Exhibit 11.27
1. DEFINITIONS: Unless otherwise specified in the Statement of n) "Designated CPU(s)" means for each product, if applicable,
Work, the foll owing terms shall be gi ven the meani ng shown,
unle ss context requi res otherwi se.
a) "Acceptance Tests" means those tests performed duri ng the Performance Peri od whi ch are i ntended to determi ne compl iance of Equi pment and Software wi th the specificati ons and all other Attachments i ncorpora ted herein by re feren ce and to determine the reli abi li ty of the Equi pment.
b) "Application Program" means a computer progr am whi ch is i ntended to be executed for the purpose of performi ng useful work for the user of the i nformati on bei ng pro cessed. Appli cati on programs are devel oped or otherwi se acqui red by the user of the Hard ware /Software system, but they may be suppl ied by the Con tractor.
c) "Attachment" means a mechanical, el ectrical, or el ectronic i nterconnecti on to the Con tractor-suppl ied Machi ne or System of E qui p m en t , m an u f a c t u re d b y o t he r t ha n
t h e original Equipment manufacturer that is not connected
by the Con tractor.
d) “Business entity” mea ns any i ndi vi dual, busi ness, partnershi p, j oint venture, corporati on, S-corporati on, l imited li abil ity company, sole propri etorshi p, j oi nt stock company, consorti um, or o ther pri vate l egal en ti ty re cogni zed by statute.
e) “Buyer” means the State’s autho ri zed contracti ng offici al.
f) “Commercial Hardware” means Hard ware devel oped or regul arly used tha t: (i) has been sol d, l eased, or li censed to the general publ ic; (ii) has been offered for sal e, l ease, or li cense to the general publi c; (ii i) has not been offered, sol d, l eased, or l icensed to the public but will be avail able for com merci al sal e, l ease, or l icense in time to satisfy the deli very requi rements of this Con tra ct; or (i v) sati sfies a criteri on expre ssed in (i ), (ii ), or (iii) above and would requi re only mi nor modifi cati ons to meet the requi rements of this Con tract.
g) “Commercial Software” means Software devel oped or regul arly used that: (i) has been sol d, l eased, or li censed to the general publ ic; (ii) has been offered for sal e, l ease, or li cense to the general publi c; (iii) has not been offered, sol d, l eased, or l icensed to the public but will be avai lable for com merci al sal e, l ease, or l icense in time to satisfy the deli very requi rements of this Con tra ct; or (i v) sati sfi es a criteri on expre ssed in (i ), (ii ), or (iii) above and would requi re only mi nor mo difi cati ons to meet the requi rements of this Con tract.
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