University faculty scholars program

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Issued July 2016


Office of the Provost and Office of the Executive Vice President for Research & Partnerships
FY 2016-17

Program Description

The Office of the Provost will continue the University Faculty Scholars Program for FY16-17. Under the program, 120 University Faculty Scholars are authorized. Fifteen of these awards will be jointly funded by the Showalter Foundation and the Provost. These fifteen awards will specifically support University Faculty Scholars in the life sciences1 and will be named Showalter Faculty Scholars. All other University Faculty Scholar awards will support faculty scholars from all disciplines. The distribution of University Faculty Scholars to the academic colleges and the Libraries is based on the total budgeted count of tenure/tenure track faculty lines (filled and unfilled) in each unit. The distribution will be recalibrated every five years with notice provided one year in advance of any adjustments.

The 120 University Faculty Scholar Awards will be available as follows:

  1. 85 awards will be fully funded by the Provost. These awards will support University Faculty Scholars from all disciplines.

  1. 15 awards will be funded jointly by the Showalter Foundation and the Provost. These awards will support University Faculty Scholars in the life sciences and will be named Showalter Faculty Scholars.

  1. 20 awards are authorized with the colleges providing full funding for each University Faculty Scholar. It is not anticipated that these awards will be converted to central funding in the future, i.e., the colleges will continue to be responsible for full funding.

The University Faculty Scholars Program is intended to recognize outstanding mid-career faculty who are on an accelerated path for academic distinction. Eligibility includes faculty who hold the rank of tenured associate or full professor who have been in rank for no more than five years and new hires at this academic level if appointed with tenure.

Faculty who hold a distinguished or named professorship cannot simultaneously hold a University Faculty Scholar or Showalter Faculty Scholar designation.
Financial Resources

All University Faculty Scholars will be awarded for 5 years with an annual allocation of $10,000.

If a University Faculty Scholar leaves Purdue prior to the completion of the award period, any uncommitted balance in the centrally funded award account will be returned to the Provost. Units will be responsible for notifying the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs of these events.
Review and Approval Process

Nominations for Faculty Scholars are requested by March 1 with appointments beginning July 1. All candidates from the life sciences1will be considered for nomination as a Showalter Faculty Scholar. If candidates are not selected to be forwarded to the Showalter Selection Committee for approval as Showalter Faculty Scholars, they will be considered for appointment as a University Faculty Scholar. If they are selected as a Showalter Faculty Scholar and following approval by the Showalter Selection Committee at its May meeting, nominees will be appointed as Showalter Faculty Scholars on July 1. Nominations for University Faculty Scholars may be submitted at other times to accommodate specific situations. Alternative effective dates can be requested.

Please forward a summary of the nominees’ accomplishments and requests for approval to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, Office of the Provost at the following email address: . The email Subject line should read “Faculty Scholar.”

1 Life sciences includes faculty whose expertise is in the following areas:

  • the environment including air and water quality

  • biochemistry and molecular biology

  • disease prevention, diagnosis, progression, treatment and control

  • new technologies for food production, preservation, distribution and safety

  • medical and biophysical instrumentation including the analysis of large datasets.

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