Frequency of procurement supervision missions proposed: One every six months. It is recommended that one of every five contracts be reviewed for each type of procurement. Procurement supervision will be performed by a Procurement Specialist (PS) or Procurement Accredited Staff (PAS) and will include a review of: (i) the Administration Unit capacity; (ii) the procurement plan for the project, including a timetable for procurement actions anticipated during the next 12 months; (iii) the Administration Unit monitoring system; and (iv) complete records for one in every five contracts (for goods, works, and consulting services, respectively). In addition the PS or PAS will perform selected physical inspections of the goods received or works performed, and meet with selected suppliers/contractors, whenever possible.
Annex 6, Table C: Allocation of IBRD Loan and GEF Grant Proceeds
Definition of the flow of funds for special account of the loan agreement, and to the trust fund
Provide evidence to the Bank of the availability of the GoCR counterpart funds, first year of project execution
Physical Project Monitoring
Identification of project indicators by sub-component, for financial and physical progress report (No indicators needed for the operating expenses).
Selection of PMR format, 2-A or 2-B, to be used for projects progress sub- components 1.c, 2.b, and 2.c.
Document in writing the procedures for management of project funds by the Trust Bank:
Maintain separate special accounts in US Dollars for the loan and GEF grant agreement.
Separate accounts for: (i) environmental services payments (ESP) for loan funds; (ii) ESP for GEF funds; (iii) technical assistance, loan funds; (iv) technical, assistance, GEF funds; and (v) operating expenses, segregated GEF from GoCR funds.
Financial reports to be submitted on monthly basis to FONAFIFO by the Trust Bank
Trust fund agreements
Trust Fund agreement is approved by the Bank.