Ds2BB ds2bb converts National Geodetic Survey Digital Data Sheet Files (dsdata) to National Geodetic Survey Blue Book format

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---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DS2BB ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DS2BB - Converts National Geodetic Survey Digital Data Sheet Files (DSDATA) to National Geodetic Survey Blue Book format. For assistance, call Craig Larrimore (301) 713-3257 This program is intended for use by National Geodetic Survey State Advisors and National Geodetic Survey Field Personnel. This program is NOT intended to replace the current Description Entry Process. If you plan to submit recoveries produced by this program to NGS, then all fields for the recovery should be verified by DDPROC. This program may set some fields to default values which may be incorrect. Some default settings are listed below: *10* D/R CODE = R for *10* records. *10* RECOVERY TYPE = M for recoveries. *13* TRANSPORTATION CODE = P *20* DATE RECOVERED (MMDD) = 0000 *26* MAGNETIC CODE = N *29* ROD/PIPE (if present) cc22 = F (FLUSH) CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS: ------------------------------- A SHELL to DOS feature was added. Version 1.2 added a GLOBAL CHANGES routine to the UTILITIES. The *13* pack time will now default to 0000. Version 2.0 will work with the new Oct 1996 DSDATA format or the old DSDATA format. FILES YOU SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED: ------------------------------- 1. ds2bb.doc - This documentation 2. ds2bb.exe - The program 3. ds2bb.agy - Agencies codes file 4. ds2bb.mon - Monument codes file 5. ds2bb.set - Setting codes file When DSDATA files are create, in some cases the text describing the agency, monumentation, and setting may be slightly modified to fix within 80 card columns. This results in files ds2bb.agy, ds2bb.mon, and ds2bb.set being unique to the program ds2bb.exe, and no attempt should be made to use the three files (.agy, .mon, .set) with any other program. These three files are sorted by the text fields on the right as required by program ds2bb.exe These three files are ASCII text files. Digital datasheet files retrieved from the NGS database prior to Oct 1996 will require the three text files mentioned above for determining mark setting and agency code information. If you run ds2bb.exe without the three text files, the program will still run, but if you are working with a pre Oct 1996 dataset, the Blue Book mark and agency code information will be missing. For post Oct 1996 the mark and agency code information is embedded in the data which allows DS2BB to obtain this information without file ds2bb.agy, ds2bb.mon, and ds2bb.set. Still, you may use the files if you wish. Data from the files will take precedence over the embedded datasheet codes. TO EXECUTE THE PROGRAM: ------------------------------ If you are using files ds2bb.agy, ds2bb.mon, and ds2bb.set then insure that they reside in the same directory as the program ds2bb.exe then type: ds2bb SHELL to DOS (Option S) ------------------------------ This option allows you to temporarily leave the program. Sometimes useful for checking the results of your operation before continuing. Type 'exit' to return to the program. CONVERT (Option 1 in the Main Menu) ------------------------------ You are prompted for input (DSDATA) file, output file, and choice of assigning SSNs as one per station or one per recovery. In most cases you will want to use the default (One SSN per station). The only reason for assigning one SSN per recovery would be if you find it easier to work with DDPROC this way and plan to restore the SSNs to one per station later. NOTE - To restore SSNs to one per station: 1. Run UTILITIES CREATE 2. Run UTILITIES REASSIGN (The first SSN will be used). After your DSDATA file has been converted to a Blue Book you should run DDPROC to reassign defaults (mentioned at the top of this documentation) and check for errors. NOTE - Some versions of DDPROC require old Blue Book AGENCY_GROUP numbers on the *20* records. A UTILITY routine provides for conversion to these old Blue Book numbers. UTILITIES (Option 2 in the Main Menu) ------------------------------ 1. CREATE a Recovery List (SSN) file (ds2bb.ssn). Reads a Description Blue Book File and writes the following fields to file ds2bb.ssn: SSN, DESIGNATION, REC_DATE, CONDITION You will have the option of producing 1 line of output per station or one line of output per recovery date. The first record for any particular station will use the date of monumentation as the REC_DATE. Subsequent record (if any) will use the recovery date. 2. REASSIGN Blue Book SSNs based on file ds2bb.ssn. Reads file dd2bb.ssn (Created above and possible modified) to store SSNs associated with station names. Reads a Description Blue Book file and reassigns SSNs to the *10* records based on name match between *13* record and file dd2bb.ssn If file ds2bb.ssn contains multiple records per station, then the SSN from the first record is used. If you have specific SSNs you want to use, then modify file ds2bb.ssn prior to running the reassign routine. 3. REVERT *20* AGENCY_GROUP to Old Blue Book number code. Changes *20* AGENCY_GROUP codes of A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M to old Blue book AGENCY_GROUP codes of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,0 ... UTILITIES continued 4. MERGE *30* records into a single set. The multiple recoveries per station are merged into one set of *10*, *20* and *30* records. The DATE RECOVERED on the output *20* record will be the last recovery date. The single set of *30* records will contain text such as "RECOVERED BY NGS 1995" to differentiate the subsequent recoveries. 5. REDUCE all *30* records to a single RECOVERED AS DESCRIBED. All *30* records for each station are replaced with a single line of text saying "RECOVERED AS DESCRIBED." 6. RESEQUENCE the sequence numbers. Prompts the user for the first sequence number and an increment size which is then used to reassign sequence number in cc1-6. 7. GLOBAL CHANGES It is a good idea to back up your dataset before starting the Global Changes utility. Prompts for the type of record you want to change, such as *20*. then prompts for the field you want to change, such as CHIEF OF RECOVERING PARTY. Finally you will be prompted for the new text. When the record is found it is displayed on the screen followed by the new record, and a [Yes, No, All, Cancel] prompt. Enter Yes to change this record. Enter No to Not change this record Enter All to change this record and all other similar records without futher prompting. Enter Cancel to Not change and discontinue search. Once all records have been found you will be asked Save Changes (y/n) Answer y to save your changes. Answer n to discard your changes. IMPORTANT - The changes you enter are not checked. If you enter 'gsfRusHy' for a date field, the program does not care. Checking is left for DDPROC. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USE ------------------------------ If you are using DS2BB to prepare a recovery to send to NGS, it is recommended that you use DS2BB as follows: 1. Run program DSX to extract DSDATA for the stations you want. (DSX is a separate program available from NGS.) 2. Run DS2BB Option 1 to convert DSDATA to Blue Book. 3. Run UTILITIES MERGE routine on output from Step 2 above. 4. Run UTILITIES REDUCE routine on output from Step 3 above. (Sample output from the above two steps are provided below.) 5. Run DDPROC as described below. 6. If DDPROC does not like the AGENCIES_GROUP on the *20* records then go back and run UTILITIES REVERT routine. 7. Use DDPROC to correct any incorrect information such as pack time. 8. Use DDPROC to change the recovery date and information to your recovery date and information. 9. Use DDPROC to change the *30* RECOVERED AS DESCRIBED text to your text (if needed). DDPROC ------------------------------ After your DSDATA file has been converted to a Blue Book you should run DDPROC to reassign defaults (mentioned at the top of this documentation) and check for errors. Listed below are the basic steps for running DDPROC: 1. Run MAKEFILE.EXE to convert your Blue Book file to an .HA file. 2. Run DESC.EXE to modify the .HA file 3. After modification of any Data Set Records (*00* - *05*) press F10 to bring up the Description Template. 4. In the template SSN field, enter the SSN for the recovery you wish to modify. The template should become filled and a prompt at the bottom allows for a (M)odify response. 5. After entering M to modify, press F9 to step through the If you find that you need to run DS2BB on a file which has already been modified by DDPROC, then run DDPROC READFILE to read the .HA file and choose the option for 'Output in order entered'. This will convert your .HA file back to a standard blue book. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Sample output from DS2BB 1954 and 1965 recoveries for station F 82 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 001240*10*0009RMN300117W0822027 41M N300822 FLUNION BD1430 001250*13*F 82 P 001260*20*A/CGS 1934 A/NGS 19540000 G 001270*26*07/ DB N C 001280*28*F 82 1934 001300*30*AT LAKE UNION. 001310*30*AT LAKE BUTLER, ABOUT 0.15 MILE SOUTHEAST ALONG THE GEORGIA 001320*30*SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA RAILWAY FROM THE STATION, AT THE INTERSECTION 001330*30*OF THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD, ABOUT 11 RAILS NORTHWEST 001340*30*OF MILE POST 233, 49 FEET NORTH OF CENTER OF CROSSING, 44 1/2 001350*30*FEET NORTHEAST OF NORTHEAST RAIL OF THE GA. SOU. AND FLA. RY., 001360*30*44 FEET NORTHWEST OF NORTHWEST RAIL OF A.C.L. RR, 7 FEET WEST 001370*30*OF A 20-INCH OAK TREE, 26 1/2 FEET NORTH OF NORTHWEST END OF A 001380*30*24-INCH PIPE CULVERT UNDER A.C.L. RR., 53 FEET EAST-NORTHEAST OF 001390*30*EAST CORNER OF A CONCRETE BASE OF APPARATUS OPERATING STOP 001400*30*GATE ON GA. SOU. AND FLA. RY., ABOUT 3 FEET BELOW LEVEL OF 001410*30*INTERSECTION AND SET IN THE TOP OF A CONCRETE POST PROJECTING 001420*30*2 INCHES. 001430*10*0009RMN300117W0822027 41M N300822 FLUNION BD1430 001440*13*F 82 P 001450*20*A/CGS 1934 A/NGS 19650000 N 001460*26*07/ DB N C 001470*28*F 82 1934 001490*30*MARK NOT FOUND. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Below shows output when the two recoveries above are passed through the UTILITIES MERGE *30* routine. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 000010*10*0009RMN300117W0822027 41M N300822 FLUNION BD1430 000020*13*F 82 P 000030*20*A/CGS 1934 A/NGS 19650000 N 000040*26*07/ DB N C 000050*28*F 82 1934 000060*30*RECOVERED BY NGS 1954 000070*30*AT LAKE UNION. 000080*30*AT LAKE BUTLER, ABOUT 0.15 MILE SOUTHEAST ALONG THE GEORGIA 000090*30*SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA RAILWAY FROM THE STATION, AT THE INTERSECTION 000100*30*OF THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD, ABOUT 11 RAILS NORTHWEST 000110*30*OF MILE POST 233, 49 FEET NORTH OF CENTER OF CROSSING, 44 1/2 000120*30*FEET NORTHEAST OF NORTHEAST RAIL OF THE GA. SOU. AND FLA. RY., 000130*30*44 FEET NORTHWEST OF NORTHWEST RAIL OF A.C.L. RR, 7 FEET WEST 000140*30*OF A 20-INCH OAK TREE, 26 1/2 FEET NORTH OF NORTHWEST END OF A 000150*30*24-INCH PIPE CULVERT UNDER A.C.L. RR., 53 FEET EAST-NORTHEAST OF 000160*30*EAST CORNER OF A CONCRETE BASE OF APPARATUS OPERATING STOP 000170*30*GATE ON GA. SOU. AND FLA. RY., ABOUT 3 FEET BELOW LEVEL OF 000180*30*INTERSECTION AND SET IN THE TOP OF A CONCRETE POST PROJECTING 000190*30*2 INCHES. 000200*30*RECOVERED BY NGS 1965 000210*30*MARK NOT FOUND. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Below shows output when the merged recovery above was passed through the UTILITIES REDUCE *30* routine. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 000010*10*0009RMN300117W0822027 41M N300822 FLUNION BD1430 000020*13*F 82 P 000030*20*A/CGS 1934 A/NGS 19650000 N 000040*26*07/ DB N C 000050*28*F 82 1934 000210*30*RECOVERED AS DESCRIBED.

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