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IGU International Geographical Union

Union Géographique Internationale UGI



URL: http://www.homeofgeography.org/

e-mail: g.bellezza@homeofgeography.org


New Series 2



Editor-in-Chief: Ronald F. Abler

Editor: Giuliano Bellezza

This Newsletter is circulated to more than 1500 individuals and bodies. Announcements, information, calls for participation in scientific events, programmes and projects are welcome. Please send them to g.bellezza@homeofgeography.org or giuliano.bellezza@uniroma1.it



1 ) Remarks from IGU President Ron Abler
2) Minutes of the EC Meeting, Beijing, 12-15 March 2012

a) English version

b) Version Française
3) Next IGU Official Initiative

Cologne, IGU International Congress 2012
4) Reports from Conferences and Meetings

4.1) Joint IGU and ISPRS Seminar on Geo-frontier Understanding

4.2) AAG Annual Conference, New York, 24-28 February
5) Forthcoming Events

5.1) Landscapes of Canada, Dublin, 10-12 May

5.2) Landscapes: perception, knowledge, awareness and action, Bucharest, 11-13 May

5.3) Communications, Mobility, Computing, Guilin, 21-23 May

5.4) Gender memories on War and Political Violence, Istambul 22-23 May

5.5) Genre et agriculture familiale et paysanne, Toulouse, May

5.6) EUROGEO free course on GIS and Spatial Thinking, Dublin, June

5.7) Society South African Geographers, Conference 21-22 June

5.8) New Horizons, New Opportunities in Tourism, Conference, Lesvos (Greece) 28 June-1 July

5.9) Borderscapes III, Trieste (Italy), 28-30 June

5.10) Rural Women, opportunities, threats, challenges, Berne, 20-22 August

5.11) Geography Education Symposium, 22-25 August, before IGU Congress

5.12) International Cartographic Association Conference, Dresden 25-30 August

5.13) IGU International Congress, Cologne, 26-30 August

5.14) Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, 26-28 August


1a) English version
Dear Colleagues,
The IGU Executive Committee held its first meeting of 2012 in Beijing in March. It was a productive and enjoyable meeting, thanks to the generous hospitality of the Institute of Geographical and Natural Resources Research (IGNRR) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and its Secretary General, Zhang Guoyou. The approved minutes of the meeting are included in this issue and are available at http://igu-online.org/.
Taking advantage of the committee’s presence in Beijing, an informative visit to the National Geomatics Center of China was arranged by Chen Jun, Secretary General of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). IGU Secretary General Mike Meadows, Vice President Giuliano Bellezza, and I also visited the School of Geography at Beijing Normal University (BNU) led by Professor Yang Shengtian. After a briefing on the School’s programs, the three of us participated in a Seminar on Geo-Frontier Understanding organized by Chen Jun and sponsored by BNU, the Geographical Society of China (GSC), IGU, and ISPRS. In discussions following the seminar we agreed to explore the possibility of establishing a joint IGU-ISPRS commission focused on research on land use and related topics in frontier areas throughout the world, one of Chen Jun’s particular interests.
From 25-30 April IGU Vice President Dietrich Soyez and I were guests of the National Committee for the IGU of Japan during a visit to Tokyo, where we met with the National Committee and presented lectures at a meeting of Japanese geographers held at Tokyo Metropolitan University. Following the meetings, IGU Vice President Yukio Himiyama kindly gave us a two-day tour of the coastal areas most severely affected by the 2010 tsunami. The depth and scale of the devastation caused by the earthquake and tsunami is difficult to comprehend, even after a year of intensive cleanup, as is the amount of work yet to be done to in any sense restore the areas affected by the tsunami to some semblance of their former state. Incomprehensible as the damage and restoration may be, the Japanese people, including our colleagues in geography, are addressing the daunting task with commendable determination.
The most exciting news I have to report in this issue is the endorsement of the IGU’s International Year for Global Understanding (IYGU) initiative by the International Council for Science (ICSU), word of which was received in early May. The IYGU initiative has now been endorsed by the major global coordinating organizations for the sciences (ICSU), the social sciences (ISSC—the International Social Science Council), and the humanities (the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies). In addition, five of the eight ICSU international unions that focus on the earth sciences have formally endorsed the IYGU initiative. ICSU support will be most helpful in winning UNESCO endorsement for IYGU, which is prerequisite to obtaining approval of the International Year from the United Nations General Assembly. Current plans are for the IYGU “year” to be proclaimed for 2016-2017. IYGU Executive Director Benno Werlen of the University of Jena is to be congratulated on his success in bringing the IYGU initiative to its current state of development.
More details regarding IYGU will be offered in the next issue of the IGU E-Newsletter. I also want then to report on a fascinating student-organized conference from which I’ve just returned that was held at Gadjah Made University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
All best wishes till then,

Ron Abler, President


b) Version Française
Cher Collègues

Le Comité Exécutif de l'UGI a tenu sa première réunion de 2012 à Pékin, en Mars. Ce fut une rencontre productive et agréable, grâce à la généreuse hospitalité de l'Institut de Recherche en Géographie et Ressources Naturelles de l'Académie chinoise des sciences et de son Secrétaire général, Zhang Guoyou. Les procès-verbaux approuvés de la réunion sont inclus dans cette édition et sont disponibles sur le site web http://igu-online.org/.

Profitant de la présence du comité à Pékin, une visite enrichissante du Centre National de Géomatique de Chine a été organisée par Chen Jun, secrétaire général de la Société internationale de photogrammétrie et de télédétection (SIPT). Le Secrétaire général de l’UGI, Mike Meadows, le vice-président Giuliano Bellezza, et moi-même avons aussi visité la faculté de géographie de l'Université Normale de Beijing (BNU) dirigée par le professeur Yang Shengtian. Après une présentation des programmes de l'École, nous avons tous les trois participé à un séminaire sur les géo-frontières organisé par Chen Jun et parrainé par BNU, la Société de géographie de Chine, l'UGI, et la SIPT. Suite aux discussions du séminaire, nous avons convenu d'explorer la possibilité d'établir un commission jointe UGI-ISPRS consacrée aux recherches sur l'utilisation des terres et des sujets voisins dans les zones frontalières à travers le monde, un des domaines d’intérêt de Chen Jun.
Du 25 au 30 Avril, le vice-président de l’UGI Dietrich Soyez et moi-même étions les invités du Comité national UGI du Japon pour une visite à Tokyo, où nous avons rencontré les membres du Comité national et assisté à des conférences présentées lors d'une réunion des géographes japonais tenue à Tokyo Metropolitan University. Après ces réunions, le vice-président de l’UGI Yukio Himiyama nous a aimablement organisé une visite de deux jours dans les zones côtières les plus durement touchées par le tsunami de 2010. La magnitude et l'étendue des dévastations causées par le séisme et le tsunami sont difficiles à appréhender, même après une année de nettoyage intensif, car la quantité de travail qui reste à accomplir dans le but de restaurer dans leur état antérieur les zones touchées par le tsunami reste immense. En dépit de l’énormité de la tâche, la détermination et les efforts du peuple japonais, y compris nos collègues géographes, doivent être applaudis sans réserve.
La nouvelle la plus enthousiasmante que je dois signaler dans ce bulletin est le soutien du Conseil international pour la science (CIUS) à l’initiative de l’UGI pour une Année internationale de la compréhension globale (IYGU), nouvelle qui a été reçue au début de mai. L'initiative IYGU a maintenant été approuvée par les plus grandes organisations de coordination pour les sciences (ICSU), les sciences sociales (CISS - le Conseil international des sciences sociales), et les sciences humaines (le Conseil international pour la philosophie et des sciences humaines). En outre, cinq des huit unions internationales de l’ICSU qui se concentrent sur les sciences de la terre ont formellement approuvé l'initiative IYGU. Ce soutien de l’ICSU sera très utile pour obtenir l'approbation de l'UNESCO pour IYGU, ce qui est une condition préalable à l’établissement de l'Année internationale par l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies. Les projets actuels visent à une proclamation d’une “année” IYGU pour 2016-2017.

Le Directeur exécutif de l’IYGU, Benno Werlen, de l'Université d'Iéna, doit être félicité pour sa réussite dans le développement actuel de cette initiative IYGU.

Des détails complémentaires concernant IYGU seront fournis dans le prochain numéro du bulletin électronique de l’UGI.
Je tiens également à signaler une fascinante conférence organisée par des étudiants, dont je reviens tout juste, qui s'est tenue à l'Université Gadjah Made à Yogyakarta, en Indonésie.
Tous les meilleurs voeux,

Ron Abler, président





BEIJING, PRC, 12-15 MARCH 2012
English version

Welcome and Apologies

Present: Ronald Abler, Irasema Alcantara-Ayala, Giuliano Bellezza, Ruth Fincher, Yukio Himiyama, Aharon Kellerman, Vladimir Kolossov, Markku Löytönen, Dietrich Soyez, Dahe Qin and Mike Meadows
Adoption of the Agenda

The committee adopted the agenda prepared by Meadows and Abler.


Santiago November 2011 Meeting. The minutes of the November 2011 Santiago IGU Executive Committee meeting were confirmed, having being circulated and approved via email prior to the meeting.

Publication of the Minutes. The timing of publishing the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings was discussed. The committee agreed that the minutes should be circulated and corrected soon after each meeting so that they can be published promptly. The responsibility is with the Executive Committee members to ensure that they read and correct them as necessary within one month of the meeting. The president will provide final review.
Organization and Operations

IGU Country Membership Report. The spreadsheet indicating the current situation was tabled. Problems in making contact with South Korea were noted and Himiyama will follow up. There are renewed memberships from Nigeria and Kenya. Iceland and Brazil are facing particular difficulties, with the suggestion that perhaps a sponsorship arrangement may work in the interim. Kolossov reported on his efforts to follow up with some of the former Soviet Union countries. Abler reported that the US National Committee will contribute US$1,000 annually to a ‘dues fund’ to support the membership of countries that cannot afford to pay, pending approval of an increase in its own funding for that purpose.

IGU Financial Report and Projection. Financial reports for 2008-2011 including balance sheets were presented. The IGU Executive Committee has reduced travel costs, at least in part due to the holding of the partial ‘virtual‘ Executive Committee meeting Köln in May 2011 but also because a high proportion of Executive Committee members now receive subsidies from their own national authorities. The possibility of dealing with more routine items via Skype was discussed and it was agreed to continue attempts to have one of the Executive Committee meetings each year via appropriate technology for as many of the Executive Committee members as possible. Meadows reported that the IGU will likely offer 40 travel grants for participation in the Köln Congress.

UN-International Year for Global Understanding (IYGU) Initiative. A report submitted by Benno Werlen was reviewed. The IYGU strategy now is to aim for the year to be declared in 2015 and there is a need to decide what the ‘final‘ year would be. Abler and Kolossov will convey the Executive Committee‘s concerns to Benno, along with suggestions that the IYGU leadership consider what might be accomplished should the initiative fail to obtain United Nations endorsement, and for how much longer UN endorsement should be pursued. The financial situation was also discussed; IGU continues to make annual contributions to IYGU in the meantime. There was considerable discussion of the initiative in relation to the messages it is communicating and the ongoing tensions between scientific objectives and the political maneuvering needed to obtain UN endorsement.

Commission Reports. 2008-2012 reports were requested from all Commissions and Task Forces and the response has been very good, with only three commissions and one task force still with reports outstanding. Fincher suggested that the template requesting the annual reports should in future solicit information on Commission attempts to encourage younger scholars. There are some anomalies in relation to, for example, Steering Committee membership and there is a need for these to be resolved. Some Commissions are less directly involved in the IGU per se. It was decided that each Executive Committee member will review the reports of the Commissions and Task Forces for which she or he is responsible and provide a brief report and recommendation via E-mail to Meadows by 31st March 2012. Abler and Meadows will then communicate the responses to the Commission chairs on behalf of the committee. Final decisions with respect to the Executive Committee’s recommendations to the IGU General Assembly regarding continuation of commissions and task forces will be made at the Executive Committee meeting prior to the Köln Congress.

IGU Annual Report 2011. Abler compiled a draft IGU Annual Report for 2011 and, in consultation with Meadows, this was produced in time to go out with the 2012 membership invoices. The report will be placed on the website. The possibility of developing a more ‘market-oriented’ version of the report was raised.

Journals Project Update. The web-based version of the inventory is under construction and will be ready for the launch at Köln. The work of Ton Dietz and his team on this project has been extraordinary and his efforts are warmly appreciated.

Sustainable Cities Network. Qiu Li from the University of Hunan attended the meeting for this item and provided an update on the project. A website is under construction at www.oursus.org. Dr. Qiu outlined briefly the history of the relationship between the University of Hunan and the IGU through collaboration with Ton Dietz. The key example currently is the city of Changsha as one of two pilot sustainable cities in China but the intention is that this should be a platform for many cities globally to help bridge gap in developing versus developed world sustainability. Key issues involve the project’s financial model going forward as well as its management structure and marketing both now and in the future. Prospects for presentation in Köln were discussed and it was agreed Executive Committee members would respond to the issues raised in relation to finance and management. Meadows will write Dietz requesting that he co-ordinate the presentation schedule requirements for the Congress and the Köln General Assembly. Kellerman will continue as the Executive Committee liaison with the initiative.

Executive Committee Calendar

  • Köln, Germany: Meeting on 24th and 26th August 2012 (ahead of IGU Congress; field excursion on Saturday 25 August). Executive Committee members should provide their flight details and the duration of their stays in Köln to Soyez as soon as possible.

  • The 2012-2014 IGU Executive Committee will meet after the General Assembly election to elect a First Vice President and to schedule its future meetings.

IGU Sesquicentennial and Centennial Task Force. Abler tabled his report and recommendations in this regard. The establishment of the Task Force needs to be finalized by the time of the Köln Congress. Abler was confirmed as the liaison person with this Task Force; suggestions are still sought for membership.

IGU Bulletin Backlog. Meadows has made good progress with the 2009-10 issue and this will be ready to go to press within a few weeks. Meadows agreed to produce the 2011 version in time for the Köln Congress. The matter of future publication was discussed, in particular the suggestion that this take the form of e-publication in future; the advantages of having hard copy appear to outweigh the costs, although National Committees could be approached as to how they would like to receive the Bulletin. The current distribution is the National Committees (five copies each) plus the libraries listed. The print-run should be around 500 copies.

IGU 2012 Elections. Four Vice-Presidents and a new President are to be elected or re-elected at the 2012 IGU General Assembly in Köln. The call for nominations closed on 31st December 2011. One candidate for the Presidency has been received, and ten for Vice-Presidents. The uneven gender and geographical distribution of candidates was noted with concern.

Joint International Cartographic Association/International Geographical Union Working Group/Commission on Toponymy. A brief report was tabled. It was agreed that Bellezza would become the liaison person for this new Commission. It was also agreed that members of the interim steering committee should meet with the Executive Committee in Köln.

Mediterranean Renaissance Program . Exchange of correspondence has indicated the willingness of this very active program, under the leadership of Maria Paradiso, to be formalized as the IGU Commission on the Mediterranean Basin, the IGU’s charter Regional Commission. The Executive Committee will forward that recommendation to the General Assembly.

Proposed IGU Commission on the Informal Economic Sector. Discussions are still underway among those preparing the proposal for the commission.

Agenda for IGU General Assembly, Köln, August 2012. The draft agenda has been circulated to the National Committees and additions and amendments are awaited. The draft agenda was approved by the Executive Committee, following the agenda item dealing with the Köln Congress.

Executive Committee Service on IGU CTF Steering Committees. Customarily, IGU Executive Committee members have served on Commission Steering Committees. Given that the Mediterranean Renaissance Program has been approved as a Commission, those Executive Committee members who listed as MRP Steering Committee members should not continue in that capacity beyond the Köln Congress. There is no impediment preventing Executive Committee members from being active members of any IGU Commission or Task Force.

IGU Archives Abler has received a positive response from the Curator of the American Geographical Society Library and the Director of Libraries at the Golda Meir University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Library to the prospect of moving the IGU archives from Rome to the Golda Meir Library. It would be advantageous to have the archives situated in a location where they can be appropriately catalogued, curated and consulted. Abler is to further explore their costs and logistics of transferring the collection from Villa Celimontana to Milwaukee. There was also discussion of the possibility of moving the archives to the Institut fuer Laenderkunde of Leipzig. Soyez to follow up explore that option.

Home of Geographers. Correspondence from the Italian Geographical Society indicates their objection to the use of the name ‘Home of Geography’. The newsletter has already changed its name but the question of the website name remains. The Home of Geography E-Newsletter will be fully integrated into the IGU website and the separate Rome website will be discontinued. It was agreed that, from the next issue, the newsletter will be branded simply: “IGU E-Newsletter”.

Corporate Sponsorship. Abler reported on negotiations for the IGU’s first corporate sponsor. One possibility would be to use the relevant corporation’s name in association with a number of travel grants and/or programmes for younger scholars. The Executive Committee agreed that Abler should suggest this to the prospect with which he is negotiating.
Cooperation and Outreach

Festival International de Géographie (FIG). The issue of participation of FIG at the Köln Congress was raised and, in particular, the attendance of Chrstian Pierret. Kolossov reported that Pierret has agreed to come to the Congress for two days and is prepared to present several times as necessary, including a round table to discuss the future of Geographical Festivals and a newly proposed School (Grand Ecole) of Geography at St Dié-des-Voges. In order to increase the visibility of French within the IGU, the Köln Local Organizing Committee has suggested a ‘Francophone afternoon‘ and, since there remain no plenary slots on the programme, FIG and the French National Committee of the IGU (CNFG) have agreed to share this session jointly. Timetable issues need still to be resolved. Other sessions may be arranged as necessary.

The current agreement between IGU and FIG was also discussed: FIG is prepared to cover the expenses of accommodation in St Dié-des-Voges for one person to present an IGU lecture (preferably in French) provided IGU covers the travel expenses. IGU is committed into the future and already for October 2012 (the themes are ‘Turkey‘ and ‘Landscapes‘). National Committees will again be approached to suggest names of possible presenters.

Festa de Mirandela, Portugal. There is no information regarding this item.

Festival de Geografía, Taxco, Guerrero Mexico. The latest plans are to hold the festival biennially in different cities of Mexico, organised by different groups each time, and the next festival site, in October 2012, will be chosen at a meeting in May.

International Social Science Council (ISSC). Fincher tabled a brief report indicating that much effort has been applied to nominating appropriate geographers for the various working committees. Geographers have unfortunately not so far been incorporated onto the newly established committee for the next World Social Science Report but there is a possibility that one Latin American geographer (suggested by Ayala) may be co-opted at a later stage. Geographers were also nominated by IGU to be consulted around the issues of climate change and have responded accordingly. Suggestions for names of possible keynote/plenary speakers at the next ISSC World Social Science Forum (Montreal, October 2013) on the theme ‘Social Transformation and the Digital Age’ are sought.

International Council for Science (ICSU) The next ICSU GeoUnions meeting will be held in Istanbul in Istanbul at the end of April 2012. Abler and Meadows will attend on behalf of IGU and will use the opportunity to touch base with Turkish colleagues in relation to their invitation to IGU to host the 2020 International Geographical Congress. Meadows will circulate ICSU’s recently announced ‘Future Earth’ document to Commission, Task Forces, and National Committees. Ayala’s nomination to serve on the Integrated Research on Disaster Reduction Science Committee has been put forward and a decision is due shortly.

International Consortium on Landslides. Ayala noted the proposal to establish a regional network for Latin America in regard to landslide disasters. At a January meeting in Japan, Latin America was accepted by the Consortium as one of eight regional networks globally and this now opens up the possibility of applying to ICSU for funding. The IGU should play a leading role in the consortium and its programs, and should support its application for ICSU funding.

Géographie de la Paix/New ACFAS Event. Following on from IGU involvement in and partial funding of the Maison de la Géographie de Montréal publication following the 2011 event, the next ACFAS colloquium will be held in May 2012. There is a clear effort to bridge communication difficulties between the organizers and the Canadian Association of Geographers. It was suggested that the local organizers make contact with the CAG before an IGU contribution be considered.
International Geographical Congresses and IGU Regional Conferences

Conference and Congress Memorandum of Agreement (MoA). Kellerman noted that problems had arisen in regard both to choice of venue and in make-up of the Local Organising Committees (LOC) and suggested that appropriate clauses be added to the memorandum reflecting the importance of consultation with the Executive Committee in regard to both aspects. It was noted that the MoA is a set of guidelines rather than rules, although for future conferences and congresses (i.e. from 2018 onwards), LOC representatives will be asked to sign MoAs in Köln. Abler agreed to incorporate the proposed additions to the MoA. The addition of a clause referring to the refund of travel grant monies advanced to LOCs in the event of no-shows was also agreed to.

Santiago, Chile Regional Conference 2011. The Local Organizing Committee has submitted its final report. The attendance was encouraging and, despite some misgivings regarding the venue and quality of papers, the hosting of the conference in Latin America was seen as a positive development. Abler will prepare a draft response to the editorial regarding the conference site that appeared in Political Geography.

Köln, Germany International Geographical Congress 2012. Soyez presented a comprehensive status report on the upcoming Congress, illustrating some of the venue characteristics and outlining the main features of the IGC. Abstract submissions have surpassed all expectations and, to date, 2,817 have been submitted (1,772 acceptances, 423 on the waiting list, 612 rejections). Most of the rejections focused on the ‘key topic’ themes. There are now 450 slots planned for the congress, inclusive of business meetings. In general the abstract submission and review process has proceeded smoothly, although some difficulties were experienced. The keynote speaker programme was outlined; it includes high profile individuals. Innovations in the participation of younger scientists are planned. In the presentation, special attention was paid to the Symposium on Geography and Schools which will bring an additional 200 participants to the Congress. iGeo (Olympiad) has achieved UNESCO Commission recognition and plans some very exciting innovations in the run-up to the Congress. Approximately 35 exhibitors have been finalized, most of whom will exhibit in a specially erected tent structure in a central part of the venue. The opening and closing ceremony programmes were outlined; they will take place in the Philharmonic Hall. The proposal for a special session on ‘Facets of Contested Geographies’ was also discussed and potential speakers have been identified and will be approached shortly, although it is recognized that this is now at short notice. Early-bird registration is open until April 10th 2012. Meadows provided a brief update on the travel grant situation and noted that he hoped that up to 40 grants would be awarded from the more than 160 applications that have been received. The committee asked that Soyez strongly convey its great appreciation to the LOC for their efforts.

Kyoto, Japan Regional Conference 2013. Himiyama presented a brief report on behalf of the Kyoto Local Organizing Committee. An early-bird registration rate of US$300 has been suggested, which is very competitive. Registrations will be invited from 1 October 2012 to 10 April 2013. Delegates will be encouraged to register early. The second circular will be ready in time for the Köln Congress. Some very high profile keynote speakers have been identified and have agreed to attend.

Krakow, Poland Regional Conference 2014. The Polish IGU National Committee has sent a report that confirmed that the dates for the meeting are 18th to 22nd August 2014. A Local Organizing Committee has been established and the first circular will be available at the Köln Congress. Abler will write and thank the committee for the report.

Moscow, Russia Regional Conference 2015. Kolossov reported that two meetings of the core of the LOC have taken place. A range of institutions, including government authorities, the Russian Academy of Sciences, etc., have been approached for support. The conference will be held at Moscow State University in August. The organizers will ask that all papers be presented in English or French. The conference dates are 20-26 August 2015.

People’s Republic of China International Geographical Congress, Beijing, 2016. The LOC framework has been established as has the Scientific Committee. The meeting will take place at the China National Convention Centre and attempts are underway to find funding to support the meeting, including especially the attendance of young scholars from developing countries. The congress will be held in August 2016.

International Geographical Congress 2020 Invitations. Proposals have been received to host the 2020 International Geographical Congress from the national committees of Australia, Peru and Turkey. The normal procedure is that the Executive Committee reviews the invitations and recommends a site to the General Assembly. The Executive Committee agreed to recommend Istanbul as venue for the 2020 IGC. Meadows will inform the proposers from Lima and Sydney that they can bid for the 2018 Regional Conference if they wish to do so.

Olympiad Proposal. The Executive Committee agreed that the IGU Olympiad can be supported at each Congress in the amount of US$5,000 (in addition to US$1,000 per year regular support in other years). Meadows will communicate the decision the Olympiad Task Force co-chairs.
Honors and Awards

Honours and Awards Committee. The purpose of the establishment of this committee is to regularize the nominations and procedures for selecting recipients to the various IGU awards. Abler tabled his proposed terms of reference and structure for the proposed committee, which shall consist of five internationally prominent individuals drawn from countries in good standing with the IGU and operating independently of the Executive Committee. The guidelines having been approved in principle, Abler was requested to approach the individuals concerned. Fincher will serve as the first chairperson of the committee.

IGU Planet and Humanity Medal. Himiyama proposed a suitable recipient for the Planet and Humanity Award. It was agreed that will Abler ascertain the individual’s willingness to accept the medal and his availability to attend the Köln Congress.

Mattei Dogan Foundation Prize in Human Geography. Abler will contact the Foundation to confirm the availability of funds for the award in 2012.

IGU Lauréat d’honneur Abler will provide the guidelines for this award within a week. There is a qualified nominee and it is expected that at least one award will be made at Köln.

The committee expressed its great appreciation to the local organising team headed by Zhang Guoyou for all that had been done to facilitate the meeting and the various institutional visits arranged for the Executive Committee. The agenda having been completed, the President adjourned the meeting at 12h50 local time on 14th March. The next meeting will begin at 09h00 on 24st August 2012 in Köln, Germany.


National Administration for Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation: XIII Century, turtles and spoons heading North; 4th producer of high quality directional instruments, heading to third
In the Academy of Sciences: left, aluminum statue dedicated to Astronomy; right, members of IGU EG looking the scale plastic of the large High Tech City, now in construction.
Version française
Union Géographique Internationale

Procès-verbal de la réunion du Comité exécutif UGI

Institut de la Recherche sur les Sciences Géographiques et les Ressources Naturelles

Beijing, République Populaire de Chine

12-15 Mars 2012

Bienvenue et excuses

Présents: Ronald Abler, Irasema Alcantara-Ayala, Giuliano Bellezza, Ruth Fincher, Yukio Himiyama, Aharon Kellerman, Vladimir Kolossov, Markku Löytönen, Dietrich Soyez, Dahe Qin et Mike Meadows

Adoption de l'ordre du jour
Le Comité a adopté l'ordre du jour préparé par Meadows et Abler.

Santiago Novembre 2011.
Le procès-verbal de la réunion du Comité exécutif de l’UGI à Santiago en novembre 2011 a été entériné, ayant été distribué et approuvé par e-mail avant la réunion.

Publication du procès-verbal. Le calendrier de la publication des procès-verbaux des réunions du Comité exécutif a été discuté. Le comité a convenu que les procès-verbaux devraient être distribués et corrigé peu de temps après chaque réunion afin qu'ils puissent être publiés rapidement. La responsabilité des membres du Comité exécutif est de s’assurer qu'ils ont lu et corrigé si nécessaire dans un délai d'un mois après la réunion. Le président donne un dernier coup d’oeil.

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