Dr. Xiaoge Xu Associate Professor in Digital Media and Communication School of International Communications Faculty of Arts and Education Qualifications

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Dr. Xiaoge Xu

Associate Professor in Digital Media and Communication

School of International Communications

Faculty of Arts and Education


PhD (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)  

MS  (Kansas State University, USA)    

BA  (China School of Journalism, Xinhua News Agency, China)   

BA  (Hangzhou University, China)


  • Room 423, Admin Building
199 Taikang East Road,
Ningbo China
Campus: China Ningbo

  • +86(0)574 8818 0359

  • Fax

  • xiaoge.xu@nottingham.edu.cn

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Expertise Summary

Professor Xu is the founder of Mobile Studies, a global institute of mobile media and communication research. Leveraging its combined academic and industrial expertise, Mobile Studies offers its unique services to the mobile world.

He has been appointed by IGI Global as the editor-in-chief of Advances in Wireless Technologies and Telecommunications Book Series. Currently, he is editing a book entitled Interdisciplinary Mobile Media and Communications: Social, Economic and Political Implications.

Before joining the University of Nottingham Ningbo in September 2012, Dr. Xu taught at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (2000 – 2012). Prior to his teaching in Singapore, he also worked briefly at the City University of Hong Kong. His university teaching career started in 1989 at the China School of Journalism, Xinhua News Agency, China.

Professional Activities

Professor Xu is the founder of Mobile Studies, a global institute of mobile studies, connecting policy-makers, practitioners and professors of mobile media and communication across cultures and countries. Leveraging its combined academic and industrial expertise, Mobile Studies offers its unique services to the mobile world.

He also serves as the vice president of Asia-Pacific Communication Exchange Association (since 2010), a UPIU Asia faculty mentor, United Press International (since 2009), a Round Table Group expert (since 2009), a media consultant of the Gerson Lehrman Group Councils (since 2005), and a member of Nonkilling Media Studies Research Committee (since 2008).

His professional contributions also included serving as a member of Singapore National Translation Standardization Committee (2006 - 2012), a judge for Star Awards, Mediacorp Singapore (2002-2012), a member of Singapore Press Holdings Chinese Newspaper Review Committee (2007 -2010), the webmaster of Chinese Communication Association Website (2005 – 2010), and the editor of CCA News, Chinese Communication Association (US-based association of Chinese Communication, 2002 – 2004). 

He has also served as a reviewer for International Communication Association, International Association for Media and Communication Research, Asian Journal of Communication, Mass Communication and Society, The Global Journalist in the 21st Century, Chinese Communication Association (US-based global association), and China Communication Association (China-based national association).

He has also given talks or guest lectures at University of the Philippines in Los Banos, University Hohenheim, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Communication University of China, Renmin University of China, Fudan University, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Shanghai International Studies University, and Xiamen University.  


Professor Xu is the supervisor of three Ph.D. students. They are researching on transframing, city branding and use of multimedia in bilingual education respectively.

He is willing to supervise master and doctoral students who are interested in studies of digital media and communication, especially in mobile media and communication. Specific research projects include, not limited to, the following areas: comparative studies of digital journalism, comparative studies of journalism models, comparative studies of global media and communication, comparative studies of digital media and communication, mobile experience, mobile health communication, and comparative studies of mobile journalism.    

Research Summary

Past Research

His past research projects focused largely on news communication, national images and news flow, journalism education, press freedom, Asian values in journalism, women and media, and online journalism. He was a member of an international researcher team in two international research projects: (a) comparative studies of mobile use among college students and (b) comparative studies of foreign TV news around the world. The past research has resulted in two books, 12 book chapters and 19 journal articles. 

Current Research

Currently, he is conducting research projects in the following areas: (a) enhancing mobile experience, (b) enhancing hotel experience from a communication perspective, (c) mapping, measuring and modeling press differences, (d) multimedia journalism, (e) mobile journalism, (f) media glocalization, (g) mobile user expectations and experiences, (h) mobile usability, (i) comparing mobile content and services, and (j) comparative studies of city branding.

As the founder of Mobile Studies, he also serves as the editor of Mobile Yearbook and Mobile Book Series, including “Mobile World, Mobile Life” and “Open News, Mobile Way”.

Future Research

Specific topics of his future research include the following: (a) comparative studies of mobile instant messengers, (b) digital cultures in the global context, (c) journalism difference index, (d) mobile experience index, (e) mobile health communication, and (f) mobile newsroom.

Publications (33)

1. Xu, X. (2013). The Mobile Media Experience. In Peter A. Bruck and Madanmohan Rao (Eds.). Global Mobile: Applications and Innovations for the Worldwide Mobile Ecosystem. Information Today, Inc.

2. Xu, X. (2013). Mobile China: Opportunities and Challenges. In Peter A. Bruck and Madanmohan Rao (Eds.). Global Mobile: Applications and Innovations for the Worldwide Mobile Ecosystem. Information Today, Inc.

3. Agnieszka Stępińska, William Porath, Constanza Mujica, Xiaoge Xu & Akiba Cohen (2013). In Akiba Cohen (Ed.). Foreign News on Television: Where in the World is the Global Village? Peter Lang Publishing Group.

4. Xu, X. (2013). Singapore General Election on Twitter: Equalized or Normalized? In Tan, T.H. (Ed.). Impact of New Media Singapore General Election 2011. (forthcoming). Singapore: The Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.

5. Xu, X. (2013). Online Journalism. In C. Karen, E. Ashley & K. Randy (Eds). The Internet in China: An Encyclopedia Handbook of Online Business, Information Distribution, and Social Connectivity (forthcoming). Great Barrington, MA, USA: Berkshire Publishing.

6. Xu, X. (2012). Covering Killings: A Nonkilling Approach. In J. E. Pim (Ed.). Media and Nonkilling (forthcoming). Hawaii: Center for Global Nonkilling.

7. Xu, X. (2010). Broadcasting foreign TV news between control and diversity: The case of Singapore (in Chinese). Communication & Society, 13, 139-160. 

8. Xu, X. (2009). Development journalism. In K. Wahl-Jorgensen & T. Hanitzsch (Eds.). Handbook of Journalism Studies (pp. 357-370). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

9. Xie, J., & Xu, X. (2008). Media Organizational Communication and News Production: A Comparative Study of Newspapers in Shanghai and Singapore (in Chinese). Journalism Quarterly, 2008 (4), 48-57.

10. Xu, X. (2008). Mapping and measuring press differences. The International Journal of the Humanities, 6 (5), 119-128.

11. Xu, X. (2008). Engaging and empowering news audiences online: A feature analysis of nine Asian news websites. eJournalist, 18(1), 35-53.

12. Xu, X. (2007). AIDS, vulnerability of women and media responses in China. In K. Prasad & U.V. Somayajulu (Eds.). AIDS: Vulnerability of Women in Asia and Africa. (pp. 217-243). New Delhi: The Women Press.

13. Xu, X., & Lang, J. (2006). Women, globalization and mass media: The Chinese experience. In K. Prasad (Ed.). (2006). Women, Globalization and Mass Media: International Facets of Emancipation, New Delhi: The Women Press.

14. Xu, X. (2005). Demystifying Asian values in journalism. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Academic. 

15. Kuo, E., & Xu, X. (2005). MacBride Report 25 years after: An Asian review. Media Asia. 32(2), 63-66.

16. Kuo, E., & Xu, X. (2005). 25 años del Informe MacBride: experiencia y perspectiva asiáticas (25 years after MacBride report: Asian experience and perspective). In CAC & InCom UAB. XXV Aniversario del Informe MacBride: Comunicación internacional y políticas de comunicación (25 anniversary of MacBride report: International communication and political communication.

17. Xu, X. (2004). National image on national day and patriotic education in China: The 50th national day of the People’s Republic of China. In L. K. Fuller (Ed.). National Days/National Ways: Historical, political, and religious celebrations around the world (pp. 71-82). Westport, Connecticut and London: Praeger.

18. Xu, X. (2003). Unveiling Asian values in journalism (in Chinese). In Asian Media Research 2003 (pp. 55-66), Beijing: Beijing Broadcasting Institute.

19. Parsons, P., & Xu, X. (2001). News framing of the Chinese embassy bombing by the People’s Daily and the New York Times. Asian Journal of Communication. 11(1), 51-67.

20. Xu, X. (2000). National Images in International News Communication (in Chinese). In L.F., Zhang, Y. N., Ni, & Y.Y. Li (Eds.). Anthology of Communication Studies (II) (pp. 24-42), Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University Press. 

21. Xu, X. (2000). A bibliographical examination of communication in China (in Chinese). Journalism and Communication Research, (1), 76-82.

22. Xu, X. (2000). Asian perspectives in communication: Assessing the Search. American Communication Journal, 3 (3). [online journal]. Available: http://acjournal.org/holdings/vol3/Iss3/curtain.html

23. Xu, X., & Salamanca, D. (2000). Between Ying and Yang: The Chinese TV market grows (in German). Medien Journal (Media Journal) 2000 (1), 10-17.

24. Zhu, J., & Xu, X. (2000). New horizon for Chinese audience research (in Chinese). Media Digest 5, 4-6.

25. Xu, X. (2000). Overseas studies on communication in China: Description and analysis (in Chinese). Modern Communication, (2), 31-35.

26. Hao, X., & Xu, X. (1999). Satellite broadcasting: Party dominance vs. cultural imperialism.” China Mail, 12 (3), 6-9.

27. Xu, X., & Hao, X. (1998). Only good ones will be in the sky (in German), Zeitschrift fur KulturAustausch 48 (4), 68-71.

28. Xu, X. (1998). Asian values revisited in the context of intercultural news communication, Media Asia, 25 (1), 37-41.

29. Hao, X., & Xu, X. (1997). Exploring between two worlds: China’s journalism education, Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 52 (3), 35-47.

30. Xu, X., & Parsons, P. (1997). The image-making news flow between China and the United States. Mass Comm Review. 24 (3/4), 57-70.

31. Xu, X. (1996). National images in international news communication, Journalism and Communication Research, 96 (2), 36-46. 

32. Xu, X. (1996). A comparative study of news coverage of Chinese and US leading newspapers (in Chinese), Journal of China School of Journalism, 5(1), 28-32.

33. Xu, X. (1996). News Communication: Principles and Research (in Chinese). Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press.

Conference Papers

ICA & IAMCR (17)
1. Chen, L.N., Lo, W.H., Wei, R., Xu, X., & Zhang, G. (2012, May). A Comparative Study of Relationships between Mobile Phone Use and Social Capital among College Students in Four Chinese Cities. Paper presented at “Mobile Communication, Community and Locative Media Practices: From the Everyday to the Revolutionary,” 2012 International Communication Association (ICA), May 23 – 24, 2012, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
2. Xu, X. (2011, July). Mapping Media Differences in Non-Western Countries: An Updated Approach. Paper presented at the annual International Association for Media, Communication and Research, Istanbul, Turkey.
3. Xu, X. (2011, July). Comparing Mobile News Use Among College Students. Paper presented at the annual International Association for Media, Communication and Research, Istanbul, Turkey.
4. Wei, R., Lo, W.H., Chen, L.N., Zhang, G., & Xu, X. (2011, May). A Comparative Study of Using Mobile News among College Students in Four Chinese Cities in Asia: Antecedents and Patterns. Paper presented at “Seamlessly Mobile? Mobile Communication @ a Crossroads,” 2011 International Communication Association (ICA) Preconference Workshop, May 24 – 25, 2011, Boston MA, USA.
5. Hanitzsch, T., Bauer, M., Godo, E., Goodrum, A.A., Wainberg, J.A., & Xu, X. (2011, May). Self-Reflection by Editors of Foreign News on Television Regarding Their Audiences. Paper presented at the 61st ICA annual conference Communication @ the Center, Boston, USA.
6. Xu, X. (2010, July). The citizen journalism model. Paper presented at the annual International Association for Media, Communication and Research, Braga, Portugal.
7.Xu, X. (2010, July). Mobile youth and mobile news: The future of Journalism? Paper presented at the annual International Association for Media, Communication and Research, Braga, Portugal.
8. Stepinska, A., Lo, V.H., Kuo, E., Xu, X. & Wang. T.L. (2010, June). Frequency and satisfaction with foreign TV news. Paper presented at the annual International Communication Association, Singapore.
9. Xu, X. (2009, May). Mapping and measuring development journalism. Paper presented at the 59th ICA annual conference Key Words in Communication, Chicago, USA.
10. Xu, X., & Goodrum, A. (2009, May). Structure of foreign news about the US primaries. Paper presented at the 59th ICA annual conference Key Words in Communication, Chicago, USA.
11. Xu, X. (2008, July). Development journalism studies: Problems and prospects. Paper presented at the IAMCR annual conference Media and Global Divides, Stockholm, Sweden.
12. Xu, X. (2008, May). Engaging and empowering news audiences online: The case of China. Paper presented at the 58th ICA annual conference Communication for Social Impact. Montreal, Canada.
13. Kim, H.S., Maslog, C.C., Lee, S.T. & Xu, X. (2007, June). Narratives of peace: Asian media coverage of conflicts. Paper presented at 16th AMIC Annual Conference/1st World Journalism Education Congress, Singapore.
14. Lian, H., & Xu, X. (2006, July). Social elements and instant messenger: A web survey of overseas Chinese students. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Cairo, Egypt.
15. Li, C., & Xu, X. (2006, June). Online forum in China: A flying bird in an enlarging cage. Paper presented at the 56th annual conference of International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.
16. Kuo, E., & Xu, X. (2002, July). How Asian are Asian values in journalism? Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Conference of ICA, Seoul, Korea.
17. Xu, X., & Hao, X. (1998, July). Press freedom indicators: A regression analysis. Paper presented at the IAMCR conference, The End of a Nation: The Media Forms and National Identities in the Digital Age, Glasgow, Scotland.
Other Conferences (31)
1. Xu, X. (2012, July). Importance and Shapers of Mobile Experience. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Chinese Communication Society, Taichung, Taiwan.
2. Xu, X. (2012, June). Normative Journalism: Indicators and Shapers. Paper presented at the First International Conference on Journalism Studies, June 27-29, 2012, Sandiago, Chile.
3. Xu, X (2012, January). Experience Is King in the Mobile World. Keynote presented at the 2nd Conference on New Media, Guangzhou, China.
4. Chen, L.N., Lo, W.H., Wei, R., Xu, X., & Zhang, G. (2012, January). Comparing Correlation between Mobile Phone Use and Social Capital among College Students in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Singapore, and Taipei. Paper presented at International Conference on the 5th Anniversary of Communication and Society. Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
5. Xu, X. (2011, November). Measuring Press Differences: An Update. Paper presented at the 3rd International Readings in Moscow: Mass Media and Communications, Moscow, Russia.
6. Xu, X. (2011, October). Political Parties Contesting on Twitter: Who Won the Battle? Paper presented at the Impact of New Media on the General Election 2011 Conference, Singapore.
7. Xu, X. (2011, August). Mobile Users and Mobile News: Comparing News Presentation, Personalization and Empowerment in Five Asian Cities. Paper presented the 7th International Conference on Chinese Media and Chinese Civilization, Baoding, China.
8. Xu, X., & Kuo, E. C.Y. (2009, June). Comparing foreign news between English and Chinese channels in Singapore. Paper presented at the Foreign TV News Around the World, Taipei, Taiwan.
9. Xu, X. (2010, May). Empowering citizens: A comparative study of citizen journalism news websites. Paper presented at the 8th International Media and Communication Conference, Athens, Greece.
10. Xie, J., & Xu, X. (2008, December). Media Organizational Communication and News Production: A Comparative Study of Newspapers in Shanghai and Singapore. Paper presented at the 2008 China Communication Forum, Guangzhou, China.
11. Xu, X. (2008, October). Mapping, measuring and modeling press differences in Asia. Paper presented at the News Channels in Asia Conference, Singapore.
12. Xu, X. (2008, July). Modeling Press Differences. Paper presented at Humanities Conference 08, the 6th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey.
13. Xu, X., & Shi, C. (2008, July). Examining poverty coverage in Manila Bulletin and the Jakarta Post: A development journalism perspective. Paper presented at the 17th AMIC annual conference Changing Media, Changing Societies: Media and the Millennium Development Goals, Manila, the Philippines.
14. Xu, X. (2008, March). Engaging and empowering news audiences online: A feature analysis of nine Asian news websites. Paper presented at the AMIC/SJC conference Convergence, Citizen Journalism and Social Change: Building Capacity, Brisbane, Australia.

15. Xu, X. (2007, June). Whither development journalism? Paper presented at Media Development and Media Policy in a Global World: An International Symposium, Shanghai, China.

16. Xu, X. (2007, May). Modeling Web feature usage in China. Paper presented at the 5th China Internet Conference, College Station, Texas, US.
17. Xu, X. (2006, December). Asian news websites: Measuring web feature usage. Paper presented at the Journalism Downunder: the future of the media in the digital age,the 2nd joint JEANZ/JEA conference, Auckland, New Zealand.
18. Xu, X. (2005, November). Designing and delivering online news: A comparative feature analysis of Asian news media. Paper presented at the 2005 Asian Journalist Forum, Seoul, South Korea.
19. Xu, X. (2005, March). Media and beliefs in Asia: An explorative study. Paper presented at the “Media and Belief in an Interdependent World International Conference, Paris, France.
20. Xu, X. (2004, June). Exploring between East and West: A critical review of press model search in Asia. Paper presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, USA.
21. Xu, X. (2003, December). Unveiling Asian values in journalism. Paper presented at the Asian Media Forum. Beijing, China.
22. Hao, X., Xu, X. & Yang, R. (2001, August). Currents and trends in Mainland China's online newspaper publishing. Paper presented at the International Conference on Chinese Language Media and Cultures: Global Perspective, Lanzhou and Dunhuang, China.
23. Kuo, E., Hao, X. & Xu, X. (2000, April). Chinese audiences in a multiethnic society: The case of Singapore. Paper to be presented at the International Conference of Chinese Audiences across Time and Space, Hong Kong, China.
24. Parsons, P., & Xu, X. (1999, October). The image-making news flow between China and the United States. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Communications, Shanghai, China.
25. Xu, X. (1999, November). Overseas studies on communication in China: A bibliographical analysis. Paper presented at the 6th National Conference on Communication Studies, Shanghai, China.
26. Hao, X., & Xu, X. (1998, June). Press freedom indicators: Asia vs. the World. Paper presented at the Hong Kong conference Journalism & Social Change in Asia, Hong Kong, China.
27. Xu, X. (1998, June). Asian values in journalism: A critical review. Paper presented at the Hong Kong conference Journalism & Social Change in Asia, Hong Kong, China.
28. Xu, X. (1997, October). Asian values revisited in the context of intercultural news communication. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Intercultural Communication, Beijing, China.
29. Xu, X. (1996, August). National identities in international news communication. Paper presented at the Peking University international conference, Communication and Culture: China and the World Entering the 21st Century, Beijing, China.
30. Xu, X. (1994, December). News communication and market economy in China. Paper presented at the Asia Institute of Development Communication Seminar, The New Role of Media in Asian New Market Economies, Penang, Malaysia.
31. Xu, X. (1993, May). Media, development and market economy. Paper presented at the Lisbon Seminar, Development and Market Economy, Lisbon, Portugal.

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