Directed Energy Lasers and High-Power Microwaves

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Directed Energy

Lasers and High-Power Microwaves

5 May 2008

Platform for Economic Development

Submitted by: CYNHTIA H. KAISER

Table of Contents

Table of Contents i

Introduction 1

Economic Impact of DE on nm today 2

Appendix A - PRS Facilites/equipment 27

Directed Energy

platform for economic development


Directed Energy technology has a significant impact on the economy of New Mexico today. New Mexico is the center of excellence for directed energy technology. This impact, while significant, is small compared to the potential this technology has for making New Mexico the center of excellence for Directed Energy in the world. This would include dominance from basic research, to product development, to testing and evaluation, to manufacturing of Directed Energy components and systems for military and commercial applications.

New Mexico is the perfect location for initiating and expanding industries in several potential areas of Directed Energy technologies due to the proximity to two national laboratories, a military laboratory, higher education, and test facilities. These technologies include lasers and high-powered microwaves (HPM). The complexity of this technology opens doors to sub-component, component, sub-system, and system level companies. There are examples of every level of product development in NM today.

This analysis will show where NM is today and where it can go if DE was chosen as a platform for economic development.

NM Center of Excellence for DE Technology

New Mexico is recognized as the leader in DE Research and Development (R&D). This fact is supported by the technical expertise, world class facilities, and R&D technical achievements in Directed Energy. These achievements come from the Air Force Research Laboratory Directed Energy Directorate (AFRL/RD), the Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate (AFRL/RV), the Airborne Laser (ABL) program office, the Air Force Space and Missile Center (SMC), the Department of Defense (DoD) Joint Technology Office (JTO), White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), the High Energy Laser Systems Test Facility (HELSTF), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), and Sandia National Laboratory (SNL).

The Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS) is a national professional society located in Albuquerque, NM. This society represents directed energy technology development throughout the U.S. The New Mexico Optics Industry Association (NMOIA) represents electro-optics development in NM. Optics is a major component of a directed energy system.

New Mexico is the center of excellence for directed energy technology today.

Economic Impact of DE on nm today

There are two very important examples that show the current impact of Directed Energy (DE) technology on NM today which only emphasizes what selection of this platform for economic development can do for NM in the future. The first is Phillips Research Site (PRS) which includes the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), the Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC), and the Airborne Laser (ABL) program all located at Kirtland AFB, NM. The second is Boeing SVS. When you take into account the rest of the R&D community to include Sandia National labs and Los Alamos coupled with the fact that Boeing, Northrop Grumman Space Technologies, and Lockheed Martin corporations are looking at the possibility of expanding their DE presence in NM, adopting Directed Energy as a platform for economic growth in NM is the future of New Mexico’s economic health and prosperity.

Phillips Research Site

This analysis was conducted in Fiscal Year 2004. The numbers are in 2004 dollars. As mentioned above, three organizations comprise PRS. These organizations include AFRL, SMC, and ABL. AFRL conducts research on lasers and high-powered microwaves from basic research to product development. SMC works on directed energy capabilities related to space activities. ABL is the program office for the Airborne Laser program which is currently in the developmental test and evaluation phase of the program.

PRS operations in 2004 accounted for $284.7M in spending in New Mexico. The total economic impact includes 4,886 direct, indirect, and induced jobs. These jobs include skill sets ranging from PhD’s in physics, engineering, and other sciences to custodial staff. The majority of the workforce has at least one college level degree. The total wages and salaries of this work force was $218.2M. Tax revenues to state and local governments were $21.4 M. The technical maturity of DE has reached a point where DE is a viable capability for a user today (see figure 1). AFRL is looking for partnerships with industry to transition this technology.

Figure 1 - Unleash the power of Directed Energy

Spending in NM could be substantially greater than shown above based in survey findings of R&D contractors. Other contributions include PRS scientific activities, which create related businesses and foster industrial clusters. In addition PRS has educational programs that help NM’s youth prepare for a technologically sophisticated workplace. It is important to note that PRS is just one of several premiere R&D facilities in NM. The others include Los Alamos National Labs, Sandia National Labs, and White Sands Missile Range.

Boeing SVS

SVS was founded in 1993 by Paul Shirley, Dr Bob Van Allen, and Dr Sherm Seltzer. This was an employee owned company that grew from three individuals to 115 employees when it was acquired by Boeing in 2000. SVS was a high tech company specializing in electro-optical systems and image processing solutions for aerospace, defense, and commercial customers. Fifty seven percent of the staff had advanced degrees. The best talent in the world came to NM to work at SVS. Their customers included the US Army, US Air Force, US Navy, NASA, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, TRW, and Textron.

SVS received both local and national recognition to include the fastest growing company in NM in 1997 and 1998 by New Mexico Technology Flying 40, 122nd fastest growing private company in 1998 by Inc. Magazine, and 28th fastest growing technology company in the US in 1998 by Deloitte and Touche in conjunction with Forbes Magazine.

SVS sponsored and participated in Science Fairs and provided active mentorship with La Cueva High School.

SVS was acquired by Boeing in 2000 and is now Boeing SVS. Mike Skolnick, vice president and general manager of the Laser & Electro Optical Systems (LEOS) unit of The Boeing Company made the announcement about negotiations to acquire SVS on 27 June 2000.

“Boeing has made a major investment in the directed-energy marketplace, with its lead role in Airborne Laser, Space Based Laser, and its development work in the laser beam control technologies,” Skolnick said. “SVS would bring critical and specialized capabilities to the company, not only in directed energy, but also in a wide range of electro-optical controls and imaging processing applications for both the defense and commercial markets.”

The key statement that Skolnick made during this press release summarizes the reason why NM needs to push DE as a platform for economic development, “Boeing recognizes that New Mexico is quickly becoming the center of excellence for developing the technologies needed to field the next generation of laser and electro-optical systems”.

Boeing SVS in Albuquerque, NM currently has 235 active employees. The Boeing Company is considering consolidating all of its Directed Energy activity in Albuquerque. This would mean over 300 direct employees at Boeing SVS.

Boeing currently has the following presence in the United States (see figure 2 and figure 3).

Figure 2 - Boeing in the United States

In New Mexico, Boeing Company has Boeing-SVS headquarters, Directed Energy Technology Development, IDS Support Systems, Phantom Works, Secure Border Initiative Network, and Space Technology Development. Of all the Boeing subsidiaries around the US, the two Directed Energy activities are in West Hills, CA and Albuquerque, NM.

Figure 3 - Boeing in the States

Boeing in NM consists of the following economic facts. Boeing works together with suppliers and vendors in New Mexico at 92 different locations. There are 10 non-manufacturing facilities in NM. Boeings supplier and vendor purchases in New Mexico are $150,105,574.00. There are a total of 473 Boeing employees in NM and 959 Boeing retired employees. The salaries of these employees represent $37M. Over 50% of these employees have advanced degrees. Boeing contributes $122,667 to charities in NM. There are also 902 Boeing shareholders residing in the state of NM.

SVS is an example of a small company originating in NM, taking advantage of significant partnerships with the military and national laboratories in NM, being acquired by a major aerospace company, and growing into a significant economic contributor to the state of NM.

New Mexico verus the Competition

There are numerous laboratories, colleges, universities, and company’s working in the directed energy arena. With the exception of low power applications in the DE industry, high energy Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) work has not yet emerged as a profit making industry except for government funded programs to include the Airborne Laser (ABL) program, the Airborne Tactical Laser (ATL) Program, the Active Denial System (ADS), and the Space Based Laser (SBL) program. Numerous companies are also making profits some of them significant through government funded R&D programs. If a company, lab, or educational facility is working on DEW technology it is funded by the government or on the companies own IRAD or R&D funding. New Mexico leads all the other states in technical expertise in DE. New Mexico also leads all others in facilities that support the research, development, testing, and production of DE.

new mexico

New Mexico is the center of excellence in Directed Energy for developing the technologies necessary to field laser, electro-optical systems, and high-powered microwave systems today and to continue to evolve the next generation, and the next, and the next generation of DE technologies for the future. The following facilities enable excellence in DE.

AFRL/RD (Directed Energy Directorate) has the following world class facilities;

  • Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing Site (AMOS)

  • Richard W. Davis Advanced Laser Facility (DALF)

  • High Energy Microwave Laboratory (HEML)

  • High Energy Research and Technology Facility (HERTF)

  • High Power Systems Facility with Shiva Star

  • Laser Effects Test Facility (LETF)

  • Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) Facility

  • Satellite Assessment Center (SatAC)

  • Starfire Optical Range (SOR)

  • Telescope and Atmospheric Compensation Laboratory (TACLab)

  • White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) DE Laser & Optics Laboratories (North Oscura Peak and Salinas Peak)

The snap shot, which is far from inclusive, in figure 4, describes the business and the technology areas resident in NM. A complete list with descriptions of PRS facilities can be found in Appendix A.

Figure 4 - New Mexico

new mexico versus others

The major players in DEW product development outside of the government are Boeing which has two DE divisions, one in West Hills and one in Albuquerque (Boeing SVS). Boeing is involved in all aspects of a laser weapon system to include beam control, fire control, laser source (chemical and electric), integration, and test. Raytheon in Tucson is heavily involved with HPM and is looking to integrate laser weapon systems. Lockheed Martin is heavily involved in beam control and optics. Northrop Grumman is involved in electric laser sources to include solid slab and fiber laser technology.

Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and NGST are investigating the possibility of increasing their presence in New Mexico to take advantage of the world class facilities and technical center of excellence in DE afforded by 2 national labs and a military lab. As shown in the spread sheet above this would add to the economic growth of NM and add to the recognition of NM as a leader in Directed Energy.

With the exception of the programs listed earlier (ABL, ATL, ADS, SBL) who have not yet transitioned to a user for use in an operational environment. No company to date who is integrating end products and not just components has moved into the profit making stage of DEW and DE product development. Despite this fact, all of the companies listed above have invested a great deal of capital in anticipation of a significant portion of a future market in DE.

There are pockets of Directed Energy work throughout the US to include Raytheon in Arizona, Boeing in West Hills CA, and NGST in CA. The largest concentration of DE activity is in NM. There are several countries working on DE technologies. Parallel development efforts and cooperative R&D is imperative with countries like Germany and the UK. Staying ahead of potential threats such as China and Russia is also imperative. AFRL/RD has cooperative working agreements with Germany and the UK.

No other state in the union or country has the concentration of DE technical expertise that this state has. The chart below depicts this fact even though it is not all inclusive. The closest state in competition to New Mexico is probably California. Boeing and Northrop Grumman have a DE presence in CA.

Figure 5 - NM versus Other

New Mexico’s economic realities compared to California and Arizona are stronger in terms of education and quality of life. Capital potential is comparable but could tip toward NM with an active SBIR and STTR program supported by AFRL. Appendix B contains a spread sheet which shows a preliminary analysis of business, technology, and economic factors that clearly points to NM as the center of excellence for DE.

Competition can be significantly reduced if NM is the location of choice for focusing DE activities for Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman.

NEW MEXICO Versus California

There are three major companies regarded as industry leaders in directed energy with a presence in NM. They are Boeing SVS, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman Space Technologies (NGST). All three of these companies are considering increasing their presence based on the fact that NM is the center of excellence in DE technology. If these companies can be convinced to consolidate DE activities in NM, NM will become the center of excellence in DE in the world. The chart below shows a comparison between NM and CA of employees working directly in the DE field in these three companies. This reinforces the fact that NM is and can be the major player in DE in the U.S. and the world.

Figure 6 - NM versus CA

Economic Factors

We have looked at a snap shot of the existing businesses and technologies in NM. The key to making a decision on whether to implement DE technology, further in NM, revolves around an analysis of the economic reality factors. These factors are entrepreneurship, incubators, incentives, tax structure, transportation logistics, telecommunications logistics, power logistics, water resources, capital, education, quality of life and creative population, R&D and IP and clusters and markets. All of these factors were addressed in the first half of this paper titled “Literature Review Paper. For this analysis we will focus on entrepreneurship, incentives and tax structure, capital, education, quality of life, and R&D.

SVS was started in 1993 by three entrepreneurs. This business was heralded as one of the fastest growing technical business from 1997 until it was acquired in 2000. Using this model, there are many more opportunities for similar successes utilizing partnerships with AFRL/RD, Sandia, and/or Los Alamos.

New Mexico has a substantial amount of incentives and tax breaks for leading edge technology focused industries (see appendix D in part 1). There are three major companies looking to expand their presence in NM, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon. The following items would help to make this decision a more obvious one. The NM legislature needs to market NM as the DE center if excellence. This can be done by looking at incentives and grants for those companies seeking to increase their presence in NM. There are several examples of states and cities that have been highly successful in enticing highly technical companies. Attachment C is the fact sheet for Florida’s business incentives and grants. Another excellent example is Huntsville, Alabama.

Capital is a major category to discuss. The first category of capital is venture capital. Venture capital in NM has grown from $0 to millions of dollars. Venture capitalists in NM do not like to fund anything that depends on the government as a primary customer. The main reason is risk. The government is a high risk customer whose requirements can change at the drop of a hat. One third of the DoD (Department of Defense) Science and Technology budget, $3.5 B, for fiscal year 2008 will be spent on Directed Energy and Directed Energy programs. This fact alone should reduce the risk of dealing with the government to medium. The government knows it is a high risk customer and includes substantial contingencies in contracts.

The state of New Mexico is another source of capital. The state is not adverse to providing capital to endeavors that include the government as a prime customer. Right now NM is courting the movie industry. This endeavor will not improve the economic realities of NM to any significant level versus the impact of increasing and selling NM as the center of excellence in DE. New Mexico’s economic growth can be affected positively by an influx of highly skilled jobs due to the migration of large companies, the growth of smaller companies, and the creation of new companies dedicated to the development and manufacture of DE technologies.

The third source of capital is the government. The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program has a DoD budget of $1B annually. These funds are for small technology companies that serve a DoD need. The Air Force budget is $260M. AFRL/RD was awarded $14M to distribute last year. AFRL/RD is not good at soliciting SBIR funding. AFRL/RD needs to work in partnership with the product centers to get more DE related SBIRs funded annually by NM small technical businesses. Another fund is the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program. These funds are available to small companies working cooperatively with universities and research institutions. The University of New Mexico and New Mexico State in cooperation with AFRL/RD and small companies can compete for $40 M given to the AF each year for STTRs. AFRL/RD has an annual budget of $300M that funds several activities locally.

Capital is available if pursued and applied correctly to expand NM’s center of excellence in DE technology development.

The economic realities of education as mentioned in part 1 are not favorable for New Mexico. This state ranks dead last in the preparation category along with Louisiana based on 2006 data. The preparation category measures how well a state's K–12 schools prepare students for education and training beyond high school. The opportunities that residents have to enroll in and benefit from higher education depend heavily on the performance of their state's K–12 educational system. (34) The statistics presented in Figure 5 are not favorable for enticing new industry into New Mexico. Tax incentives for private schools may raise the standard of education in public schools. Educational reform is definitely needed. Several states have improved the quality of their educational systems and should be used as a guide to getting NM out of the basement. If it wasn’t for the private school option this category would be an obstacle for economic growth.

Figure 7 – Preparation (37)

Quality of life can be defined as all of the characteristics of a location's living conditions, including housing, education, transportation infrastructure, leisure-time offerings, climate, spousal employment opportunities, medical and healthcare infrastructure and environmental qualities, as compared to what the people and/or families that would potentially move into it would want; therefore, a measure of livability from the standpoint of relocation. There are historic examples of places of opportunity that, because of such drawbacks as environmental, security, or climate problems, were considered to have low livability or poor quality of life. Places that have an exceptional quality-of-life are said to have high livability. (41)

New Mexico is not at the top of the list when compared with other states for quality of life. Weather is the best, education is the worst, crime is bad, housing, leisure time, and transportation are good to great. There are things that NM can do to increase the quality of life. Legal system reform is needed to address the high crime rate in New Mexico.

The creative class includes occupations such as engineers, educators and scientists as well as the creative arts, entertainment and professions such as architecture. Development of DE technology in New Mexico will increase the creative population by employing engineers and scientists.

Studies have shown that individuals in the creative class earn an average of $20,000 a year more than those in non-creative jobs. Many studies have shown that there is a connection among the creative economy, entrepreneurship, tourism and high technology growth. DEW is leading edge technology and therefore high technology growth.

The economic realities of this area of economic development can be positively influenced by the implementation of DE technology. DE product development is very high tech and requires a highly skilled labor force. The higher the skill level of your employees the larger their salaries. There is a direct correlation between average income and increased emphasis on quality of life issues. It is also interesting to note that the creative class favors populations that are large enough yet not too large. Albuquerque is a perfect example of a city whose size favors the creative population.

Increasing the creative class will have a positive influence on the type and level of education in NM. It will also increase the appeal for improvements and diversity in the health care industry. Economic wealth brings improved and expanded services to include healthcare both medical and dental. Today the mental health services offered in NM are marginal at best. The creative class will provide a positive impact on services across the board.

The aerospace industry rides a roller coaster but continues to be successful in encouraging a broad, diverse, highly educated work force because when one company is prospering they are hiring from the company that isn’t. Increasing the number of highly technical jobs provides security in employment due to the ability to move from one company to the other.

The strongest economic reality for NM is in R&D. Two national laboratories and a military lab has NM recognized for technical excellence in nuclear technology and DE. The Air Force Research Lab Directed Energy Directorate (AFRL/RD) is the leader in DE Research and Development. AFRL/RD is located at Kirtland AFB, NM. AFRL/RD develops speed of light weaponry. They employ more than 800 people and have an annual operating budget of over $300M for developing directed energies such as high-energy lasers and high-power microwaves. Its goal is to transition DE technology to industry for commercialization. Active Denial technology currently being produced by Raytheon Corporation was born at (AFRL). AFRL/RD continues to own the intellectual rights for this technology while Raytheon has full authority to develop and sell components, subsystems, and systems.

The directorate has four technical divisions they are High-Power Microwave, Laser, Optics, and Technical Applications. AFRL/DE has leading edge facilities to include the Star Fire Optical Range (SOR) which houses and operates the world’s premier adaptive optics telescope. SOR is the center for Air Force strategic optical research and leads the development of laser adaptive optics for military and civilian applications such as astronomy.

AFRL/RD has a site at White Sands Missile Range, NM which is designed to assemble, test, and evaluate advanced sensor, tracking, and atmospheric compensation systems. AFRL/RD has premiere effects and lethality facilities for lasers and microwaves.

In support of high-powered microwave work AFRL/RD operates the High Energy Microwave facility and the Anechoic Chamber. The High Energy Research and Technology Facility is a premiere R&D facility for transition of advanced weapons technologies.

AFRL/RD Satellite Assessment Center is chartered to evaluate the effects of DE on space systems. This organization has achieved excellence in space object assessment technologies.

New Mexico is also home to Sandia and Los Alamos National Labs. Sandia is located at Kirtland AFB and is associated with National Security. They are recognized technical leaders and have been successful in birthing new industry with their technologies. Los Alamos is in Los Alamos. They are nationally recognized for technical excellence in nuclear technology and were successful in developing a chemical laser. These labs are very active in DE R&D and have first rate development and test facilities.

The High Energy Laser Systems Test Facility (HELSTF) is located at White Sands Missile Range, NM. HELSTF is designated as the Department of Defense (DoD) National Test Facility for high energy laser test and evaluation. White Sands Missile test range is lobbying to be the DEW test range for DoD.

These are the major R&D organizations in the state of NM. NM leads the nation in DE R&D expertise. New Mexico is the center if excellence for DE.


New Mexico has been the technical leader in the nuclear world for decades. Nuclear technology championed by Sandia, Air Force Weapons Lab now AFRL, and Los Alamos National Labs benefited economic development in New Mexico.

The majority of the technical expertise in Directed Energy is located in NM. This includes AFRL/RD, AFRL/VS, ABL program, Sandia and Los Alamos National Labs, HELSTF, JTO and dozens of small to large companies. As forecasted by Boeing in the year 2000 when they acquired SVS, NM is the center of excellence for DE technology. Therefore, Directed Energy technology is currently benefiting the economic development of NM. The opportunity exists to not just make an impact but to make a huge impact on New Mexico by encouraging new business and supporting small businesses by taking advantage of Directed Energy technology through R&D funding supporting by the SBIR and STTR programs funded by DoD.

The state of NM has the opportunity to increase the presence of three large aerospace contractors. Boeing SVS, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman are all investigating the possibility of consolidating and/or increasing DE activities in NM. This is an opportunity for a large increase in the creative population which will positively impact several economic realities in NM. These three companies will lead the way for others to follow (Raytheon, General Dynamics).


How do we take advantage of these opportunities? An action plan needs to be put in place outlining the who and why with the associated costs (see appendix D). This plan should be implemented by the power of 4, industry, academia, DoD research, and local government.

who and why

AFRL/RD needs to step up to the plate to increase the amount of SBIR and STTR funding that is available for small companies in NM. This will require an office dedicated to interfacing with the product centers and the program offices and small businesses for R&D efforts in DE. This will also require a collaborative relationship between the UNM and NM State and small business. In order to increase the amount of capital received by NM small businesses, AFRL will have to aggressively facilitate with AFOSR and the users of DE technology (product centers/SPOs).

The state of NM needs to pursue the major DE industry leaders with the same ferocity as they are doing with the movie industry. Increasing Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman presence in NM will increase the number of high skill set technical jobs. This will also increase the creative population in NM which will increase and positively impact several economic realities which include entrepreneurship, incentives, tax structure, capital, education, quality of life, R&D, clusters, and markets.

New Mexico venture capitalists need to take advantage of a significant amount of money being programmed by the DoD today and in the future for DEW. The high risk of dealing with the government can be lowered by contingency clauses in government contracts. New business funded by venture capital in the area of DE can be successful as demonstrated by the history of SVS.


The cost of increasing small business funding by SBIRs and STTRs would be the responsibility of AFRL/RD. This effort would require two fulltime employees.

The cost of increasing large industries presence in NM could cost the state initially for facilities and additional incentives but would be repaid ten fold.

An investment of venture capital in the neighborhood of $500K to $1M per effort to help start new businesses in DE has the potential for growth matching that of SVS, a three person organization growing to 115 when acquired by Boeing.

For minimal costs, NM can capitalize on DE technology by adding a DE industrial complex to the R&D center of excellence.


The benefits of increasing investment in DE for industrial expansion based on the technical competency already existing in NM’s R&D community are enormous. These benefits have been discussed throughout this paper. The most significant are an increase in quality jobs and the creative population. Studies have shown that an increase in the creative population results in significant economic prosperity to include all areas of quality of life, and education.


DE technology has been defined, the problems this technology area can solve have been discussed, and the competitors and local economic realities have been addressed in part one of this paper. The areas of business, technology, and factors have been preliminarily analyzed in part two of this paper. The results support the fact that NM is the center of excellence for DE technology.

Capitalizing on the proximity of the NM R&D community by implementing DE technology product development to a larger scale in New Mexico will increase the creative population in NM. Increasing the creative population could increase the quality of life. Those areas in need of improvement include education and crime. Developing a DE Industrial complex that compliments the DE R&D community will benefit the economic growth of NM for years to come.

Creating and increasing the DE industrial complex involves an increase in SBIR and STTR funded activities in small business. Secondly, venture capital focused on cresting and supporting DE startups regardless of the government being the prime user is required. Lastly and most important, active recruitment by the state of industry active in DE to join a DE industrial complex is required to increase economic development.

DE technology can make a positive difference in the economy of New Mexico. The laser flying on the aircraft below was developed at Kirtland AFB, NM. This is a multi-billion dollar program.

Figure 8 – The Airborne Laser Program

Appendix A - PRS Facilites/equipment

appendix B – Business, Technology, factors

Appendix C – Fact Sheet Florida

Appendix D – Summary of project

  1. What is Directed Energy? (POSTER)

  • High Powered Lasers

    • Offensive: Strategic and Tactical applications

    • Defensive: Force protection, space situational awareness, A/C self protect

    • Law Enforcement

    • Astronomy

  • High-Power Microwaves

    • Non-Lethal, Offensive and Defensive capabilities

      • Crowd Control

      • Counter Electronics

      • C-IED

    • Aerospace vehicle propulsion

    • Law Enforcement

    • Homeland Defense

  1. Size of US/world market:

  • US

    • DoD: $3.5B over FYDP, medium?

      • Army

      • Navy

      • Air Force

      • Marines

    • Homeland Defense

    • DOE

    • Coast Guard

    • Law Enforcement

    • Prisons

    • Aerospace

  • World

    • Israel

    • Other NATO countries

  1. Why is NM competitive:

  • Research (POSTER)

    • AFRL/RD: Technical expertise; R&D, world class facilities

    • AFRL/VS:

    • SMC

    • ABL

    • Sandia National Labs

    • Los Alamos National Labs

    • HELSTF

    • JTO

  • Companies (POSTER)

    • Small

    • Medium

    • Large

  1. Current and Future Economic Impact

A. Current Economic Impact


    • 4,886 direct, indirect, and induced jobs

    • $218.2 M salaries and wages

    • $21.4M in state and local tax revenues

    • Mentoring and support of educational activities

  • Boeing Company in NM (Boeing SVS, Directed Energy Technology Development, IDS Support Systems, Phantom Works, Secure Border Initiative Network, Space Technology Development (STICK ON POSTER)

    • 473 employees residing in NM

    • 419 direct jobs

    • $37M salaries and wages

    • 959 retirees residing in NM

    • 902 shareholders residing in NM

    • $122,667 statewide corporate charitable giving

    • 92 suppliers and vendors throughout NM

      • $$150M in supplier/vendor spending

    • $14,114 in employee charitable giving

    • 10 Non-manufacturing facilities

    • Mentoring and support of educational activities

B. Potential Future Economic Impact

  • Increase SBIR and STTR activity

  • Grow industry center of excellence to complement technological center of excellence

    • Companies looking to expand presence in NM

      • Boeing

      • Lockheed Martin

      • Northrop Grumman

  1. What is needed: What should NM do:

NM is the center of excellence in DE technology based on the fact that two national Labs, a military lab, the Joint Technology Office, and the HELSTF organizations are located in NM. We are ahead of all the states and other countries of the world in R&D, technical expertise and world class facilities that support DE technology.

The technical maturity of DE technology has reached a level that transition from R&D to commercialization is today. Leveraging on the many companies that exist in NM today and the large companies that have a presence here today to grow a DE silicon valley in NM is what NM needs to do.

  1. Pick a state and contrast

7.) What is the ask? (POSTER)

    • Focus on leveraging center of excellence in technology by growing industrial center of excellence, business incentives and grants to entice companies to centralize DE activity in NM (Boeing, NGST, LM)

      • AFRL facilitate coalition between universities, small business, product centers and program offices to increase SBIR and STTR funding in NM ($1B: DoD)

      • NM economic business development office look at incentives and grants to tip scale for industrial growth in DE

        • Gross Receipts Tax

        • Facilities

        • Etc.

Appendix e - References


1. Doug Beason. 2005. The E-Bomb, How Americas New Directed Energy Weapons Will Change the Way Future Wars Will Be Fought, DA CAPO Press, 1-51.

2. Steven J. Bardwell, David Cherry, Marsha Freeman, Paul B. Gallagher, Marjorie Mazel Hecht, Uwe Parpart Henke, and Charles B. Stevens. The Scientific Staff if the Fusion Energy Foundation. 1983. Beam Defense, An Alternative to Nuclear Destruction, Aero Publishers Inc, 17-58.

3. E. Anthony Fessler. 1979. Directed Energy Weapons, A Juridical Analysis. N.Y. Praeger Publishers, 1-153.

4. Manuel Castells and Peter Hall. 1994. Technologies of the world: The Making of 21st Century Industrial Complexes. N.Y.: Routledge,

5. Zoltan Acs. 2000. Regional Innovation, Knowledge and Global Change, London: Printer,

6. Edward J. Malecki. 1997. Technology and Economic Development. Addison Wesley Longman, Harlow, England,

7. James M Cypher and James L. Dietz. 2004. The Process of Economic Development. 2nd edition. N.Y.: Routledge,


8. Alane Kochems and Andrew Grudgel. April 28, 2006. “The Viability of Directed Energy Weapons, Backgrounder.” No. 1931, The Heritage Foundation: 1-7.

9. Defense Acquisition Guidebook. 2006. “Technology Readiness Levels in the Department of Defense (DOD)”. Source: DOD.

10. William J. McCarthy. May 2000. “Directed Energy and Fleet Defense: Implications for Naval Warfare.” Occasional paper No. 10. Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL..

11. John P. Geis II. April 2003. “Directed Energy Weapons on the Battlefield: A New Vision For 2025.” Occasional paper No. 32. Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL..

12. Suleiman K. Kassicieh. “Policy Decisions to Enhance Entrepreneurial Activities and Technology-Based Economic Development”.

13. USAF Fact Sheet. July 2002. “Air Force Research Laboratory Directed Energy Directorate”.

14. USAF Fact Sheet. Sept 2002. “High Power Microwaves”.

15. USAF Fact Sheet. July 2002. “North Oscura Peak”.

16. USAF Fact Sheet. January 2001. “3.5 Meter Telescope”.

17. USAF Fact Sheet. July 2002, “Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser”.

18. Bureau of Business and Economic Research UNM. “The Economic Impact of the Phillips Research Site on the New Mexico Economy”, February 2005.

19. Air Force Research Laboratory – Phillips Research Site. “Technology Transition Business Plan – FY 08”, December 2007.

20. “Boeing Acquires SVS Inc. in Bid to Expand Laser and Optics Business”, June 2000.

21. Fact Sheet. “Florida Business Incentives and Grants”.


22. Lee Guitheinz, Site Manager, Boeing SVS, 12 Feb 2008.

23. Bob Turman, Deputy Directed Energy, Sandia National Labs, 13 March 2008.

24. Susan Thornton, Director, Directed Energy Directorate, AFRL, 19 March 2008.

25. Mark Neice, Director, Joint Technology Office, 19 March 2008.

26. Ray Saunders, Business Development, Northrop Grumman, Space Technology, 21 March 2008.

27. Dr Baker, Chief Scientist, AFRL/RD, 25 March 08.

28. George Friberg, Technology Venture Capital, 1 April 08.

29. Sandra Dorbandt, Boeing SVS, 10 April 08.

30. Doug Graham, VP Advanced Programs Strategic and Missile Defense Systems, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, 22 April 08.

31. Mike Good, Senior Manager Corporate Business Development, Lockheed Martin Corporation, 24 April 08.






















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