Exploring Emotions and Multimodality in Digitally Augmented Puppeteering

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Exploring Emotions and Multimodality in
Digitally Augmented Puppeteering

Lassi A. Liikkanen, Giulio Jacucci,
Eero Huvio, Toni Laitinen

Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT

P.O. Box 9800, FI-02015 TKK, Finland


Elisabeth Andre

University of Augsburg

86159 Augsburg, Germany



Recently multimodal and affective interface technologies have been adopted to support expressive and engaging interaction, introducing is a plethora of new research questions. Few essential challenges are 1) to devise truly multimodal systems that can be used seamlessly in customizing and performing and 2) to utilize tracking of expressive and emotional cues and respond to them in order to create affective interaction loops. We present PuppetWall, a multi-user multimodal system for digitally augmented puppeteering. This application utilizes hand movement tracking, a multi-touch display and emotion speech recognition input. PuppetWall allows natural interaction to control puppets and manipulate playgrounds comprised of background, props and puppets. Here we document the technical features of the system and an initial evaluation involving two professional actors, which also aimed to explore naturally emerging expressive categories of speech. We conclude by summarizing problems and challenges in tracking emotional cues from acoustic features and their relevance for the design of affective interactive systems.

Categories and Subject Descriptors

H5.2. [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces – Input devices and strategies, Evaluation/methodology, Interaction styles

General Terms

Design, Experimentation, Human Factors.


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Gestural interaction, Affective computing, Interactive Installations


Natural interfaces enable users to interact with advanced visual applications in a more embodied and expressive way. The latest development in multimodal processing enables tracking of expressive and emotional cues in a new kind of way. These interface technologies could provide tools to build more empathic, surprising and engaging applications. They could lead to innovative applications, where media is not just created and browsed but is also augmented in real time using multimodal and emotional inputs. The vision is to create new "formats" or practices supporting performative interaction that encourages users to animate rich media. Initial evidence of the relevance of these practices can be found in naturalistic trials of large multi-touch displays that enable picture browsing and collage [12], or on systems that support easy creation of comic strips from mobile pictures [15]. In both cases users turn into performers manipulating media with bodily and expressive interactions. In this area key research questions for multimodal and emotion research include identifying modalities to be used as input, investigating expressive features in each modality, and creating engaging interaction loops that motivate users in communicating more expressively.

We contribute by exploring how to use multimodal emotional and expressive cues in digitally augmented puppeteering. The work is organized as follows: 1) Presenting an exemplar application, PuppetWall that describes a medium of digital puppeteering with editable digital scenes, props and puppets; 2) Investigating a variety of modalities to be used for natural interaction in puppeteering; 3) Reporting our approach in addressing how to identify and track some expressive cues.


Previously there have been attempts to develop single components to multimodal systems which create interfacing also relevant to digital puppeteering. This can be done using a data glove and a custom sign language to directly control the behavior of the digital character, without tracking and exploiting expressions or emotions (for example, see [2]). More complete approach is I-Shadows [10], an interactive installation which utilizes Chinese shadows metaphor (“shadow puppetry”) to help children to create a narrative for spectators. Beyond this, the use of emotion tracking for various kinds of interactive installations has been investigated. These studies maybe valuable in showing how to make use of expressions to deduce the affective states of users

Existing interactive systems track affective states to influence in a direct or indirect way the essential contents of an interactive application. McQuiggan and Lester [8] have designed agents that are able to empathically respond to the gaming situation of the user. The AffectivePainting [17] supports self expression by adapting in real time to the perceived emotional state of a viewer which is recognized from his or her facial expressions. Some empathic interface agents apply physiological measurements to sense the users’ emotional states [14]. Gilleade et al. [5] measure of users’ frustrations to drive the adaptive behaviour of interactive systems. Also systems have devised ways to extend the concept of empathy to account for the relation developed between the user and a virtual reality installation [7]. Cavazza et al. [3] present multimodal actors in a mixed-reality interactive storytelling application where the positions, attitudes and gestures of the spectators are tracked influencing the unfolding of the story. Camurri et al. [2] introduce what they call multisensory integrated expressive environments as a framework for mixed-reality applications for performing arts and culture-oriented applications. They report an example where the lips and facial expression an actress are tracked and the expressive cues are used to process her voice in real-time. The eMoto system by Sundström et al. [18] builds on a valence–arousal model to generate graphic and expressive backdrops for messages. SenToy [11] allows users to express themselves by interacting with a tangible doll that is equipped with sensors to capture the users’ gestures.. Isbister et al. [6] study means to use 3D shapes to communicate emotions to the system and to the design team. However, we are not aware of any work which would apply tracking of expressive cues from actors to animate or control puppet-like virtual characters.


PuppetWall is a multi-user, multimodal installation for collective interaction based on the concept of traditional puppet theater. In engaging in interaction with PuppetWall, users hold a wand in their hands controlling a puppet on a large touch screen in front of them. The touchscreen is used to manipulate the playground. Aim is to provide a platform for exploring emotion and multimodality with interactive installation. Here we report on the design and details of the first prototype of this application.

3.1System Overview


Figure 1. PuppetWall System overview. Three input components. Speech for tracking emotional stated, 3D tracking of character control, and a touch screen to interact with objects or to edit puppets.

he PuppetWall system includes several input modalities for explicit and implicit input, and a large multi-touch screen to visualize and edit the visual animations and scenes. The overview of the system is demonstrated in Figure 1. The hardware of the prototype consists of both standard equipment and custom made devices. The application runs on a single relatively (as of 2007) high performance PC (Linux) workstation. The workstation has additional IEEE1394 (FireWire) ports and a 3D accelerated graphic adapter. Input/output devices include a standard stereo microphone, pair of active speakers, video projector (DLP, 1280 x 768 pixels), two high-speed, high-resolution FireWire digital cameras, and single digital camera equipped with IR filter and a wide-angle lens.

Interaction with the system is based on three inputs: hand movements via detection of movements of a MagicWand (see 3.2.1), direct manipulation through a touch screen (visualized in Figure 2; see 3.2.3) and voice input – tracking acoustic features of speech (see 3.2.2). The application reacts to these inputs to produce a 2.5 dimensional representation of virtual puppet theatre playground, primarily in visual animated form, but also incorporating audible events.


Figure 2. Prototype of the PuppetWall in use, holding a MagicWand in the right hand and interacting with a prop with the left. There are two characters against the stage, occluding some props (sun and bicycle).

nput modalities

3.2.1MagicWands for 3D hand tracking

The characters on stage are controlled with custom made wands (MagicWands) which incorporate a single LED of variable color light source. This concept is similar to the of VisionWand [20]. The users can have one or more wands to control the motion of the puppets and characters are moved and rotated according to motion of the illuminated end of the wand.

MagicWand is an approximately thirty centimetres long plastic stick consisting of a power source and a super-bright LED on the top end. Wands have been assembled using standard electronic components. The super-bright LEDs are easy to detect using a pair of digital cameras operating at 30 fps mounted above the display. The camera image is used to calculate the 3D position of each wand. This happens by comparing the location of a bright spot on both of the camera images and the imaginary normal lines of cameras. The movement is then interpreted into two dimensional movements relative to the screen. All three coordinates can be used to control the character and different colours in the LED MagicWands are used to separate controls of different characters. The wand is equipped with an on/off switch.

3.2.2Emotional speech recognition

One essential specification of the system is to detect and respond to user emotion. Currently we attempt to achieve this using emotional speech recognition. The input is captured using single stereo microphone and fed into a speech classifier. The classifier called EmoVoice is based on Naïve Bayesin classification of reduced feature sets (see [19]). This mean the component can take in arbitrary spoken input in the target language and should be able discriminate between the categories it has been trained to categorize. The training of initial version of the classifier has been done using an extensive enacted Finnish corpus including six emotion categories (see [16]). In off-line state, it achieves some 45 % accuracy. The preliminary setup is intended for testing (see Initial Evaluation below) and the hardware and the training corpus are subject to change in the future.

3.2.3Touch screen for direct manipulation of objects and characters

A multitouch screen (1 m wide) is used for displaying the PuppetWall playground and allows direct manipulation of objects (props) and characters. The system allows 1) multiple hand-tracking 2) individual hand posture and gesture tracking. It based on high resolution and high frequency camera, and a computer vision-based tracking reliable across lighting conditions. The four technological features create the conditions for such a multi-user and multi-touch installation that is appropriate for public space (cf. [12]). Interfacing the screen is based on detecting changes in the infrared (IR) luminosity from the screen surface (see [9]). The technique requires an IR lamp pointing towards the screen from behind to level the incoming background IR noise signal. The movements on the screen surface are then observed with a motion capture camera also placed behind the screen. A diffusing surface which is attached to the backside of the screen blurs the object’s IR image away from the surface, but when a user touches the screen it will show as a bright sharp spot in the IR camera image.

3.3Visual Outputs

The PuppetWall interface is called a playground and is comprised of characters, props, and the background (see Figure 2). All visuals are created with a 3D graphical engine based OpenGL libraries. The interface presented on the touch screen is created with one, two or four projectors. The resulting screen resolution is a multiple 1280 x 768 pixels. The current prototype employs one projector.

3.3.1PuppetWall basic view: stage and props

Puppets are moved according to the movement detected by MagicWands. Puppets are able to swing around their pivot point so when the MacigWand is moved swiftly rotationally they can also do a full rotation. Props– clouds, buildings and vehicles – can be moved and manipulated by touching. After releasing a prop it will maintain the direction of its movement, but will loose its speed gradually. When a prop reaches screens borders, it will bounce back. Objects can re-sized by touching them with multiple fingers and pulling touch points closer or pushing them further away from each other. Vehicle and building props will change into a different, larger vehicle when certain size is reached. As an example: sun and moon positions can be changed by rotating the plane containing them. They are placed on the opposite sides of the plane and the lighting conditions of the stage will change by the state of the plane; it is lighter when the sun is up. The background elements are currently stationary.

3.3.2Character editing mode

When a puppet is touched on the screen the basic view (Figure 2) is temporarily set aside the system goes into an editing mode (illustrated in Figure 3). In this mode, user can modify the character by changing the puppets head or body. They are lined on the screen and the selected one is highlighted in the center. User can select different ones by a pulling gesture so that the desired shapes moves toward the center (gesture-based browsing). Heads can be customized by drawing over the face with finger, enlarging or shrinking the face or moving its relative position in head frame.



Get feedback from professionals in performing arts, two actors were involved in initial evaluation of the first functional prototype. Given an hour, they experimented in improvised and directed story telling and used the system for the first time. The experimental session was videotaped and the audio was additionally recorded with collar microphones to compile a corpus of naturally occurring interaction. The session began with minimal debriefing and ended up with a structure interview for feedback from the interactive session.

During the session, users enjoyed PuppetWall and created eight short stories with it. The main result, in addition to new development ideas and usability specifications, was that the corpus we extracted from the parts of speech naturally elicited during the interaction, could be meaningfully classified with EmoVoice. The most reliable classification appeared between what could be called ‘user’ and ‘character’ voice (68 % off-line discrimination). The user voice was low, inactive and constrained where as the ‘character’ voice was active, engaging and openly emotional. This was an interesting finding, supporting the notion that the system even in its early form can capture the users into a world of puppeteering. On the other hand, other classifications derived from this bottom-up corpus acquisition approach were unsatisfactory.


In this paper we have introduced PuppetWall, a prototype of an interactive application for story telling. It provides an example of a platform for exploring affective interaction and multimodal input in an environment intended for multiple, simultaneous users. In addition to providing the technical details, we have described an informal evaluation of the system. Our evaluation demonstrated the feasibility of the concept and also provided a preliminary corpus of affective speech. The important result from the analysis was the demonstration of how the neutral user and character voices are differentiated along a ‘dimension of activation’.

In the future of affective computing, even if we are able to confront the problem of how to decode user emotions, we still face the additional problem of responding to these emotions. While decoding has received lot of attention, the other half of the work has barely started and currently, no clear guidelines exist on how to engineer affective responses or to augment emotion. Currently in HCI, the best-known collection of techniques is called Emotioneering [4], set of heuristics for emotional game design. Their problem is considerable domain dependence, only a few, such as use of symbols, can be transferred to other contexts. Additional examples from the literature show contextually dependent applications, for instance analyzing call center requests for later priorization according to affective status [13], applications focusing on the emotional recognition in a form of a game to help individuals more effectively recognize and manage emotions [1, 13]. One generic approach available in some contexts, as with PuppetWall, might be to recruit professionals in the domain in question to participate in the design process. This co-design can be helpful to exploit the vast knowledge that the experts posses

In conclusion, the prototype of PuppetWall presented here is our first step in developing a platform for studying interaction. There are yet many technical decisions to be made and difficult design questions regarding ‘emotional feedback loops’ to be decided. However, from the initial evaluation and latter co-design (not documented here) we have gained a considerable knowledge and ideas for future development and user research that will hopefully highlight PuppetWall as a state-of-art example in collocated, emotionally augmented interactive installation.


Development of PuppetWall and the preparation of this manuscript wa supported by EC Sixth Framework Program research project CALLAS. We thank Jérôme Urbain and Stephen W. Gilroy for providing some essential references.


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