher of the Year

1994 Outstanding Intern of the Year

1993 Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society

1989 Summa Cum Laude

1989 Phi Beta Kappa

1987 American Heart Association Research Scholarship

1/05-1/06 Sturge-Weber Foundation Grant

7/04-7/07 NIH R03 Photodynamic and Photothermal treatment of Port Wine Stain

6/02-6/05 Dermatology Foundation Clinical Career Development Award

10/01-10/03 A.Ward Ford Grant – American Society For Laser Medicine and Surgery
Research Interests:

Photodynamic therapy of cutaneous lesions

Treatment of cutaneous vascular lesions including port wine stains and hemangiomas

Laser treatment of cutaneous lesions

Non-invasive optical imaging of cutaneous lesions
IRB Approved Protocols:

Optical clearing in conjunction with laser

P.I. Kristen M. Kelly, M.D.

Approved 3/04 to present

2003-3286 Combined photodynamic and pulsed dye laser treatment of port wine stain

P.I. Kristen M. Kelly, M.D.

Approved 11/03 to present
2003-3200 Cutaneous effects of cryogen spray cooling

P.I. Kristen M. Kelly, M.D.

Approved 11/03 to 2005
2003-3140 Treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars with a radiofrequency device

P.I. Kristen M. Kelly, M.D.

Approved 9/2003 to 2005
2002-3086 Treatment of vascular lesions with a tandem 532/1064 nm laser

P.I. Kristen M. Kelly, M.D.

Approved 7/2003 to present
2002-2479 Laser treatment of psoriasis

P.I. Kristen M. Kelly, M.D.

Approved 9/02 to 2005

    1. Dynamic epidermal cooling during pulsed dye laser treatment of port wine stain birthmarks

P.I. Kristen M. Kelly, M.D.

Approved 9/99 to present

    1. Measurement of human skin temperature during pulse laser exposure

P.I. J. Stuart Nelson, M.D., Ph.D.

Approved 7/7/00 to present

1999-2155 Dynamic epidermal cooling during pulse dye laser treatment of hemangiomas

P.I. Vandana S. Nanda, M.D.

Approved 9/99 to 7/01

    1. Optical biopsy of human skin

P.I. J. Stuart Nelson, M.D., Ph.D.

Approved 1996 to present

Academic Service:

Departmental Positions

Residency Director 9/2005-Present

Chief of Clinical Operations 9/2005-Present

Editorial Board

Lasers in Surgery and Medicine

Editorial Reviewer

Biomed Central – On-line Journal

Lasers in Surgery and Medicine

Archives of Dermatology

Dermatologic Surgery

Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

Yonsei Medical Journal (Seoul South Korea)

Session Moderator

Co-Chairman, Dermatology/Plastic Surgery Section.

American Society for laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2005, Orlando, Florida.

Co-Director, Emerging Technologies in Lasers in Plastic Surgery and Dermatology Workshop. American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2004, Dallas Texas.

Undergraduate Course Instructor

UCI Department of Engineering: BioSci 199 Spring 2003-2006

UCI 199 Research Elective Winter 2005-2006;
Patents and Disclosures:

Khan, M.H., Choi, B., Nelson, S., Chess, S., McCullough, J., Kelly, K. “The use of topically applied chemical agents for optical clearing of skin to improve diagnostics and laser therapeutic applications”, patent application, 7/04.

Kelly, K.M., Nelson, S., Kimel, S., Svaasand, L. Methods for treating port wine stain birthmarks and other conditions cause by aberrant blood vessels,” patent application, 2/04.

Journal Publications:

  1. McCullough J.L. and Kelly K.M. Prevention and Treatment of Skin Aging. Annals NY Acad Sci 2006 (Accepted for Publication).

  2. Zhong , R., Ramirez-San-Juan, J.C. CHoi, B., Jia, W., Aguilar, G., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Thermal response of ex vivo human skin during multiple cryogen spurts and 1,450 nm laser pulses. Lasers Surg Med 2006 (Accepted for Publication).

  3. Datrice, N., Ramirez-San-Juan, J., Zhang, R., Mehskinpour, A., Aguilar G., Nelson , J.S., Kelly, K.M. Cutaneous Effects of Cryogen Spray Cooling on In Vivo Human Skin. Dermatologic Surgery 2006 (Accepted for Publication).

  4. Jung, B., Kim, C.-S., Choi, B., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Use of erythema index imaging for systematic analysis of port wine stain skin response to laser therapy. Lasers Surg Med 2005; 37:186-191.

  5. Smith, T.K., Choi, B., Ramirez-San-Juan, J., Nelson, J.S., Osann, K., Kelly, K.M. Microvascular blood flow dynamics associated with photodynamic therapy, pulsed dye laser irradiation and combined regimens. Lasers Surg Med 2006 (Accepted for Publication).

  6. Meshkinpour, A., Ghasri, P., Pope, K., Lyubovitsky, J.L., Risteli, J., Krasieva, T.B., Kelly, K.M. Treatment of hypertrophic scars and keloids with a radiofrequency device: A study of collagen effects. Lasers Surg Med 2005;37:343-349.

  7. Sun, F., Wang, G.-X., Kelly, K.M., Aguilar, G. Numerical modeling of tissue freeze-thaw cycle during cutaneous cryosurgery using liquid nitrogen spray. Proceedings of IMECE 2005 (In Press).

  8. Kelly, K.M., Choi, B., McFarlane, S., Motosue, A., Jung, B., Khan, M.H., Ramirez-San-Juan, J.C., Nelson, J.S. Description and analysis of treatments for port wine stain birthmarks. Arch Facial Plas Surg 2005;7:287-294.

  9. Tuqan, A.T., Kelly, K.M., Aguilar, G., Ramirez-San-Juan, J.C., Sun, C-H., Cassarino, D., Derienzo, D., Barr, R.J., Nelson, J.S. Evaluation of single versus multiple cryogen spray cooling spurts on in vitro model human skin. Lasers Med Sci 2005;20:80-6.

  10. Sun, F., Wang, G.X., Kelly, K.M., Aguilar, G. A Numerical Model for Tissue Freezing in Cutaneous Cryosurgery using Liquid Nitrogen Spray in Proceedings of 5th Int. Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China, July 2005, ISBN 7-900661-48-4/Z.

  11. Smith TK, Choi B, Ramirez-San-Juan J, Nelson JS, Kelly KM.  Evaluation of vascular effects of photodynamic and photothermal therapies using benzoporphyrin derivative monoacid ring A on a rodent dorsal skinfold model.  In: Bartels KE, Bass LS, de Riese WT, Gregory KW, Hirschberg H, Katzir A, Kollias N, Madsen SJ, Malek RS., McNally-Heintzelman KM, Tate LP Jr., Trowers EA, Wong BJF, eds.  Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics.  Bellingham, Wash: International Society for Optical Engineering; 2005:14-21.

  12. Ramirez-San-Juan, J.C., Aguilar, G., Tuqan A.T., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Skin model surface temperature during single and multiple cryogen spurts used in laser dermatologic surgery. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2005: 36:141-146.

  13. Ramirez-San-Juan, J.C., Aguilar, G., Tuqan A.T., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Evaluation of sub-zero and residence times after continuous versus multiple intermittent cryogen spray cooling exposure on human skin phantom in Proceedings of 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Conference and Exposition (IMECE), November 13-19, 2004, Aneheim, CA, CD-ROM, Paper IMECE 2004-59635, ISBN: 0-7918-4178-2.

  14. Khan, M.H., Chess, S., Choi, B., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Can topically applied optical clearing agents increase the epidermal damage threshold and enhance therapeutic efficacy? Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2004:35, 93-95.

  15. Kelly, K.M., Kimel, S., Smith, T., Stacy, A., Hammer-Wilson, M.J., Svaasand, L.O., Nelson, J.S. Combined Photodynamic and Photothermal Induced Injury Enhances Damage to In Vivo Model Blood Vessels. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2004:34, 407-13.

  16. Khan, M.H., Choi, B., Chess, S., Kelly, K.M., McCullough, J., Nelson, J.S. Optical clearing of in vivo human skin: implications for light based diagnostic imaging and therapeutics. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine; 2004: 34, 83-85.

  17. Kimel, S., Svaasand, L.O., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Synergistic photodynamic and photothermal treatment of port wine stain? Lasers in Surgery and Medicine; 2004:34, 80-82.

  18. Kao, B., Aguilar G., Kelly K.M., Hosaka Y., Barr R., Nelson J.S. In vitro evaluation of cryogen spray cooling exposure on model human skin. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine; 2004:34, 146-154.

  19. Jung B., Choi B., Durin A.J., Kelly K.M., Nelson J.S. Characterization of Port Wine Stain Skin Erythema and Melanin Content Using Cross-Polarized Diffuse Reflectance Imaging. Lasers Surg Med, 2004:34, 174-181.

  20. Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S., Svaasand, L.O. Further Investigation of Pigmentary Changes After Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal in Conjunction with Cryogen Spray Cooling. Dermatologic Surgery 2004:30, 581-2.

  21. Selim, M.M., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S., Wendelschafer-Crabb, G., Kennedy, W.R., Zelickson, B.D. Confocal microscopy study of nerves and blood vessels in untreated and treated port wine stains: preliminary observations. Dermatologic Surgery 2004: 30, 892-7.

  22. Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S., Svaasand, L.O. Optimization of safety for laser treatment in conjunction with cryogen spray cooling. Archives of Dermatology 2003:139, 1372-1373.

  23. Choi B., Majaron B., Vargas G., Jung B., Stumpp O., Kang N.M., Kelly K.M., Welch A.J., Nelson J.S.  Photothermal tomography for imaging of cutaneous blood vessels: Preliminary in vivo results.  Proceedings SPIE 2003:5047, 350-361.

  24. Jung, W.G., Kao, B., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S., Chen, Z. Optical coherence tomography for in vitro monitoring of wound healing after laser irradiation. IEEE J Sel Topics Quant Electr:2003:9,222-226.

  25. Kao, B., Kelly, K.M., Majaron, B., Nelson, J.S. Novel Model for Evaluation of Epidermal Preservation and Dermal Collagen Remodeling Following Photorejuvenation of Human Skin. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine:2003:32,115-119.

  26. Nelson, J.S., Majaron, B., Kelly, K.M. What is Non-ablative Photorejuvenation of Human Skin? Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery: 2002:21, 238-250.

  27. Chang, C-J., Kelly, K.M., van Gemert M.J.C., Nelson J.S. Comparing the Effectiveness of 585 versus 595 nm Pulsed Dye Laser in Conjunction with Cryogen Spray Cooling During Port-Wine Stain Treatment. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2002:31, 352-358.

  28. Kelly, K.M., Nanda, V.S., Nelson, J.S. Treatment of Port Wine Stain Birthmarks Using the 1.5 ms Pulsed Dye Laser at High Fluences in Combination with Cryogen Spray Cooling. Dermatol Surg 2002: 28, 309-313.

  29. Kelly, K.M., Majaron, Boris, Nelson, J.S. Nonablative laser and light rejuvenation. Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery 2001: 3, 230-235.

  30. Chang, C.J., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Cryogen Spray Cooling and Pulsed Dye Laser Treatment of Cutaneous Hemangiomas. Annals of Plastic Surgery 2001:46, 577-583.

  31. Nelson J.S., Kelly K.M., Zhao Y., Chen Z. Imaging Blood Flow in Human Port Wine Stain In-situ and In Real-time Using Optical Doppler Tomography. Archives of Dermatology 2001:137, 741-744.

  32. Nelson, J.S., Majaron, B., Kelly, K.M. Active Skin Cooling in Conjunction with Laser Dermatologic Surgery: Methodology and Clinical Results. Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery 2000:19,253-266.

  33. Majaron, B., Kelly, K.M., Park H.B., Verkruysse, W., Nelson J.S. Er:YAG Laser Skin Resurfacing Using Repetitive Long-Pulse Exposure and Cryogen Spray Cooling: I. Histological Study. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 2001:29, 121-130.

  34. Majaron, B., Verkruysse, W., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Er:YAG Laser Skin Resurfacing Using Repetitive Long-Pulse Exposure and Cryogen Spray Cooling: II. Theoretical Analysis. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 2001:29,131-137.

  35. Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. An Update on the Clinical Management of Port Wine Stains, Lasers in Medical Science 2000: 15,220-226.

  36. Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Critical Review of Lasers in Dermatology. In T.P. Ryan, ed. Matching the Energy Source to the Clinical Need, Bellingham, WA: SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 2000, 3-23.

  37. Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S., Lask, G.P., Geronemus, R., Bernstein, L.J. Cryogen Spray Cooling in Combination with NonAblative Laser Treatment of Facial Wrinkles. Archives of Dermatology 1999:135, 691-694.

  38. Nelson, J.S., Kelly, K.M. Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser Treatment of a Medium Congenital Nevus. Dermatologic Surgery 1999: 25, 274-276.

  39. Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Carbon Dioxide Laser Resurfacing of Rhytides and Photodamaged Skin. Lasers in Medicine and Science 1998: 13, 232-241.

  40. Cesario-Kelly, K.M., Nelson J.S. Q-Switched Laser Treatment of Tattoos, Lasers in Medicine and Science, 12:89-98, 1997.

Book Chapters:

  1. Jung, M.S., Kelly, K.M., MCullough, J.L. Skin Aging: Pathogenesis, Prevention and Treatment in Prevention and Treatment of Age-related Diseases, Eds: Suresh Rattan and Moustapha Kassem. Springer Publishers, The Netherlands/USA/UK, 2005 (In Press).

  2. Kelly, K.M., Welch, E. Other Dermatologic Indications for Aminolevulinic Acid Photodynamic Therapy in Procedures In Cosmetic Dermatology Series: Aminolevulinic Acid Photodynamic Therapy in Cosmetic and Medical Dermatology, Ed: Mitchell Goldman. Martin Mellor Publishing Service Limited, Edinborough, 2004.

  3. Mcullough, J.L., Kelly, K.M. Prevention and Treatment of Skin Aging in Aging Interventions and Therapies, Ed: Suresh Rattan. World Scientific Publishers, Singapore, 2004.

  4. Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Skin Cooling in Laser Dermatology. 2005.

  5. Kelly, K.M., Weinstein, G. Book Chapter: Update on Drugs Used in the Treatment of Psoriasis in Dermatologic Therapy in Current Practice, Eds: R. Marks, J.J. Leyden. Martin Dunitz Limited, London 2002.

  6. Cesario, K., Yousefi, S., Carandang, G., Cesario, T.C. Mycobacterial Disease in the AIDS Patient in Surgical Problems in the AIDS Patient, Igaku-Shoin, New York, New York.

Presentations and Posters:

  1. Kelly, K.M. Topics in Dermatology: A Woman’s Perspective. National Annual Meeting of the North American Women’s Health Care Forum; March 17, 2006; Anaheim, California.

  2. Kelly, K.M. Update on Adult and Pediatric Dermatology. Hoag Memorial Hospital Grand Rounds, December 9, 2005; Newport Beach, California.

  3. Kelly, K.M. Therapy for Skin Lesions. Garden Grove Hospital Grand Rounds; May 10, 2005; Garden Grove, California.

  4. Khan, M.H., Przeklasa, C., Choi, B., Kelly, K.M., Nelson J.S. Laser assisted tattoo removal in combination with topically applied optical clearing agents. Presented at the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2005, Orlando, Florida.

  5. Datrice, N., Ramirez-San Juan, J., Zhang, R., Meshkinpour, A., Nelson, J.S., Kelly, K.M. Effect of cryogen spray cooling on human skin. Presented at the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2005, Orlando, Florida.

  6. Jung, B., Kim C-S., Choi, B., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Quantitative analyisis of erythema response to laser ort wine stain therapy using imaging modality. Presented at the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2005, Orlando, Florida.

  7. Khan, M.H., Przeklasa, C., Choi, B., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Laser assisted hair removal in combination with topically applied optical clearing agent. Presented at the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2005, Orlando, Florida.

  8. Smith, T.K., Choi, B., Ramirez, J., Nelson, J.S., Kelly, K.M. Evaluation of vascular effects after photodynamic and photothermal intervention on a rodent dorsal skinfold. Presented at the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2005, Orlando, Florida.

  9. Khan, M.H., Krasieva, T.B., Choi, B., Nelson, J.S., Kelly, K.M. Multi-photon excited fluorescence microscopy and second-harmonic generation signal evaluation after application of optical clearing agents. Presented at the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2005, Orlando, Florida.

  10. Kelly, K.M. Lasers in Dermatology. Electrolysis Association of Southern California Meeting; Irvine, California; March 6 2005.

  11. Kelly, K.M. Skin Health: Loving the Skin you are in! Women’s Health Conference; Crystal Cathedral, Anaheim, California; September 2004.

  12. Kelly, K.M. Your Healthy Skin: UCI College of Medicine Mini Medical School Community Program; Irvine, California; September 2004.

  13. Choi, B., Ramirez, N., Smith, T., Lotfi, J., Kelly, K., Nelson, J.S. Use of laser speckle imaging to monitor cutaneous blood flow dynamics. Poster presentation NIH/SPIE Optical Imaging conference, 2004.

  14. Kelly, K.M., Pope, K., Nanda, V., Ghasri, P., Meshkinpour, A., Nelson J.S. Treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars with a radiofrequency device. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2004, Dallas, Texas.

  15. Choi, B., Jung, B., Kelly, K.M., Majaron, B., Nelson, J.S. Use of color digital photography to estimate maximum safe radiant exposure in laser dermatologic therapy. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2004, Dallas, Texas.

  16. Smith, T., Kelly, K.M., Kimel, S., Stacey, A., Hammer-Wilson, M., Svaasand, O., Nelson, J.S. Photodynamic therapy with benzoporphyrin derivative monoacid ring a in the chick chorioallantoic membrane at 576 nm. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2004, Dallas, Texas.

  17. Tuqan, A.T., Kelly, K.M., Aguilar, G., Ramirez, J., Sun, C.-H., Cassarino, D., Derienzo, D., Barr, R.J. Evaluation of tissue effects after continuous versus shorter multiple intermittent cryogen spray cooling exposure. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2004, Dallas, Texas.

  18. Ramirez-San Juan, J.C., Aguilar, G., Tuqan, A., Kelly, K.M., Nelson J.S. Sub-zero and residence times of multiple cryogen spurts. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2004, Dallas, Texas.

  19. Khan, M.H., Choi, B., Chess, S., Kelly, K., McCullough, J., Nelson, J.S. The use of topically applied agents for optical clearing of skin to improve diagnostics and laser therapeutic applications. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2004, Dallas, Texas.

  20. Kelly, K.M., Kimel, S., Smith, T., Stacy, A., Hammer-Wilson, M., Svaasand, L.O., Nelson, J.S. Combined photodynamic and photothermal damage to check chorioallantoic membrane blood vessels: Implications for port wine stain treatment. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Annual Meeting, 2004, Dallas, Texas.

  21. Choi, B., Majaron, B., Jung, B., Kelly, K.M., Zhang, J., Chen, Z., Nelson, J.S. Photothermal tomography for portwine stain blood vessel profiling: Evaluation of clinical measurements. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2003:S. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2003, Anaheim, California.

  22. Jung, W.G., Kao, B., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S., Chen, Z. Monitoring wound healing process in skin model using OCT. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2003:S. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2003, Anaheim, California.

  23. Kao, B., Kelly, K.M., Aguilar, G., Barr, R.J., Nelson, J.S. Evaluation of tissue effects after cryogen spray cooling exposure. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2003:S. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2003, Anaheim, California.

  24. Jung, B., Choi, B., Durkin, A.J., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Objective assessment of portwine stain using digital imaging system and color analysis method. Poster presentation American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2003, Anaheim, California.

  25. Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S., Weinstein, G., McMillan, K. Psoriasis treatment with a 450 microsecond pulsed dye laser in combination with cryogen spray cooling. Poster presentation American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2003, Anaheim, California.

  26. Choi, B., Ren, H., Kelly, K.M., Plowman, M.D., McCullough, J.L., Chen, Z., Nelson, J.S. Investigation of the Use of Chemical Agents to Improve Laser Treatment of Port Wine Stains. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2002:S14, 37. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia.

  27. Kao, B., Kelly, K.M., Majaron, B., Nelson, J.S. Evaluation for Non-ablative Resurfacing Lasers with a Tissue Culture Method. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2002:S14:4. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia.

  28. Majaron, B., Verkruysse, W., Kelly, K.M., Nelson, J.S. Non-ablative Er:YAG Laser Skin Resurfacing with Repetitive Exposure and Cryogen Spray Cooling. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2000: S12, 1. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2000, Reno, Nevada.

  29. Kelly, K.M., Majaron, B., Verkruysse, W., Nelson, J.S. Histologic Evaluation Post Non-ablative Resurfacing with the Er:YAG Laser in Combination with Cryogen Spray Cooling. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2000: S12, 16. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2000, Reno, Nevada.

  30. Kelly, K.M., Nanda, V.S., Shirin, S., Nelson, J.S. Vascular Lesion Treatment Utilizing a Pulsed Dye Laser at High Fluences in Combination with Cryogen Spray Cooling. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2000: S12, 24. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 2000, Reno, Nevada.

  31. Kelly, K., Nelson J.S., Milner, T.E., Anvari, B., Lask, G.P., Lee, P.K., Seyfzadeh, M.,Geronemus, R., Bernstein, L.J., Coulson, W.F., O’Connell, J., Wheeland, R.G., Sand, B., Sand, M., Menefee, R., Baumgardner, J., Hennings, D.R., Berry, M.J. Nonablative laser treatment of facial rhytides: United States Phase II clinical trial. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 1998: S. Presented at American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery, 1998, San Diego, California.

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