Dear American Battlefield Protection Program Grant Recipient

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Dear American Battlefield Protection Program Grant Recipient:

Enclosed are two copies of the Grant Agreement for your Fiscal Year 2006 American Battlefield Protection Program grant administered by the National Park Service (NPS). Also enclosed are various other Federal forms required by our office before the grant period begins. Please have the appropriate official of your organization sign and return the items listed below to my attention no later than July15, 2006, to facilitate the timely obligation and availability of these funds.

  1. Two Copies of the 2006 Historic Preservation Fund Grant Agreement. Both

copies of the enclosed agreement must be signed and returned. NPS will then countersign both copies, keep one, and return the other signed copy to you for your files.

  1. SF-424 Application for Federal Assistance

  2. SF-424B Non-Construction Assurances

  3. DI-2010 Certifications Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other

Responsibility Matters, Drug-Free Workplace Requirements and Lobbying

  1. SF-1194 Authorized Signature Card for Payments

  2. ACH Vendor Enrollment Form

Please read the entire grant agreement carefully. Among the major provisions are Condition #7, requiring detailed progress reports every three months during the grant; Condition #10, concerning publicity and grant publications; Conditions #14 & 15, outlining the NPS-approved scope of work, work/cost breakdown, and deliverables; and Condition #17 requiring NPS concurrence with the selection of consultants having adequate preservation experience.

In addition to the grant agreement and required forms, I have enclosed several additional forms which will be of use to you over the course of your grant. You may wish to make copies of these forms, as they will be required often over the course of your grant. Do not return these forms with your grant agreement.
1. Competitive Negotiation and Small Purchases Contracting Documentation Form

  1. American Battlefield Protection Program Project Status Report Form (First report due October 1, 2006 also available on line at:

3. SF-269A Financial Status Report (First report due October 1, 2006 also available on line at:

4. SF-270 Request for Advance or Reimbursement also available on line at:

Please make note of the following addresses, not only for returning your grant agreement, but also for future correspondence with our office.

For U.S. Postal Service Mail

Kristen Stevens

Heritage Preservation Services

National Park Service

1849 C Street, NW (org. code 2255)

Washington, DC 20240

For FedEx, UPS, and DHL

Kristen Stevens

Heritage Preservation Services

National Park Service

1201 Eye Street, NW (org. code 2255)

6th Floor

Washington, DC 20005

If you have any questions, please contact me at 202/354-2037, or by email at Thank you in advance for your attention to this letter, and we look forward to working with your office on the successful completion of this grant.


Kristen Stevens

ABPP Grants
Enclosures (11)

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