Examples of Learning Outcomes Statements

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Examples of Learning Outcomes Statements

note: The Learning Outcomes shown below are drawn from courses at different academic levels, and the Learning Outcomes befit those different academic levels. A first year course and a senior capstone course will have very different levels of Learning Outcomes.

The real point of offering these examples is to show that each Learning Outcome is a statement that has as its subject the student, and its verb is a measurable action verb that calls for skills, behavior, competencies, and knowledge to be demonstrated by students who complete the course successfully. Assessment measures used in each course (exams, quizzes, projects, lab reports, homework, etc.) measure the Learning Outcomes in a course.

Engineering Course

Course [Learning] Outcomes:

After successfully completing this course students will be able to:

  1. Use simple structural analysis software

  2. Compute external reactions and bar forces for statically determinate trusses.

  3. Compute external reactions and internal forces (axial and shear forces, bending moment) for statically determinate beams and frames.

  4. Draw internal force diagrams.

  5. Sketch deflected shapes of beams and frames.

  6. Derive the differential equation governing the elastic curve of beams.

  7. Compute deflections and rotations of trusses, beams, and frames

  8. Compute influence lines for statically determinate structures

  9. Design simple structural members

  10. Analyze simple statically indeterminate structures

Engineering Course

Course Objective

The course will introduce commonly used operations research methods in the context of operations engineering and other types of technical decision problems. The objective is to develop a conceptual understanding of these methods and basic implementation skills. It is expected that students will learn how to apply OR methods to the point of problem formulation and computer solution. The course also provides a basis for assessing the applicability of OR methods for problem solving, evaluating applications, and implementing these methodologies to support decision-making.

Course Learning Outcomes

    1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering in decision making through the application of math programming tools.

    2. An ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability using mathematical models capturing tradeoffs related to these criteria.

    3. An ability to conceptualize, formulate and solve engineering problems through the application of mathematical decision models.

    4. An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice including optimization software tools and spreadsheet solvers.

LL&C Course

Learning Outcomes

Students who complete this course will be able to:

  • Employ a repertoire of writing strategies in their texts that include engaging audiences, providing structures, creating appropriate tones, and integrating visuals (both images and quantitative graphics), focusing upon ethos, pathos, and logos as persuasive appeals

  • Embrace a writing process that calls for not only producing written texts but more importantly producing revised and polished texts with persuasive edges

  • Demonstrate confidence in their abilities to help produce or enter into intelligent conversations, discussions, or debates about every stage of the writing process and the

  • construction of persuasive written texts

  • Deliver formal informative speeches to audiences about their written works in progress;

  • Evidence a grasp for using sources in their written texts--how to incorporate them in their prose through summary, paraphrase, or quotation; how to cite them using methods of in-text citations and note-bibliographic citations; and how to document them by using the formats of the Modern Language Association and the Chicago Manual of Style.


For those who complete successfully this course by the end of the semester the following apply:

General Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to work accurately without computational or reasoning errors.

  • Students will be able to question the relevance and accuracy of what they read and hear.

Course-Specific [Learning Outcomes]

  • Students will demonstrate skills to use elementary symbol manipulation.

  • Students will demonstrate abilities to model with mathematical constructs.

  • Students will demonstrate abilities to compute with mathematical constructs, e.g., derivative and integrals. They will be able to perform computations both symbolic and numerical.

  • Students will demonstrate abilities to reason about mathematical constructs, e.g. implications of the Mean Value Theorem and of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

Calculus I

Course Objectives

Calculus I will cover limits, derivatives, applications of derivatives, definite integrals, indefinite integrals, the fundamental theorem of Calculus, basic integration techniques and applications of integrals.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Upon successfully completing the courses, students will be able to demonstrate mastery of

  1. basic and advanced symbol manipulation skills, (Skills Quizzes and Exams)

  2. the ability to convert between Calculus concepts and their graphical, numerical and symbolic representations (Exams and Homework)

  3. the ability to make mathematical models of applied problems described in words (Exams and Homework)

  4. ability the solve mathematical problems that model real world situations and recover the solutions (Exams and Homework)

  5. the ability to apply calculus to selected problems in science, engineering and mathematics (Exams, Homework, Maple Project))

  6. the ability to apply Fundamental Theorems and rules to solve symbolic and graphical problems

  7. the ability to state and explain definitions and theorems and their applications (exams)

  8. the ability to use, derive and prove basic Calculus concepts, definitions and theorems. (Exams)


Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, you [students] are expected to:

  • be able to calculate and interpret descriptive statistics such as measures of central tendency and variability

  • demonstrate the ability to organize data, communicate the essential features of the data both numerically and graphically, and interpret the data in a meaningful way

  • demonstrate the ability to formulate and carry out significance tests for statistical hypotheses appropriate to a variety of research situations

  • be able to compute and interpret confidence intervals and p-values, and understand the limitations of, and possibility of errors in, statistical inference

  • be able to carry out regression analysis on computer using EXCEL, as taught in class, and interpret the output accordingly

Methods of Applied Mathematics

Learning Outcomes

The central message that the course intends to convey is twofold: (i) that a linear vector is a convenient and unifying framework within which to study linear problems, and (ii) that eigenvalues and eigenvectors are the primary tools for constructing solutions to linear problems. Specifically, successful completion of the course should enable you [the student] to

  • Identify properties of an abstract linear vector space

  • Identify conditions under which a problem has no solutions, a unique solution, or many solutions

  • Use eigenvalues and eigenvectors to construct exact or approximate solutions to linear problems involving discrete, differential and integral operators

  • Demonstrate the sense in which an approximate solution is close to the exact solution and

  • Present written solutions to mathematical problems in a clear, concise and coherent fashion.

Senior Research in Mathematics Course

Student Learning Outcomes

[Students will:]

  1. Be able to do one of the following:

    1. Be able to choose a broad enough topic (examples...) and do a full analysis of present and past work on the topic.

    2. Be able to choose a big enough problem, make a mathematical model (examples...) and complete a set of numerical experiments to investigate and draw conclusions

    3. Be able to take an important mathematical idea and convert it into an algorithm (examples...) and test the algorithm on various applied problems

  2. Be able to write a thesis that is all of the following:

    1. technically correct mathematically and computationally

    2. uses the correct mathematical terminology

    3. complete and detailed

    4. in clear and coherent English

    5. correct stylistically and grammatically

  3. Demonstrate the ability to self learn mathematical concepts and applications

  4. Demonstrate the ability to apply critical and logical thought and mathematical principles to the problem of study. This is measured by the creativity, originality and extent of the thesis.)

  5. Develop an appreciation of the mathematical experience gathered through the course. (Measured by Survey)

  6. Develop confidence to self learn new mathematical concepts. (Measured by Survey)

  7. Develop the will to pursue new mathematical ideas and research questions. (Measured by Survey)

Doctoral Seminar

Catalog Description: A review of active doctoral research projects and activities. A writing intensive course. Students develop a research paper or proposal under the guidance of a selected faculty adviser and present research findings in class. It is anticipated that the research paper will lead to identification of the broad area of dissertation research. The proposal should be of a quality that can be submitted to an external funding agency.

Course Objective: This course aims to prepare students for doctoral research. For first-year students, that means preparation of the research paper component of the DQE.

Course Learning Outcomes:

[Students will be able to:]

  • Define dissertation topic and find advisor

  • Do literature study for dissertation

  • Develop research proposal

  • Develop critical skills for assessing research proposals

  • Develop presentation skills

  • Write in scientific style using LaTex

Information Technology Course

Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will be able to describe technologies important to the information technology profession.

  2. Students will be able to describe major applications of computer science such as entertainment, communications, financial services, enterprise systems, electronic health system, education, security, e-commerce, marketing and design.

  3. Students will design a simple web site.

  4. Students will design a simple database.

  5. Students will analyze business cases.

Computer Science Course

The purpose of this course is to be able to explain, configure, verify, and troubleshoot complex computer networks at an introductory level.

Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this class a student will be able to […]:

[…] explain computer networking concepts to both technical peers and non-technical


[…] configure network routers and switches so that both LAN and WAN traffic successfully traverses the network.

[…] verify that a computer network has been properly configured.

[…] troubleshoot network problems. I can successfully implement solutions.

[…] discern true statements from false statements as pertains to computer networking as

verified by passing industry standard examinations.

Physics II

Student Learning Outcomes:

The successful student will:

  1. Demonstrate key factual knowledge of electromagnetism and circuits, waves and vibrations, and basic quantum physics. Examples of such knowledge include the order of magnitude of the wavelength, speed, and frequency of sound, light, and radio waves; and typical power consumption in common electrical devices.

  2. Demonstrate understanding of key concepts applying to electromagnetic and circuits, waves and vibrations, and basic quantum physics.

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the basic physical concepts of conservation of momentum, energy, mass, and charge.

  2. Demonstrate knowledge of the relationships between electric charge, vector electric fields, electric forces, and electric potential.

  3. Demonstrate knowledge of the relationships between moving charges, vector magnetic fields, and magnetic forces.

  4. Demonstrate knowledge of the relationship between charge, current, and voltage in direct current and alternating current series and parallel circuits.

  5. Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamentals of oscillating systems, including the mass on a spring and simple pendulum.

  6. Demonstrate knowledge of the relationships between wavelength, wave speed, and frequency for sound and electromagnetic travelling waves.

  7. Demonstrate knowledge of wave interference and diffraction phenomena.

  8. Demonstrate knowledge of the DeBroglie hypothesis and the relationship between particle-like and wave-like behavior of matter.

  9. Demonstrate knowledge of the consequences of wave-like behavior of matter, including energy quantization for confined particles.

  1. Be able to follow written and oral instructions to complete physical measurements of electric, magnetic, and optical quantities.

  2. Relate academic material related to the topics in section 2 to the world outside of the classroom.

  1. Recognize real-world situations in which quantitative or mathematical analysis produces predictive ability.

  2. Recognize real-world applications in which electric and magnetic effects must be considered in making a quantitative analysis of a situation.

  3. Recognize real-world applications in which quantum effects must be considered.

  1. Translate a word, diagrammatic, or graphical description of a physical situation into a solvable mathematical description.

  1. Demonstrate the ability to use mathematical tools including algebra, trigonometry, and differential and integral calculus to solve problems in electromagnetism, vibrations and waves, and basic quantum physics of particles.

  2. Demonstrate the ability to select appropriate physical principles and relevant parameters that apply to quantitative analysis of a situation and then to represent the solution in logical mathematical form.

  3. Convert a word problem into a diagrammatic or graphical description and vice versa.

  1. Solve straightforward quantitative physical problems that involve one or two physical concepts in this course.

  2. Recognize when sufficient information is given to allow the student to solve for required quantities.

  3. Start with the statement of a physical situation, derive useful relationships from basic formulas, and symbolically and quantitatively solve for required quantities.

  4. Solve unfamiliar problems and assess unfamiliar physical situations based on the physical concepts of this course.

Biology Course

Learning Outcomes

[Students will:]

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the major types of biomolecules found in the cell and integrate knowledge of their characteristics into an understanding of macromolecular structures.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the mechanisms controlling the transmission of biological information from DNA to protein expression and apply this knowledge to an understanding of the control of gene expression and how

  • this may regulate cell function.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the major cellular constituents (membranes, cytoskeleton, organelles), their biosynthesis and function, and integrate this knowledge into an understanding of the role of these structures in normal and diseased cells.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of biochemical signaling within the cell and apply this knowledge to an understanding of the biochemical aspect of cell functioning and its regulation.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the structural and mechanical elements of cell functioning (including adhesion and motility) and integrate this knowledge into an understanding of the structural and mechanical constraints on function in normal and diseased cells.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of cell division and the cell cycle, including stem cells and cell death, and integrate this knowledge into an understanding of the cell cycle both during development and in the mature organism.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of experimental procedures used to derive scientific knowledge, the advantages limitations of experimental techniques, and learn to interpret data derived from experiments.

  • Demonstrate ability to read and understand primary scientific literature in the field of cell biology and integrate knowledge gained in the course in critical evaluation of this literature.

Biology Course

Learning outcomes

A student that successfully completes this course should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of course content by answering questions on written examinations. Specific areas include causes and treatments of cancer, mechanisms of tumorigenesis and metastasis, role of aging and environment in cancer, and genetic basis of cancer.

  • Demonstrate team working skills in ad-hoc teams during class and in out-of-class teams

  • Demonstrate team presentation skills by giving a PowerPoint presentation on a given course topic and by involving the audience in discussions

  • Contribute substantially to in-class discussions of course content

  • Demonstrate critical reasoning by using concept maps to generate evaluative/conceptual-level exam questions and answering questions generated by other students

  • Demonstrate analytical thinking by proposing possible research questions, and designing suitable research strategies for answering the questions (Graduate level students only).

Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment

The major goal of this course is to learn about biology through hands-on, project-based lab activities that engage students in actual biology experiments and procedures—learning biology by actually doing biology.

At the conclusion of these labs, students who successfully complete the course will be able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills by performing the following:

  • use principles of scientific inquiry to test hypotheses by designing and executing experiments, and interpreting their results

  • given data from another experiment, or when using their own data, use appropriate statistical tests (Chi square or T-test) to determine if experimental results are statistically significant or insignificant

  • describe the flow of genetic information, the chromosome theory of heredity and the relationship between genetics and evolutionary theory

  • describe and practice laboratory safety guidelines relating to working with chemicals

  • demonstrate the safe and correct use of laboratory equipment (pipettors, gel electrophoresis equipment, centrifuges, thermal cyclers and stereomicroscopes)

  • use morphological and molecular approaches to determine phylogenetic relationships among organisms

  • recognize the ecological relationships between organisms and their environment by doing bioassays of stream quality

Minds & Machines

Learning Outcomes

Students who complete successfully this course will be able to:

  • Examine fundamental issues related to” minds and machines” and cognitive science in a critical, comprehensive and humane fashion and express the results of their investigations in both written and oral forms

  • Distinguish and evaluate arguments/evidence, unpacking fundamental assumptions and comparing/contrasting views/values that any such fundamental investigation requires

  • Work together with others as both a team member and leader

  • Recognize and critically reflect on the diversity of outlooks to which fundamental questions (such as those relating to “minds and machines” and cognitive science) often give rise.


Learning Outcomes

[Students will be able to:]

  • Identify fundamental puzzles in perception and compare and contrast various solutions

  • Describe the basic physiological and neural mechanisms that underlie perceptual systems

  • Describe the psychological processes that support object, depth and motion perception

  • Describe how perceptual systems support every day, elementary activities

  • Be able to think like an experimenter

  • Be able to turn vague questions into rigorous scientific hypotheses that can be tested in laboratory

Color Theory

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course students will demonstrate an ability to:

  • apply color theory to solve visual communication problems

  • develop a vocabulary and understanding of color schemes, light, value, and saturation

  • apply color in design to create or influence meaning

  • develop a visual acuity for color

  • design and manage a creative project from conception to production within a limited time of frame

  • present and talk about their work in a public forum

  • critically discuss and evaluate their own work and the work of fellow classmates.


Learning outcomes:

Upon successfully completing this course the following apply:

  • Students will demonstrate a development of their free-hand drawing, seeing abilities, eye-hand coordination and the means for expressing visual ideas as measured by in-class drawing sessions, weekly homework assignments, and end of semester portfolio.

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to use a diverse range drawing materials in order to improve their technical skills.

  • Students will demonstrate art critic abilities through group discussions and group critiques of student work.

  • Students will be able to discuss and critically analyze studies in the History of Art, using drawing of the Masters as examples in studio.

Fundamentals Of 2-D Design

Learning outcomes:

By successfully completing this course students will demonstrate the following by the end of the semester:

  • Students will demonstrate their basic concepts about pictorial space, composition, light and color in the two dimensional visual arts by completing the assigned readings, and homework tasks.

  • Students will be knowledgeable about strategies of pictorial design and representation through the history of painting, and will exercise those strategies in simple compositions presented in notebook/sketchpad including class notes, and sketches

  • Students will develop the ability to express visual ideas effectively by completing weekly hands-on homework projects, using both traditional and electronic media

  • Students will demonstrate their knowledge about Fundamentals of 2D Design by completing in-class slide presentations, videos, discussions and critiques.

  • Students will demonstrate the evolution of their skills across the semester by the production of a well-designed, high quality, coherent in terms of size and format portfolio presented at the end of the semester.

Management Course

Learning Outcomes

By successfully completing this course students will demonstrate the following:

  • will be able to read, understand, and analyze financial statements intelligently, and make well-informed business decisions based on accounting information in various financial statements.

  • will demonstrate understanding of various business transactions and the ability to record them

  • will be able to use double-entry booking system and its usefulness in understanding business world

  • will use primary sources of accounting information and analyze firm performance using accounting data of various types of firms

  • will demonstrate basic knowledge of financial information demand and production

  • will be able to talk and present the importance of ethics in business world

  • will demonstrate that they have a solid understanding of the items in accounting reports, economic events behind the accounting data, and the method to get firm value using accounting information.

  • will be able to discuss and analyze the judgment behind the related accounting decisions and the factors that influence them.

Management Course

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the theoretical and applied problems commonly faced by financial managers.

  • Students will be able to apply the theory and solution techniques learned to solve the problems commonly faced by financial managers.

  • Students will be able to access the data needed to accomplish the objectives above.

  • Students will be able to use the financial data sets in conjunction with the theory and techniques learned in the course to identify, assess, and improve the financial health of firms.

  • Students will be able to add value by making better financial decisions both for themselves and for their potential employers.

  • Students will be able to discuss, present and defend their analyses of case solutions in the context of the theories presented.

Management Course

While moving toward self-discovery and self-confidence and development of your personalized style of managerial decision-making, we expect the following specific objectives to be achieved. [Students will:]

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the core functional areas in business.

  2. Apply your knowledge of these core functional areas to critically analyze complex case studies.

  3. Formulate recommendations based on your own analysis and (where appropriate) synthesis with the efforts of your team.

  4. Demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively by presenting case analyses in both written and oral form, utilizing computer software capabilities (when appropriate) to create professional-looking reports and presentations.

  5. Demonstrate the ability to work effectively in a group decision-making context, with an emphasis on understanding alternative perspectives.

Management Course

Student Learniing Outcomes

The following learning outcomes will be accomplished upon successfully completing this course:

  1. The students will demonstrate competencies in the use of Microsoft Access 2007.

  2. The students will demonstrate competencies in the use of Microsoft Excel 2007.

  3. The students will be able to effectively design database tables to be compatible with a business processes.

  4. The students will be able to effectively perform complex analyses using Microsoft Excel.

  5. The students will be able to manage and analyze data using Microsoft Access 2007 and Microsoft Excel 2007.

Management Course

Learning Outcomes

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to demonstrate the skills listed below. Students will be able to:

  • Use the tools and techniques for analyzing the general and industry environments for competitor analysis.

  • Explain and correctly use concepts associated with the firm’s mission, intent, resources, capabilities, and core competencies.

  • Determine how firms can formulate and implement strategies to meet the needs of customers in specific markets (business-level or generic strategies).

  • Make informed decisions about which businesses and products to include in a firm’s portfolio and how to manage their synergies.

  • Recognize motivations for mergers and acquisitions and the difficulties associated with these.

  • Ascertain global factors influencing strategy and internationalization.

  • Understand the strategic alternatives firms can use to compete globally, and modes firms can follow to enter foreign markets.

  • Explain and give examples of how and why firms cooperate to achieve competitive advantage, recognizing the benefits, risks, and unique issues related to cooperative strategies.

  • Recognize and explain issues related to the successful implementation of strategy – e.g., corporate governance, structural design, strategic leadership, organizational culture, and corporate entrepreneurship.

With respect to professional competency development, students will be able to:

  • Develop critical thinking skills by analyzing strategic issues and problems, recognizing and assessing strategic alternatives, and recommending specific actions to implement selected strategies.

  • Use all course assigned readings to read actively, process the material and develop their own perspective, enhance their own understanding, and through participation in classroom discussions will demonstrate the skill of argumentation.

  • Demonstrate interpersonal skills by participating in group assignments.

  • Improve oral and written communication skills through class discussions, case analyses, formal and informal presentations, and group and written assignments.

  • Use field-specific business and management language by reading articles from the popular business press and discussing current business events as these relate to strategic management.

  • Demonstrate the knowledge and ability concerning how to develop and put into action managerial tactics and strategic plans.

  • Determine what the important issue or question is and then answer it.

  • Experience (as closely as possible given our classroom environment) the ambiguity and complexity of what they will encounter in the business world.

Architecture Course

Course Learning Outcomes

After taking this course, the successfully participating students will demonstrate:

  • the ability to analyze the acoustics of rooms by ear and use field-specific language to describe the findings.

  • knowledge of the fundamental terms and principles in psychoacoustics and be able to apply this knowledge to field-specific problems, including problems that arise in architectural consulting practice.

  • Upon reading current scientific papers in the field, the participant will be able to write a summary and analysis using psychoacoustic terminology.

  • to design psychoacoustic experiments and execute a statistical analysis on these data.

  • Through analysis of acoustic environments using models simulating the auditory system, the participating will demonstrate the importance of psychoacoustic knowledge into the room-acoustical consulting practice.

  • the ability to evaluate the acoustic quality of rooms based on knowledge on human perception and describe the findings using psychoacoustical terms.

Architecture Course

Student learning outcomes

Students who successfully complete this course will demonstrate abilities [to]:

  • Use wave equations to explain wave nature and wave phenomena of acoustics

  • Solve acoustics fundamental problems related to engineering acoustics

  • Use transducers (such as microphones, speakers, accelerometers) properly to conduct acoustic measurements

  • Use basic concepts of acoustics science (such as wave propagations, dissipation, reflection, refraction, and absorption) to respond to field-specific questions.

Architecture Course

Course Learning Outcomes

After successful accomplishment of this course work the students are able to analyze/calculate basic acoustical indices obtained from room-acoustical measurements using both commercially available tools and the MatLab-codes written by themselves. The students will be able to conduct a number of fundamental acoustical measurements, such as sound-pressure level measurements, computer-aided physical-acoustics measurements, room-acoustics measurements, particularly binaural and spatial room-acoustics measurements. The students are able to conduct hall measurements on their own. They are also able to calculate/analyze most of acoustics/room acoustics parameters required in ISO standards.

Examples of Learning Outcomes Statements of 8.11.2010

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