Executive Committee Meeting National Association of Supervisors of Business Education

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Executive Committee Meeting

National Association of Supervisors of Business Education

2003 NBEA Convention

Wyndham Anatole

Dallas, TX

April 18, 2003
President Maurice Henderson called the Executive Committee meeting of the National Association of Supervisors of Business Education at the NBEA meeting in Dallas to order at 7:20 a.m. on Friday, April 18, 2003.
The following members were present: Maurice S. Henderson (MI), Kay Orrell (CA), Sherry Franklin (MS), Cheryl Lott (MS), Anna Nemesh (MD), Kara B. Burkett (TN), Barbara Beadle (IN); Barbara J. Bielenberg (IA), Jimmy Smith (NC), Deborah Seehorn (NC), Bonnie Sibert (NE), Janet Gandy (AZ), Nancy Flores (TX), Mary Nemesh (MD), and Linda Sullivan (MO).
The minutes of the December 14, 2002, Executive Committee meeting were approved with the correction to add Kay Orrell to the attendance list.
Officer Reports
President. (Report attached.) Maurice Henderson reported that officer terms end June 30. He is working closely with Sherry Franklin on getting notification out to states in which we have no members.
Past President did not report at this time.
President-Elect. Executive Committee members were asked to e-mail Mary Nemesh with any suggestions regarding the Strategic Plan, which follows the ACTE plan. She reported that the only division specific sessions at the ACTE convention in Orlando’s new convention center will be best practices roundtables. She announced that there are now 2900 members in the BE Division of ACTE. A suggestion was made to Mary that NASBE ribbons be available to members attending ACTE and NBEA in the future.
Vice President. (Report attached.) Deborah Seehorn will send addresses for sponsors: South-Western for the rap session and Glencoe for the social. Randy Sims, Prentice-Hall, and Andrew Worthington, Knowledge Matters, sponsored NASBE functions at ACTE.
Secretary. (Report attached.) Linda Sullivan addressed the issue of NASBE letterhead.
Treasurer. (Report attached.) Sherry Franklin reported the following account balances as of April 14, 2003:
Checking Account $7,290.28

Certificate of Deposit $4,182.65 (maturing 6/13/03)

Investor Savings Account $2,547.51 (maturing 11/20/03)
She announced that the December 6, 2002, financial report has been corrected to add the $300 from DDC. The membership directory will be put online; it has been revised with changes provided at ACTE. Receipts will be sent when dues are paid. Currently there are 186 members. Of the 90 who are paid, 63 are active members; and 27 are associate members. She requested that members go through the table at the back of the printed directory, and notify her of any unpaid people who need to be purged from the directory. She plans to add members’ Website addresses in the future.
Discussion about the online directory resulted in the decision to include work information only to include the office address, phone number, and email address. An electronic version of the directory will be sent as a pdf file to all paid members. No printed copies will be distributed at future meetings. One master printed copy will be circulated at the ACTE and NBEA meetings for corrections to be made. (Kara’s home fax number should be removed.)
Newsletter Editor. (Report attached.) Barb Bielenberg sent in February ACTE Development Action. The ACTE calendar will be used for the newsletter. May 15 is the deadline for the June 1 newsletter. Informative articles, sources, are requested. The 2003-2004 officers will be featured as follows: Mary Nemesh, President; Deborah Seehorn, President Elect; Nancy Flores, Vice President; Linda Sullivan, Secretary; Sherry Franklin, Treasurer; and Barb Bielenberg, Newsletter Editor. Maurice Henderson will be Past President.
Committee Reports
Awards. (Report attached.) Mary Nemesh reported that Anna Nemesh (MD) received the Award of Merit and Deborah Conrad (WV) received the Outstanding Service Award. There were no applications for Outstanding Leadership Awards. She announced that more emphasis is needed on CTSOs and diversity action in the 2003-2004 program of work. Members are encouraged to nominate applicants; the application is on the Website.
Communications. Deborah Seehorn thanked Linda Sullivan for substituting for her during the ACTE Convention and reported on the two ACTE goals: Goal 3: Lead in the development of a continuous quality system for preparing all learners for a world-class workforce and Goal 7: Expand the professional association to be more broadly representative and supportive of career and technical education. Supporting activities included utilizing the ACTE/BE Division Web technologies and continuing to provide quality publications and quality conference sessions.
Diversity Action. Sherry Franklin thanked Barb Bielenberg for substituting for her at ACTE and reported that there are plans for a diversity brochure and session.
Legislation. (Report attached.) Kay Orrell reported that she cooperated with the BE Division Resolutions Committee on a resolution for Grassroots Advocacy for Carl D. Perkins Reauthorization. She has posted legislative alerts on the NASBE listserv.
Membership. Membership Cheryl Lott reported that she and the treasurer duplicate efforts and that it makes sense that the treasurer serve as membership chair.
Nominations. (Report attached.) Jimmy Smith reported that in the election for the ACTE BE Division Vice President-Elect position for which Roger Luft, Mary Nemesh, and Kelly Wilkinson were nominated, Mary Nemesh was elected and will begin her term as Vice President-Elect in July 2003 and will become President in July 2004. The committee recommends that the search for quality candidates begin two years before the interviews, which will be held on Thursday morning of the ACTE convention.
Operating Policies. (Report attached.) Barb Beadle reported that the goal the Business Education division is to develop leaders for career and technical education and for the association. The Policy Handbook will include that the BE Division will pay half of the substitute pay, if needed, to allow the BE Division President to transact ACTE activities. The BE Division will ensure that the Policy Handbook is current and that it is in compliance with the ACTE polices.
Professional Development had no report.
Program Leadership. Janet Gandy reported that the award will be directed to a four-year program and that the application is on the Website.
Resolutions. Kara Burkett indicated that the May newsletter will include a request for concerns related to new teacher education programs. The status of Perkins funding is still undecided. Nancy O’Brien has done a great job of getting resolutions through ACTE for NASBE. Kara’s term is not up until 2005.
Career and Technical Student Organizations. Nancy Flores reported that June 1 is the deadline for the CTSO award applications, which have been printed and are on the Website. Sponsors are being solicited for CTSO awards—cash awards for the award recipients.
President Henderson announced that committee terms that expire June 30, 2003, include Legislation (Kay Orrell), Membership (Cheryl Lott), and Professional Development (Bonnie Sibert). Mary Nemesh will be appointing replacements.
New Business
President-Elect Mary Nemesh reported that in the NASBE Strategic Plan, Editorial and Publications is being changed to Communications in compliance with ACTE. She will bring copies of the Strategic Plan to the business meeting. She reported that ACTE plans to have more generic sessions with the special division sessions being eliminated. A best practices carousel is planned during which each division may present information.
Bonnie Sibert moved that Mary express that ACTE consider keeping the time slot for affiliate program sessions at ACTE. Motion was seconded by Barb Beadle. Motion was withdrawn.
Bonnie Sibert moved that Mary express strong objection to the ACTE Board regarding elimination of ACTE program affiliate sessions due to its negative effect on attendance and membership. Barb Beadle seconded the motion, and the motion was passed. It was suggested that an email be sent to Jan Bray, Executive Director of ACTE.

An update was given on the 2003 National Policy Seminar.

Discussion was held about what should be archived. Archives should include minutes, directories, programs, treasurers’ reports, strategic plan, training manual, handbook, and newsletters.
An announcement was made about the death of Phyllis Smith, member of NACEBE.
The Executive Committee meeting was adjourned at 8:19 a.m.

Linda Sullivan


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