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European Economic and Social Committee


Venue: Sarova Panafric Hotel, Kenyatta Ave.

6-7 July 2016, Nairobi, Kenya

The Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) was adopted in 2007 and has become the main framework for inter-continental relations between Europe and Africa. Its goal is to develop a shared vision of the main global issues whilst simultaneously strengthening cooperation in a broad range of areas such as development, governance, human rights, trade, regional integration, food security and migration.
Meetings of the EU-Africa Network of economic and social stakeholders have been held on an annual basis since 2014. The first two meetings were held in Brussels. In 2016 the network will gather on African soil for the first time. The meeting will take place in Nairobi (Kenya) on 6-7 July.
This year the focus will be on 2 topics:

  • MIGRATION: after some follow-up to the Valletta Summit between EU and African heads of state last year, we will compare legal migration policies and approaches in both continents. Kenya belongs to the East African Community (EAC) where some labour mobility applies, therefore there is room for analysing opportunities for collaboration between the 2 continents, including youth policy, education and social protection aspects.

  • CLIMATE CHANGE AND AGRICULTURE: After the COP21 in Paris came up with a number of commitments, the COP22 in Morocco (November 2016) will examine how to really put in place the measures decided. Multiple funds have been established, but access to these funds by civil society organisations is not always clear, and some have called for an increased knowledge of these funds. Indeed, African farmers' associations have an interest to see how the available resources will trickle down to help them cope with the effects of climate change on their daily lives. Potential collaborations that could ensure implementation of projects on the field with local players will be explored. The strategies discussed may also serve as best practices for other non-state and socio-economic actors.

In order to ensure that the voices of the social and economic stakeholders are heard, the European Economic and Social Committee, together with other EU and African partners, will organise a meeting bringing together the representatives of the employers, workers and various interests' group (particularly farmers) from both continents. This is consistent with the goals of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy, which aims to create, inter alia, a "broad-based and wide-ranging people-centred partnership".

The objectives of this meeting are to:

  • Reinforce cooperation among European and African socio-economic actors;

  • Raise awareness of the financing needs for farmers and other socio-economic players to adapt to climate change

  • Improve knowledge and understanding of available sources of financing to tackle climate change

  • Identify strategies and partnerships for African socio-economic players to have better access to these funds

  • Adopt a joint declaration among African and EU socio-economic players to feed into the COP22 in Morocco (November 2016);

  • Help to consolidate and strengthen the capacities of socio-economic and other non-state stakeholders;

  • Exchange knowledge and best practices.

The conclusions of the economic and social stakeholders' meeting will be summarised in a document that will be sent to political bodies and the main EU and African partners.


Wed 6 July

8.30 – 9.30 a.m.

Registration and coffee

9.30 – 9.45 a.m.

9.45 – 12.45 a.m.


  • Ms Dilyana Slavova, President of the External Relations Section

  • Mr Ismael Noo, Deputy Presiding Officer (East Africa Region), Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union

LEGAL MIGRATION: African and European approaches

Role of socio-economic actors in legal migration policies
Moderator: Mr Somville, EESC member and President of the ACP Follow up Committee

  • Ms Mary Kawar, Director, ILO Country Office for Tanzania, Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda

  • Ms Mary Makoffu, Director of Social Sectors, East African Community Secretariat

  • Ms Brenda King, EESC Member and rapporteur on several opinions related to migration

  • Mr Austin Muneku, Executive Secretary, Southern Africa Trade Union Coordination Council

Debate with contributions from participants

12.45 –2.30 p.m.

Lunch break provided by the organisers

2.30 – 5.45 p.m.

2.30-2.50 p.m.

2.50- 5 p.m.

5 – 6.30 p.m.

Moderator: Mr Yves Somville, EESC member and President of ACP Follow-Up Committee
Introduction by Dr Richard Munang, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) summarizing main COP21 results

(max. 20')
CLIMATE CHANGE AND AGRICULTURE: which funds and which projects?
Short statements from different donors briefly explaining each fund and the type of projects that it can finance

  • Ms Hanne Knaepen, Policy Officer, Food Security Programme and Institutional Relations, European Centre for Development Policy Management

  • Dr Richard Munang, Coordinator, Africa Regional Climate Change Programme, UNEP

  • Representative from the EU Delegation or DG DEVCO (tbd)

  • Mr Ekhosueyi Iyahen, Director, African Risk Capacity

Questions and Debate
Meeting of the drafting group

6.30 – 8 p.m.

Dinner provided by the organisers

Thu 7 July

9 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.

Introduction by moderator: Mr Mamadou Cissokho, Honorary President, ROPPA
Examples of practices from Pan-African Farmers Organisations
From COP21 to COP22: strategies for collaboration

  • Mr Ibrahima Seck, Fédération nationale pour l'Agriculture biologique (Sénégal): the role of Agro-Ecology in addressing climate change

  • Mr Abdoulaye Sene, President of the Global Local Forum

  • Mr Pedro Almeida Freire, EESC member, Confederation of Portuguese Commerce and Services (tbc)

  • Mr Stefano Palmieri, EESC member, Italian General Confederation of Labour

Debate with contributions from participants

12.30 –2 p.m.

Lunch break

2 – 4.45 p.m.

Chair: Mr Yves Somville, President of the EESC ACP Follow-Up Committee

4.45 – 5 p.m.


  • Yves Somville, President of the EESC ACP Follow-Up Committee

  • Mamadou Cissokho, Honorary President, Réseau des Organisations paysannes et des Producteurs de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (ROPPA)


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