Elizabeth A. Unger

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Elizabeth A. Unger

108 Anderson Hall

Kansas State University

Manhattan, Kansas 66506

Office: (785) 532-6520 Home: (785) 539-6594

e-mail: beth@k-state.edu

IT Research Fellow

Professor of Computing and Information Sciences

1961 B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State University

1963 M.S., Mathematics, Michigan State University

1978 Ph.D., Computer Science, The University of Kansas


July 2007 – present IT Research Fellow

1994- 2007 Vice Provost for Academic Services and Technology, Dean of Continuing Education, Professor of Computing and Information Sciences

1989- 1994 Professor of Computing and Information Sciences and Associate Dean of the Graduate School

1982 - 1990 Professor, Kansas State University (KSU) Computer Science

1978 - 1982 Associate Professor, KSU Computer Science

1970 - 1978 Assistant Professor, KSU Mathematics, Statistics, & Computer Science

1969 - 1970 Acting Director, KSU Computing Center

1962 - 1969 Associate Director, KSU Computing Center

1958 - 1962 Applied Science Representative (Student), IBM, Lansing, Michigan


Security and Integrity of Data Systems

Database Systems

Distributed Systems/Office Automation/Concurrency

MARITAL STATUS: Widowed, 3 children

IDEA Board Chair, 2002-

2003-2007 Universal K-State President, 2005 – Founding President

2007- McCain Auditorium Board

2000 University Strategic Planning – Targeted Excellence

1994-1997 NCAA Governance and Commitment Rules Compliance subcommittee

1993-94 MIST Computing Committee

1993-94 University Task Force on Non-Traditional Education

1993 University Committee on Minorities

1992 Conference on Minority Graduate Education held at KSU, Panel Moderator

1992- Faculty Evaluation Review Committee, CIS

1993- Faculty Recruiting Committee, CIS

1990 Chair Distinguished Graduate Faculty Selection Committee.

1990 Distinguished Faculty Selection Committee, A&S

1989- Strategic Planning Subcommittee--Graduate Education

1989-90 Graduate Council-Physical Sciences Subcommittee

1988-89 Chair of the Search Committee, Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School

1988-90 Eisenhower Symposium Committee

1988 Development of an Ethics Course for Computer Science

1988 Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award Selection Committee

1988 Graduate School Restructuring Committee

1988-91 Sigma Xi Audit Committee

1987 Chair, Grievance Committee (Graduate School)

1987-90 Arts & Sciences Dean's Advisory Committee

1987 Search Committee, Dean of College of Arts & Sciences

1986- 89 Chairman, Undergraduate Studies Department of Computer Science

1984 Sigma Xi, Departmental Representation Committee Member

1991 - 93 Sigma Xi, Treasurer and Board

1983 Seminar Committee Chairman of Department of Computer Science

1983 - 86 Departmental Seminar Chair

1983 - 86 Arts & Sciences Deans Advisory Committee

1982 Search Committee, Head of Electrical Engineering

1982 - 83 A & S Dean Evaluation Committee

1982 - 84 Chairman Graduate Studies Committee for Department of Computer Science

1982 - 86 Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Computer Science

1979 - 82 Graduate Council

1979 - 82 Physical Sciences Subcommittee of the Graduate Council

1979 - 82 Course and Curriculum Committee Chairman Computer Science

1979 University Salary Model Committee

1979 - 81 Graduate Faculty, Physical Sciences Subcommittee

1979 - 82 Big-8 Women's Advisory Committee (Athletics)

1978 - 82 Guest Scholar Committee

1978 - 82 AIAW University Representative (Women's Athletics)

1978 - 82 Intercollegiate Athletic Council

1977 - 80 Arts and Science Honors Program, Advisor Committee

1974 Search Committee, Women's Athletic Director

1973 - 74 Academic Affairs Committee

1973 - 74 Faculty Senate

1969 - 70 University Digital Computer Committee


NASULGC Executive Committee of the Commission on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Competitiveness 2007-

NASULCG – Committee on IT 2006-

CSAC (Computer Science Accreditation Commission) Board of Directors, of ABET, 2006-

Distributed Learning Workshop Board, Midwest Higher Education Commission, 1994-2000.

Co-chair of Midwest Higher Education Commission, RECAP Committee

Vice Chair Executive Committee for CSAB 1998-9

Executive Committee for CSAB 1995- 2003

Reviewer and Team Chair for CSAB, 1987 -

Editorial boards for professional journals (2 current, ACM APP Journal, Journal of Information

Management), referee for journals and conferences Panel Member for NSF and NIH grant review,

1992 - ACM/ICE Board of Directors 1993-1997 ACM/SAC Steering Committee 1985-1995

ACM/SIGSmall/PC National Chair for 1991-1993 ACM SIGAPP International Symposium, Program

Committee for 1992 ACM SIGAPP National Secretary, 1989-1995 ACM/IEEE Symposium on Applied

Computing, Co-program Chair ACM/IEEE Conference on Applied Computing, Steering Committee for

1989 ACM SIGSmall/PC International Symposium General Chair, 1990. ACM SIGSmall/PC, National

Vice Chair 1987-1991 ACM SIGSmall North American Program Chair, 1988 International Conference

Cannes, France ACM SIGSmall Program Chair, 1986 International Conference Computer Science

Accreditation Board (CSAB) Review Team 1986 -, Team Leader 1988 - ACM SIGSmall Speakers Chair,

1985 National Conference Co-Coordinator for Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Programming

Semantics, Manhattan, CS, 1985

State of Louisiana, Board of Regents Review Panel for Computer Science Education 1985-92.

ACM Computer Science Conference, Session Chair, 1981, 1990, 1991, 1992

Kansas Mathematics Association, Computers in Mathematics Panel, 1981

ACM National Computer Science Conference, Exhibit Chair, 1980

2007 - McCain Auditorium Board of Directors

2005- Board of the FlintHills Breadbasket (assists the needy), Currently Chair

1990-1994- Manhattan Rotary Club Board

1969 - 1973 Alumni Board of Directors, College of Engineering, Michigan State University

1967 - 1974 Committee for Higher Education in Computing in Kansas (Check)

Advisor to Mortar Board, Kansas State University, early 1980's for 3 years

1990 – present Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, Corporation Board Vice President

1991 - An organizer of GEAR, Group for Ethical Awareness and Responsibility, 1991-
2007 National Pan-Hellenic Award for innovation in Advisor Training

2007 Gamma Phi Beta Award for Online training program for House Officers

2007 Honored as a 50 year pioneer in Computing by Michigan State University

2007 Distinguish Alumni Award Hastings High School, Hastings

2006 Leadership Award from SIDLIT Kansas for Distance Learning Innovation

2006 Distinguished Service Award from Computer Science Accreditation Commission Board

2000 IT Leadership Award, Kansas State University

Named an ACM National Lecturer

1970 Distinguished Alumni Award, Michigan State University

1978 Dissertation Honors, University of Kansas, Ph.D.

1961 B.S. with "Highest Honors"

1961 Outstanding Mechanical Engineering Senior

1958 Outstanding Engineering Sophomore - Phi Kappa Phi

Association for Computing Machinery

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Tau Beta Pi

Phi Kappa Phi

Pi Tau Sigma (Mechanical Engineering)

Pi Mu Epsilon (Mathematics)

Mortar Board

Sigma Xi

Upsilon Pi Epsilon (Computer Science)


Cipra, L. E., E. A. Unger and O. W. Bidwell, "A Computer Program to `Key-out' World Soils," Soil Science, September 1969.

Danskin, D. G., E. A. Unger and C. E. Kennedy, "Adapting the Computer for Narrative Material: A Progress Report," Journal of Counseling Psychology, 17, pp. 63-66, 1970.
Unger, E. A., T. J. Swanson and M. H. Miller, "Planning for the Expansion of Computing Capabilities," Proceedings of 3rd Texas Conference on Computer Systems, Austin, Texas, 1974.
Unger, E. A. and N. Ahmed, "An Instructionally Acceptable Cost Effective Approach to a General Introductory Computer Science Course," Bulletin of the ACM Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education, May 1976.
Sego, J. and E. A. Unger, "The Computer to Your Rescue," Journal of Home Economics, September 1977.
Schweppe, E. J. and E. A. Unger, "A CONCURRENT MODEL: Fundamentals," Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, February 1979.
Slonim, J., E. A. Unger and P. S. Fisher, "Data Base Management System Environment Present and Future," Proceedings of ACM SIGSmall Symposium, 1979.
Unger, E. A., R. A. McBride, J. Slonim and F. J. Maryanski, "Design for the Integration of DBMS into a Network Environment," in Proceedings of IEEE Sixth Data Communications Symposium, 1979.
Maryanski, F. J. and E. A. Unger, "A Major in Information Systems," IEEE Special Issue on Computer Systems Education, 1979.
Unger, E. A., P. S. Fisher, R. A. McBride and J. Slonim, "Design for Integration of a DBMS into a Network Environment," IEEE Computer Society Tutorial on Distributed Processing, March 1980.
Unger, E. A. and E. J. Schweppe, "A Concurrency Method: Definition," Proceedings of ACM Computer Science Conference, Feb. 1981.
Schweppe, E. J. and E. A. Unger, "A Concurrency Method: Examples," Proceedings of ACM Computer Science Conference, Feb. 1981.
Engler, Verlyn, E. A. Unger and Bryan Schurle, "The Potential for Microcomputer Use in Agriculture," Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Contribution number 81-412-A (also presented to the Agriculture Economics Annual Meeting, August 1981).
Unger, E. A. and P. S. Fisher, "Evolving to a Distributed Data Base Environment, Computer Communications, Vol. 5, No. 1, (1982) pp 17-22.
Barker, R. and E. A. Unger, "A Predictor for Success in an Introductory Programming Class Based upon Abstract Reasoning Development," ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, Feb. 1983, pp154-158.
Mata, R. and E. A. Unger, "Another Look at Motivating Data Processing Professionals," ACM SigUniversity Computing Centers, Vol. 13, No. 3, Fall 1983, pp7-11.
McBride, R. A. and E. A. Unger, "Modeling Jobs in a Distributed System," Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Personal and Small Computers, Dec. 1983, pp32-44.
Unger, E. A., D. Jantz, R. A. McBride and J. Slonim, "Query Processing in a Distributed Data base," Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Personal and Small Computers, Dec. 1983, pp237-245.
Pashtan, A. and E. A. Unger, "Resource Monitors: A Design Methodology for Operating Systems," Software Practice and Experience, August 1984, pp 791-806.
Honeyman, J. and E. A. Unger, "SFM: Synchronizing Forms Manager," Proceedings of ACM SIGSmall Symposium, 1986, pp 178-186.
Huang, Y. W., M. M. Gharpuray, L. T. Fan and E. A. Unger, "A Fuzzy Expert System for Separation Sequencing of Bioproducts", Proceedings of the Symposium on Bioprocessing Strategies: Control, Integration, and Artificial Intelligence, Abstract, published, 1986.
Unger, Elizabeth A., C.M. Hassett, and Constanza Castro, "MIS and IS: A Compromise?" Proceedings of the ACM CSE Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1986, pp 483-489.
Hsieh, Samuel and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Monitors: A Parallel Programming Concept Supporting Abstraction of Interprocess Interaction", Proceedings of ACM Computer Science Conference, 1987.
McBride, R.A. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "The Representation and Distribution of Knowledge by a PetriNet", Proceedings of IEEE Fifth International Conference of Systems Engineering, 1987.
Hines, T.R., and Elizabeth A. Unger, "A Variation of Conceptual Graphs: An Object Oriented Approach", IEEE/ACM, Proceedings of Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1987, pp 57-63.
Anagaye, Cleopas and Elizabeth A. Unger, "A 3NF Synthesis Algorithm for a Class of 4NF Schema" SigSmall/PC Newsletter, November 1987 [reviewed only].
Unger, Elizabeth A., D. Jantz, R.A., "Query Optimization Using the Concept of Restricted Topologies", SIGSmall/PC Bulletin, Feb 1988, pp 4-46[reviewed only].

Hecker, Gabriele and Elizabeth A. Unger, "A User Interface for Database Creation, Use and Maintenance", Proceedings of the ACTES/ACM Sigsmall/PC Conference, (Cannes, France) 1988, pp 176-186.

Unger, Elizabeth A. "Modeling Parallelism: An Interdisciplinary Approach," Invited Paper, Proceedings of the 20th Symposium on the INTERFACE between Statistics and Computer Science, April 1988.
Hsieh, Samuel and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Resource Scheduling: Specification and Proof Techniques" Proceedings of the ACM Computer Science Conference, 1988.
Huang, Yeewei, Elizabeth A. Unger, and L.T. Fan, "Object-Oriented Database Design Using Relational Database Methodology", Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Databases in Large AISystems, August 1988.
Vaughn, Rayford, B. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Watchdog" - A Proposed Mechanism for Implementation of Non-Discretionary Access Controls in a Network Environment", Proceedings of 2nd Oklahoma Conference on Applied Computing, March 1988[reviewed only].
Vaughn, Rayford, B., Elizabeth A. Unger, and Hossien Saiedian, "Issues Surrounding the Application of Secure Computing Models to Office Information Systems" Proceedings of 2nd Oklahoma Conference on Applied Computing, March 1988[reviewed only].
Vaughn, Rayford, B. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Implementation of Non-Discretionary Control Mechanism in a Distributed Environment", Proceedings of DOE (energy) Computer Security Group Conference, May 1988.
Unger, Elizabeth A., J. Honeyman, M. van Swaay, and Rayford B. Vaughn, "Intelligent Data Objects: A Model for the Control and Manipulation of Data Objects in a Network Environment," Proceedings of 2nd Oklahoma Conference on Applied Computing, March 1988, pp225- 244[reviewed only].
Saiedian, H., Elizabeth A. Unger, Rayford B. Vaughn, "An Event Driven Technique for Specification Requirements of an Office Information Systems", Proceedings of 2nd Oklahoma Conference on Applied Computing, March 1988, pp42-58 [reviewed only].
Wong, K. W. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Formal Analysis or Active Messages," Proceedings of ACM/IEEE WAC, March 1989, pp 70-76[reviewed only].
McBride, Richard A., KaWing Wong, James F. Peters, and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Rule Based Active Message Systems", Proceedings of ACM/IEEE WAC, March 1989, pp 42-47 [reviewed only].
Keller-McNulty, Sallie, Mark S. McNulty and Elizabeth A. Unger, The Protection of Confidential Data, Proceedings of the 21st Symposium on the INTERFACE between Statistics and Computer Science, 1989.
Wong, KaWing and Elizabeth A. Unger, "An Architecture for Active Messages Systems" Proceedings of ACM/IEEE WAC, 1989, pp 105 [abstract].
Unger, Elizabeth A., C. Samuel Hsieh, Maarten van Swaay, "A Concurrency Method: Prototype Implementation", Proceedings of ACM/IEEE WAC, 1989, pp 145-155 [reviewed only]
Hines, Mary Lou and Elizabeth A. Unger, "A Conceptual Objected Oriented Database", Proceedings of ACM/IEEE WAC 1989, pp 72-79[reviewed only].
Haycock, Ann and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Conflict-free Multivalued Dependencies: A Guide to Their Properties and Contribution to Database Scheme Improvement," Proceedings of ACM/IEEE WAC 1989, pp 37-43[reviewed only].
Hines, Timothy and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Learning Lines of Codes Software Estimation by Example", Proceedings of ACM/IEEE WAC 1989, pp 14-21[reviewed only].
Hansen, Steven C. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "An Abstract Intelligent Entity as a Means of Comparison of Biological Organisms and Computer Processes in their Respective Systems", Proceedings of ACM/IEEE WAC 1989, pp 37-42[reviewed only].
Calhoun, Nancy and Elizabeth A. Unger, "PREFER: Small Group Decision Support System Tool," Proceedings of ACM/IEE WAC 1989, pp48-54[reviewed only].
Hines, Mary Lou, Timothy Hines and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Representation of Exceptions in Object-Oriented Databases," Proceedings of ACM/IEEE WAC, 1989, pp 50[abstract].
Saiedian, Hossien and Elizabeth A. Unger, "ABSL: An Actor Based Specification Language for Office Automation," Proceedings of the 18th Annual ACM Computer Science Conference, 1990, pp 252-258.
Ramanna, Sheela, Peters, J.F. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Logic of Knowledge and Belief in the Design of a Distributed Integrity Kernel," Proceedings of PARBASE-90: International Conference on Database, Parallel Architectures, and their Applications, March 1990, pp 418-420.
Peters, J. F., Ramanna, Sheela and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Logic of Knowledge and Belief in the Design of an Integrity Kernel for an Office Information System,' ACM Annual Computer Science Conference (poster session), 1990. pp 417 [abstract].
Saiedian, Hossien and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Design Principles of a Specification Methodology for Office Systems, Proceedings of ACM/IEEE WAC 1989, pp 1-6 [reviewed only].
Ramanna, Sheela. Peters, James F. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Logic of Knowledge and Belief in the Design of Integrity Kernels for Office Systems," Proceedings of the ACM 1990 Symposium on Applied Computing [reviewed only].
Saiedian, Hossien and Elizabeth A. Unger, "A Formal Specification Tool for Distributed Office Systems," Proceedings of the ACM SigSmall Symposium on Small Systems, 1990, pp 215-220.
Liu,Y. David., Wong, KaWing and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Using Active Messages to Implement Office Procedures," Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1990, pp186-19[reviewed only].
Perng, Jong-I and Elizabeth A. Unger, "A User Friendly Front-End for MPS," ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1990, pp 312-316[reviewed only].
Keller-McNulty Sallie, and Elizabeth A. Unger, "The Deterrent Value of Natural Change in a Statistical Database, Proceedings of the Statistical Computing Section, American Statistical Association, 1990, pp 15-23.
Ramanna, Sheela, Peters, James F. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Design of Knowledge-Based Integrity Systems with ISL++," International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 1990.
Ramanna, Sheela, Peters, James F. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Nonmonotonic Logic in the Specification of an Integrity System, Proceedings of 13th National Computer Security Conference, Washington D.C. (Oct 1990).
Unger, Elizabeth A. and Sallie Keller-McNulty, "The Deterrent Value of Natural Change in a Statistical Database," Proceedings of 13th National Computer Security Conference, Washington D.C. (Oct 1990).
Ramanna, Sheela, Peters, J.F. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Designing a Dynamic Integrity Constraint Checker with Nonmonotonic Logic," Proceedings of the IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 1990, pp 140-145.
Unger, Elizabeth A., Lein Harn, and Vijay Kumar, "Measures of Database Information based upon Information Entropy," Proceedings of 6th Computer Security Applications Conference, 1990.
Wong KaWing. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Specification and Verification of Active Message Systems", ACM Symposium on Small and Personal Computers, March 1990, Washington D.C [reviewed only].
Cabrera, Miguel and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Dynamic Data as a Deterrent to the Tracker", ACM Symposium on Small and Personal Computers, March 1990 Washington, D.C. [reviewed only}.
W. Douglas Varney and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Adequacy of Checksum Algorithms for Computer Virus Detection," ACM Sigsmall/PC Symposium, March 1990, Washington D. C. [reviewed only]
Varney, W. Douglas and Elizabeth A. Unger, "A Model of Data Integrity," SigSmall/PC Notes, Vol. 16, No. 2, May 1990, pp 29-33 [reviewed only].
Ramanna, Sheela, Peters, James F. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Temporal Specification of an Integrity Kernel for Multimedia Office Systems," Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1990 [reviewed only]
Hagmann, Constanza and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Fuzzy sets in Multilevel Decision Making (A LAN Small-Group DSS," Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal, Vol. 21, (1990), pp 547-571.
Unger, Elizabeth A., Lien Harn, and Vijay Kumar, "Measures of Database Information based upon Information Entropy," Proceedings of 6th Computer Security Applications Conference, 1990.
Unger, Elizabeth A., Sallie McNulty, and Paul Connelly "Natural Change in Dynamic Databases as a Deterrent to Compromise by Trackers," Proceedings of the 6th Computer Security Applications Conference, 1990.
Ng Yiu-Kai, Austin Melton, and Elizabeth Unger, "A Method for Constructing Generalized Non-Normal-Form Models," Proceedings of 19th Annual Computer Science Conference, ACM, March 1991, pp. 146-152, San Antonio, Texas.
Hsieh, C. S., E. A. Unger and R. A. Mata-Toledo, "Static Analysis of Programs for Observable Information Flow, Journal of Systems and Software, 1991.
Hansen Steven C. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Horizontal partitioning a tool for inference control," Proceedings of ACM/IEEE Conference on Applied Computing Conference, 1991[reviewed only].
Hansen, Steven C., and Elizabeth A. Unger, "An Extended Memoryless Inference Control Model: Accounting for Dependencies in Table Level Controls", Proceedings of ACM SigManagement Of Data Conference, May 1991.
Hansen, Steven C. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Domain Reduction Dependencies: A New Type of Dependency for Statistical Database Security", Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, December 1991, pp178-186.
Hansen, Steven C. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Extended Memoryless Inference Suppression," Proceedings of ACM Applied Computing Conference, 1991 [reviewed only].
Liu, Y. David and Elizabeth A. Unger, "An Integrity Model based on Knowledge and Belief," Proceedings of ACM Applied Computing Conference 1991, [reviewed only].
Vemulapalli, Kasinath C, Elizabeth A. Unger, "Output Perturbation Techniques for the Security of Statistical Databases," Proceedings of the 14th National Computer Security Conference, October 1991.
Slack, James and Elizabeth A. Unger, "A Formal Model for Object-oriented Database Systems, Proceedings of Second Great Lakes Computer Science Conference, Springer-Verlag, October 1991.
Slack, James A. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Reference Relationships: A new kind of integrity constraint for object-oriented databases," Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, March 1992 [reviewed only].
Hassett, C. Michael and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Accessing Databases from an IBM InfoWindow Computer-based Video Instruction Program using "C" Language Procedures,' Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for the Development of Computer-based Instructional Systems(ADCIS), 1991, pp 308-316.
Hsieh, C. Samuel, Elizabeth A. Unger, and Ramon A. Mata-Toledo, "Using Program Dependence Graphs for Information Flow Control," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1992, pp 227-232.
Slack, James M. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "A Model of Integrity for Object-Oriented Systems," ACM Sig/APP Symposium on Applied Computing, Kansas City, March 1992, pp 234-242.
Slack, James M. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Protected Groups: An Approach to Integrity and Secrecy in an Object-Oriented Database", Proceedings of 15th National Computer Security Conference, October1992.
Slack, James and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Integrity in Object-Oriented Database Systems, Computers and Security Journal, Vol. 12 No. 4 (1993), pp 389-404.
Vaughn, Rayford B., Hossein Saiedian. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "A Survey of Security Issues in Office Computation and the Application of Secure Models to Office Systems," Computers and Security Journal, Vol. 12, No. 1, (Feb.1993) pp79-97.
McNulty, Sallie. and Elizabeth A Unger, "Database Systems: Inferential Security," Journal of Official Statistics, Vol. 9, No. 2, 1993, pp475-500.
Rogers, David, and Elizabeth A. Unger, "A Deterrent to Linear System Inferential Attacks using a Mediator, Proceedings of ACM Computer Science Conference, March 1994, pp15-20.
Saiedian, Hossein, Elizabeth A. Unger and Rayford B. Vaughn, "A Proposed Mechanism for Implementation of Non-discretionary Access Controls in a Network Environment," Journal of Computer Networks and ISDN Systems (North-Holland), 1994.
Unger, E. A., Ed. "Security for Individual Computing Environments," Special issue of ACM SIGICE Bulletin, Vol. 20, No.1, July 1994.
Li, Renqi and E. A. Unger, Security Issues with TCP/IP, ACM Applied Computing Review, Vol. 3., No. 1, Summer 1995, pp 6-13.
Unger, E. A., Guest Ed. Applied Computing Review, Special Issue on Security, Vol 3, No 1. Summer 1995.
Zhang, Robert J. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "Time Passive Property in Lineat Past Temporal Logic", TR CS_95-6, August 1995.
Zhang, Robert J. and Elizabeth A. Unger, "String Constraints in Logic Programming," TR CS-95-13, November 1995.
Zhang, Robert J. and Elizabeth A. Unger, Introduction to Database Integrity," Tr CS-95-14, December 1995.
McNulty, Sallie and Elizabeth A. Unger, “Mediator Model Security Mechanism for Inferential Attack Differences on Micro-data Files,” invited paper Journal of Official Statistics, 1995.
McNulty, Sallie and Elizabeth A. Unger, “A Database System Prototype for Remote Access to Information Based on Confidential Data,” Journal of Official Statistics, Vol 1998.


Unger, E. A. and Nasir Ahmed, Classroom Instruction Notes; Fundamentals of Computer Programming, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1976.

Unger, E. A. and Nasir Ahmed, Computer Science Fundamentals: An Algorithmic Approach Via Structured Programming, Charles Merrill Publishing Company, 1979.
Fisher, P. S., E. A. Unger and Jacob Slonim, Editors, Advances in Distributed Processing Management Vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons Publishing Company, 1983.
Unger, E. A., Jacob Slonim and P. S. Fisher, Editors, Advances in Database Management, Vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons Publishing Company, 1984.
Slonim, Jacob, P. S. Fisher and E. A. Unger, Editors, Advances in Data Communication Management, Vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons Publishing Company, 1984.


Slonim, J., L. J. MacRae and E. A. Unger, Distributed System Development: Risks and Rewards, Auerbach Series on Computer Systems, 1982.

Unger, E. A., W. T. Cottrell and P. A. Viglucci, Management Issues on a Geographically Distributed Network, in Advances in Distributed Processing Management, Vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons Publishing Company, 1983.
McBride, R. A., J. Slonim, L. J. MacRae, E. A. Unger, Mediator: An Approach for Providing a Global User View in a Distributed Information Environment, in Advances in Distributed Processing Management, Vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons Publishing Company, 1983.
Aikens, W. A. and E. A. Unger, System Resiliency in a Mobile Network, in Advances in Distributed Processing Management, Vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons Publishing Company, 1983.
Slonim, J., R. A. McBride, P. S. Fisher and E. A. Unger, A Quantitative Analysis of Information Processing in Centralized and Distributed Architectures, in Advances in Database Management Vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons Publishing Company, 1984.
Fox, Richard A. and E. A. Unger, Selecting a Database Management System, in Chapter in Advances in Database Management, Vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons Publishing Company, 1984.
Slonim, J., R. A. McBride, P. S. Fisher and E. A. Unger, A Throughput Model, in Advances in Data Communications Management, Vol. 2, John Wiley and Sons Publishing Company, 1984.
Keller-McNulty, S and E. A. Unger, "A Database System Prototype for Remote Access to Information Based on Confidential Data, " Journal of Official Statistics, Volume 14, No 4, December 1999, pp 347-360.
Gould, R. A. and E. A. Unger, “Growing the Next Generation of IT Leaders” accepted by Educause Quarterly for publication in 2008
Gould, R. A., E. A. Unger, and A. Bacon, “E-mail a solution looking for a problem” accepted by Educause CQ for publication in 2008

Gould, R. A. and E. A. Unger, “ A Strategy for Creating Successful Mediated Classrooms,” accepted by the S. W. Regional Educause Conference, 2008.


ACM Special Interest Group on Individual Computing Environment,

Special Issue on Security, ACM Applied Computing Review, Vol. 3, No. 1, Summer 1995.

Intelligent Data Objects: A Useful Concept in Networks, MAECON Technical Seminar, Kansas City, 1985.

A Computer Vision Algorithm Based on Planar Sectors, MAECON Technical Seminar, Kansas City, 1985.
Normalizations of the Relational Data Base, DST Systems, January 1987, Kansas City, MO
Modeling Parallelism: An Interdisciplinary Approach", Invited Address at the 20th Symposium on the Interface of Computer Science and Statistics", April 1988.
Development of a Deterrent for Statistical Database Trackers, Guest Lecture, University of Missouri at Kansas City, 1989
Inferential Security in Database Systems, Guest Lecture, University of Missouri at Kansas City, 1990.
Database Systems: Inferential Security, Invited Presentation to the Panel on Confidentiality and Data Access of the Committee on National Statistics and the Social Science Research Council of the National Academy of Science, Washington D. C., March 1991.(with Sallie Keller-McNulty)
Inferential Security in Micro-data Database Systems, Invited Address at the American Association of the Advancement of Science National Meetings, Chicago, February, 1992.
Negotiating the System: Gender Bias, Conference on Moving Up, sponsored by the Faculty Women's Caucus, Kansas State University, Saturday April 17, 1993.
Commons a strategy to Stimulate Creative Activity, Michigan State University, 2006
Using the new technologies for teaching, learning and libraries, SIRDYX Library Conference, Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Spring, CO. 2007
“Creating a social networking system on a shoestring,” SE Regional Library and Information Professionals Conference Huntsville Alabama, December 2007.
Proposal as co-PI, Center of Innovation for Pervasive Health Information Technology, Planning Grant 2008 to the Kansas Bioscience Authority, $200,000
ADVANCE grant, co-PI with Beth Montelone and Ruth Dyer, NSF, funded 2003.
Center for Research in Computer Controlled Automation Grant, CRCCA 91E014, Data Integrity in

Data Systems, 1990-91, $9800

CRCCA Grant 91E015, Inferential Security in Data Systems, 1990-91 $9800
NCSC (National Computer Security Center) Grant R2-91-8012 Inferential Security: Theoretical

Approaches to Modeling, 1991-1992. $65,216

Bureau of the Census Grant, Database Systems with Data Disclosure Limitation, Co-PI with S.

Keller-McNulty, for 1991-1992.$40,167

KTEC: Automated Manufacturing Institute(AMI) Grant 93108, Object-Oriented Data Integrity

System Implementation and Concept Testing, for 1992-1993. $18,086

KTEC: AMI Grant 94121, Object -Oriented Data Integrity: Extension to An Automated manufacturing system using Intelligent Data Objects, for 1993-1994, $9766
Proposal :PI on Establishment of a Regional Health Data Center for the State of Kansas, $50 million, soon to be awarded hopefully K-State.

Maria Zamfir Bleyburg, Kansas State University; Steven Hansen, St. John’s University; Richard McBride, University of South Dakota; Sallie Keller-McNulty, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Yui Kai Ng, Brigham Young University; Hossein Saiedian, University of Nebraska at Omaha; Rayford Vaughn, Mississippi State University; Virgil Wallentine, Kansas State University; Sally Johnstone, Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications; Pat Shea, Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications; Mel Chastain, Kansas State University; Terry King, Kansas State University; Steve White, Kansas State University; Beth Montelone, Kansas State University; Ruth Dyer, Kansas State University; Ralph Richardson, Kansas State University; Harvard Townsend, Kansas State University; Sue Maes, Kansas State University; Virginia Moxley, Kansas State University; Carol Kellett, Kansas State University; Rob Caffey, Kansas State University; Hal Gardner, Kansas Board of Regents, Ruth Dyer, Beth Montelone Kansas State University.


Ph.D. students: 19 completed

M. S. students: 158 completed

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