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FINAL REPORT 2004-2005

Charges 2004-2005

1. Send Dr. Armao, Dr. Grohman, Dr. Katz, and chair of CAEC the name of your chair as soon as that person is elected.

  • Otto Hernandez was elected as chair for 2004-2005 and also for

2. Schedule additional meetings, if necessary, to complete all charges and to conduct the regular monthly work of this committee.

  • Completed

3. Review changes in curriculum submitted by departments and forward recommendations to the vice president.

  • Completed

4. The chair of the committee serves as the representative on the college-wide Enrollment Management Committee, chaired by Bobby Royal. Contact Mr. Royal for the meeting schedule. The chair should brief the Collegiate Assembly periodically. The chair will also serve as a representative to the SIS committee and forward information from those meetings to the academic deans.

  • The Chair attended Enrollment Management meetings.

  • Mark Camma attended SIS committee meetings.

5. Beginning this year, all departmental Program Reviews will be submitted to the Curriculum Committee. The chair will be responsible for determining at the end of each academic year which programs will be up for review the following year. The committee will interview the department chair and relevant faculty once their particular program review is completed. Members will give careful attention to the self study and the evaluator's report and ask appropriate questions regarding the self-study contents and the recommendations made by the evaluator. The chair will then meet with the vice president to discuss whether the committee feels all recommendations are appropriate. Departments will be given 16 months to implement the recommendations and will be asked to report back to the Curriculum Committee at the end of that period.

  • The Committee did not receive any Program Reviews this year.

6. Develop and conduct a workshop for all faculty on preparing a proposal for the curriculum committee. Committee members should urge anyone in their departments who has never prepared a proposal to attend this workshop. Review the required forms. Let faculty know what to expect in terms of questioning when they appear before the committee. Offer this workshop during the first semester.

  • Completed

7. Post minutes, names of committee members, and activities of the committee on your Web site.

  • Completed

8. Develop and sponsor a faculty forum on the value of the College Book Project. Where are we with this project? Where are we going? Is there a way to create more of a learning community using the book? Is this a project worth continuing? What have been our outcomes? Is there a better way of selecting the book? Evaluate the success of the fall semester of the College Book Project by conducting another survey of students and faculty involved in the initiative. Contact Richard Perniciaro for advice in formulating questions and ask him to administer the survey and provide a report of findings. The committee should review this report and make recommendations for any changes to the book project that the survey results may prompt. Make recommendation to the vice president for any changes for the spring. Convene the College Book Committee during the fall semester to discuss their progress in the various sections using the required reading. Meet by March 2005 with all faculty interested in participating in 2005-2006, to choose a new book.

    • James McBride’s The Color of Water was selected as the College Book for academic year 2005-2006. McBride will give a lecture, Q and A session, and live concert on campus on November 15, 2005.

9. Work with Dan Thoren and Maryann McCall. Respond to questions to your committee for the Middle States Self-Study Standards 11 and 12.

    • Completed.

The following items from September 2004 through May 2005 were approved by the Curriculum Committee. The month and year after each entry indicates the meeting in which the item was addressed. (Note: The committee did not meet in November. The February meeting was cancelled due to snow. There were two meetings in March.)


ARTS/CISM165-Web Graphics and Animation. January 2005

CISM142-Help Desk Support. January 2005

CISM167-Structured Query Language. January 2005

CISM222-Issues in Security Safety. March 24, 2005

CISM254-Advanced Computer Programming-Java. March 24, 2005

EDUC100-Teaching: An Introduction to the Profession. January 2005

HOSP150-Hospitality Sales and Marketing. March 24, 2005

HOSP250-Catering and Events Planning. March 24, 2005


CULS101-Introduction to Culinary Arts/Bilingual Spanish. September 2004


CISM145-Using the iSeries. May 2005

CISM152-Computer Programming-RPG. May 2005

CISM252-Advanced Programming-RPG. May 2005

HOSP120-Facilities Management. March 24, 2005

HOSP140-Orientation to Travel. March 24, 2005

HOSP220-Banquet Operations. March 24, 2005

HOSP230-Effective Telemarketing. March 24, 2005

HOSP290-Marketing for Group and Convention Sales. March 24, 2005

MATH080-Elementary Algebra. January 2005


ACCT131-Managerial Accounting

New prerequisite: ACCT130. March 24, 2005

CULN115-Basic Pastry Preparation

New prerequisites: CULN101, CULN110, CULN202. October 2004

ENGL102-Composition I

New prerequisite: ENGL101 with a grade of C or better. December 2004
PHYS125-College Physics I

New prerequisite: MATH122 or MATH150 (either may be taken concurrently)

January 2005


ITAL111-Elementary Italian I. December 2004

ITAL112-Elementary Italian II. December 2004

PHIL101-Introduction to Logic. October 2004

SPAN111-Elementary Spanish I. December 2004

SPAN112-Elementary Spanish II. December 2004

SPAN201-Intermediate Spanish I. December 2004

SPAN202-Intermediate Spanish II. December 2004


CISM130-Using P.C. Operating Systems

Changed hours/credits, goals, description. March 24, 2005

EDUC101-Historical Foundations of American Education

Some of the course content was used to create the new course, EDUC100-Teaching: An Introduction to the Profession. Students transferring EDUC101 to Rowan will be grandfathered through spring 2005. As of the fall 2005 semester, Rowan’s requirement will be EDUC100 and EDUC101. January 2005

ENGL102-Composition II

Added objectives to make it explicit that information literacy is included in the course. Effective Spring 2005. October 2004

ENGL106-Professional Writing, changed alpha to ENGL222.

Changed course description and objectives. December 2004


ACA reviewed all of their courses and made changes to alpha/numerics, course descriptions, prerequisites, titles and hours/credits. Changed alpha for Baking/Pastry courses to CUPB. March 2 and April 2005

HOSP/BUSN125, HOSP132, HOSP141, HOSP142, HOSP143, HOSP144, HOSP145, HOSP146, HOSP147, HOSP215, HOSP225, HOSP295 – changed prerequisites and/or course descriptions. May 2005
HOSP102-Hospitality and Casino Law – changed title to “Hospitality Law”. Changed description. Changed course number to HOSP225. March 24, 2005
HOSP110-Introduction to the Hospitality Industry. Changed title to “Orientation to Hospitality and Tourism.” Changed description. Changed course number to HOSP100. March 24, 2005
HOSP132-Food Service Sanitation for Quality Control. Changed title to “Food Service Sanitation.” March 24, 2005
HOSP133-Food and Beverage Operations Management. Changed title to “Restaurant Operations.” Changed hours/credits to 4-0-4. Changed course goals and description. Changed course number to HOSP134. March 24, 2005.
HOSP202-Front Office Hotel Operations. Changed title to “Hotel Operations.” Changed description. Changed course number to HOSP200. March 24, 2005
HOSP215-Beverage Operations. Changed title to “Beverage Operations: Wines, Beers and Spirits.” March 24, 2005


Business Administration, A.S.

  • Changed “Electives-Liberal Arts or Business course” to “Electives-Liberal Arts or BUSN course.” April 2005

Computer Information Systems, A.S. March 24, 2005

Computer Programming, A.A.S. March 24, 2005
Computer Systems Support, A.A.S. March 24, 2005

Corrections, Option in Criminal Justice, A.S.

  • Replaced “MATH121 or MATH220” with “MATH119 or higher.” Added statement, “Students planning to transfer to a four-year college are strongly encouraged to take MATH 220.”

  • Replaced general education laboratory science requirement of “Lab science course-Forensic Science not required but strongly recommended” with “CRIM204-Forensic Science” as the requirement.

  • Replaced general education requirement “PSYC135” with choice of PSYC135-Child Psychology or PSYC/SOCL204-Social Psychology” as the requirement. December 2004

Education Option, Liberal Arts A.A.

  • Added “EDUC100-Teaching: An Introduction” to the program requirements. To accommodate the new three credits, the electives dropped from 7 to 4. January 2005

Hospitality Management, A.A.S.

  • Added/dropped courses and changed course titles. March 24, 2005

Literature Option, Liberal Arts, A.A.S.

  • Added ENGL203-British Literature I and ENGL204-British Literature II to program courses. September 2004

Microcomputer Technologies Option, Computer Systems Support, A.A.S.

  • Dropped BUSN109, CISM135 and CISM145. Added CISM142 and CISM162. CISM130 changed from 3 to 4 credits. March 24, 2005

Paralegal Studies, A.S.

  • Changed general education Math requirement from Math119 or higher to “MATH119 or higher (MATH121 suggested).” April 2005

Travel and Tourism Option, Hospitality Management, A.A.S.

  • Added/dropped courses and changed course titles. March 24, 2005

Web Technologies Option, Computer Systems Support A.A.S

  • CISM165-Web Graphics and Animation replaced BUSN109-Introduction to e-Commerce in the program requirements. January and March 24, 2005


  • Help Desk Specialist Professional Series - new. March 2005

  • iSeries Professional Series - dropped. May 2005


  • General Education Requirements – Associate in Applied Science Degree

The first paragraph in the documents was changes to read: “All programs leading to the Associate in Applied Science degree require a minimum of 20 credits in general education. Only the courses listed meet the general education requirements of the degree. All students must meet the basic skills requirement in mathematics. Check you’re A.A.S. degree program for specific general education requirements.”
The two paragraphs about the requirement “Mathematics/Science and Technology elective” were deleted. March 2, 2005

  • General Education Requirements – Association in Arts and Associate in Science degrees

Add ENGL203 and 204, British Literature I and II, ENGL216-Shakespeare, and ENGL218-Literature for Children to the Humanities and Literature categories. This was tabled. An ad hoc committee was formed to come up with a definition of a “broad-based” course. April 2005

  • Middles States Questions for Standards 11 and 12, Education Offerings and General Education. Submitted to V. Melograno. March 2, 2005

Submitted by Paula Demarest, Secretary

Curric final rpt 9 21 05.doc (demarest)

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