Directory of government officials concerning latin america

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Table of Contents:
I. White House Officials Concerning Latin America

II. The State Department

III. The Agency for International Development

IV. The Defense Department

V. The Central Intelligence Agency

VI. The Justice Department

VII. U.S. Trade Representatives

VIII. The Department of Labor

IX. The Treasury Department

X. U.S. Ambassadors to Latin America

XI. The Department of Agriculture

Produced by Latin America Working Group


I. White House Officials Concerning Latin America

White House Operator: (202) 456-1414 Fax: (202) 456-2461

Comment Line: (202) 456-1111
The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20500
Assistant to the President for

National Security Affairs: Condoleeza Rice

The White House Phone: 456-9491 Fax: 456-2883

Washington, DC 20500

Special Assistant to the President &

Senior Director for Inter-American Affairs,

the National Security Council: Thomas A. Shannon

National Security Council Phone: 456-9131 Fax: 456-9130

Old Executive Office Building, Rm. 361

Washington, DC 20504

Director for Inter-American Affairs Emilio Gonzales

(Same Address as Above) Phone: 456-9131 Fax: 456-9130

Special Assistant to the President &

Senior Director for Multilateral and

Humanitarian Affairs,

National Security Council: Elliott Abrams

Old Executive Office Building, Rm. 365 Phone: 456-9141 Fax: 456-9140

Washington, DC 20504

National Director for Counter-Terrorism

National Security Council: Wayne Downing

Old Executive Office Building, Rm. 302 Phone: 456-9361, Fax: 456-9360

Washington, DC 20504

Special Assistant to the President on Economic

Policy National Economic Council: Chuck Conner

Eisenhower Executive Office Building Phone: 456-2800 Fax: 456-2223

17th and G Streets NW, Room 235

Washington DC 20502

Director, Office of Management

and Budget: Mitchell E. Daniels Jr.

Old Executive Office Building, Rm. 252 Phone: 395-4840 Fax: 395-3888

Washington, DC 20503
II. United States Department of State

2201 C St., NW

Washington, DC 20520

General Information: 647-7120

Secretary of State: Colin Powell

Phone: 647-5291 Fax: 647-2283
Deputy Secretary of State: Richard Armitage

Phone: 647-9641 Fax: 647-6047

Bureau of Political Affairs Marc Grossman

Undersecretary for Political Affairs Phone: 647-2471, Fax: 647-4780
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor

Room 7802 Fax: 647-5283

Assistant Secretary Lorne Craner

Phone: 647-2126
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Michael Kozak

Phone: 647-2590, Fax: 647-5283

Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Connie Braxton

Phone: 647-2570

Senior Staff Assistant Linda Walker-Johnson, Room 7802

Phone: 647-1024

Program Officer Danika Walters

Phone: 647-1576

(on maternity leave as of 9/17/03)

Jeanette Davis

Phone: 647-3218
Office of the Policy Planning Staff

Room 7311 Fax: 647-0844

Director Mitchell B. Reiss

Phone: 647-2972
Deputy Director Barry Lowenkron

Phone: 647-2372

Member Rosemary O'Neill

Room: 7312 Phone: 647-3580

Coordinator for Counterterrorism

Room 2507 Fax: 647-0221

Ambassador-at-Large J. Cofer Black

Phone: 647-9892
Deputy Coordinator Mark Wong

Phone: 647-5278

Director for Counterterrorism Operations Col. Carlos Burgos (USA)

Phone: 776-8349

Regional Affairs for Latin America: Tom Conney


Office of Economic Sanctions Policy

Room 4535 Fax: 647-4064

Director George Glass

Phone: 647-5673

Deputy Director Ed Goff

Phone: 647-7677
Secretary: Sheila Heinz

Phone: 647-7489

Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs

Assistant Secretary Roger Noriega, Room 6263

Phone: 647-5780 Fax: 647-0791
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary James Derham, Room 6263

Phone: 647-8386 Fax: 647-0791

Deputy Assistant Secretaries Roberta Jacobson, Room 6263

Phone: 647-8562

Peter DeShazo (acting), Room 6263

Phone: 647-6754

Dan Fisk, Room 6263

Phone: 647-7337

Fax: 647-0791 (for all three)
U.S. Permanent Representative to OAS John Maisto, Room: 5914

Phone: 647-9430 Fax: 647-0911

Executive Director WHA Patrick R. Hayes, Room: 3906

Phone: 647-3318 Fax: 647-0949

Deputy Executive Director Bernardo Segura-Giron, Room: 3906

Phone: 647-4456 Fax: 647-0949

Office of Latin American Programs

Fax: 736-4291

Director Thomas H. Martin

Phone: 647-9090

Deputy Director Albert Matano

Phone: 647-7812

Office of Andean Affairs

Room: 5906 Fax: 647-2628

Director Phil Chicola

Phone: 647-1715
Deputy Director John Creamer

Phone: 647-1715

Senior Desk Officer for Colombia Susan Bell

Phone: 647-4173

Colombia Desk Officer Heather Merritt

Phone: 647-3023

International Narcotics and Law Enforcement

Fax: 647-7573

Acting Assistant Secretary Robert B. Charles Phone: 647-8464

Deputy Assistant Secretary Steve Schrage

Phone: 647-6642

Office of Brazilian and South Cone Affairs

Room: 5258 Fax: 736-7481

Director James Carragher

Phone: 647-2407
Deputy Director Leonard Kusnitz

Phone: 647-2407

Office of Caribbean Affairs

Room: 4906 Fax: 647-2901

Director Mary Ellen Gilroy

Phone: 647-5088

Deputy Director Edward T. Smith

Phone: 647-2620

Deputy Director (Haiti) Vacant

Office of Central American Affairs

Room 4915 Fax: 647-2597/0377

Director Paul Trivelli

Phone: 647-4292

Deputy Director Jimmy Wagner

Phone: 647-4292

Desk Officer, Belize Gerry Fuller

Phone: 647-3727

Desk Officer, Costa Rica Margy Bond

Phone: 647-1510

Desk Officer, El Salvador Andrea Brouillette-Rodriguez

Phone: 647-3505

Desk Officer, Guatemala Robert W. Boynton

Phone: 647-3559

Desk Officer, Honduras Thomas Kelly

Phone: 647-0087

Desk Officer, Nicaragua Maeve Dwyer

Phone: 647-3518

Desk Officer, Panama John Brigham

Phone: 647-3519

Office of Cuban Affairs

Room: 3234 Fax: 736-4476

Director Kevin Whitaker

Phone: 647-9273

Deputy Director James Bean

Phone: 647-9272

Political Officer Chris Sibilla

Phone: 647-9273

Consular Officer Julianne Aynes

Phone: 647-9272

International Relations Christopher Robinson

Phone: 647-9272

Helms-Burton Unit Chief Mirta Alvarez

Phone: 647-7505

Office of Mexican Affairs

Room 4258 Fax: 647-5752

Director Roberta Jacobson

Phone: 647-9894

Deputy Director Greg Sprow

Phone: 647-9894

Political Officer William Duncan

Phone: 647-9292

Economic Officer Elisabeth Schuler

Phone: 647-9292

Economic Officer Sue E. Saarnio

Phone: 647-9292

International Relations Denison Offutt

Phone: 647-9292

US/Mexico Border Affairs

Room 4258 Fax: 647-5752

Border Coordinator Dennis Linskey

Phone: 647-8529

Border Liaison Officer Benjamin Muskovitz

Phone: 647-8529

Office of Economic Policy and Summit Coordination

Room 3248 Fax: 647-6408

Director Krishna Urs

Phone: 736-7530

Deputy Director David Nolan

Phone: 647-0614

Finance and Development Officer Kurt Van Der Walde

Phone: 647-3341

Finance and Development Officers Salvador Enriquez

Phone: 647-2323

Trade Policy Officer Patrick Dunn

Phone: 647-2066

Trade Policy Officer Barbara Bowie-Whitman

Phone: 647-3903

Senior Trade Adviser Janina Slattery

Phone: 647-2385

Science Officer John Polisar

Phone: 647-3710

III. Agency for International Development

General AID Information: 712-4040

AID Front Office, Latin America Bureau: 712-4800

US Agency for International Development

Rm. 6.9a

1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20523
Administrator Andrew Natsios, Room: 6.09-010

Phone: 712-4040 Fax: 216-3455

Deputy Administrator Frederick Schieck, Room: 6.09-025

Phone: 712-4070 Fax: 216-3455

Chief of Staff: Douglas Aller, Room: 6.08-032

Phone: 712-0700, Fax: 216-3797

Assistant Administrator, Latin America

and Caribbean Bureau: Adolfo A. Franco, Room: 5.09-013

Phone: 712-4800, Fax: 216-3012
Director, Central America and Mexico

Affairs: Donald Soulles, Room: 5.08-033

Phone: 712-0409 Fax: 216-3020
AID Desk Officers: 712-4800

Fax for all Central America/Mexico officers: 216-3402

Fax for all South American Desk Officers: 216-3401
Director, Office of Central

American/Mexico Affairs Peter Kranstover Phone: 712-0478

Deputy Director, Office of CAA Robert Kahn Phone: 712-1648
Honduras Aler Grubbs Phone: 712-0319
El Salvador Mark Carrato Phone: 712-1187
Nicaragua Sher Plunkett Phone: 712-0954
Guatemala, Mexico Michael Kerst Phone: 712-1743
Belize, Costa Rica Dianne Carrol Phone: 712-1768
Panama Norma Lippe Phone: 712-4945
Director, Office of South

American Affairs Janice Weber Phone: 712-4265

Ecuador Sarah Lynch Phone: 712-4957
Peru, Narcotics Coordinator Joseph Dorsey Phone: 712-5857
Colombia David Johnston Phone: 712-1527
Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia Laura Libanati Phone: 712-1664
Ecuador, Plan Colombia,

Andean Initiative Richard Steelman Phone: 712-0518

Mission Directors of AID
Bolivia: Ms. Liliana Ayalde

Phone: 591-2-278-6544

Fax: 591-2-278-6644
Brazil: Richard Goughnour

Phone: 55-61-317-7237

Fax: 55-61-323-6875
Colombia: Michael Deal

Phone: 571-423-6880, 202-216-6213

Fax: 571-416-5490
Dominican Republic: Elena Brineman

Phone: 809-221-1100

Fax: 809-221-0444
Ecuador: Lars Klassen

Phone: 593-2-223-2100

Fax: 593-2-222-3701
El Salvador: Mark Silverman

Phone: 503-2-981665

Fax: 503-2-982339
Guatemala: Glenn Anders

Phone: 502-332-0202

Fax: 502-331-1151
Haiti: David Adams

Phone: 509-2-224812/225500

Fax: 509-2-239603
Honduras: Paul Tuebner

Phone: 504-236-9320

Fax: 504-236-7776
Mexico: Paul White

Phone: 525-080-2000 ext. 2954

Fax: 525-080-2723
Nicaragua: Jim Vermillion

Phone: 505-2-670502

Fax: 505-2-783828
Panama: Leopoldo Garza

Phone: 507-2-636011

Fax: 507-2-640104
Peru: Patricia Buckles

Phone: 511-4-333200

Fax: 511-4-337034
U.S. Embassy Mexico: (011-52-55) 5080-2000 
Political Officer: John Feeley

Fax: 011-52-55-5080-2247

IV. Department of Defense

Pentagon Information: (703) 545-6700
Secretary of Defense: Donald Rumsfeld

The Pentagon

Room 3E880

Washington, DC 20301-1000

Phone: (703) 692-7100, Fax: (703) 697-9080
Secretary of the Army: Les Brownlee (acting)

101 Army Pentagon

Washington, DC 20310-0101

Phone: (703) 695-3211 Fax: 697-8036

Deputy Defense Secretary: Paul Wolfowitz

1010 Defense, The Pentagon

Room 3E944

Washington, DC 20301-1010

Phone: (703) 692-7150, Fax: (703) 697-7374
Deputy Assistant, Secretary of Defense for Counternarcotics: Andre Hollis

1510 Defense, The Pentagon

Room 5E407

Washington, DC 20301-1510

Phone: (703) 697-3186, Fax: (703) 693-7588
Deputy Assistant, Secretary of Defense, Inter-American Affairs: Roger Pardo

Phone: (703)697-5884

V. Central Intelligence Agency

Director, George Tenet

Central Intelligence Agency

Washington, DC 20505

VI. Department of Justice

Attorney General, John Ashcroft

950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Room 440

Washington, DC 20530-0001

Phone: 514-2171, Fax: 307-6777

VII. Office of the US Trade Representative

Public Affairs: 395-3230
US Trade Representative: Robert Zoellick Phone: 395-6890

Office of the US Trade Representative Fax: 395-4549

600 17th Street, NW

Washington, DC 20508

Associate US Trade Representative for Phone: 395-5114

the Americas: Regina Vargo Fax: 395-3390

Office of the US Trade Representative

Room 201

VIII. Department of Labor

Secretary of Labor, Elaine Chao Phone: (202) 693-6000

200 Constitution Ave., NW Fax: (202) 693-6111

Washington, DC 20210

IX. Treasury Department

General Information #: 622-2000

Main Treasury Building

15th Street and Pennsylvania Ave., NW

Washington, DC 20220
Secretary of the Treasury: John Snow

Phone: 622-1100

Fax: 622-0073
Deputy Assistant Secretary for International

Development, Debt, and Environment Policy: Bill Schuerch

Phone: 622-0154

Fax: 622-2536

Director of Latin American and Caribbean Nations: Steve Backes

Phone: 622-2876

Fax: 622-1273

X. US Ambassadors to Latin America

Colombia: William Wood Phone: (571)-315-2112

US Embassy Colombia Fax: (571) 315-2038

Carrera 45 # 22D-45 Embassy Phone: (571) 315-0811

Bogotá, D.C. Embassy Fax: (571) 315-2197

Unit 5102

APO AA 34038
El Salvador: Hugh Douglas Barclay Phone: 503-278-6016

US Embassy Fax: (503) 278-3345

San Salvador, El Salvador Embassy Phone: 503-278-4444

Final Blvd., Station Antiguo

Cuscalatan Unit 3116

APO AA 34023

Guatemala: John R. Hamilton Phone: 502-334-3839

US Embassy Fax: 502-331-8885

Avenida Reforma 7-01, Zona 10 Embassy Phone: (502)331-1541/55

Guatemala Ciudad, Guatemala Embassy Fax: (502)334-8477

Unit 3303 APO AA 34024
Honduras: Larry L. Palmer Phone: (504)236-9210

Tegucigalpa, Honduras Fax: (504)237-0696

Avenido La Paz Embassy Phone: (504)236-9320

Apartado Postal 3453 Embassy Fax: (504)236-9037

AMEMB Honduras

Executive office/ unit 2911

APO AA 34022

Antonio O. Garza, Jr. Phone: 52-55-5080-2000 ext. 2100

American Embassy Mexico Fax: 52-55-5207-0091

P.O. Box 9000 Embassy Phone: 52-55-5080-2000

Brownsville, TX 78520-0900 Embassy Fax: 52-55-5511-9980
Nicaragua: Barbara C. Moore Phone: 505-2-66-6042

US Embassy Fax: 505-2-66-9074/3865

Managua, Nicaragua

Kilometro 4 1 / 2

Carretera Sur

APO AA 34201

Argentina: Lino Gutierrez Phone: 54-11-5777-4567

Avenida Colombia 4300 Fax: 54-11-5777-4214

C1425GMN Buenos Aires  Embassy Phone: 54-11-5777-4533
Argentina Embassy Fax: 54-11-5777-4240

Unit: 4301

APO AA 34034
Belize: Russell F. Freeman Phone: 501-2-77161

Embassy of the United States Fax: 501-223-0802

of America in Belize Embassy Phone: 501-2-77161

29 Gabourel Lane Embassy Fax: 501-2-30802

P.O. Box 286

Belize City, Belize

APO AA 34025
Bolivia: Vacant

David N. Greenlee (nominee) Phone: 591-2-2430-0251 ext 2700

US Embassy Bolivia

Avenida Arce No. 2780 Embassy Phone: 591-2-2430-0251

La Paz, Bolivia Embassy Fax: 591-2-243-3900
Unit 3901 APO AA 34032
Brazil: Donna J. Hrinak Phone: (55-61) 312-7588

SES - Av. das Nações Fax: (55-61) 312-7510

Quadra 801, Lote 03 Embassy Phone: (55-61) 312-7000
70403-900 - Brasília, DF Embassy Fax: (55-61) 225-9136

Unit 3500 APO AA 34030

Chile: William R. Brownfield Phone: 56-2-232-2600

Av. Andrés Bello 2800 Embassy Phone: (56-2) 232-2600
Las Condes - Santiago, Chile Embassy Fax: (56-2) 330-3710

Costa Rica: John J. Danilovich Phone: 506-220-2303

US Embassy Fax: 506-220-2470

Calle 120 Avenida 0 Embassy Phone: (506) 220-3939

Pavas, San José, Costa Rica Embassy Fax: (506) 220-2305

unit 2501 APO AA 34020

Cuba: Principal Officer, James Cason Phone: 537-33-3409

3200 Havana Place Fax: 011-537-334728

Dulles, Virginia Embassy Phone: (53-7) 33-3551/59

20189 Embassy Fax: (53-7) 33-1084

Dominican Republic: Hans H. Hertell Phone: 1-809-687-5688

US Embassy

José Aybar Castellanos #71 Fax 1-809-731-4323

Santo Domingo Embassy Phone (809) 549-3739

Dominican Republic Embassy Fax: 549-4139

Unit 5500

APO AA 34041-5500
Ecuador: Kristie Kenney Phone: 593-22-225-361

Av. Patria and Av. 12 de Octubre Fax: 593-22-560-660

Unit 5301 Embassy Phone: (593) 2 562 890

APO AA 34039 Embassy Fax: (593) 2 502 052

Panama: Linda E. Watt Phone: 507-207-7238/7248

U.S. Embassy - Panama Fax: 507-225-0949

P.O. Box 6959 Embassy Phone: (507) 207-7000

Panama 5, Panama

Unit 0945

APO AA 34002

Paraguay: John Francis Keane Phone: 595-21-213-715 ext.202

American Embassy Montevideo Fax: 595-21-214-479

1776 Mariscal Lopez Avenue Embassy Phone: 595 21 213-715

Asunción, Paraguay Fax: 595 21 213-728

Unit 4711

APO AA 34036-0001

Peru: James Curtis Struble Phone: 51-1-434-3064

US Embassy Peru Fax: 51-1-434-3062

Avenida La Encalada cdra. 17 s/n Embassy Phone: (51-1)434-3000

Surco, Lima 33, PERU Embassy Fax: (51-1)434-3037

Unit 3711

APO AA 34031

Uruguay: Martin J. Silverstein Phone: 598-2-411-8160

American Embassy Montevideo Fax: 598-2-410-0022

Lauro Muller 1776 Embassy Phone: (598-2) 2036061

11200 Montevideo, Uruguay Embassy Fax: (598-2) 408-8611

Unit 4500

APO AA 34035

Venezuela: Charles S. Shapiro Phone: 58-212-975-6411 ext. 2360

Calle F Fax: 58-212-975-8466

Colinas de Valle Arriba Embassy Phone: 58-212-975-6411

Edificio Embajada Americana

Caracas, 1080

XI. Department of Agriculture

1400 Independence Avenue, SW

Room 200-A

Washington, DC 20250
Secretary of Agriculture: Anne Veneman

Phone: 720-3631

Fax: 720-2166
Office of International Trade Policy

Foreign Agricultural Service: Emiko Purdy

Phone: 720-0762

Fax: 720-0069

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